News Archive - June 2001

News Flash :: Wick Players Triumph at British Finals in Belfast
The talented crew from Wick won the British final of one act plays in Belfast tonight winning against strong competition from England Ireland and Wales.  Well done gang.

Thrumster Gala First Pictures
Plenty more to come tomorrow. Caithness.Org is off to the dance tonight in the village hall.
Page Two Now In, Page Three Majorettes

Caithness Dial -A- Ride Group Volunteers
The community transport group that run the Dial-a-ride are looking for more volunteers....more

Stroma From Above
Another great view from John Moar.  Bill will be visiting Stroma on Sunday 8 July so more pictures will be coming in the days that follow the visit.

Summer Holiday Activities In Caithness
Something for everyone aged 6 - 16
Take a look at what's on offer in Caithness over the next few weeks in activities and sport.  Get extra training and coaching and have some fun.  It all starts on Monday but you can still get in on many of the activities if you get your skates on.

More From Kinbrace, Sutherland
Several more Kinbrace pictures to come in this new section on Sutherland.

Forsinard, Sutherland
Another hauntingly beautiful part of Sutherland  - empty roads, empty hills and you can just drive into it for free.

Kinbrace, Sutherland
The team made the trip into the Strath of Kildonan yesterday.  Here come some of the pictures from the trip, starting with Kinbrace.  What a wonderful county it is and we have to pass through it all the time.

North School 1947
Another addition to School Days pictures.  This section that came out of the Reunion Section is growing inot an interesting archive of school pictures.  If you would like to include any school pictures send them to [email protected]  If scanning please use the jpeg format.  We will scan any photos sent to us and return them to you.

Guess Who Has their Picture in the 49-51 Wick Reunion

Ackergill Tower - The Keiths And the Dunbars
Another article added to the Castles section - thanks to Ian Laird for his assistance with this one.  His Family History site at is packed with information.

Sinclair Connections Links Section Updated

Serendipidists Latest News
More from Caithness singles club.

More New Properties For Sale
Check the latest properties for sale being added later today.  For huge coverage its still only £15 to place a property ad on our web site and that's for as long as it takes to sell the property - no repeat charges.  Can you find it cheaper.  And remember that includes a photo and full particulars.

"Get Fit" - Another Jenny Stewart Poem
Another Caithness Dialect poem to amuse you.

1st Wick Boys Brigade 1977
One from the collection of Harry Gray, Wick who has had a long association with Wick Boys Brigade.

Princes Street, Thurso
Another view of Princes Street in the heart of Thurso.

Flying Over Dunnet Head
The sweep of Dunnet Bay on the left to the most northerly point on the Scottish mainland and St John's loch in the top left and Dunnet Forest in the bottom right.  This area has been inhabited for thousands of years and its not hard to see why.  Check out Dunnet Bay Area Pages for a wider look or a few Dunnet pictures.

More Houses In Halkirk
This cat sat in Church Lane in Gala Week.  Nice street, nice place.

Over Thurso
Thurso gets the fly over treatment. 

Young People Launch New Drugs Initiative
Members of the Highland Youth Voice - a parliament of young people from across the Highlands have launched an initiative to tackle what they see as an important information gap on the consequences of drug use.

Castlehill From the Air
See Castlehill Harbour and the Flagstone Works and Trail.

Highland Health Council Visit To Cambusavie Unit, Golspie
Highland Health Council members visit hospitals to find out if there are matters concerning patients or relatives.  If you have concerns about any hospital or medical facility in Highland contact Highland health Council.

Thurso Heritage Centre - New Section
Open only in the summer months this small museum is run by volunteers and has many pictures and items including ancient Pictish Stones.  Check it out.

Thurso Horticultural Society - New Section
If you are interested in plants or gardening check out the new pages to find out about the programme and annual show.

Thurso In Bloom In Environment Section
Looking to help your town look good then why not ask if you can help you local group cleaning up your town or village.

