Be Carbon Monoxide Aware
many people die each year in the UK from Carbon Monoxide poisoning and many
become chronically ill. With symptoms including headaches and drowsiness, it’s
often confused with flu. Gas stoves, fires and boilers, gas powered water
heaters, paraffin heaters, solid fuel powered stoves, boilers and water heaters
are all capable of producing Carbon Monoxide if not appropriately installed and
maintained. Carbon Monoxide can seep into properties via shared flues and
chimneys and people may be poisoned by Carbon Monoxide produced next door. That
is why it is important to ensure your appliances are working properly and that
as a second line of defence you have an audible Carbon Monoxide alarm installed.
In Case of Emergency (ICE)
Set Up An ICE On Your Mobile Phone
We all carry our mobile phones with hundreds of names/ numbers stored in its
memory but yet nobody, other than ourselves, know which of these numbers
belong to our near and dear ones? In case we are involved in an accident or
had a heart attack and the people attending us get hold of our mobile phone
but don't know which number to call to inform our family members. Yes, there
are many numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an
For this reason, we must have one or more
telephone numbers stored under the name ICE (In case of Emergency) in our
mobile phones. Recently, the concept of "ICE" is catching up quickly. It is
simple, an important method of contact during emergency situations. As cell
phones are carried by majority of the population, just store the number of a
contact person or person who should be contacted at during emergency as ICE"
(meaning In Case of Emergency).
The idea was thought up by a paramedic who
found that when they went to the scenes of accidents, there were always
mobile phones with patients, but they didn't know which number to call. He
therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally
recognized name for this purpose.
Following a disaster in London, the East
Anglican Ambulance Service has launched a national "In case of Emergency
(ICE)" campaign. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and
hospital staff would then be able to quickly contact your next of kin, by
simply dialling the number stored as "ICE".
It really could save your life, or put a loved
one's mind at rest. For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2
and ICE3 etc.
12 April 07
Protect Your Mobile Phone
The National Mobile Phone Register holds details of over 10 million
mobile phones and the number is growing all the time as more folk sign up.
Get signed up for FREE and you can block your phone if it is lost or stolen.
Go to
Police forces in the UK are supporting this campaign.
26 February 07
New legislation being introduced on 27 February
2007 stipulates that it is illegal to use hand-held mobile phones when
driving, when stopped at traffic lights or when queuing in traffic and the
penalties for doing so are now more severe.
Mobile phones have many benefits, for example
they can be a great help in an emergency, but recent tests (1) have shown
that a driver cannot help being distracted by a phone call or text message
when driving. If distracted, drivers will not register hazards or react
quickly enough in any given situation.
Michael McDonnell, Director of Road Safety
Scotland, said: "The number of accidents involving the use of mobile phones
is on the increase. It is unnecessary to use a mobile phone while driving-
not only are you putting yourself at risk, but you are putting other road
users at risk. Just switch off your mobile or even divert calls to your
answering machine before you set off on your journey."
The facts:
Drivers caught using a hand-held mobile phone
while driving will receive a £60 fine and three penalty points on their
licence. This could mean loss of license for some.
Points on your licence may mean higher
insurance costs.
If the case goes to court drivers risk up to a maximum of £1,000 fine
(£2,500 for drivers of vans, lorries, buses and coaches).
Employers that require employees to make or
receive calls while driving can be prosecuted.
You can also be prosecuted for using a
hands-free mobile phone if you are not in proper control of your vehicle.
The penalties are the same as using a hands-held phone.
Driving carelessly and dangerously when using
any phone can lead to disqualification, a large fine and up to two years
A conversation on a hands-free phone is no less
distracting than using a hand-held one.
8 January 07
NORTHERN Constabulary’s promise to catch as many drink drivers as
possible was underlined this week as the Force detected more offenders than
in any of the three previous weeks of the Festive Safety Campaign.
A total of 23 drink drivers were detected
during week four of the campaign, up from 13 for the same week in 2005.
One drug driver was also detected, making it a
total of five drug drivers since the Force’s campaign, labelled Enjoy It
Don’t Destroy It, began a month ago.
During the entire four week campaign Northern
Constabulary detected a total of 75 drink drivers across the Highlands and
Islands, compared to 61 for the same period last year. Five drug drivers
were detected during the four weeks, compared to none last year.
The public’s patience appears to have run out
in relation to drink and drug drivers with many of the offenders being
reported by the public throughout the campaign.
Pleasingly for Police, members of the public
are also calling Crimestoppers with information in relation to drink and
drug drivers anonymously. During the campaign the public reported 11
suspected drink drivers and 2 suspected drug drivers to the crime fighting
charity. As a direct result of these calls two people were arrested in
connection with alleged drink driving offences.
