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Halkirk Gala Week Programme
10 - 17 June 2001

Halkirk Gala Programme

Sunday 10 June 2001
2.00pm - Fun Run

3.00pm - Children’s Races
Three Legged Race - Various Age Groups

Balloon Race - Teams of Two - Balloon between the knees

Mums, Dads, Aunties, Uncles Race

Sack Race

Money Prizes for all races

Monday 11 June 2001
6.30pm Duck Race - Riverside
7.00pm Model Boat Race - Riverside

8.30pm Ross Institute
Cheese & Wine With slide Presentation with Alan Macivor
Enjoy a selection of fine cheeses and wines from your host Peter Murchison
Admission £4

Tuesday 12 June 2001
7.30 - Ross Institute
Whist Drive
Come along and enjoy a game of cards.
Tea & Refreshments, Raffle,
Admission £1

Wednesday 13
6.30pm Ross Institute
Bicycle Treasure Hunt
Get Mum and Dad to help
Two categories
Primary 7 and under
Seniors of all ages
Prizes for both categories
All entrants advised to wear safety helmets

8.00pm Ross Institute
Quiz Night
Teams of 4 limited to 20 teams
Entries to Peter Blackwood, Braal (831238)
Or Shona MacLean, Shenley, Halkirk
Closing date for entries
Entry £5 per team

Prizes - Annual Trophy and keepsake trophies
1st £20, 2nd £10, 3rd £5
Scotland, Sport, Famous Peoples, General Knowledge, Picture Quiz, History, Music, Geography, Local Knowledge.

Thursday 14th June 2001
7.00pm Ross Institute
Dog Show
Prizes for each category

7.00pm Ross Institute
Pet show
For all other pets no matter how unusual

8.00pm Ross Institute
Fun for all The Family
Good Prizes, Raffle, soft Drinks & Crisps For sale.

Friday 15th June 2001
Fun At the Park
clay Pigeon Shoot
All Categories

Fun At The Park
Open to over 18’s entry fee £1
Prize - Bottle Whisky

Fun At The Park
Penalty Kick Competition
17 and over (entry £1)
Under 17, 12, 10

Fun At The Park
Target Golf
Adults Entry 50p Under 18’s Entry Free
Best Adult golfer - Bottle whisky
Best Adult non golfer - Bottle whisky
Various categories

Children’s Novelty Events during the evening

Adult Wheelbarrow Race
Entry £3
Prize 1st £10 2nd £5

Licensed Bar 7.00pm - 11.00pm
Hot Dogs from 7.00pm

Saturday 16th June 2001

10.00pm Ross Institute
Coffee Morning
Run by Multiple Sclerosis Society

10.00am Ross Institute
Children’s Art Competition
Prizes - Book Tokens

11.00am Ross Institute
Children’s Fancy Dress
Various Age Groups
Prizes for all categories

6.30 Bridge Street
Thurso Pipe Band

Decorated Floats Assemble at School

7.00pm Bridge Street
Crowning of Gala Queen
Floral displays by Highland Council

7.15pm Bridge Street
The Big Band

7.20pm Bridge Street
Parade of Decorated floats & foot collectors
Led by Thurso Pipe Band

10.30pm Indoor Riding Centre
Licensed Dance
Admission £5

Sunday 17th June

2.00pm Ross Institute
Car Treasure Hunt
Entry £3

A Balloon Race will be held during the week with balloons to be released at events throughout the week
Prize for furthest travelled balloon
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