More From Lybster Gala Opening

Yachts Visiting Wick

Lybster Gala Starts In Sunshine
Lybster Gala had a large turnout tonight and the floats were well received as they toured the town led by the Gala Queen and the Wick Pipe Band.  more pictures tomorrow.  We are off to the rest of Wick Summer Madness Music Festival.  Cheers.

Thurso High Reunion 35 Year Olds Next Year
Mandy Miller set the trend organising a school reunion in Caithness from Australia via  In case you missed the last message this possible reunion is being organised from USA.  Sara Whitten (nee Atkins) and Morven Bancroft (nee Fairlie) who live in the US are thinking of organizing a reunion for former pupils of Thurso High School, who attended between 1979 and 1985.  Basically anyone who will be 35 next year!  They want to have it in Thurso in July 2002.  Pass the word on.  The one happening in Mackays in July is being organised from Cumbria and Surrey and its an absolute sell out.  180 tickets sold and another 50 expected to arrive in the bars.  Two other reunions in the same week.  All in Wick Gala Week.  Its gonna be busy.

Thrumster Gala Weekend 30 June
Lots of family fun and a dance a night.  What more could you ask.  Get on down to Thrumster on Saturday 30th June.

Lybster Gala Week 23 June - 1 July
Another Gala week gets underway on Saturday.  If your family is in Caithness on holiday why not join in.  Its cheap and easy and you will be very welcome.  Why not all head down to Lybster Gala events - you never know who you might meet. Check out Lybster.  Have you checked out the New Look Portland Bars and Restaurants.

Dounreay Castle Reconstruction Painting
Andrew Spratt has produced another Caithness Castle for the collection.  Information will be added at a later date.  We also hope to add pictures of the Castle in its current state.

Still Flying Over Castletown
Worked out places you know or would like to visit yet.  More to come and slightly further out as the plane banks round later.

Bucholie Castle - The Swansons And The Mowats
An article from the Field Club Bulletins in the castle series written by D B Miller.  Originally part of his series on Historic Families of the North.

Caithness.Org Goes To Sutherland
We travel through several counties to get home to Caithness.  So why not let you see some of where we travel often to get to places.  We will show you some parts of the Highlands that we pass through regularly as we travel about.  So for no particular reason other than Bill was there yesterday its Portgower and Helmsdale first.

Todays Poem In Caithness Dialect From W T Lyall
"Clapshot" once a part of the staple diet of many parts of the Highlands and rural Scotland.  Anyone got a poem on Mealie Puddin?

The Coast of Caithness
Of course to get to Sutherland we have to suffer these views every time up and down.  Check the roads.  Sutherland has more road per person than any other county in Britain and Caithness is not far behind.  But then with Sutherland being the biggest county in the UK and the lowest population that is not difficult.

Caithness.Org Takes To The Air Over Castletown
Thanks to John Moar for this series of stunning views of the Castletown area that we will be bringing you over the next few days.  As we add more pictures to the section try to pick out the places you know and tell us some of the names of the main features to add the information to the picture.  Lots more on the way.

Good Luck To Wick Players In Belfast
The players take their winning play "Bench At the Edge" to the British Finals on Friday 29th in the Lyric Theatre.

Yuri The Clown & Tonya visit Miller Academy
Yuri the clown teaching juggling and tricks to Caithness school children seen here at Miller Academy last week.

Isabelle Moreland Needs Help Tracing A Man In Picture
Canada Calling About Mystery Navy Man.

"E Ball" - A Caithness Poem by Jenny Stewart
Another bit of Caithness humour in verse

Oil - That's What Its All About
The Haliburton yard at Wester is situated at an unusual place in Scotland.  One of the very few places where you can lay out twenty miles of pipeline - construct it, join it up to towheads and pull it all out into the sea and float it away to its place on the seabed.  All part of the North Sea Oil industry that still contributes prosperity to the North  East of Scotland and beyond.

East Coast Ranger Walks In July

Yet Another Towhead Today
290 Tonnes awaiting the tide to come ashore and be pulled through town in Wick on Wednesday.

July - Ranger Led Walks In Caithness
Plenty walks in various places so you are spoilt for choice in July.