Northern Constabulary is urging people to drive
responsibly and not put themselves and other road users at risk by getting
behind the wheel whilst under the influence of drink or drugs.
Inspector John Smith of Northern Constabulary’s
Road Policing Section said: “Despite the warnings of the consequences of
drink and drug driving certain individual motorists have chosen to put the
lives of other road users at risk without a second thought.
“The general public clearly support the Police
in relation to drink driving enforcement and this is evidenced by the
backing that Northern Constabulary has enjoyed throughout the campaign.
He added: “As promised the Force increased
patrols throughout the festive period and this has contributed to the rise
in the number of motorists arrested in relation to this most serious
“In line with the Force’s policy of
intelligence-led Policing the information gathered during the campaign on
drink and drug drivers will be used in the forthcoming months to target
those continue to flout the laws.”
Inspector Smith concluded: “Northern
Constabulary would like to thank the public of the Highlands and Islands for
their continued support and they can be proud of the fact they have
contributed to making our roads safer.”
NORTHERN Constabulary raised concern this week as the number of people
involved in collisions during the first week of the Festive Safety Campaign
as a result of drink driving rose compared to the same period last year.
The Force detected 10 drink drivers across the
Force area after they had all been involved in a road collision, compared to
six during week one last year.
The number of positive breath tests in
non-collisions dropped. Six were detected during the first week, compared to
11 the previous year.
In total 16 people were found to be over the
limit during week one, a drop of two on last year.
The Force launched its annual Festive Safety
Campaign last week and the message to drivers over the festive period is
crystal clear - Enjoy It Don’t Destroy It.
The campaign is also focusing on drug drivers.
There were no drug drivers detected during the first week this year.
Northern Constabulary is urging people to drive
responsibly and not put themselves and other road users at risk by getting
behind the wheel whilst under the influence of drink or drugs.
The same campaign in 2004/05 saw 54 drivers
test positive for drink whilst driving across the Northern Constabulary
Force area and two people reported for drug driving offences.
Inspector John Smith of Northern Constabulary’s
Road Policing Section said: “Although we have seen a slight drop in offences
compared to last year it is clear the message is still not getting through
to drivers and that is shown in the rise of collisions involving drink.
“Those who believe they will never be caught
and it won’t happen to them are kidding themselves. We are treating this
issue extremely seriously and will continue to track down those we believe
may be putting themselves and other road users at risk.
He added: “Drink driving is not worth the risk.
We are extremely disappointed that so many continue to drive under the
Figures will be provided by Media Services
throughout the campaign on a weekly basis.
Saturday 9 December – 20-year-old male crashed into a petrol station on
the A82 in the Glencoe demolishing a diesel pump. Found to be more than
twice the legal limit and detained overnight for court. Subsequently fined
£1000 and disqualified from driving for 18 months and required to re-sit
7 December 06
NORTHERN Constabulary has launched its
annual Festive Safety Campaign and warned those who drink and drive they
stand more chance than ever of being caught.
The number of drivers continuing to flout the
drink drive law across the Highlands and Islands is completely unacceptable
and Northern Constabulary is urging people to ensure their Christmas is one
to remember for the right reasons.
The Force will be carrying out intelligence-led
patrols and will be out in numbers across the Festive period to detect drink
drivers, as well as those taking part in the equally dangerous practice of
drug driving.
Another part of the Festive Safety Campaign,
labelled Enjoy It Don’t Destroy It, will include a crackdown on those not
wearing seatbelts.
Northern Constabulary is urging people to drive
responsibly and not put themselves and other road users at risk by getting
behind the wheel whilst under the influence of drink or drugs.
The four week campaign in 2005/06 saw 61
drivers test positive for drink driving across the Northern Constabulary
Force area, an increase of seven on the previous year.
During last year’s campaign 10 of the 12 people
detected during the final week of last year’s campaign were reported by
members of the public.
Inspector John Smith of Northern Constabulary’s
Road Policing Section said: “The Festive Safety Campaign ties in with one of
the Force’s key strategic outcomes in making roads within Northern
Constabulary Force area safer, with reduced deaths, injury and crime.
“I would urge the public to respond positively
to our message, not just at this time of year but throughout the year.
“Drink or drug driving is a totally selfish act
and one which can cause devastation for families. We will be out in Force
again this year to tackle offenders and the message is clear – if you drink
drive you stand even more chance of being caught.”
Inspector Smith added: “We would encourage
people to report drivers they believe may be under the influence of alcohol
or drugs. “We have had instances in the past when friends or family members
have reported people close to them after suspecting they may be driving
under the influence of a particular substance.
“Drivers are well aware of the risks they are
taking and if you don’t know what the legal limit is don’t drink at all.
“At the end of the day people who drink or take
drugs prior to driving are putting themselves and other road users in grave
danger. Our message is Enjoy It Don’t Destroy It this Christmas.”
