2007] [June 2007]
29 May 2007
Anglers and
Canoeists Unite to Fight Salmon Parasite Threat
The Association of Salmon Fishery Boards (ASFB) and Scottish Canoe
Association (SCA) have made a joint call for tighter measures to prevent
a deadly salmon parasite entering Scottish waters. The two organisations
hope that their unprecedented combined effort will lead to the
introduction of a high profile campaign at ports and airports to raise
awareness of the threat from the Gyrodactylus salaris (Gs) parasite. The
Gs parasite, which has devastated stocks of Atlantic salmon in a number
of Norwegian rivers, has the potential to cause massive problems for the
Scottish economy. As well as devastating irrevocably Scotland's salmon
stocks, it would impact heavily on activities like angling and canoeing.
Furthermore, it would seriously affect the image and operation of
Scotland's whisky, paper and bottled water industries, as well as every
other recreational and business activity that relies on fresh water.
Killer Whales At Sinclair Bay Today
to Louise Sinclair for letting us know that killer whales arrived in
Sinclair Bay at Stain this morning
Earlier sightings Of Whales in Caithness
McBeath's Jeweller's County Snooker Doubles
The McBeath's Jeweller's County Snooker Doubles got under way a week
Saturday past, James and Victor Risbridger looking to regain the title
they won last March in the Viewfirth. This year's championship was
played in the Royal British Legion with 7 pairings to battle it out. In
the first round James and Victor overcame County Singles Champion Derek
Johnston and Mark Mackay in a 3 hour battle with the Risbridger brothers
prevailing 3 - 1.
Thurso High School Team In Final Of Big Green Challenge
Newsround presenter Laura Jones visits Inverness next month (June) to
host the final of the Big Green Challenge where four schools will battle
it out before a panel of top judges. The Big Green Challenge, sponsored
by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), is the first debate of its
kind to tackle head-on one of Scotland's most pressing issues -
renewable energy. After a series of local heats involving 35 teams from
20 schools and nearly 100 young people, the competition reaches its
climax at the new �23m Centre for Health Science on Tuesday 19th June.
The four schools to have made it through to the final are Keith Grammar,
Lochaber High School, the Nicolson Institute and Thurso High School.
28 May 2007
The Papers
And you thought New York drinking ban was tough - Craig Brown,
PROHIBITION. The word conjures images of 1920s New York, gangsters, jazz
bands and speakeasies serving illicit hooch and bathtub gin to flappers
and dandies. It is certainly not associated with small towns in
Caithness. But for a quarter of a century, or 12 years longer than in
the United States, the parish of Wick voted consistently to ban the sale
of alcohol. Today marks the 60th anniversary of the end of prohibition
in the Highland town. Under the Temperance (Scotland) Act of 1913,
parishes were able to carry out local votes to decide whether or not the
sale of alcohol could be banned. The legislation was a success for
campaigners who believed that alcohol was one of society's greatest
evils and the ruin of the working classes...........................
More Exploration Activity On East Coast Of Caithness As Seismic Survey
Ship Arrives
seismic survey is taking place off the East Coast of Caithness.
The "Cog Venturer" is towing seismic equipment about a mile behind the
vessel. A guard boat is accompanying the ship as there is
line with buoys stretching out behind with a a seismic mat at the end.
CGGVeritas have confirmed that due to the time of year a Marine
Mammal observer is on board to advise on lessening damage to whales and
dolphins that might be around at this time of year. The seismic
mat carries pneumatic guns that fire in sequences to create small
underwater explosions and give information about what lies beneath the
sea-bed. Could an oil rig be next on the scene close to shore? with
drilling on shore near Lybster due to commence shortly activity in
Caithness seems to be stepping up. Did Tesco, Homebase etc really
know something as the rumour mills keep suggesting? "Wick - Oil
capital of the north" or Lybster's new logo - "Who needs fish
we've got oil". Ah well we can only dream......
Finishing Touches To Halkirk School's Garden
final touches to Halkirk Schools new garden were made recently with the
erection of an otter holt, flagstones with carvings by the children, a
pergola built by Mr Andrew Crawford, benches painted and decorated by
the children, and the planting of various shrubs and plants, many of
which were donated by parents and friends in the community.........
27 May 2007
Logo winners For New
Carter of Primary 4 of Lybster Primary School won the competition for
the best logo for the newly formed Latheron, Lybster and Clyth Community
Development Company set up by the South East Caithness Development Group
under the Initiative at the Edge scheme to manage community land and
associated assets for the benefit of the local community. The runner-up
in the competition was Eilidh Sutherland. Over 60 children from primary
4, 5, 6 and 7 of Lybster Primary School submitted entries, which were
judged on the basis of artistic merit and appropriateness for reduction
into a logo. The winners received their certificates and prizes from
Iain Gunn and Neil Buchanan directors of the Development Company at
Lybster School. The new logo will be first used on application forms for
membership of the Development Company, which will be open to all adult
residents in the KW3 and KW5 post code areas.
Flying index
More Planes Coming And Going At Wick Today

Popular Flying Association Members Fly Into Wick
and friends of the Popular
Flying Association flew into Wick on Saturday. This was one of their annual events and the first time the club
had chosen Wick as their destination. Not all of the fliers were from
Scotland as a group of Irish pilots had come over to make the trip north and
they stayed at the
Loch Watten
Bed and Breakfast Up to 100 light aircraft were expected to
make the trip some flying solo and others carrying friends and relatives as
The Sunday Papers
Cape Wrath
casts its spell on Harry Potter film-makers - Scotsman
Whaligoe Steps in Caithness is a possible candidate for part of the new
Harry Potter movie. Warner Bros, which is preparing to shoot "Harry
Potter And The Half-Blood Prince" has sent people out to look at possible
locations in Scotland, Ireland and New Zealand.
Caithness Scouts Celebrate 100 Years Of Scouting 1907 - 2007 At Rumster
Camp Weekend

This weekend Scouts, Cubs and Beavers from all over Caithness gathered at
Rumster forest to celebrate 100 years of scouting. A camp has been
going on since Friday evening with Scouts and Cubs. They were joined on
Saturday by the younger Beaver groups. Beavers were piped into camp by
memebrs of the Caithness Scout Pipe Band. The camp finishes on Sunday but there
are other events taking place later in the year in June and August.
This weekend there are scouts at camps all over Scotland and the UK and in
many other countries. At Rumster 225 were out on Saturday whilst
across Scotland 20,000 attended different camp sites. Estimates for
the UK are around 200,000 at camp sites for the weekend or for the day.
The weekend had all the usual elements of camping with plenty to eat after
walks and games. On Saturday plenty of activities were laid on for the
Beavers. The camp is being held near the outdoor centre that was burnt
down last year. The immediate forest around the camp site has been
felled bu there are still plenty of trees around and new planting is going
on. Work is still heading towards building a new centre for young
people in Caithness. Numbers attending scouts in Caithness are
beginning to rise once again after some years of decline. If you would
like to join or help with a local group get in touch with - its great
fun and you will always learn something new.
The History Of Scouting
26 May 2007
Thurso Fire Brigade Called To Fire On Board FR147 "Alert"
Fire Brigade were called out to a fire on board the fishing vessel FR147
"Alert" today at Scrabster harbour. The fishing boat was at the fuel
station. The fire was soon dealt with and no one was injured
Black Prince Cruise Ship At Scrabster Today
Black Prince cruise ship from the Fred Olsen line arrived today at
Scrabster. The ship has been arriving at Scrabster since 2004
making use of the much larger new pier.
Flotilla Event Just Keeps Getting Bigger and Bigger 23rd � 29th
June 07
The Flotilla event Wick to Portsoy is still growing as more and more
boats join in for wee sail doon the coast. The Moray Firth flotilla at Wick
will be one of the biggest highlights of the year at each of the ports it
arrives at. Wick is the starting point and the
Wick Harbourfest
Friday 22, Saturday 23 and Sunday 24th June. After Wick the
flotilla heads for
Lybster on Sunday 25th where the village is also preparing for an
invasion of boats and visitors. Media interest is building as TV crews and
newspaper people want to report and get photos of this unique event.
Both Caithness harbours have seen nothing like it for many decades with so
many boats arriving - a mix of the old sailing fishing boats accompanied by
an armada of modern yachts.
Lybster Programme For
Flotilla 24th & 25th June
is getting ready for what will be the biggest invasion of boats seen at the
harbour since the days of the Herring. The flotilla leaves Wick and is
expected to arrive about 1.30pm. A full programme of events for the
day has been organised with music in the village hall and a buffet.