Another Towhead Arrives at Wick
One of the biggest oil towheads arrived today.  At 240 tonnes it will only be dwarfed by an even bigger one waiting at Wick harbour to come round this bend tomorrow.  That one is 290 tonnes.

The Lighthouse In Wick Heritage Museum
Information on the lighthouse rebuilt within Wick Heritage Museum has now been added to the pictures.  Also added notes on barrel making, clothing and smoke house.  More information and pictures are still to be added to this section.

Houses In Halkirk
There is an amazing variety of houses in Halkirk.  Here we start today to bring you a selection.  More later.

Mystery Solved Wedding Photo From Saturday
This is the wedding of Dawn Murray of Thurso and Martin Curr of Glasgow who is my wife's cousin, the reception was held at the Portland Arms Hotel in Lybster. :: Robert James

A Triflin' Tale by Jenny S Stewart
Another slant on Caithness life From Jenny Stewart.  Thanks to Isabelle Thurley for typing this one up.

Halkirk Gala Procession
A big crowd turned out on a cool evening.

Thurso Pipe Band At Halkirk Gala
Sounding great the Thurso Pipe Band entertained the crowds before the start of the crowning of the Gala Queen ceremonies.

The Nook Bar - Ulbster Arms Hotel, Halkirk
After the Procession suddenly every place is busy.

28 Former Gala Queens At Halkirk
!952 and 2001 Halkirk Gala Queens along with many other former holders of the title invited to celebrate 50 years of Halkirk Gala.

Toftingall Viking At Yesterdays Fancy Dress
More from the Children's Fancy Dress In Halkirk

Quiet Walk - River Thurso At Halkirk
A beautiful place is the River Thurso at Halkirk.  Well known to anglers but this part of the river has a nice walk with picnic tables along the way.  Strewn with blue Speedwell in June the path runs past an old mill.

John Thurso Opens Crowning

Halkirk Gala Queen's Speech

Parking At Sweetie Shop
No time to park on Pocket Money Day In Halkirk.  Sinclair Street sees this rush every Saturday - Warning - Don't stand between the kids and the shop.

Billy (Clyne) Sutherland, Halkirk
Billy Clyne as he is know locally building a new wall in front of his house on Saturday.

From Campbell Street To Old Free Church, Thurso

Thurso Wedding - St Peters & St Andrews
The photo taken was of Miss Dawn Murray, Thurso with her father Mr Lennox Murray, and accompanied by Bridesmaids, Jane, Kay, Amanda, and Lyn

More Halkirk Fancy Dress

Caithness Dialect Poetry
Ai Trinkie by W T Lyall

Halkirk Gala Children's Fancy Dress
Children's Fancy Dress Pictures.

Miller Academy Staff Picture 1949
Names now in.

Clydesdale Bank, Thurso
A new section for Banks In Thurso.

Barney Rises From Sleep In A Fish Box
"I Wonder Where George Is" - "Probably helping get the web pages out.  Must be sleepy starling I can chase somewhere"

More Action In Wick - Next Few Days
Another massive bit of kit bound for the Haliburton yard at Wester. Wick harbour will see several days of activity as further large structures arrive.  Lots of people involved in these moves and one will be to within  inches of the buildings on either side as they move through Wick.  Expected to be brought ashore approx 7.30pm tonight.

Caithness Poetry
Isabelle Thurley has offered to type up some of Jenny Stewarts Caithness dialect Poetry to add to those already on the web site.  First in is Ma Mam.  We will also shortly be adding some audio files to et you hear Jenny reading some of her work in Caithness dialect.  Please excuse the linking to sections as we are in the process of moving the poetry sections into a different order.

Caithness Galas
To help you all to find the various Galas that take place in Caithness every year we have set up a new section to draw the information together in one place. The various programmes will be linked here as will reports or photos.  Latest gala programme in is the Castletown Gala whose gala runs from 30 June - 6 July.  Send in any reports or pictures for the pages.