27 November 06
THE officer leading the inquiry into the murder of Nairn banker Alistair
Wilson today made a fresh appeal to anyone with information about the crime
to have the moral courage to come forward.
DCI Peter MacPhee spoke at a press conference
earlier today to mark the second anniversary of the murder of the
30-year-old father of two.
Alistair Wilson was shot dead on the doorstep
of his family home in Nairn’s Crescent Road on 28 November 2004 and to this
day Police say there is still no apparent motive for the shocking murder.
Mr Wilson’s widow Veronica also appeared at
today’s press conference, which was held at the Newton Hotel in Nairn. She
made another heartfelt appeal for information leading to the arrest of her
husband’s killer.
DCI MacPhee said: “This case has, quite
rightly, attracted a very high profile in the media, and I am grateful for
the media involvement which has informed the public at various stages of the
“I remain convinced that there is someone out
there who could hold the key to the killer’s identity.
“I would appeal to that person to have the
moral courage to come forward so that this case can be brought to a
successful conclusion, and justice is obtained for Alistair Wilson and his
DCI MacPhee said that the Police’s thoughts
once again go out to the Wilson family, who have not only had to come to
terms with their tragic loss without knowing who killed Alistair, but have
had to endure all the pressures and challenges that such harrowing events
Despite the largest enquiry conducted in the
Force area in recent years Alistair’s murder remains unsolved, however, the
scale of inquiries into his murder cannot be underestimated.
¨ Number of names on the system – 10888
¨ Number of statements taken during inquiry so far – 3463
¨ Number of documents in the system – 1884
¨ Number of homes visited by Police officers – 383
¨ Number of people interviewed – 4448
¨ Number of DNA samples collected – 221
¨ Number of people checked whose name is Alistair Wilson – 24
¨ Number of vehicles checked – 1730
¨ Number of officers currently working on inquiry – 13
¨ Number of officers on inquiry team at outset – 63
¨ Number of actions for officers during inquiry to date – 8210
All these figures are as of 23.11.06.
DCI MacPhee would like to take this opportunity
to recognise the extensive work which has been carried out by all those
involved in the enquiry, particularly those who have been dedicated to it
for the past two years.
He said: “Their professionalism and commitment
has been tireless in their continuing efforts to try and identify Alistair’s
“Enquiries have been carried out throughout the
UK and beyond by members of the enquiry team and on our behalf by many
Police forces, indeed so far, over 500 Police officers have participated in
the investigation.”
From the outset Northern Constabulary has
sought advice and assistance from outwith the Force in several specialist
areas, and a number of experts from a range of disciplines have contributed
to the overall investigative strategy.
The Force has used the experience of the
Grampian Police Forensic Science Lab and Strathclyde Police Ballistic
Department. Examinations have also been carried out at a further eleven labs
in the UK. The entire forensic strategy has been independently overseen by a
Forensic Advisor from Centrex (the national centre for Policing excellence).
Other experts in specialist areas have been
called upon including behavioural advisors, geographic profilers, forensic
accountants, psychologists as well as some of the country’s most experienced
Senior Investigating Officers.
DCI MacPhee added: “I am confident that no
investigative opportunities have been overlooked in this case.”
Anyone who has information in relation to this
murder is asked to contact Northern Constabulary on 01463 715555 or call
Crimestoppers 24-7 anonymously 0800 555 111.
10 October 06
NORTHERN Constabulary has vowed to continue its crackdown on alcohol related
violence as the latest phase of the Safer Scotland campaign to reduce
violent behaviour across the country draws to a close.
This phase, which followed the crackdown on
knife crime, focused on the effects alcohol has on the safety of our
The aims of the campaign were to reduce the
availability of alcohol to people under 18, provide reassurance to
communities experiencing anti-social behaviour and raise awareness of the
issue of the purchase of alcohol by others on behalf of youngsters.
During the five-week campaign more than 285
litres of alcohol has been seized from youngsters and street drinkers and
449 visits have been made by Police to off-sales premises. Four alleged
offences were detected at off-sales premises during the campaign.
Within the Northern force area nine people were
charged in relation to the alleged purchase of alcohol for people under the
age of 18 and two people under 18 were charged in respect of purchasing or
attempting to purchase alcohol.
There were 21 under-18 males detected drinking
in public places and 15 females under 18. There were also 37 men, aged over
18, detected committing drinking in public offences and six females over 18.
There is a clear link between the misuse of
alcohol and violence and Northern Constabulary has been using this campaign
to also educate licensees and shop staff on their responsibilities when
selling alcohol as well as targeting groups of youths attempting to buy or
drinking alcohol.
During the latest phase Police increased
visibility and patrols across the Force area, especially at places where
people were known to congregate and at times when excessive drinking was
more likely to take place, such as Friday and Saturday nights.