Parking will be restricted with a bus service to and from the
harbour if you cannot walk down the hill. Every facility will be open and in
use from the village hall, bowling club hall, Waterlines visitor centre and
the Portland Arms Hotel. Caithness Junior Pipe band will greet the
boats arrival and there will be a running commentary about the boats as they
arrive. the boats leave Lybster on Monday 25th at 11.00am to head for
Full Lybster Flotilla Programme
Full Wick Flotilla Programme
Vintage Longhope Lifeboat To Arrive At Wick Harbourfest
vintage Longhope lifeboat Thomas McCunn will sail from Lonhope, Orkney and
be on display at the Wick Harbour fest on Saturday 23rd June. The
Thomas McCunn is a Watson-class lifeboat and was built in 1932. She
was at Longhope as the lifeboat from 1933 - 1962 and was launched 101 times
and saved 304 lives. The boat will be open for the public to go onboard
to see what conditions were like.
Its A Knockout
Competition - Enter A Team - Thurso Gala 4 - 12 August 2007
part of Thurso Gala week, Thurso Town Improvement Association are organising
an 'It's a knock out' event on Sunday the 5th of August 2007 at the
Dammies, Thurso. We are inviting local organisations and businesses to
enter teams to take part in this excellent funday event, along with raising
funds for 3 local charities - TTIA, Thurso Football Club and Scallywags
Nursery, Dunnet. The winning team will also have the opportunity to nominate
�100 prize money to their chosen charity.
Caithness Men All Home From Basra Safely
Kevin Mackay sends his thanks to all the Caithness folk who have supported
them over the past seven month on their tour of duty in Basra, Iraq.
The photo shows the men a few days before they left Basra to return to
Scotland. This photo was only the second time they had been together
in the seven month tour of duty with Alamein Company. Great to see
them all back with their families.
TA in Caithness
Bulletin - Issue 26
Items in this
issue include -
Sphere's Polar Crane Ready to Decommission Reactor - Staff Take Part in
Emergency Drill
Final Strip-Out of Fuel Fabrication Plant - Innovation by the Shaft
Isolation Project Team
Off-Shore Monitoring for Particles - Strategy Produced for Dealing with
Radiological Inventory
Final Drums of Historical Waste Supercompacted - In the Dock over Lead
Dounreay at a Glance 2007 - Dounreay Showcases Nuclear Decommissioning Trade
A Pdf version of the Site Staff Dounreay News for May is available
In Case of Emergency (ICE) - Set Up An ICE On Your Mobile Phone
We all carry our mobile phones with hundreds of names/ numbers stored in its
memory but yet nobody, other than ourselves, know which of these numbers
belong to our near and dear ones? In case we are involved in an accident or
had a heart attack and the people attending us get hold of our mobile phone
but don't know which number to call to inform our family members. Yes, there
are many numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an
emergency? For this reason, we must have one or more telephone numbers
stored under the name ICE (In case of Emergency) in our mobile phones.
Recently, the concept of "ICE" is catching up quickly. It is simple, an
important method of contact during emergency situations. As cell phones are
carried by majority of the population, just store the number of a contact
person or person who should be contacted at during emergency as ICE"
(meaning In Case of Emergency).
24 May 2007
Wave power centre secures funding - BBC
UHI Millennium Institute and Heriot-Watt University are project partners
in the
Environmental Research Institute (ERI) in Thurso.
Caithness Creels Expecting Surge In Orders For New
Plastic Creels
A revolution in the traditional creel used for hundreds of years by
fishermen is underway and being led by a local firm Caithness Creels
working closely with a plastics firm - Stornoway Plastics on the Isle of
Lewis. Fishermen and others in the industry got a chance to see the new
creels and parts for themselves at a trade exhibition n Glasgow today
Caithness Creels has been working in collaboration with Stornoway Plastics
to come up with a new way of manufacturing creels that will have much
longer life. The new creels went on show at a fishing exhibition in
Glasgow today.
Regeneration Partnership Advertises For Staff
The partnership set up by Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Highland
Council and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority to tackle issue
surrounding the long-term issues facing the north as decommissioning of
Dounreay moves on are advertising for key executives. The partners
are all fully committed to dealing with matters outlined in the recent
Socio Economic Strategy.
At a meeting in Thurso the heads of each of the bodies agreed to form an
executive group to take matter forward and the adverts for new senior
staff are a sign that they mean business. the jobs being advertised are
for a Regeneration Programme Manager and an inward Investment Executive
with salaries dependant on experience.
The adverts being placed in newspapers and on web sites describes the
position in these terms
The communities of Caithness and North Sutherland urgently need to
regenerate their local economy to mitigate the impact of job losses caused
by the progressive closure of the Dounreay nuclear site. To address this
challenge the Caithness Regeneration Partnership (CRP) has been formed
between the Nuclear Decommissioning authority (NDA), Highlands & Islands
Enterprise (HIE) and the Highland Council (HC) with the aim of ensuring
the per capita income of the area does not fall below the present level
whilst maintaining or increasing the population. At the heart of the CRP
will be a dynamic team focused on inward investment and business
development. As a result the CRP is seeking to recruit to two key
The closing date for applications for the two posts is 8th June 2007.
Council Urges
Young People To Apply For Allowance.
Young people staying on at Secondary schools in the Highlands are being
urged by Highland Council's Education, Culture and Sport Service "not to
miss out" and to apply for an Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) which
could be worth up to �1,500 to each pupil. An EMA is a weekly
payment of up to �30, paid directly to eligible young people who stay on
in school after they reach statutory leaving age. Young people may also be
eligible for two bonuses of �150 if they remain on their course and make
the necessary progress with their learning. EMAs were introduced
nationally by the Scottish Executive in August 2004 to provide financial
support to young people from low income families staying on at school.
Free Wildflower Seeds To Help Save
Scottish Native Butterfly
Scots everywhere are being asked to help
conserve native species of butterfly by planting butterfly-friendly wild
flowers around their neighbourhoods. As part of
Scottish Biodiversity Week
(19th - 27th May) to encourage people's involvement in conservation
Scottish Biodiversity Forum (SBF) is giving away 15,000 free packs of
specially selected wild flower seeds to create new habitats for many
species of butterfly including the orange-tip. Packets of seeds are
available to groups, schools, guides scouts etc
Nature Index
Dounreay Not Listed As Possible Site For New Nuclear Power Station
Siting New Nuclear Power Stations - Availability and Options for
Government' by Jackson Consulting
The UK Government has set out, as part of its May 2007 consultation on
nuclear energy, a proposed process for a Strategic Siting Assessment (SSA)
of potential locations for new nuclear power stations. This would be
carried out only if the Government concludes following this consultation
that nuclear should continue to be part of our energy mix.
The report says that Dounreay is not an existing site of a power station
and is not considered to be a potential site for new power station
and that there are significant savings to be made if existing sites are
used. Also building plants near to the point of use show big
savings in transmission losses that private companies would want to reduce
overheads. An article in New Scientist -
"UK backs new generation of nuclear reactors" summarises the
latest thinking as set out in the paper linked above. It would
appear that Caithness cannot look to see a power station to replace any of
the jobs currently due to disappear due to the decommissioning of the
Dounreay site and other solutions will be required.
Energy White Paper
NDA Take
part in consultation on the
of Nuclear Power
Caithness Socio Economic Strategy Group
Dounreay Stakeholder Group
Community Association held its annual clean up day on Sunday 20th May 2007
when members of the community got together to collect litter and re-pot
some of the flower tubs that brighten up the estate. The event gave
residents the opportunity to get rid of all their garden rubbish. The
Highland Council supported the clean up by providing rubbish bags, gloves
and a skip for garden waste for which we would like to thank them.
Scottish Outdoor Access
Guides For Young People
Scotland's Young People Map Out The Route To responsible Outdoor Access
Scottish Natural Heritage
(SNH) has launched a new initiative to ensure the country's young
people develop a responsible attitude to enjoying Scotland's outdoors. SNH
has produced two specially developed Activity Guides based on the Scottish
Outdoor Access Code which will be arriving through letterboxes this week.
SNH is sending out the guides to support schools and youth organisations
and raise awareness and understanding of access rights and
responsibilities with 8 - 14 year olds in a fun and entertaining way. The
innovative resources include fun and colourful teaching aids such as a
'Crack the Code' dial, posters, photo cards and interactive video to help
youngsters understand their rights and responsibilities.
Still Time To
Enter The
Online Biodiversity Photo Competition
Scottish Biodiversity Week 19- 27 May 2007
Online photo competition offers worldwide exposure to budding Scottish
nature photographers.
Castletown Play Group and Toddlers Sponsored Wheelie
Playgroup and Toddlers took part in a sponsored Wheelie last Wednesday and
around 30 children took part using bikes, scooters, prams etc anything as
log as it had wheels. So far over �900 has been raised for an outdoor play
area. The group are also holding a fashion show on Friday 1st of June
with Tescos clothing in the Drill Hall Castletown at 6.30pm Tickets
available from Tesco Wick or at the door.