Wick Goes Dancing - Pipe Band Week
Saturday 7 - Saturday 14 July
Eight days of Celeidhs', Scottish Music, Traditional Entertainment, Highland Dancers, Young Entertainers, Open Air Ceileidh, PipeBand in Fancy Dress.  Enjoy the week and a day. Why not come to Caithness and join in. Whole programme

Scrabster Harbour Today About 6.00pm
Scrabster was looking good today and we took a look at the new road going in for the new pier to accommodate the larger ferry starting next year.

Great Wilderness Challenge For Marie Curie
If you are looking for some challenging fund raising outings then this could be the one for you.

Warning On Holiday Offers In the Post
Trading Standards have issued a warning to consumers in the Highlands about a Holiday offer being marketed.

Boys Brigade - New Web Pages
With the opening of a new museum in Thurso dedicated to the memory of William Smith the founder this seems a good time to start this section for the Boys Brigade. More information on the museum will be added shortly. Meantime if you have old photographs you would like to add please get in touch.

Bucholie Castle by Andrew Spratt
Due to the incredible interest in the castle reconstruction pictures being produced for us by Andrew we have decided to make them available in larger versions able to be printed at A4 size.  Bucholie is the first available in a larger size on a white background to ease printing.  We will make the others available this way soon but we are would you believe running out of space.  Once we have resolved this problem we will proceed to make larger versions available for all of the pictures.  This will be the last section to be added while we catch up filling in the details. Others will follow later in the summer.

Ladies Get Those Guide and Brownie Pictures Out
We know that you ladies did lots of things in organisations so get digging in those attic boxes to send us some pictures.  We will create new sections where needed for Caithness groups. Let us know of any organisations now no longer operating that you were involved in.

Wick Scouts In Market Square, Wick
Another early Wick Scout picture.

Braemore Mausoleum 1844
Braemore Cemetery stands in empty countryside and the gravestones bear the names of Caithness people many of whose families left for America, Canada and other places in later times.

Treasure Hunt and Quiz - Halkirk Gala Today

Wrecks Of the Pentland Firth 1934 - 1981
More from the Caithness Field Club.

The Special Touch Of Caithness
This may have been written in 1984 but it could have been yesterday and we may catch him out on the castle reference yet here on Caithness.Org

The Black Rat's Home In Roman Britain

Do We Persecute Foxes Unfairly
This item was from 1984 and the arguments still go on.

Caithness Orchids
Another from Caithness Field Club.  You will also find this linked in the Nature section.

Some Discoveries In A Mound In Lythmore in 1984
Jack Saxon gave a brief article about the discovery for Caithness Field Club.

Wick High Reunion 49-51 is a Sell Out
One of the big successes in Wick Gala week looks like being the Wick High reunion already a major success with 180 tickets sold and lots of people coming without tickets to meet in the bar and over the few days of Wick Gala Week.  If you want to meet old friends just check who is on the list.  Mackays Hotel is offering a special rate for those attending the reunion.

Traffic Disruption For Wick 16 - 21 June
Heavy slow moving loads will be moving from Wick harbour to the Haliburton site for a few days.  Rumour has it these are the biggest loads ever and even bigger than the one a few weeks ago

Rip Off Merchants Get Boot In Highlands
Rogue traders will find life getting more difficult.

Hillhead School Family Fun Day
Saturday saw the games, tea leaf reading.

Captain Bruce Smith Announces A Busy Week
This weekend the Salvation Army in Thurso are playing host to Lt-Colonels Peter & Sylvia Dalziel. They were founder members of the Salvation Army pop group the "Joystrings" in the 1960's.  On Saturday 16th June at 7pm they will be putting on a concert at the
Salvation Army in Thurso.

Halkirk Highland Games New Web Site
In plenty of time for the games the new site has been launched to keep every one informed. 89 events with lots of cash prizes.  So get training and get to Halkirik.

27 Hotels and 69 Bed & Breakfast Places Listed
Lots of places to stay in Caithness can now be found in the Caithness Business Pages.  If you are looking to stay in The county its easy to use and we are linking to more web sites all the time.  If you run a place to stay make sure you are in the FREE pages.  Get a banner ad for even higher profile.

