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Helplines And Useful Phone Numbers
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1200 helplines at

Community Pages

Emergency Services Caithness

Highland Police Stations

Some of the national groups listed here have Caithness branches listed in the Health & Welfare Index

Winter Emergency Numbers  

Highland Schools Emergency Helpline
The helpline number is 0870 054 6999 and parents should then insert the PIN number relevant to their school.

NHS 24 Scotland - Round the Clock Help and Advice on Health 24 Hours a day  08454 24 24 24

NHS Flu Helpline on 0800 22 44 88

Council Launches Winter Adverse Weather Web Site For Schools In Highland
Parents in Highland can now log on to their computer to check if their child's local school is closed by bad weather.
The Highland Council's Education, Culture and Sport Service has developed a new winter weather website, , which is now operational. Parents just need to click on to the relevant geographical area for local school closure information.
The website allows parents to access school closure information on the internet, thus reducing pressure on the very heavily used school telephone PIN number system.

Community Care Links

Contact A Family a web site with many contacts for rare conditions for children and their families

Help For Phone Number
Action On Dementia Helpline -
24 Hours
080 8808 3000
Aids 0800 567123
Aids Local Highlands 01463 715111
Alcohol Abuse 0345 320202
Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 7697555
Antenatal Results Choices 0171 631 0285
Asian Cancer Information 0800 590415
Bear Scotland - roads 0800 587 1108.
Benefits Agency for Disabled 0800 882 200
Benefit Agency Highland Helplines Click Here For Full Listing at 1 October 2001
Blast Drug Project -
Ages 11 - 30
01463 715454
Blood Transfusion Service - Donors 0845 7711711
British Divers Marine Life Rescue 01825 765546
Cancerlink   0800 132 905
Cancer - Young People

0800 591082

Carers National Care Line 080 8808 7777
Cerebral Palsy 0808 800 333
Chest Heart & Stroke 0845 077 6000

0800 1111

Child Death Helpline 0800 282 986
Children In The Highlands Information Point (CHIP)  Information for children with special needs 01463 711189
Citizen's Advice - Caithness  
Consumer Advice 0845 600 4222
Consumer Credit Councelling 0800 138 1111
Contact a Family

0171 383 3555 

Councel & Care - Advice Line 0845 300 7585
Crimestoppers 0800 555111
Cruse Bereavement Councelling Caithness 01847 894101
Debtline Enquiries 0800 808 4000
Dental Helpline - Highland   
Mon - Fri 9.00 - 5.00
0845 6442271
Downs Syndrome Scotland 0131 313 4225
Scottish Domestic Abuse Helpline (24/7 365 Days)  0800 027 1234
Drinkline 0800 917828
Drug Abuse

0800 776600

Drug & Alcohol Caithness 01955 603462
Elder Abuse Response

080 8808 8141
Mon - Fri 10.00am - 4.30pm
For anyone worried about an older person being abused, neglected or financially exploited
Electric Emergency 0800 300999
Electric & Gas Careline 0800 622838
Employability for Disabled People

 0131 475 2369

Learning Disabilities
 0141 226 4541
Enquire - Children In Scotland
Advice - children With Special Needs
0845 123 2303
Epilepsy Association HQ

0141 427 5225

Family Planning Clinics - Wick
2nd & 4th Thursday of each month
7.30pm - 8.30/9.00pm
All forms of contraception provided. Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. HIV testing and counselling. Counselling and advice on all aspects of sexual health. Emergency contraception. Postal condom service. Free & Confidential
01955 605050 ext 208
Family Planning Clinics - Thurso
1st & 3rd Thursday of each month
 7.30pm - 8.30/9.00pm
All forms of contraception provided. Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. HIV testing and counselling. Counselling and advice on all aspects of sexual health. Emergency contraception. Postal condom service. Free & Confidential
01847 893442
Floodline   SEPA 0845 9881188
Gas Emergency Line 0800 111 999
Gay Alzheimers Help Line (Gay Carers) 0845 300 0336
Highland Carers

0345 660026

Carers Project Helpline  08457 660026
Health Information - Highland Health 0845 7573077
Highland Advice and Information Network  
Highland Sexual Health