The campaign took place in two distinct stages,
the first concentrating on youths using alcohol and people drinking in
public places (4 – 17 September) and the second on people buying alcohol for
youngsters and employees of licensed premises selling alcohol to minors (18
Sept – 1 October).
Chief Inspector Ian Arnott, the officer
co-ordinating the Force’s participation in the Safer Scotland campaign,
said: “Drink and violence go hand in hand and Police have been adopting a
pro-active stance in their attempts to reduce drink related violence
throughout this campaign and will continue.
“This robust approach is aimed at reassuring
our communities that anti-social behaviour and violence will not be
tolerated by Police. It is important we try to change people’s attitude to
alcohol and reduce the risk of violence escalating because of its
inappropriate or excessive use.”
“We were of course also focusing strongly on
those who purchase alcohol for youngsters and disappointingly nine people
were detected committing this offence.
“These people may think they are doing
youngsters a favour, but it should be made clear that they are breaking the
law and contributing to a problem we are working hard with our communities
to eradicate.”
He added: “Northern Constabulary will continue
to work towards maintaining a safe community. We welcome the assistance
given by the community and licensees and their staff during this campaign.
“We continue to encourage anyone to provide us
with information about violence or the illegal sale or supply of alcohol.
“I would hope anyone with information will
contact their local Police station or call Crimestoppers 24-7 anonymously on
0800 555 111 so that we can continue to address this scourge on our
31 August 06
NORTHERN Constabulary will join
Scotland’s other Police forces in the latest phase of the Safer Scotland
campaign to reduce violent behaviour across the country.
This phase, which follows the crackdown on
knife crime, focuses on the effects of alcohol on community safety.
The aims of the campaign include reducing the
availability of alcohol to people under 18, providing reassurance to
communities experiencing anti-social behaviour and raising awareness of the
issue of the purchase of alcohol by others on behalf of youngsters.
Due to the link that exists between misuse of
alcohol and violence, Northern Constabulary will continue its focus on
violence by also focusing on those who break the alcohol by-laws by drinking
in the streets.
Measures will include increased visibility and
patrols across the Force area, especially at places where people are known
to congregate and at times when excessive drinking is more likely to take
place such as Friday and Saturday nights.
Officers will also increase regular visits to
licensed premises to deter potential offenders.
This campaign will take place in two distinct
stages, the first concentrating on youths using alchol and people drinking
in public places (4 – 17 September) and the second on people buying alcohol
for youngsters and employees of licensed premises selling alcohol to minors
(18 Sept – 1 October).
Police will carry out high visibility patrols
across the Force and make use of CCTV which is available in many towns
across the Force area.
Chief Inspector Ian Arnott, Northern
Constabulary’s Safer Scotland co-ordinator, said: “There is a clear link
between alcohol misuse by youngsters under 18 and anti-social behaviour and
this phase of the campaign will focus on that aspect as well as other issues
related to this theme.
“We recognise that only a minority of people
commit these type of offences and that the majority deserve the protection
this operation is intended to deliver. I would encourage the public to
contact us if they have information about the sale of alcohol to young
people. Alternatively please use the Crimestoppers telephone number – 0800
555111 to pass information to us.
“Drink and violence go hand in hand and Police
will be adopting a pro-active stance in their attempts to reduce drink
related violence throughout this campaign and beyond.
“This robust approach is aimed at reassuring
our communities that anti-social behaviour and violence will not be
tolerated by Police.”
He added: “We will of course also be focusing
on those who purchase alcohol for youngsters and those committing this crime
will be dealt with robustly.”
SERVICES ON 01463 720396/7.
21 August 06
FOR the first time in its history RSPB Scotland is offering a reward for
information which leads to the arrest and conviction of the person(s)
responsible for the poisoning of two protected golden eagles.

Poisoned Golden eagle found at the Glenfeshie
in Cairngorm
Northern Constabulary is currently carrying out
inquiries into the poisoning of one of the birds of prey at the Glenfeshie
Estate in the Cairngorms on June 10.
Meanwhile Grampian Police is carrying out a
similar inquiry following the death of another golden eagle at Dinnet and
Kinnord Estate near Ballater on 13 May.
These crimes have caused great concern for RSPB
Scotland officials and as a result the organisation has decided to put up a
reward of £1000 per crime for information which leads to the arrest and
conviction of those responsible.
It is the first time the organisation has
offered a financial reward for information in relation to the death of a
bird, but it hopes this move will highlight the serious nature of this type
of crime, as well as underlining the RSPB Scotland and Police’s
determination to detect those responsible and bring them to justice.