Castletown Play Group and Toddlers
Nurseries & Play Groups
New Kayaks For Pentland Canoe Club
a grant from the Awards For All Scotland programme, the Thurso based
Pentland Canoe Club has taken delivery of 3 sea kayaks, 3 river kayaks and
a double kayak. The equipment was handed over to the Club by Tom Jackson,
the Chairman of the Caithness Sports Council and a Director of Coaching
Highland. The photograph attached shows Tom Jackson (right) handing the
kayaks over to Simon Copsey (left). Simon Copsey is the Chairman of the
Pentland Canoe Club. In the background are some members of the club.
23 May 2007
Bridge Street, Wick - Closed Overnight To Allow Safe Re-construction of
Street, Wick has been completely closed tonight to allow progress to be
made faster at the lane junctions. Shift working through the night
will allow the work to continue safely with less disruption during the
day. the work in relaying Bridge Street is approximately half way.
Other nights will have work ongoing throughout the night as other lanes
are done and therefor all motorists must follow the diversion signs.
Puffins and More -
Evening Walk - Thurday 24th May 7.00pm to 9.00 pm
Highland Ranger led walk. Meet lay by on the northern Caithness.
Sutherland border NC 921 645 Walk to see this busy puffinry situated in
some beautiful scenery. And who knows what else we will track down on the
way? Rough walking so boots and stout footwear advised.
Parents and Pupils Flock To See New Wick High Uniform
big turnout of pupils, parents and others went along to Wick High school
on Tuesday evening to see the new uniforms being proposed for after the
summer holidays. Wick High PTA had organised the event following a
survey of pupils and parents where the vast majority opted for the
traditional school uniform to be brought in. The pupils themselves were
particularly in favour of full uniforms including blazers and ties and
other options including sweatshirts. Items to make up the uniform
will be sourced from a variety of outlets to ensure prices are
competitive. It seems that it is not just the town of Wick that is getting
a make-over but that Wick High School is making more changes with pupils
and parents leading the way.
Wick High
School Uniform Debate
Invitation To Surprise
Celebration For Irene Mackay - Don't Tell Irene! But Can You Help?
1st Keiss/Canisbay Brownies: Celebration for Irene Mackay Dedication 1967
- 2007
If you were a brownie in the 1st Keiss/Canisbay we want to invite
you to a SURPRISE presentation for Irene Mackay for her dedication to the
Brownies since 1967. It will be held in the Keiss Primary school on the
13th June 2007 at 7- 9pm. We are hoping to make a scrapbook of the
memories and photos over the years (photos will be returned) so your
contribution will be appreciated. There will be tea, coffee and home
baking and a great chance for everyone to reminisce the good times at the
brownies. There is also a collection if anyone wants to contribute. Please
speak to other brownies that you know that was at 1st Keiss/Canisbay
Brownies and get them to come along too. But remember it is a surprise
Any questions and R.S.V.P either Joanna 611448 joanna.ross13@btinternet.com
or Patsy Campbell 631321. From Caithness.org - We are assured
Irene will not see this message until after the event.
Arrangements for the Wick HarbourFest are well in hand and the
organisers are anticipating a massive turnout. In order to manage the
large number of vehicles and visitors expected at the Harbour over the
weekend, (Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 June), the Wick HarbourFest�07
Committee are looking for volunteers to help with stewarding and
marshalling duties. If you are a member of an organisation which may be
able to assist in any way, or an individual wishing to help, please
contact Liz Richard-Jones (01955:603821) email
22 May 2007
Courtyard Entrances For New Williamson Street Homes In Wick
might think half of Wick is under reconstruction at the moment from roads
to Heat and Power to old buildings to new houses but 50 years of decline
take along time to rectify. Here at Williamson Street a nice feature
is the opening up of the former courtyard for the entrances to the new
homes being formed within the old building.
As at 12 April
HarbourFest Stall Applications � Last
Call - Book your stance now
More Than
10,000 People May Visit Wick To See The Boats In Wick Harbour
All weekend there are events on in Wick and on Sunday 24th the Flotilla
Any organisations wishing to apply for a stance at the Wick HarbourFest�07
Market on Saturday 23 June are urged to book early since reservations
close on Friday 25 May. The HarbourFest organisers will endeavour to
ensure that all applicants are allocated a stance for their stall but late
applications may not be accommodated. Application forms are now available
from the Wick Harbour Office, 13 Harbour Terrace Wick Telephone
01955:602030 or forms can be downloaded from the HarbourFest website
www.wickheritage.org/flotilla . Advice on completing the risk
assessment form which accompanies the application form can be obtained by
calling the HarbourFest Co-ordinator, David Richard-Jones on 01955 603821
Completed application forms should be lodged with the HarbourFest Office,
50 High Street, Wick, by Friday 25 May. Successful applicants will be
advised by Monday 4 June.
Study Orkney
Cultural Traditions At Summer School
Five Days - 9th to 13th July 2007 - �120
This course will involve five mornings of lectures in various aspects
of Orkney's culture - from literature and language through folklore and
history to archaeology. Field trips will take place every afternoon,
accompanied by expert guides, and there will be a musical evening on the
last night.
Highland College Open Day - 30th May
May - Open Day at The NHC-Thurso (for prospective students) Join us
for fun, games, competitions and information.
31st May - Open Day for Employers at The NHc-Thurso Come along to
find out what the College can do for you.
11th June - Taster Week Experience College life - Find out about
student support
Add Your Event
To The Highland 2007 Programme!
organisers are being encouraged to make the most of Highland 2007,
Scotland's year of Highland culture, by adding their events to the
programme. Events celebrating the rich culture of the Highlands and
Islands will be added to the many hundreds of events already shown on the
Highland 2007 website -
www.highland2007.com Where possible, events shown on the website will
be added to the printed programme for Highland 2007. To be considered for
inclusion in the final edition of the Highland 2007 programme, covering
events between 1 September and 31 December, full details of events must be
entered using the online form by 1 June 2007. Make sure your
Caithness, Sutherland or other Highland event gets this FREE publicity in
a Highland wide brochure and on the web site by signing up and adding your
Wick's Heating Scheme Moves On Into More Streets
flagship district heating scheme for Wick by Caithness Heat and Power
keeps moving on with pipe laying work moving on heading towards Caithness
General Hospital. these photos show the work in Beaufuoy Street,
Dempster Street and Malcolm Street.
Caithness Heat And
High School To Introduce New Uniform TONIGHT Tuesday 22nd May 7.00pm
After a pupil, parent and staff consultation Wick High School
have opted to introduce school uniform as the dress code in August. The
basics of the uniform are black trousers/skirt, white shirt/girls fitted
shirt with blazer and tie. These will then be accessorised with items in
the school colours of blue, black and gold. Waistcoats and tank tops can
also be added.. To try and keep up to date and make the blazer more
appealing the badge will be worn on the cuff designer style It will also
be available on the pocket should people prefer the more traditional
style. The PSA have organised an open evening on Tuesday 22nd May
to allow pupils, parents and others the chance to choose what they would
like to wear. The event will take place in the Main Hall of the school
at 7 pm where various suppliers will show what is available. Pupils
will model the uniform and items can be tried on if necessary. Tea etc
will be served.
21 May 2007
More Wind
Turbines For Forss Arrived Today
to Tugmistress (one of our forum members) for posting photos of the
arrival of the latest turbines bound for Forss today. Two turbines
already operate at Forss and permission was granted for a further four.
Two Highland
teachers embark on experience of a life time in Malawi
Miller, headteacher at Keiss and Cansibay Primary schools and Roger
Bamfield an advisory teacher with Highland Council�s Autism Outreach
Education Service, will be leaving Edinburgh on Friday 29 June, giving
up their summer holiday to help improve education in the African country
of Malawi. They are the only teachers from the north of Scotland, going
with sixteen other teachers from central Scotland as part of the Global
Teachers Programme (GTP), run by international agency Link Community
Development. The programme provides Scottish teachers and headteachers
with a challenging, rewarding and motivating professional and personal
development experience. Maureen and Roger will live and work in two
different village communities, where there isn�t any running water or
electricity. If you would like to donate to help the teachers in their
work check the links -
Maureen Miller Donations
Roger Bamfield Donations
Another Successful Drystone Walling Weekend At Castlehill Heritage
popular two day course was run as part of a programme of events
organised by
Castletown Heritage in support of
Highland 2007
Year of Culture. The walls and features constructed by the
trainees over the course of the two days will remain in place at the end
of the course to support the formation a themed heritage garden within
the inner courtyard at Castlehill Heritage Centre. Further work will be
undertaken over the summer to create a new access gate and walkway
through the courtyard leading to the new visitor entrance to the
Heritage Centre. Castletown Heritage is turning the buildings at
Castlehill into a a visitor and education centre to tell the
story of Casteltown. Achievements already in the area near the
buildings are the
Flagstone Trail, a community woodland and a
sculpture trail.