Girnigoe Castle
More on Sinclair and Girnigoe Castles now as we move to fill up the pages in the rapidly expanding Caithness Castle project.  A Glossary of Castle Terminology has also been added thanks to Robert Richmond

Keiss Castle Floor Plan
Another plan in the castle section.

Dirlot Castle Introduction
Some information on Dirlot

John Pages Genealogy Information
John has now forwarded  A to Z listings of his information on his extensive web site.  This cover names and places in alphabetical lists.  There are thousands of names and many places.  This may help you in your own searches for family history.  You can now check the listings before you go to John's web site which has great cross referencing to enable you to jump between different people and follow up a particular line.  Apart from Caithness, Orkney and Suffolk you will find links to Canadian, American and other ancestors of John's that he has traced.

How Many Women Got To Westminster From Scotland
Figures and statistics from Engender for you to mull over if you need any more after the elections last week.

Highland Ranger Services In Caithness
We have thought for some time about where to place this excellent service as it has been buried in the Dunnet Bay Area pages.  For advice on natural history and organising all sorts of activities for schools and walks for the general public its a good place to start as well as having a small visitor centre.  So we are making a variety of links to their new page now in the Museums and Visitor Centres Section.

Dunbeath Wednesday Wanders
Wednesday 13th June -  at 2pm.
Walk along Dunbeath shore. A rock pool rummage combined with foul fulmars and coastal plants. Meet at Dunbeath Heritage Centre.

Ranger Led Walk
Duncansby Head Sea Stacks And Sea Bird Colonies
Thursday 14 June - 2.00pm
Meet at The Light house Car Park
Walk lasts 2.5 - 3 hours
Tel 01847 821531 if more info required

Family History
It is worth mentioning that we have a link to John Page's web site in Australia in our Family History section.  Although it is listed as having many Miller details the web site also contains hundreds of other Caithness, Orkney and Suffolk names and details.  John also says he has much more information not yet available on the web site.  check it out at

Halkirk Gala Monday 11 June 2001
6.30pm Duck Race - Riverside
7.00pm Model Boat Race - Riverside
8.30pm Ross Institute
Cheese & Wine With slide Presentation with Alan Macivor
Enjoy a selection of fine cheeses and wines from your host Peter Murchison
Admission £4
Whole Weeks Programme

Gunns Of Texas
If you are looking for Gunns in Texas, USA then add this one to your list of favourites.  If you need the link later its in our new Gunn Connections Links

Wick River - Two Pictures Taken Same Time
They do say Caithness can have every type of weather in 10 minutes but did they also say you can have great views in two seconds.  These two pictures were two seconds apart looking up and down Wick River last night about 7.00pm

Ackergill Tower
Castles still to the fore with two more plans.

Dirlot Castle Ground Plan

Heilan Coo At Dunbeath
Just in case you have seen enough castles for one day here is a beast you will see on several farms in Caithness.  A hardy animal that can stand intense cold. 

Ballacladdich Cottages
Situated on the opposites side of the river beside Dunbeath near the harbour.

Frequently Visited Business Pages
The Latest refinement of the Business Pages has now been made even better.  Every time you look up the Caithness Business Pages the Frequently visited listing will let you see the last 20 pages you looked up.  Yes that's you personally not everyone else.  Useful if you want that page again fast without searching the index or search engine.  Try it!!!  Its at the top of the Home Page

Historic Castles & Families Of The North - Castles Gunn & Halberry - The Gunns
Another article from the Caithness Field Club going straight into the Castle section on Gunn Castle.  The article was one of a series written by the late D B Miller for Caithness Field Club Bulletin in October 1975.

Forse Castle - Another View
You can tell we have the bit between our teeth now to get caught up on the castle information that has been piling up around here.

Braal Castle
Braal Castle in Caithness hidden away near Halkirk and sitting by the Thurso river.  Compare Andrew Spratt's interpretation of the evidence of how it may have looked hundreds of years ago with pictures of the castle as it is today.  The pictures and ground plans are also being grouped for comparison purposes.  You can go directly to the pages with All Of The Reconstrucions or All Of The Ground Plans. Current Caithness Castle pictures held in the A to Z will gradually be integrated into the new section.  Temporary links will be made between the sections until everything is moved.  This project has a considerable way to go so keep looking in for the new sections, articles, pictures, prints.  There is a lot more to come.