It is understood that both birds were poisoned
using illegal carbofuran poison. Possession of this substance is in itself a
PC John Bryden, Wildlife Crime officer at
Northern Constabulary, said: “The Force takes any type of crime against
wildlife very seriously and we are continuing our inquiries into this
“Obviously we are delighted that the RSPB
Scotland has opted to put up a reward in relation to this crime and we hope
that someone with information will come forward.”
Grampian Police, which now has a full-time
Wildlife Officer in PC Dave McKinnon, is also appealing for information in
relation to the poisoning of a golden eagle on the Dinnet and Kinnord Estate
near Ballater.
PC McKinnon said: “We look forward to
developing our partnership with the RSPB Scotland in relation to what is a
very serious offence.
“Hopefully the reward will stimulate the public
to come forward with information and we can trace those responsible.”
Stuart Housden, Director of RSPB Scotland,
said: “Golden eagles are magnificent icons of the Scottish uplands and we
should be proud that Scotland supports some 442 pairs of these awe inspiring
birds that attract tourists from all over the world. Yet some in our country
selfishly persecute these birds, through the use of poisoned baits or other
“In space of just three months, two dead eagles
have been found – killed illegally.”
He added: “Through the Police we are now
appealing for information to help bring the perpetrators to justice. For
each case, we are offering a £1000 reward for information that leads to a
successful prosecution. We appeal to anyone who has information to contact
the Police so we can put a stop to these dreadful crimes.”
Police would encourage members of the public
who find a dead bird or a carcass, which they suspect may have been left
there for bait, not to touch anything and report their finding to Police.
Officers would also ask the public to inform Police only and avoid touching
the area as potential evidence may be destroyed.
PC Bryden added: “Poison such as carbofuran is
extremely dangerous to humans and pets and we would urge people who find
carcasses not to touch them and contact Police immediately.
“Baits can include such things as animal
carcasses - rabbits, sheep, pigeons or even chickens from a supermarket -
which have been cut open and had poison administered.”
Anyone with any information about either crime
is asked to contact Northern Constabulary on 01463 715555, Grampian Police
on 0845 600 5700. Alternatively contact Crimestoppers 24-7 anonymously on
0800 555 111 or The Campaign Against Illegal Poisoning number which is 0800
321 600.
10 August 06
NORTHERN Constabulary officers in Inverness Area Command have seized
drugs with an estimated street value of £50,000.
The seizure of suspected cocaine and
amphetamine was made during an operation yesterday evening (Wednesday 9
August 2006) in the Ardersier area.
Five men (36, 37, 38, 39 and 43) and a
38-year-old woman are expected to appear at Inverness Sheriff Court tomorrow
in connection with offences relating to the supply of illegal drugs.
Detective Superintendent Gordon Urquhart said:
“One of the Force’s strategic priorities is to stem the supply of illegal
drugs to the Highlands and Islands.
“As such we will continue to commit time and
resources to focus on this pernicious type of criminality to the benefit of
our communities.”
These latest seizures underline the Force’s
determination to make a significant impact against drug dealing.
Police would urge anyone who has information
about people they suspect may be involved in drug related activity to
contact us or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
NORTHERN Constabulary has said it is
pleased with the results of the Safer Scotland Knife Amnesty after 504
blades were handed in during the month long campaign.
Although the figures are relatively low
compared to other areas of Scotland, Chief Inspector Ian Arnott urged people
to continue to report anyone they believe may be in possession of a bladed
The types of weapons handed in at Police
stations across the Highlands and Islands included kitchen knives,
non-domestic knives, swords and other weapons.
The national knife amnesty saw over 12,000
weapons handed in as the public responded positively to the Scottish
Executive led campaign.
Chief Inspector Ian Arnott, the officer
co-ordinating the Safer Scotland campaign for Northern Constabulary, said:
“Whilst there were relatively low numbers of knives handed in across the
Highlands and Islands compared to other areas of Scotland it is obviously
concerning that these weapons were out there in the first place.
“I would ask the public for their continued
assistance and to report anyone they suspect may be carrying a weapon.
“We will continue to treat this matter with the
seriousness it deserves and anyone found in possession of a weapon will be
dealt with severely.”
He added: “With the public’s help we can help
ensure the Highlands and Islands remains one of the safest places to live,
work and invest in the UK.”
Inverness: 117
Ross, Cromarty and Skye: 67
Caithness & Sutherland: 82
Lochaber: 13
Badenoch, Strathspey & Nairn: 72
Orkney: 67
Western Isles: 23
Shetland: 63
1 July 06
In May the Lord Advocate, Colin Boyd QC set out tough new measures for
combating knife crime.
Today marks the end of the knife amnesty, which
commenced on 24 May. During the amnesty a number of knives and weapons were
recovered from the red bins that were placed throughout Highland and
Islands. These weapons will now be destroyed.
Figures on the number of weapons handed in
during the amnesty will be issued centrally by the Violence Reduction Unit.