Aerial View Of Castlehill Buildings Before
Caithness Motor Bike Rally Started In Lybster
annual motor bike rally got underway yesterday starting at Lybster. They
travelled the byeways and highways via
Westerdale and Broubster to Thurso then onto John O'Groats and finally
to Wick and Mackay's Hotel for lunch.
Rhythm 07
High School on Friday 15th June at 7.30pm
Assembly Rooms, Wick on Thursday 28th June and Friday 29th June at
Tickets �4 from J Gunn, Shoe Shop, Wick and Thurso
Elise Lyall School of Dance presents Rhythm 07 featuring 100 Highland
dancers accompanied by live music directed by Addie Harper.
20 May 2007
Shorelands Farm, Ackergill

Scottish Sea Kayak Symposium - 25th - 28th May 2007
The weekend of 25 � 28 May 2007 will see around 250 sea kayakers from
around the UK, America; Holland; Jersey; Ireland and France heading to
the Isle of Skye to attend the
8th Scottish Sea Kayak Symposium. The
Symposium will be based at
Sabhal Mor Ostaig, the Gaelic College on the
Sleat peninsula. The 2007 Scottish Sea Kayak Symposium has been
supported by the Highland 2007 Regional Events Programme which is funded
by EventScotland as part of Scotland�s
Year of Highland Culture.
Caithness will be represented by 7 members of the Thurso based
Canoe Club who will be attending the event. Ken Nicol, from the Pentland Canoe
Club, is a member and Treasurer of the organising Committee for the
event. Sea kayaking is one of the fastest growing outdoor pursuits in
the UK with participants discovering how to visit the hidden treasures
of the coastline or accessing areas normally not readily accessible.
The Road To Hilliclay, Caithness

Hilliclay is only a few miles from Thurso and by turning up to the left
on the A9 or to the right if you are heading for Murkle. As you
head up the gently rising road it is well worth stopping to look back
and see the panoramic views over Caithness. At this time of year
the vivid green and ever changing Caithness sky are well worth looking
at. A large herd of Highland cattle are to be found along the
single track road. New houses as well as older farm houses are
dotted around but they are well spread out. Older croft buildings are
still around and contrast with the modern bungalows.
Mary Ann's Cottage Looking For Volunteers
Ann's Cottage will be open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (not Monday) -
25, 26 and 27 May - for the Bank Holiday weekend and will then re-open
for the summer season on Friday 1 June until mid September. Hours of
opening 2.0 - 4.30 pm daily except Mondays. If you enjoyed your last
visit to Mary Ann's Cottage - it is on your doorstep - it is not too
late to consider joining the small band of volunteers who keep this
unique croft experience alive for the general public to enjoy. This is
our local heritage - help us to maintain it by volunteering a few hours
a week - for further details contact Chris Cariss on 01847 851765.
You Can Join The
Sponsored Walk Up Ben Hope, Sutherland
Annual sponsored walk
in aid of the Assynt Mountain Rescue Team and Alzheimer's Scotland
years walk (2007) will be the tenth walk held on behalf of both
charities and we are looking for more participants looking to help fund
raise for these two reputable charities. This years walk is to take
place on Saturday 16th June 2007 on Ben Hope. Ben Hope is Scotland's
most northerly Munro (3041 feet, 927m). It will be ascended by the route
shown in the attached map. Ben Hope is located some sixty miles west of
Thurso and is readily accessible.
Six Cities Design Festival
The Six Cities Design Festival, is Scotland's biggest ever celebration
of design. Taking place in each of the country's cities, the Festival
consists of hundreds of exhibitions and events which prove how design
can make an enormous difference to our lives. Design isn't just a
luxury; it is the careful appliance of creative thinking. Design is a
fundamental part of how we organise the world around us and this
Festival brings together everything, from ideas that can save your life,
to those simple, clever inventions which just make you smile. Whether
it's a fashion show in Inverness or the chic thrills of an exhibition
about design for air travel in Glasgow, this Festival ranges from the
highly personal to the truly global. Every Scottish city has its own
character and that's reflected in the particular events and activities
in the Six Cities Design Festival. 17th May - 2nd June
19 May 2007
MacMillan Cancer Support - Wick Committee Annual Walk - all
The Wick Committee of Macmillan Cancer Support are having a "Walk
Wonders" walk around Newton Hill on Tuesday 22nd May 2007. Meet at 7pm
at the rear hospital car park. Everyone welcome just turn up on the
night and if you want sponsor forms contact Kay Oswald on 01955 604803
18 May 2007
Viewfirth Diary Room At Miller Academy School, Thurso
Viewfirth Diary Room has been collecting ideas for new community
facilities at the site of the former social club in Thurso. This week
the Diary Room arrived in Miller Academy school where the children were
invited to have their say.
Another Drug Seizure As Highland Police Step Up Action
NORTHERN Constabulary officers in Ross-shire have seized Heroin with an
estimated street value of more than �70,000. The seizure was made in the
Muir of Ord area on Thursday, 17th May, 2007. Detective Inspector Gus
MacPherson, based in Dingwall, described the seizure as "hugely
significant." A 38-year-old female is expected to appear at Dingwall
Sheriff Court today.
17 May 2007
Top Two Elected
To Lead Highland Council
new Convener of The Highland Council is Independent Councillor Sandy
Park, one of four members representing Nairn. Vice-Convener is Scottish
National Party Councillor Jean Urquhart, one of four members serving
Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh. They were elected today
(Thursday) at the first meeting of the 80-strong Council following the
elections on 3 May. They will serve for four years. Other office-bearers
will be elected at the next Council meeting on Thursday 31 May, when the
committee structure is agreed. Councillors Park and Urquhart will lead
an Independent/Scottish National Party Administration. The Opposition
will be formed by Liberal Democrat and Labour councillors. The make-up
of the Council in 2007 is: 34 Independent; 22 Liberal Democrat; 17 Scottish
National Party; 7 Labour.
In 2003 the council line up started at 57
Independent; 9 Liberal Democrats; 8 Labour; 6 SNP
A Brief
History Of Scotland Mill Theatre, Thurso - Saturday 26th May
Brief History of Scotland', is a look at one small nation�s past and
present, who we are, how we got here and the struggles we have
confronted on that journey. In particular, the continuing struggle we
have had with our much larger and more powerful neighbour. Ironically,
given our current low self-esteem as a nation, the early years of the
new millennium are some of the most significant in Scotland�s history.
Yet the achievement of devolution and the establishment of our own
parliament have left many Scots underwhelmed. Was it always this way ?
Has Bannockburn merely been hyped-up by the passage of time ? 'A Brief
History of Scotland', is a tongue-in-cheek debunking of the "glorious"
past and a wryly satirical look at the less-than-glorious present of
this nation of contradictions.
Caithness Floral Art Club - May 2007
Phimister, an Area Demonstrator from Edinburgh, brought a contemporary
style of flower arranging to the May meeting of the Caithness Floral Art
Club. Her enthusiasm and enjoyment in sharing her love of flowers with
her audience shone through. As a prize-winning flower arranger at
national level she shared tips to help those who enjoy the competitive
side of flower arranging. Maureen took as her theme the song �What a
Wonderful World.� Each arrangement reflected a segment of the song.
Legal Requirements
Northern Constabulary is once again reminding owners/users of mini
motos/quad bikes that they are mechanically propelled vehicles and as
such fall under the same conditions of any other motor vehicle if used
on a public road. If you have a mini-moto, and are using it in an area
where the public have access to, you are required to wear a crash
helmet, have a driving licence, a valid certificate of insurance
covering third parties, road tax and a valid MOT where applicable. Apart
from the wearing of a crash helmet all of the requirements apply to the
use of quad bikes.
UKAEA Sponsorship
Helped Five New Young Engineers
young men who were sponsored by UKAEA in 2006 to study for engineering
qualifications are now reaching the end of their courses at the North
Highland College. Andy Bain, Robert Begg, and Ewan Scott have all
studied for HNCs in Mechanical Engineering, Richard Sutherland for an
HNC in Engineering, and James Cooper for his BSc in Mechanical
Engineering. They have been assisted in their studies by sponsorship
from UKAEA in the form of a grant, paid monthly, to help with living and
travel expenses. The Sponsorship scheme allows NHC to attract
appropriately qualified students into higher engineering education and
help further UHI�s bid for full University status.
Playbox Play
Group, Wick Still Has Places For New Session Starting August 2007
Papers made by
hand in Caithness to be sent around the globe
B Kaar has been busy recycling linen waste from the Scalpay weaving shed
in the Western Isles into handmade papers. This is a special commission
by the IAPMA (International Association of Papermakers and Artists) for
400 sheets each measuring 16cm X 65cm. To complete the work, Joanne had
a papermakers mould and deckle specially made by Tony King in Edinburgh.
The papers are to be sent to the Editor of the IAPMA in Australia, where
they will be used to cover their magazine. The magazine is then
distributed to members of the IAPMA in 41 different countries.