Braal Castle Today
Larger Versions Of Andrew Spratt's Pictures
We will be putting up larger versions of the pictures in the near future.  These will be set at higher resolutions and take longer to download but will let you have better prints if you intend to keep them.

Hillhead Fishing Project - More Pictures
Today we start a new section of the Fishing Pictures gathered by the children of Hillhead School showing their family connections with the sea.  The first today shows a team involved in gutting the herring.  If you have ever seen old footage of these women at work you will understand how incredibly dexterous and hard work it was for a team of three gut 21,000 herring a day and pack them into barrels. 

Keiss Castle Reconstruction
Rolling them out now - Andrew Spratt's Reconstructions.  Several sections now under construction.  We thought you might like to see the sections growing from now on and you get the pictures sooner that way.

Dirlot Castle Reconstruction
Another from Andrew Spratt's Collection of Caithness Castles.

Dirlot Castle 1776 by Cordiner
Dirlot or Dilred as it was once known.

Ackergill Castle
Several Reconstructions of Caithness Castles will becoming onto the site in quick succession.  All of the sections will be at different stages but we thought you would like to see all we have as soon as possible.  Articles, ground plans, pictures and other information will be added as soon as it becomes available.

Castle of Old Wick By Cordiner in 1776
Castle pictures are going to dominate the next few days as we get going with the section.  Pictures will come first of several. The reconstruction pictures will follow for several and articles will be added at a later date. A few from Cordiiner's book in 1776 for you to get a different view.  The Caithness Castles pages will built around the reconstructions of Andrew Spratt and information being gathered by Robert Richmond.  Cordiner's pictures supplied by Hugh Ross.

25 Season Lyth Arts  Summer Exhibition
1 July - 31 August - Seven Days a Week - 2.30 - 4.30pm
This year’s show includes work by five artists and covers painting, drawing, photography and constructions.

Tommy Smith - Alone At Last
Sunday 24 June 8.00pm - Booking required.
Tommy Smith's third visit to Lyth.  He returns to us as one of Scotland's most distinguished musicians with 15 albums under his belt and an international reputation.

 Old Wick Castle Reconstruction
The second reconstruction in our series of Caithness Castle Reconstructions is Old Wick Castle known as "The Old Man O Wick".  Like many castles it is a ruin but this reconstruction should help you to see what power and wealth once sat on the cliffs along the northern Scottish coast.   Standing there today it is easy to see why they chose such spots for defense and escape to the sea.

Glass Creations - Thurso
Glass Creations, Thurso is a small workshop and shop where you can have almost anything item made of glass.  A huge hit recently has been wedding favours made of glass.  Small glass ornaments as favours for wedding have been a huge hit making an unusual keepsake for guests at at weddings.  Demand has been growing for Scottish items such as thistles and all sorts of musical instruments made in glass.

Blackstairs Fish Shop All Change

Scottish Results

John Thurso - Liberal Democrat - MP for Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross
Result :
John Thurso - Lib Dem -  9041
Michael Meighan Labour - 6297
John Macadam - SNP - 5273
Robbie Rowantree - Conservative - 3513
Karn Mabon - Scottish Socialist - 544
Gordon Campbell - Independent - 199

More Pictures From Count In Wick

Count Underway As Ballot Boxes Arrive

Castletown Heritage Newsletter Summer 2001

Castletown Community Council Minutes Meeting 16 May

Election Results Page Ready
Caithness.Org will be at the count in the Assembly Rooms, Wick. We will post results as soon as we can after we get back.

Caithness Reunions Getting Close
There are several hundred of you getting ready to attend reunions in Caithness this summer especially around Wick Gala week.  Why not be brave and send in a few pictures before then.  These three old school mates have taken the plunge.  Lets see a few more.  Dig out those old class photos if we do not have them in already. Any class outings or school trips to add to School Days?