Despite the fact that knife crime is not as prevalent as in other areas of
Scotland the Force was pleased with the response by the public to the
Northern Constabulary and the Procurator Fiscal
service today have moved into the enforcement phase whereby an even tougher
line is being pursued against those persons who choose to carry a knife.
Such persons can now expect to be met with the full force of the law:
1. arrest – they will be arrested and usually
be held in custody until their court appearance
2. bail – where such a person pleads not guilty in court, it will be more
likely that the Procurator Fiscal will oppose bail
3. Sentence – many of the cases will be prosecuted on indictment with the
sheriff being able to impose a sentence of up to four years imprisonment
Northern Constabulary is taking part in the
national Safer Scotland campaign, being co-ordinated by the Scottish
Executive’s new Violence Reduction Unit.
Due to the link that exists between misuse of
alcohol and violence, Northern Constabulary will continue its crackdown on
violence by focusing on those who break the alcohol by-laws by drinking in
the streets.
Measures will include increased visibility and
patrols across the Force area, especially at those times when excessive
drinking is more likely to take place such as Friday and Saturday nights.
Andrew Laing, Area Procurator Fiscal, said:
“The Police and Procurator Fiscal Service have listened to our communities
who have told us that we should prioritise the response to violence.
“We are committed to serving our communities by
doing what we can to reduce violence upon members of the public.
“Whilst the numbers of assaults with knives is
relatively low compared to other parts of Scotland there are still far too
many and we must all play our part in attempting to change the culture in
some of our communities where it is thought acceptable to carry a knife and
to misuse alcohol.”
He added: “Earlier this month an Inverness man
received a 10 year extended sentence in the High Court for attempting to rob
shopkeepers in Inverness armed with a knife. Such behaviour will be met by
the full force of the law.”
The officer co-ordinating Northern
Constabulary’s involvement in the latest Safer Scotland campaign, Chief
Inspector Ian Arnott, said: “Alcohol related violence is certainly something
which gives Police in the Highlands and Islands cause for concern.
“We also realise that with the World Cup in
progress over the summer the amount of alcohol likely to be consumed will
increase and we will look to have the necessary resources available during
peak times.
“Anyone found breaching the alcohol by-laws
will be dealt with. There is a definite link between drinking in the streets
and violence and it is something we will be clamping down on during the
enforcement phase of the campaign.”
He added: “Violence has no place in our society
and we believe with the support of the public we can continue to ensure that
the Highlands and Islands remain one of the safest places to live and work
in the UK.”
The Lord Advocate, Colin Boyd commissioned an
internal review of prosecution policy on knife crime in November 2005. The
new guidance to police and instructions to prosecutors comes as a result of
that review
The national knife amnesty ran from 24 May to 30 June 2006. The new measures
announced by the Lord Advocate will come into effect at the conclusion of
the knife amnesty
Crimes involving knives or offensive weapons in the Northern Constabulary
Force area between April 2002 and March 2005 have remained more or less at
the same levels, bucking the national trends which show increases in these
types of figures
In 2002/03 there were 214 charges issued for the possession of an offensive
weapon, in 2003/04 that figure dropped to 189 and in 2004/05 it rose again
but only slightly to 210 offences
In terms of crimes involving knives the figures again do not fluctuate
greatly. In 2002/03 there were 64 charges issued for possession of a knife,
in 2003/04 that figures rose by just two to 66 and in 2004/05 the figure was
Stuart Rattray was convicted of carrying a knife and attempted robbery of
Inverness shopkeepers. He received a sentence of 10 years extended sentence
at Glasgow High Court on 14 June 2006. The sentence was backdated to
2 June 06
No Excuses As Speed Camera Warnings
Northern Safety Camera Partnership have
announced their camera sites for the week beginning 5th June and they are as
A9 Near Daviot
A9 Near North Kessock
A9 Approx ½ mile South of the Mound
A9 Near to Fearn Junction by Tain
A9 Near Cuaich by Dalwhinnie
A82 Near Invergarry Power Station
A82 Approx 1 mile South of Altsigh Youth hostel
A82 Approx 2 miles North of Temple Pier, Drumnadrochit
A87 Approx 1 mile West of Bunloyne junction
A95 Approx. 3 miles North of Cromdale
A96 Near Auldearn
A96 Near Gollanfield
A99 Approx ½ Mile South of Wick near Hempriggs
A834 Strathpeffer Road, Dingwall
A939 Ferness to Grantown on Spey
30 May 05
THE Northern Safety Camera Partnership is appealing to the public to reduce
their speed on the roads of the Highlands after figures released today show
that a number of drivers are breaking limits by 10mph or more.
The Northern Safety Camera Partnership took
part in a recent Speed Monitoring Survey and it revealed that significant
numbers of motorists across the Highlands exceed the speed limit by 10 mph
or more.