Sainsbury's popular Taste the Difference Meatballs, made from Mey
Selections beef in an authentic tomato and smoky bacon sauce with added
Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, beat off four other finalists to win the
meat and poultry category of the Grocer Own Label Award Excellence
Awards for 2007 at the Savoy Hotel, London yesterday.
The award follows the product's success as the Best New Meat Product in
the Meat Industry Awards in London last year.
16 May 2007
Biodiversity Photo Competition -
Biodiversity Week 19- 27 May 2007
photo competition offers worldwide exposure to budding Scottish nature
photographers. An innovative nature photography competition launched
today is giving Scots the chance to reach a worldwide audience with
their own images of nature and wildlife. The competition has been
organised by Scottish Biodiversity Forum (SBF) as part of this year's
Scottish Biodiversity Week programme of events. Organisers want
budding nature photographers of all ages and abilities to take part by
simply sending their best photo entries by email as an attachment to
bit@snh.gov.uk The photo competition
is promoting the theme of "'Earth, nature and you - connected" by
inviting people to capture an inspiring image of their natural local
surroundings and win some fantastic prizes using their camera phones or
digital cameras. OK Caithness Snappers Go Show them Caithness
with YOUR Digital photos and try to win a prize. Let us know
if your photos get posted on the SNH Biodiversity web site and we will
make links to let everyone see your entry.
National Breastfeeding Awareness
Week - 14 - 19 May 2007
Since 1993, the Department of Health has coordinated the annual
campaign, National Breastfeeding Awareness Week, aiming to highlight that
breastfeeding is good for the health of mother and baby. We would like
women to recognise their right to breastfeed anytime and anywhere and for
friends, family and health professionals to provide support for
breastfeeding. The benefits of breastfeeding for both mum and baby are not
just measured in health terms, but in the pride a mum feels when she looks
at her healthy, growing breastfed baby. Once established, breastfeeding is
easy and for most mothers and babies a very enjoyable experience. However
in the first few days you both need to learn what to do. You will
therefore need to practise and if necessary, get help and advice from your
midwife. Advice is available in Thurso, Wick and
Delivery charge dropped for referral clients of HomeAid until 31st July
Due to the overwhelming
response and goodwill of the local community, HomeAid have successfully
reached their yearly tonnage target in respect of The Strategic Waste
Funding. The funding has given HomeAid the opportunity to appoint three
new members of staff on a part time basis. Ian Murray, Margaret Mackay and
David Spoors all from Caithness, have been appointed and are now playing
an active role in HomeAid�s operation. With the recent
acquisition of a new vehicle funded by INCREASE, HomeAid can now offer a
quicker FREE collection service to the local community. Waiting time for
the delivery of items to low income individuals and families is now down
to five days and with the removal of the �10 delivery charge, HomeAid are
confident that this will encourage and help those in greater need to come
forward who currently cannot afford the �10.
15 May 2007
Birthday Bash BBQ for Tommy Bean In Wick
known popular retired Wick slaughterhouse man Tommy Bean, Leith Walk, Wick
got the surprise of his life when Kay, with the help from friends,
organsied a surprise BBQ Bash at buildings near the back of the Waterfront
Nightclub! Tommy's good friend Barry was Head Chef at the BBQ offering
family and friends a scrumptious grilled meal. Kay also organised a piper
to pipe in the special birthday cake which left Tommy speechless.
Hi-viz Waistcoats For Miller Academy School, Thurso
UKAEA Dounreay has donated �300 to Miller Academy PTA towards the cost of
supplying the children of Miller Academy School with hi-viz waistcoats.
Pictured here is Gary Strachan of UKAEA and the PTA presenting the cheque
to head teacher Ann Warren. Looking on is Susan Gerrard, PTA (centre) and
some of the children modelling the hi-viz waistcoats, on left from top:
Freya Strachan, Kerri Rosie, Jordan Bruce, Amber Sim, Freya Sinclair,
Corin Murphy and Jan Mckenzie, on right from top: Robbie Mccoustra, Megan
Wright, Craig Williamson, Megan Jackson, Ian Watt, Lyall Cormack and Molly
The Highland
Constellation Co-reult na G'idhealtachd
A group of three artists have been chosen to work with The Royal
Observatory Edinburgh and local schools to identify a new constellation in
the skies above the region in a project run by The Highland Council's
Exhibitions Unit to celebrate 2007, Scotland's Year of Highland Culture.
The project will bring together astronomy, digital art, craft and
literature. The project, supported by the Scottish Arts Council's National
Lottery partner's programme, began on the 23rd March when The Royal
Observatory ran a weekend event at Carbisdale Castle in Sutherland at
which the newly selected artists met with teachers and the project
organizers to learn about the night sky and the Dark Sky Speuran Dorcha
project. For the Highland Constellation Co-reult na Gaidhealtachd project
pupils will select dates significant to them from Highland history and
will learn how to plot them in light years from the earth. They will then
select a star for their area. Once each area has a star they will be
joined up to identify the Highland Constellation and a competition will be
held to name it.
Dounreay Bulletin - Issue 25
in the latest bulletin
Workers Rewarded for Zero Accident Rate - Improved Organisation to
Decommission the Site - Plant Installed for Removal of Breeder from
Reactor - Apprenticeships Attract 54 Applications - Making Good Progress
on Shaft Isolation Project - Plans Proceed for Dounreay Office in the
Community - NDA Publishes Annual Plan - Beach Monitoring - Spotlight on
Shift Teams - Caithness Energy Alliance Formed - UKAEA Records to be Made
Available to Inquiry
UKAEA Donates �300 To Prince's Trust
Dounreay has made a donation of �300 towards the Prince's Trust in support
of the young people of Caithness who the Trust works with. UKAEA's
donation will help to fund young Caithness people who are struggling with
life attend a Highland Recharge residential course which will give them
the skills and confidence to re-engage with their community and seek
employment. UKAEA's Tina Wrighton is pictured here presenting the cheque
to Cailean Macleod, Development Coordinator of the Prince's Trust
Highlands & Islands.
Visit by Lithuanian Delegates
has hosted a visit by delegates from the Ministry of Economy & Central
Project Management Agency in Lithuania from 7th-10th May. During their
time on site, the group toured a number of facilities being
decommissioned, including the Prototype Fast Reactor and former Fuel Cycle
Area, and saw how the site manages the waste produced. Under a consultancy
contract won by UKAEA, the visit focused on training of programme
management, concentrating on earned value management principles. The UKAEA
assistance to the Lithuania Ministry of Economy on decommissioning
management has been a great opportunity for UKAEA to showcase to new
clients its world class decommissioning skills and experience.
Forthcoming Seminar at the Environmental Research Institute Thursday 17
May 2007, 5pm
The FerryBox project: recruiting ferries to monitor the impact of climate
Charlie Bargeron. National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Ocean scientists have collaborated with the Admiralty and the Merchant
Navy for hundreds of years. HMS Challenger, perhaps the most famous
oceanographic ship, was a Navy Corvette on secondment, while cable ships
sometimes carried scientists and merchant ships have been used to record
meteorological information for 200 years. Although dedicated research
ships are now used for marine investigations they have limitations of
reach and timing, with the result that the use of commercial ships to
collect data is again expanding. This is because such ships run regular
route and can therefore provide the systematic data needed to
understanding cyclic and seasonal processes in the surface ocean. Ocean
prediction models tell us that the ocean is going to become warmer and
more acidic over the next decades. A �box� of autonomous scientific
instruments onboard a commercial ferry route can provide the time series
of measurements required to calibrate such models and help us plan for
climate change. This presentation will first explore the history of
cooperation between the oceanographic community and the Navy and Merchant
fleet. It will then focus on the European FerryBox Project that recently
led to the development of a monitoring system operating continuously along
the ship route between Portsmouth and Bilbao.
All Welcome......
14 May 2007
UKAEA Makes Donation To September Pipe Band Festival In Wick
are once again sponsoring the Wick RBLS Pipe Band's Massed Pipe Bands
event which will be held on 8th September 2007 in Market Square, Wick.
This year in addition to the five bands which took part last year;
Caithness Juveniles, Sutherland Caledonia, Tain, Thurso and Wick, this
year the Red Hot Chilli Pipers will be heading the bill. UKAEA's Phineas
Miller is pictured here presenting the cheque to the pipe band during a
recent show in the Pipe Band Hall, Wick.
Highland 100
Meters Winner Grace Mackay
Mackay, from Mount Pleasant School in Thurso, is proudly showing off the
gold medal, which she won in the 100m race, when she took part in the
Highland Disability Sport Junior Athletic Championships at Queens Park
Athletic Stadium in Inverness on Wednesday 9th May 2007. The Championships
involved children from all over the Highlands, who had a brilliant day,
despite the weather.
Well done Grace....