Polling Stations In Wick
Assembly Rooms and Old Parish Church Hall, Wick
81 Polling Stations are now in action over Caithness Sutherland and Easter Ross.  They are open until 10.00pm tonight and as soon as they close the rush is on to deliver the ballot boxes to Assembly rooms, Wick where counting begins very soon after the polls close.  Results for the constituency are expected by 2.30pm unless there is a recount.

Count Takes Place In Wick For all Elections
This is where all the action will take place after 10.00pm tonight when the ballot boxes begin to be emptied.  Mr Whitelaw the Returning Officer has slightly altered arrangements to try to make things a bit faster for this election.  Usually this room is also fully used for the ballot but this time other rooms have been used to the count can get started without the usual time taken to re-arrange the room for counting.  Have you been to vote yet.

John O'Groat Journal Office
The shop front over the offices of the local newspaper where they have been putting the paper together for well over a hundred years.  All the back issues are available in Wick library

Eve Of Poll Meeting In Thurso
All bar one of the candidates took the opportunity to speak to a large audience in Thurso tonight and they addressed the issues facing the northern counties.  They have all worked hard and they deserve a positive answer.  Go out and exercise your vote on Thursday and tell them who you want.

Quilters At Work Today In St Fergus Gallery
The Exhibition at the St Fergus Gallery of Highland Quilters was given some real life activity today when three members of the Caithness quilters worked on a quilt. Janet Maclennan, Shelagh Jack and Kathy Gunn are members of the group which is fast nearing its maximum membership of 40.  The exhibition runs in the gallery until 23 June.

Class 1V 1946 Wick High School
More in the School Days collection of pictures that is growing fast.  Send in your school picture for inclusion.  Thanks to Ray Richard for this one.

Focus On Dunnet Kirk
Amongst the many attractions of the Dunnet Bay area is the old Kirk.   With a cemetery dating from the 17th century and skulls and crossbones on some of the graves there are plenty of stories surrounding the area.  The area has much to offer from beaches, forest walks, camp site and more.  Take a look at our Dunnet Bay Area Pages or more pictures in the Dunnet Page.  Our coverage of the Dunnet area is growing but let us know if you would like to see something in particular soon.

Scorrie Internet Services Takes On First Employee
The new business formed to step up the pace on the Caithness.Org and Caithness Business Pages web sites has taken on its first employee.  Moving from being a volunteer over the last two years Niall Fernie will now be devoting himself full time to the websites and developing a range of new web sites.
What will Scorrie Internet Services do?

Check Out Wednesday Wanders
Regular Wednesday Walks throughout the summer with a guide and FREE of charge.  Learn more about the local birds and wildlife, plants and more.

Thurso Horticultural Society
Still plenty of time to get ready for the Thurso show and join up for the rest of the season's programme if you are interested in plants.   Seems to be flower power day at today.

Smarter Caithness Business Pages
Don't you just love it when the one eyed monster can do something useful.  Well the latest addition in the Business Pages means the last few pages you looked up are stored for you to go right back to the pages without searching the indexes.  Try it out at the top of the page. 

Reay & District Garden Club
Still time to plan an entry to the horticultural show in Reay on 25 August or think about joining a group with green fingers.

Walking In Caithness
Whether you want to go as part of group or just have a beach to yourself then you will not find better and more interesting places.  Check out just a sample of the walking available in Caithness.  Keep an eye out for notices in libraries and shops for short walks organised by various local groups.
For example  Sunday 10 June Torrisdale to Bettyhill - leaving Wick 9.00am and meeting Thurso Railway Station 9.30am.  Visitors are welcome.

Thurso In Bloom Group - Even Better For 2001
The group are determined to make 2001 the best yet with floral displays in the town.  If you would like to help contact the committee.

Caithness Heritage Fair - An Invitation To Take Part
An to invitation you or your organisation to present a display of your choice at the Fair.  Takes place October but apply by 6 July 2001.

Miller Academy Open Day Friday 15 June
Whole school open for everyone to see and help with fund raising by the PTA.