01463 704202

Highland Sexual Health – Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinics - Wick
Caithness General Hospital
01955 605050
Hodgkin's Disease 01844 291500
Know The Score - Drugs 
24 Hours Seven Days
0800 587 5879
Linking Education And Disability
0131 317 3439
Lone Parent Helpline 0800 018 5026
Manic Depression Support Line 0778 8817136
Manic Depression Fellowship Helpline 0141 331 0344
Marriage Counselling

01463 712210

Meningitis 01454 413344
Men's Health See List  
Missing Persons Helpline 0500 700 700
Message Home -
Confidential messaging system 
0800 700 740
Multiple Sclerosis

01955 603092
01847 892938

Multiple Sclerosis
Telephone Councelling
0208 422 2144
NHS Information (Mon - Fri 9am-5pm)

0800 224488

Open University 0800 733 766
ParentLine Scotland 0808 800 2222
Parents of Stammerers

0845 603 2001

Parnet  - The Rescue Foundation
Mon-Fri 9.30am-4.30pm, answerphone at other times. We provide information, advice, parent-to-parent contact service, signposting to other organisations and a postal lending library service. For parents and carers of children with brain-related conditions. Covers all UK.
Pension Credit Helpline 0800 99 1234
Police Confidential Line - North Scot 01955 606800
Princess Royal Trust For Carers
08457 660026
Public Concern At Work   020 7404 6609
Scotland 0141 550 7570 9.00 - 6.00
Rape & Abuse 08088 010302
Re-solve  Substance Abuse 0808 800 2345
The Samaritans

0345 909090
01847 895656

Scottish Association For Mental Health 0141 568 7000
Scottish Hydro Electric - Bill Enquiries 0845 3002141
Scottish Prisoners Families Helpline 0500 83 93 83
Scottish Water - Emergency Line
Scottish Water Customer Helpline
0845 600 8855
0845 601 8855
Shelterline - Housing Options 24 Hours 0808 800 4444
Smokeline 0800 848484
NHS Giving Up Smoking Helpline 0800 169 0 169
Stakeholders Pensions Social Security 0845 7143 143
Step Family Scotland Helpline 0131 225 5800

Breathing Space is available from
6pm to 2am

Choose Life

0800 83 85 87

08457 90 90 90
Teenage Drop In Centre Wick
12.30 - 1.30 Fridays Only
01955 609121
Traffic Scotland - Realtime Roads Info  
Scotland's National Disability Information Service
0131 558 5200
Victim Support 0845 3030900
Warm Deal - Grants for Insulation

0800 072 0150

Water Emergencies 0845 600 8855
Women's Aid Scotland
(Partner Abuse) Helpline
0800 027 1234
10.00am - 10.00pm
Women's Aid
Caithness and Sutherland

07891 737870
Monday to Friday, 10am - 5pm

Scottish Women's Aid - Local Groups  



POLICE: 01862 810222 (Dornoch)

They will route your call to a police officer in your area.

In an emergency call 999 and ask for Police or Ambulance.

07891 737870 - (10am - 5pm Monday to Friday).

SOCIAL WORK: 01408 634040

In an emergency, Social Workers can be contacted out of hours on 0845 812010

HOUSING: 01862 812010

In an emergency, a Housing Officer can be contacted out of hours on 0845 700 2005


07891 737870 - (10am - 5pm Monday to Friday).

POLICE: 01847 893222 (Thurso)

01955 603551 (Wick)

In an emergency call 999 and ask for Police or Ambulance.

SOCIAL WORK: 01847 893835 (Thurso)

01955 605040 (Wick)

In an emergency, Social Workers can be contacted out of hours on 0845 812010

HOUSING: 01847 805505 (Thurso)

01955 607712 (Wick)

In an emergency, a Housing Officer can be contacted out of hours on 0845 700 2005

SAMARITANS: 01847 895656

CITIZEN’S ADVICE BUREAUX: 01847 894243/896796 (Thurso)

01955 605989 (Wick)



SAMARITANS: 08457 909090

Area Managers  - Social Work In Highland
Bob Silverwood - 01955 605040
Larry Wilmot  01408 633033
John Dunlop 01463 724220
Theresa James  01397 703397
Nairn, Badenoch & Strathspey
John Richards  01497 810251

New Helplines being added as they become available.
Email us if you know others.
The above list is only a fraction of the helplines now available.
British Telecom has a list of over
900 helplines at

A Directory of UK Government Department Helplines