Inspector Derrick Cronie, Project Manager for
the Northern Safety Camera Partnership, said: “Driving at excessive speed is
a contributory factor in many collisions and with the tourist season
bringing an increase in traffic, continuing to drive at such speeds will
almost inevitably lead to further collisions.
“I would therefore ask all motorists to allow
more time for their journey and slow down.”
The survey was conducted over a two week period
at the 29 sites operated by the Northern Safety Camera Partnership.
Speeds of up to 100mph were detected at some
locations but all 29 sites showed significant numbers driving at 10mph over
the national speed limit.
28 May 06
Police Board Extend Chief Constable's Contract
The Northern Joint
Police Board agreed to extend the contract of Chief Constable, Ian Latimer
until September 2011. Mr Latimer was appointed in September 2001 on a
seven-year appointment, which was due to expire in September 2008. Today,
the Board agreed to extend his contract, when it expires in September 2008,
for a further three years. The extension has the approval of Scottish
Ministers. Councillor Janet Home, Convener of the Police Board, said: "We
are delighted to be able to offer Mr Latimer an extended contract, which
will see him remain at the helm of our police service until 2011. "Over the
past five years, he has demonstrated very able leadership of our police
service. We look forward to his continued commitment to ensuring communities
in the Highlands and Islands remain the safest in
the country." Mr Latimer said: "I am delighted at this extension to my
contract as I enjoy living and working in the Highlands and my family is
settled here. I'm a great believer in continuity of service and this new
contract will allow me to continue with my plans for this, the best
performing force in Scotland."
During Mr Latimer's term as chief constable, the number of officers on the
beat has increased from 661 to 707 - the highest ever. He added: "It is my
intention to further build on these numbers and continue to drive down crime
figures, retain detection rate levels and ensure our force area remains one
of the safest places to live, work and invest."
28 April 06
New Deputy Chief Fire Officer Appointed
The Highland and
Islands Fire Board has appointed a new Deputy Chief Fire Officer. He
is Mr Tony Wood, a senior divisional officer with
Merseyside Fire and
Rescue Service. Mr Wood is Director of Human Resources and Lead
Officer on Integrated Risk Management Planning with the Merseyside Fire and
Rescue Service, being a member of their strategic corporate leadership team.
He will take up his new duties in the early
summer and will be joined by his family at the end of the school year.
Councillor Drew McFarlane Slack, Convener of
the Highland and Islands Fire Board, welcomed Mr Wood's appointment.
He said: "Merseyside is one of England and
Wales' highest performing fire and rescue services. Mr Wood's experience and
abilities will add to the existing excellent management team we have in the
Highlands and Islands."
26 April 06
NORTHERN Constabulary is warning those who continue to flout the laws
governing speeding and the wearing of seatbelts that enforcement will
Drivers in the Highlands and Islands were
yesterday asked to belt up and slow down as part of a new national seatbelt
and speeding enforcement day.
High visibility patrols took to the streets
yesterday (Monday 24 April 2006) targeting drivers whom were either speeding
or not wearing seatbelts.
Across the Force yesterday 28 drivers were
detected not wearing seatbelts as well as four front seat passengers, one
rear seat passenger and one child in a rear seat.
On the speeding front 30 drivers were detected
breaking the speed limit in built-up areas with five in non-built up areas.
These were all detected by officers. The Northern Safety Camera Partnership
also detected another 34 drivers breaking the limit in non-built up areas.
Road Policing Inspector John Smith said: “Despite warnings to the public
regarding both speeding and the non-wearing of seatbelts it is disappointing
to see so many people not complying with the law.
“We will continue to enforce the legislation
throughout the year and would urge the public once again, don’t risk it.”
Motorists putting lives at risk in their own
vehicles or on the roads were being warned not to risk it.
All eight Scottish Police forces took part in
today’s Speeding Seatbelt Awareness Day, which was been organised by ACPOS
(Association of Chief Police Officers Scotland). It is the first of four
days planned between now and February 2007.
Northern Constabulary’s Road Policing Section,
along with specially trained community Police officers, were on the look out
for drivers going over the speed limit or not fastening their seatbelts.
22 April 06
As the number of licensed motorcycle bikes in
Scotland and the Highlands increases year by year, so does the number of
accidents involving motorcyclists. Reducing casualties is the key concern of
a motorcycling safety seminar to be held on Monday 24 April at Highland
Council Headquarters in Inverness.
Northern Constabulary and The Highland Council
have jointly organised the day-long seminar to highlight the extent of the
problem and to look at practical ways on how, by working in partnership,
they can reduce the statistics.
Delegates will hear presentations on a variety
of road safety issues, including education, engineering, partnership working
and other issues relating to safety and examining changes to the Motorcycle
Test in 2008.