Derek Johnston
Wins 2007 McBeath�s Jeweller�s County Snooker Singles
McBeath�s Jeweller�s County Snooker Singles got under way on Saturday,
Mark Mackay looking to regain the title he won last March in the Viewfirth
against James Risbridger. This year�s championship was played in the Royal
British Legion and the Thurso Club. Mark got off to a good start making
short work of Brian Malley beating him 3 � 0.......................
Lands At Weigh Inn Thurso
sent in a photo of a helicopter landing at the Weigh Inn, Thurso. Ah
the wonders of digital cameras and the web. any jet setters in
Thurso at the moment?
Caithness Blood Bank
The Blood Bank at Caithness General Hospital reopened on Monday 14th May
2007. NHS Highland voluntarily suspended the service in October 2006.
after an inspection by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory
Authority (MHRA) identified a number of deficiencies. Since then staff at
the Caithness General Hospital laboratory in conjunction with colleagues
from NHS Highland and the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service have
worked together to rectify the deficiencies. A full re-inspection of the
blood bank was carried out by the MHRA inspectors on the 12th April.
Sexual Assault Thurso - Three Men Charged
THREE men, aged 32, 24 and 25 are expected to appear at Wick Sheriff Court
in the morning......
Kits For Kids Tokens - To Be Handed To Local Football Clubs Right Away
Local football clubs have been saving hard to get as many tokens
as they from the Daily Record and Sunday Mail for free kit in the past few
weeks. They need to collect all of the tokens to get the most from
the offer and one or two may not have quite enough. If you
have some old Daily Records or Sunday Mails with tokens still inside then
cut them out and pass them right away to your local football club if they
are collecting. Some newsagents are collecting on behalf of clubs so
check there if you do not have a direct contact. Help the teams to
maximise the offer - the more tokens the more kit they can claim and it's
Maurice Lynch Showband Once Big In Wick - Midge Ure on 60's Rock
"Wick didn't rock" - Wrong
Thurley has sent in this link to an old photo of the Maurice Lynch
Showband that played in Wick several times in the 60's. Do you
remember them playing in Wick or have any old photos of them and folk at
their gigs that we could place on the web site. If so email them with any
information to bill@caithness.org
The band is mentioned in
a piece by Steven Cashmore (para10) on the music scene in
Caithness on the Highland Archives web site. Isabelle said, "The
reason I looked this up is that I was listening to Scotland Rocks on
BBC4 on Saturday morning with Midge Ure when I heard him say "not
all of Scotland rocked in the 60's - Wick didn't rock". Well, as you
can imagine, I was very surprised, because I was in Wick in the 60's
and it really rocked. There were a lot of bands around - local bands,
rock and pop bands (admittedly on their way out, i.e. Wayne Fontanna,
Pinkerton's Assorted Colours etc), but nobody could touch Maurice Lynch.
When he was in Wick the Assembly Rooms were always packed out - you could
hardly move. If you listen to next weeks episode of Scotland Rocks they
may well read out my email as I felt I had to put him right on whether or
not Wick "rocked".
Event In The North Of Scotland In 2007 - Wick Harbour Fest
22nd - 24th June
HarbourFest Saturday Market �
Applications now Open! - Deadline For Forms 25th May
for the HarbourFest Market to be held on Saturday, 23 June, have
now been completed and the organisers have announced that applications are
being taken from organisations wishing to rent a stance at the event. The
application form can be downloaded from the HarbourFest website
www.wickheritage.co.uk/flotilla . As part of the safety arrangements
for the event, applicants are required to complete a Risk Assessment for
their stall. HarbourFest Chairman, Gordon Doull, said �As part of our
commitment to a safe and successful HarbourFest, we are asking
stall-holders to complete a simple form to show that they support our
objectives. It is now a requirement for all such events. With so much
keen interest in the HarbourFest, we expect a large number of visitors,
and we can assure stall-holders of a successful day.�
Programme of Events Boat numbers to accompany the
flotilla continues to rise as yachtsmen from various countries notify
their intention to join the growing numbers wanting to accompany the
flotilla of early fishing vessels. The biggest number of boats to leave
Wick at the same time since the days of the Herring Boom - Sunday 24th
June and then to arrive at Lybster then calling at harbours on the way to
Portsoy over the following few days.
The Wick Harbourfest is the
start of the
Moray Firth Flotilla
High School To Introduce New Uniform
After a pupil, parent and staff consultation Wick High School
have opted to introduce school uniform as the dress code in August. The
basics of the uniform are black trousers/skirt, white shirt/girls fitted
shirt with blazer and tie. These will then be accessorised with items in
the school colours of blue, black and gold. Waistcoats and tank tops can
also be added.. To try and keep up to date and make the blazer more
appealing the badge will be worn on the cuff designer style It will also
be available on the pocket should people prefer the more traditional
style. The PSA have organised an open evening on Tuesday 22nd May
to allow pupils, parents and others the chance to choose what they would
like to wear. The event will take place in the Main Hall of the school
at 7 pm where various suppliers will show what is available. Pupils
will model the uniform and items can be tried on if necessary. Tea etc
will be served.
13 May 2007
Photos From The Walk At Burifa Hill, Dunnet

Andrew Gutteridge led the walkers round some of the World War Two
buildings at Burifa Hill, Dunnet.
WW2 Defences In Caithness Part One
WW2 Defences In Caithness Part Two
Caithness Arts
Newsletter Editor Wants News Items For Next Edition
Get Your Arts Events In For FREE In the Caithness Arts Newsletter
We are currently preparing our *June/July edition of the Caithness
Arts Newsletter and What's On Guide* and, as usual, we are requesting
contributions from all sectors of the Arts. Please submit your *NEWS *and
*EVENT INFORMATION* to me by email as soon as possible - *the deadline is
Walking And Shooting At Brough Today
part of the Caithness and Sutherland walking festival an activities
weekend at Brough, Dunnet included a couple of walks and chance to try
clay pigeon shooting. While the walkers headed off to see some of the
buildings on Burifa Hill at Dunnet head others had go at Clay pigeon
shooting with instruction from Ian Sinclair of Noss Head.
Caithness And Sutherland Walking Festival Programme
Pdf Programme
Opening Of Thrumster Station Garden
After much planning and fund raising the combined efforts of local
Thrumster groups and individuals has culminated in the opening of
Thrumster Station garden. Arras MacKay and Jim Rosie cutting the ribbon.
Arras worked there as a young man, and continued on the railway in Wick
after the little Wick/Lybster line closed, as did Jim's father. Jim and
his brother and sister were born in the station-master's house next door.
Viewfirth Diary Room Got Mount Pleasant School Kids Ideas
Viewfirth Diary Room has been collecting ideas for new community
facilities at the site of the former social club in Thurso. This
week the Diary Room arrived in Mount Pleasant school where the children
were invited to have their say in the Diary Room.
Mount Pleasant Primary School, Thurso
Ewan McGregor "The Long Way Down" Started At John O'Groats On Saturday
of the message board contributors "Elenna" has posted photos of Ewan
McGregor, his brother and the team making the trip on motor bikes that
started yesterday at John O'Groats. They will be heading for Cape
Town at the southern end of Africa. The trip will take a few months
with a film being made similar to the one they made a couple of years back
"The Long Way Round"
Mcgregor/ charlie boorman in the forum.
Sponsored Abseil
For Caithness Early Years
Autism Centre
Mark Norton from Barrock, Caithness, and his
father Hugh Norton braved the pouring rain on Saturday (12th May 2007) to
participate in a sponsored abseil event. The fund raising initiative was
Mark's idea to try to help the
Caithness Early Years Autism Centre (CEYAC)
raise funds for a Smart Interactive Whiteboard. Wondering what a
Smart Interactive White Board is then
Click Here to see one product. These boards are replacing
the traditional blackboards in many schools making lessons more
10 May 2007
Sandside Beach Debated In House Of Commons Yesterday
In the debate kicked off by Iain Duncan Smith, MP
(Chingford & Woodford Green,
Conservative) John Thurso MP (Caithness, Sutherland
and Easter Ross) set out the problems for Caithness as well as some of the
work ongoing regarding the future, Mr Minter, UKAEA and
the public highlighting his own involvement along with others in trying to
help the parties - Mr Minter and UKAEA to reach a settlement. John
Thurso also obtained an assurance that the Secretary of State previously
sent an
invitation to visit Caithness would have this reinforced by Jim Fitzpatrick
(Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry).
John Thurso, MP is member of the
steering group for the public consultation to find the best
practicable environmental option for dealing with the particles. Are
we nearly there yet?????
9 May 2007
Inverness Features Six Cities Design Festival Exhibitions
Inverness Museum and Art Gallery is presenting two exhibitions during
May and June which are part of the Scottish Executive �3million funded Six
Cities Design Festival. Aberdeen, Dundee, Stirling, Glasgow, Edinburgh and
Inverness are participating in the Festival which is aimed at celebrating
and raising awareness of the value of design and creativity. The
exhibitions will be on show at the newly refurbished Inverness Museum and
Art Gallery from 12th May till the 2nd June. Can we learn something
for our towns and villages in Caithness from some of what is happening in
this design festival?
