Walking In Caithness
East Coast Ranger Walks in July 2001

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July Guided Walks                     East Coast Of Caithness

WICK COAST EVENING WALKS: A varied walk to the Castle of Old Wick with coastal plants, sea stacks, arches and amazing sea bird cities. Meet outside the Harbour Caf� at Wick Harbour at 7pm. N.B. Access to the Castle of Old Wick and Stacks is dependent on Foot and Mouth regulations at that time. Dates: Every Tuesday evening in July.


Dunbeath - Either a rock pool rummage combined with foul fulmars and coastal plants along the shore, or a strath stroll with legless lizards, soaring buzzards and lobster catching trees! Meet at Dunbeath Heritage Centre at 2pm. Dates: 4th & 8th of July.

Lybster - A short cliff top walk with seabirds and plants. Meet at the Lybster Heritage Centre (by the harbour) at 11.00am Note change of time from 2.00pm Dates: 11th and 25th of July.

LATHERONWHEEL WOODLAND - A leisurely walk along the cliff top above the harbour and into the fascinating woodland. Meet at Latheronwheel harbour at 2pm. Date: Sunday the 8th of July.

Outdoor clothing (boots/waterproofs) are required. All children must be accompanied by an adult. All walks are weather dependent and FREE of charge. For further information, contact Marina Finlayson on 01955 607758 or [email protected]

See Also
August 2001 Walks

Walking Links