There will also be information about schemes
already in place across the Highlands and Islands, such as Bike Safe and
Bike Aid.
In Scotland, a total of 986 motorcyclists were
injured in road accidents in 2004. This represents 5% of all casualties. Of
these, 348 were seriously injured and 41 died. Three fifths of those killed
or seriously injured occurred on non-built up/rural roads. In Highland, in
2004, there were 32 fatalities, 6 of these were motorcycle fatalities.
Northern Constabulary Road Safety Officer,
Laura Fisher, said: "One of the Force's strategic priorities is to reduce
serious and fatal casualties on the roads of the Highlands and Islands and
this conference is all about promoting safer motorcycling to all riders,
clubs and associated bike users.
"Some of the messages which will be conveyed to
delegates will hopefully go some way to preventing future motorcycle
tragedies on our roads."
The Governments Road Safety Strategy
~Tomorrow's Roads: safer for everyone~ sets out casualty reduction targets
for 2010. The targets include achieving a ~40% reduction in the number of
people killed or seriously injured~ on our roads and a "10% reduction in the
slight casualty rate" compared with the 1994 - 1998 average benchmark.
The Highland Council's Road Safety Officer,
Lisa MacKellaich said: "In general, progress towards these targets in
Scotland and Highland has been excellent. However over recent years the
number of motorcycle casualties both locally and nationally has been
"This Motorcycle Safety Seminar is one part of
a programme dedicated to bringing these figures down. We as a Council have
put funding towards both the Bike Safe and Bike Aid Programmes. Bike Safe is
an initiative run by Northern Constabulary who work with the whole of the
biking world to help to lower the number of motorcycle rider casualties by
passing on their knowledge, skills and experience. Bike Aid is run alongside
Bike Safe in Highland Council Area and is a First Aid course designed for
Motorcyclists delivered by the Scottish Ambulance Service."
22 March 05
Lybster Fire Unit - Training

9 January 05
Thurso Lifeboat - The Taylors - Exercise and A Tow
Thurso lifeboat, The Taylors was out on a routine exercise and still
managed to help out a boat in trouble. Local boat Puffin had engine
failure and the lifeboat was able to give her a tow back to Scrabster.
From 1st January 2005, there will be some changes to health services in the
Caithness area when your GP Surgery is closed. Until that time, you should
continue to contact your GP’s existing Out of Hours service. Please
note that these changes do not apply to patients of the GP in Dunbeath, who
will continue to be covered by their own GP surgery.
For a life threatening emergency you should still call 999. This is
unchanged. If you need health advice or care when your GP surgery is
closed call NHS24 on 08454 24 24 24 – the care you need is a phone call
17 November 04
UKAEA Police
Now In New Building
and staff of UKAEA Constabulary (UKAEAC), recently moved into a new police
headquarters on site, officially titled the Police Command Control
Building, having previously operated from a number of centres. The
centralising of their functions makes sense to Chief Inspector Martin
O’Kane: “Whilst I would claim the unit was a very efficient one in the
past, the bringing together of all staff and all the operational
requirements under one roof, greatly adds to that efficiency and good
September 04
Partnership Of Authorities And Local
Sets Out To Reduce Vandalism and Crime In Wick
Police in Caithness have joined forces with the Local Authority Housing
Department and Pulteneytown People's Project to combat vandalism in the area.
Under the auspices of the recently formed Caithness Vandalism Action Group,
partners have committed to a high profile operation in the upper Pulteneytown
area of Wick.
"The initiative code named "Operation
Values" although chiefly combating vandalism, is anticipated to attract
information in relation to other issues such as antisocial behaviour, crimes of
dishonesty and drug related offences" said local Area Commander Chief Inspector
John MacDonald.
4 April 04
New Thurso Lifeboat Arrives At Scrabster - "The Taylors"
new Thurso lifeboat has arrived home. The boat was crewed by the
coxswain and mechanic plus three crew members who travelled to Poole in
Dorset to do a week of training before taking the boat home. The
boat cost £1.9m. The boat is one of the Severn class of lifeboats, 17m in
length with a maximum speed of 25Kts. She is named THE TAYLORS after a
family of that name from Aberdeen who left a legacy to the RNLI.
Dounreay Fire & Ambulance Service

October 03
Scottish Parliament
Online discussion forum at ( This week's new debate, the
Auxiliary Fire Service in the Highlands)
28 September 2003
Airport Firemen Training

Wick Airport firemen train weekly on a
simulator enabling them to tackle a wide range of fires and situations as
near to real life as possible.
18 September 03
New Fire
Fighting Foam For Highlands Airports
and Islands Airports Limited is leading the UK airport industry in
environmental compliance by pioneering the use of a new fire fighting foam
to be used by its Airport Fire Service. |