Council cracks down on litter louts in
Inverness �50 Fixed Penalty - Will Caithness Be Next?
The Highland Council is actively pursuing people who drop litter in the
centre of Inverness in a campaign to keep the Capital of the Highlands
clean and tidy. People who carelessly discard litter in any open place are
committing a criminal offence under the Environment Protection Act 1990,
Throwing litter from vehicles onto public land is also a littering offence
under section 87 of the same act. The term "litter" includes: wrappers,
cans, bottles or packaging, food remains, receipts and tickets, sweet
wrappings, chewing gum and all smoking related materials. In Inverness,
The Highland Council has officers who have been given the powers to issue
fixed penalty notices and they are patrolling all the streets within
Inverness City Centre supported by Northern Constabulary.
Local Firm Thwarts School Book Scam
A local Caithness firm has been in touch with us to say they
thwarted the book scam being tried on them. They requested a tape of
the conversation where they were alleged to have agreed to the
payment for the books. The Caithness firm asked for tape of the
conversation. that was not forthcoming. However a bill for
�300 arrived which had to be paid before the books would be
delivered to the school. the firm alluded to another mythical
conversation claiming it was a verbal contract. The Caithness
firm demanded a copy of the tape of the conversation once again.
It has never arrived. In all this the name of local head
teacher was used without her permission. All businesses should
be on the alert for this scam and for bills that may appear shortly
afterwards. Don't Get Caught - Warn All Caithness
Businesses and elsewhere if you have contacts. We recommend
all businesses send all details to Trading Standards as soon as
possible if you are contacted by a firm doing this.
Ranger Guided
Walks In North Sutherland in May 2007
Thursday 10th May 7 � 9.30pm. Cnoc an Fhreiceadain (Watch Hill)
and Ben Tongue
Thursday 17th May 7 � 10pm. Strathy Pools and the Priest Stone.
Sunday 27th May 10.30am � 4.30pm. Ben Hutig.
More Walks With Caithness And Sutherland Walking Festival
Police News
Suspicious persons and vehicle
Between 0145 hours and 0200 hours, on 02/05/2007 within Helmsdale, two
males were disturbed in suspicious circumstances apparently attempting to
remove a generator. The males are described as both early 20's, between
5'8" and 5'10", and slim build. Under the street light they appeared to
have either fair or bleached hair, short but not
Businesses Asked To be Wary Of Book Sellling Scam For Local Schools
Head Teachers in Caithness are concerned that local businesses may be
approached to sponsor books. The schools know nothing about these
approaches by a company selling the books. Local businesses are approached
and asked to sponsor books on a certain subject - often road safety or
drug education or health related matters. They are asked for money and
specific schools are mentioned BUT the schools are completely ignorant of
this. In most cases the material is of no use as it is not suitable and
even if it is suitable, very little use is made of it as the schools
already have programmes for most health topics which have resources which
they like.
Naver Fun Day In Thurso Raised �2000 For Maggie Cancer Care Centre
The organisers would like to say thankyou to everyone who participated in
any way in helping to raise the magnificent sum of �2000 for the Maggie
Cancer Centre in Inverness. They will try to organise a slightly
warmer day next time.
Thurso High School In Green Awards Final
Thurso High School is one of eight schools to make it through to the final
of the Big Green Challenge. Eight schools from the Highlands and Islands
are to battle it out for a coveted place in the final of the region's
first debating competition tackling one of the most talked-about subjects
of the 21st century - renewable energy. The teams take to the floor in the
main conference suite at Ross County Football Club on Tuesday 22nd May for
the regional heats of The Big Green Challenge sponsored by Highlands and
Islands Enterprise.
Halkirk Ladies Tug Of War Team Looking For New Recruits
Halkirk ladies Tug of War team are on the look out for new recruits to
boost their squad for the Scottish Championships to be held this summer in
Stirling. A "Come and Try" night has been organised for Wednesday 16th
May, at Gerston Farm, Halkirk at 7.30pm where expert coaching will be
given. Team Captain Catherine Murray explained that Tug of War training
can be a useful way to get fit and keep fit. She also stressed that TOW is
not all about strength and that technique is very bit as important if not
more so. No previous experience is necessary. Anyone interested should
either turn up at Gerston or for more information, Catherine can be
contacted on 07712649642 or email
The Halkirk Ladies TOW Team has been very successful in competitions -
See Here
8 May 2007
Wick High
Media Studies Group Produce Charity CD
Students of Grant Mackenzie's 6th year Media Studies class have
produced a 5 track EP intended to raise funds for the School's Special
Education Unit. The EP contains all original material from three groups.
'The Yigadee Sessions' (The Media Studies group charged with writing the
recording material) 'Unholy Confessions' (formerly WhiteNoize), a local
Heavy Metal quintet, and 'Liquid Blue'. a local rock quartet. These bands
went out to record their album at the recording studio of renowned local
producer Isaac Sutherland based at Dunnet Head. Isaac Sutherland is the
son of John Sutherland of the J Fats band. The CD is on sale at the school
at only �5. The CD will also be available at newsagents D R Simpsons.
Caithness And Sutherland Walking Festival Had Good Day To Get Started

The fourth Caithness & Sutherland Walking Festival got off to a good start
on Saturday with five walkers enjoying the delights of Dorrery with the
RSPB and 24 on the Gartymore walk. There was a good turn out to watch and
listen to the Wick Pipe Band, and the weather was kind to us.The backdrop
of the river and hills with the pipers in the foreground was a real
picture. Writer and journalist Bruce Sandison extolled the virtues of
walking in Caithness and Sutherland, then the band led the walkers off
across the Telford Bridge led by Jacquie Aitken of Timespan.
Caithness And Sutherland Walking Festival Programme
Slide Shows Of Walking Festival Opening With Wick Pipe Band Music
Pdf Programme
7 May 2007
Ackergill Mains
mid nineteenth century farm buildings at Ackergill Mains are amongst the
best preserved in the county. The buildings were erected by Sir
George Sutherland Dunbar who carried out farming improvements that became
famous all over the UK. The surrounding cottages are also in
excellent condition. The farm buildings are still in use today.
Two chimney stacks built at different times were used as part of the
furnaces for powering machinery. A piece of farming building history
still in use and perhaps should be better known than they are.
Looking Over Milton

Milton lies just outside Wick on the road to Thurso. Click through
for larger images
Milton Index
New Heating System Spreading Out Underground In Wick
but surely a revolution in home heating is spreading out in Wick.
The laying of pipe work reached Macrae Street and Brown Place.
Caithness Heat and Power now has it new wood chip furnace being installed
and contracts for the wood chip are in place. The new heating system
for homes gives unlimited heating and hot water for fixed weekly price.
Caithness Heat and
Power Index
Give Blood At Wick Assembly Rooms - Tuesday 8th May
- 4.00pm and 5.00pm 8.00pm
Miller Academy 1950s
Thurso West Public School

Photos supplied by David William Bridge
Main Schooldays Index
Crossroads School Early Photos

Photos supplied by Katherine Robertson-Wilson
- Main School Days Index
Unemployment Update - March 2007
The March 2007 unemployment figures were released on 14th March 2007.
During the month, February 2007 to March 2007, the number of people
claiming unemployment benefit in Great Britain fell by 1.9%, from 948,577
to 930,094 (18,483 claimants). Caithness and Sutherland unemployment fell
as at March 2007 to 722 claimants for benefit with the percentage dropping
for unemployment benefit claimants by 3% between Feb 07 and March 07. The
percentage drop between March 06 and March 07 was 11.6%.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) Board Heads To Thurso
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) will be holding its next public
board meeting at the Pentland Hotel in Thurso on Tuesday May 15, 2007.
Chair for HIE Caithness and Sutherland Pat Buchanan will begin proceedings
by welcoming the board to Caithness. HIE chair William Roe said: "Growing
businesses, making global connections, developing skills and strengthening
communities are key objectives for the HIE network and particularly
relevant to Caithness and Sutherland. Our goal is to enable local
communities and businesses to diversify and strengthen the economic base,
which will in turn boost confidence and help attract more people to the
6 May 2007
Local Man With
Extensive Genealogy Research Experience Upgrades Web Site
Gordon Johnson who lives at Papigoe has recently upgraded his website
which features help for genealogists, new and experienced. Popular is a
series of genealogical indexes to Scottish source books; and he has
various hints and tips; a directory of libraries and archives; and a
collection of news items dredged up from past centuries, under the heading
Kayaks Rounding Duncansby Head

Kayaks were recently seen rounding Duncansby Head. Also a nice photo
of the Stacs Of Duncansby during some of our great weather recently.