Halkirk Gala Week 10 - 17 June
The full programme of events for Halkirk Gala Week.

Linkspan At Gills For New Orkney Ferry
This new route will certainly hot up competition on the Caithness Orkney sea crossing.

Caithness Castles Reconstructed
We are pleased to announce the start of a major new section on Caithness Castles.  We thank Andrew Spratt who has generously offered his work to help promote Caithness as a major destination for those interested in Scottish Castles.  With the help of Robert Richmond currently living in Fife and Bill Fernie the reconstructions being painted by Andrew will be brought together with articles, ground plans and pictures of the castles as they are at present.  Over the the next few months this new section will grow into a much larger section than the current castle section in the A to Z.   We start today with Forse Castle.  More information and details will be added as the section grows.  Other castle sections and reconstructions are already underway and will follow very soon.

Statement From Robbie Rowantree Conservative Candidate

Pentland Ferries Forges New Link Caithness-Orkney
A new ferry service is now available for cars and passengers.  Pentland Ferries has set up a new web site for its new services for the crossing from Gills to St Margaret's Hope. The Petalina B is now the fastest route for cars across the Pentland Firth.  The ferry carries 47 cars and 249 passengers.

Caithness Motor Show
16 and 17 June in Thurso
All the latest cars, vans, boats and motor cycles on show for two days in Caithness.

Ian Thompson Used To Live In Thurso
Ian lived in Thurso from the age of 12 in 1963 until 1969 and attended Thurso High School and has sent in this message for the Where They Went Page.

Serendipidists Singles Club
The recently formed singles group is now getting together a programme of outings.  Check it out and see what's in it for you if you are single and want to meet new people.  Next regular meeting 8th June.

Village Hall Dunnet
A picture as we passed yesterday

View From Shop To Dunnet Bay
Another picture near the one above

More From Scrabster Harbour Day

Scrabster Harbour Day First Pictures
 Harbour Day had a busy time with pipe band vintage cars, machinery and visits from the a few of the politicians.  more pictures later.

Another Record Breaker In May
Hits 1,324,188 :: Pages 232,155 :: Visits 52,132
Visitors to the web sites once again broke the previous records.   Thanks to all of you for coming back. We are getting ready to cover some of the smaller Galas after the phenomenal success of the pictures of the Wick and Thurso Galas last year.  We hope to bring you pictures from Halkirk, Castletown and Lybster Galas and the first of them is in June.  Programmes will be advertised as soon as we have them. Halkirk is here and will be on later.

Election Meeting In Wick Tonight
Four candidates made it to the Election meeting in Wick tonight but the main people attending were a few voters with questions.  Still time to see them all in Thurso next Wednesday or if you cannot make that join Caithness.Org

Live Election Chat Sessions On Caithness.Org
A timetable for Live chat Sessions with candidates in the General election is now available.  So check out the times.  More information from the candidates is beginning to flow to us and will be appearing over the next few days in the run up to the election on Thursday.  Caithness.Org will be at the count to bring you the results as soon as we can. Meanwhile you can get you questions in person tonight Saturday at Wick Old Parish Church Hall 7.00pm in a meeting for the candidates and public chaired by the Rev. Bill Wallace. Another chance is on Wednesday in Thurso Town Hall at 7.30pm in an Eve Of Poll meeting.  If you cannot make these come on to the Caithness.Org Live Chat Sessions.

A statement from Michael Meighan is now in.

Wick High Football Team - Which Year?
Football team picture sent in connection with the 1973 Reunion Group.  If you know who is in the picture or the actual year please let us know.  Any more pictures for the reunion will be put in if you have any.

Latest from Karen on The Thurso High Reunion
Tickets are moving now for the reunion.  Don't leave it too late.  some reunions are sold out and have waiting lists.

Thurso Boys Brigade 1968
First picture into this new Photo Gallery for the Boys Brigade in Caithness is from Thurso 1968 sent in by Ian Thompson currently in Germany.  If you have more pictures of this section then send them in any time. Names now in.


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