Duncansby Head is a very popular place to see Seabirds due to the cliffs
being opposite each other and clear views of the nesting birds can be had
looking from one cliff to another. Take your binoculars from some
close-ups of the thousands of nests of many different types of seabird to
be seen at this time of year.
Seabird City
Castle Of Mey Tearoom - Just Right For A Snack After Looking Round
recently opened tea room at Castle of Mey is likely to be a hit with
visitors. Castle of Mey is now one of the biggest tourist
attractions in the north of Scotland with many visitors arriving by road
and by sea via boats calling at Scrabster. Now they can get a drink
and something to eat after their visit to the castle and gardens.
Castle Of Mey
Caithness Castles Index
Thurso Folk Gave Ideas At Viewfirth Steering Group Big Brother Diary Room
Thurso precinct on 28th April community views were obtained by using the
Big Brother Diary Room approach. The needs of Thurso in respect of
community facilities and the possibility of a new facility at the
Viewfirth site were discussed. The 'diary tent' had been designed by
Shelagh Swanson and participants went inside the 'tent' and made a video
of themselves saying what they thought Thurso needs re community
facilities. All the video recordings will be compiled into a DVD at the
end, by local Skerray artist Gavin Lockhart and be used as part of the
Viewfirth consultation.
Ormlie Community Association is one of the partners in the
Viewfirth Steering Group Initiative.
Thrumster Station And Garden Opening Ceremony
Tuesday 8 May at 2.30pm
There is to be an opening ceremony at Thrumster Station and Garden with
Arras MacKay, who once worked there, and Jim Rosie, whose father worked
there. Any interested folk are invited to come along.
Thrumster Station was once on the Wick Lybster Railway that disappeared
many years ago.
Clear Out Your Old Books To Help A Wick Church Building Repair Fund
Cheap second-hand books will be on sale at St. John's church hall, Moray
Street, Pultenytown, Wick on Saturday May 19th, 10 am till 3 pm.
The books, all in good condition, are almost all priced between 20p and
50p each, so there will be plenty of real bargains to be found. All
proceeds go to the building and repair fund of St. John's church down at
the corner of the road. We have many hundreds of books, all donated -
which is why they are so cheap! Categories are Children's (20p); adult
non-fiction (mostly 50p);
adult fiction (paperback 30p, hardback 30p). There may be a few cds and
videos, and probably a few Large Print Books - all at 50p each. Donations
of books for the sale will be accepted on the day at the hall, but if you
want to donate books at any other time, contact Gordon Johnson
Bees Butterflies and Bugs 2007
new Bees Butterflies and Bugs section has now been set up for 2007 so if
anyone would like to add to this section just email photos to
bill@caithness.org We
recently mentioned a Bumble Bee Survey being carried out by the
Bumble Bee Conservation Trust and Gordon Mackie has sent in a
photo he has had confirmed by the trust as a White Tailed Bumble Bee Queen
(Bombus locorum). They have asked folk to look out for any
Great Yellow Bumble Bees (Bombus
distinguendus) and to send in photos. These can be found
on the far north coast of Caithness and Sutherland.
In 2003
Caithness Field Club had an interesting outing looking at Bumble Bees In
Caithness. However the main thing for the web site is to
gather any nice photos of Bees Butterflies, Moths etc and we will add them
to the gallery. If you can identify them so much the better.
Nature Index
Election Campaign Comments From Bill
Bill walked about 250,000 steps in his election campaign. He
wore a pedometer throughout and was in every street, lane, stair etc
during the past three weeks. Bill noted that Wick has a huge number of
trampolines in gardens these days and he expects some child to become a
future Olympic star. If trampoline numbers keep increasing Bill will
consider bouncing round for his next campaign.
Election Over - Resuming Normal Service.............
5 May 2007
Volunteer With Home-Start Caithness
A Volunteer Preparation Course will be held within the Ormlie Centre,
Henderson Street, Thurso, on Fridays 11th and 18th May from 9.30am �
2.30pm. If you are interested, please come along, or contact Home-Start
Election Results At Highland Council
Caithness Results - Councillors elected showing the Single Transferable
Vote - First Preferences
To see the full result with additional votes transferred click the ward
Landward Caithness (4 Elected)

Turn out = 57.26% Valid votes = 4,631 Quota = 927
David Bremner (SNP) 871, Willie Mackay (Independent) 845, David Flear
(LibDem) 805, Robert Coghill (Independent) 657
Thurso (3 Elected)

Turn out 52.97% Valid votes = 3,324 Quota = 832
Donnie Mackay (Independent) 1001, John Rosie (Independent) 704,
Marion Thurso (Lib Dem) 541
Wick (3 Elected)

Turn out 46.35% Valid votes = 2,621 Quota = 656
Bill Fernie (Independent) 793, Katrina MacNab (Independent) 451,
Graeme Smith (LibDem) 407
Scottish Parliament Results For Highland And Islands
Caithness Sutherland and Easter Ross
Stone (Lib Dem) wins with increased majority of 2323 (turnout 55.52%
Regional List Results For Highlands and Islands
Peter Peacock
Scottish Labour Party
Mary Scanlon
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Rhoda Grant
Scottish Labour Party
Rob Gibson
Scottish National Party (SNP)
Jamie McGrigor
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
David Stewart
Scottish Labour Party
David Thompson
Scottish National Party (SNP)
4 May 2007
Council Candidates In Caithness
Scottish Parliament Candidates
Election News Highland Council Web Site
Scottish Elections News - BBC
3 May 2007
HERONS - The 2007 Census
- Can You Help?
As a predator at the top of the freshwater food chain, Grey Herons are
excellent indicators of environmental health in the countryside. The
British Trust for Ornithology's Heronries Census began in 1928 and is the
longest-running breeding-season monitoring scheme in the world. The aim of
this census is to collect annual nest counts of Grey Herons Ardea
cinerea from as many sites as possible in the United Kingdom.
Historically, there are records of 16 Heronries in Caithness, but in 2005
only one colony was reported. If you know of any Heron nesting sites in
Caithness, please report this to
btocaithness@yahoo.co.uk , including the date you visited, the
estimated/actual number of nests, and where the colony is located.
Ideally, give an Ordnance Survey grid reference.
2 May 2007
5-21 MAY 2007
WEEKEND - 12th AND 13th MAY 2007
Full Programme
Craft Business For Wick - "Made In Caithness" - Opens Thursday 3

exciting new business venture is set to open up opportunities for craft
people in High Street, Wick. "Made In Caithness" is a new shop given
entirely over to high quality craft items. Based in the former music shop
the new business will offer the chance for people in the Caithness craft
industries to sell their products right in the main street. Julie Bolton
who has set up the new venture is offering people who make high quality
products the chance to sell them by renting shelves in the shop that has been newly
refitted. There has been significant interest from crafters and the shop
is filling up with merchandise in advance of the opening on 3 May 2007.
The product range is wide ranging from Caithness chairs, jewellery,
prints, ladies hats, candles and much more.
Newsletter - North Primary School, Wick
1 May 2007
HMIE report on Thrumster Primary School, Caithness
A recently published HMI report on two-teacher
Thrumster Primary School
Caithness, has praised the very good standards of attainment in English
language and mathematics, together with teachers' high expectations of
pupils' overall achievements. Also highlighted are the pupils' positive
attitude to learning, the high quality of teaching and the very good
leadership of the head teacher. The good quality of relationships between
the school, home and the wider community is praised as was the warm caring
climate fostered by the staff. They recommended that the head teacher
should develop the role of parents in monitoring and evaluating the life
and work of the school.
Education Index
Wick High School Production "Grease" Needs Clothes Donations Or Loans -
Can You Help?
We are doing a production of Grease this June and the 'wardobe wifies' are
looking for some help from the community in sourcing some old black or
dark coloured blouson style leather jackets. We need these to be donations
as we have to put tape for the T-Birds logo on the back and this might
mark the jackets. We are also looking for donations or loans of the
Sixties style dresses or modern prom dresses with flared skirts.
Coloured men's jackets - Circular skirts - Man's white suit or jacket in
small size
Gold lame or silver jackets or the type of coloured jackets the Showbands
wore in the sixties
Neon and bright coloured ankle socks
Any other Grease-type clothing which folks might have lurking in their
wardrobes post Gala night.
Contact Kathy Wares at Wick High 603333 if you can help or hand in
items to school office. (Please state whether a donation or loan) Loans
should have the lender's name and address.
Mock Election At Mount Pleasant School
& P7 at Mount Pleasant School in Thurso held a mock election on Tuesday
1st May. Two classes were involved with 7 candidates making speeches to
outline their policies. The SNP were the winners.
Citizen Tube -
Is This The Future For Elections
Here is way for almost anyone to get their views over and it's not just
the politicians but ordinary people expressing their views about elections
and all things political. Politicians probably won't like it - the
rest of us probably will.
Check out Alan Smart on Citizen Tube. Fish around and you
will find plenty more on youtube. Or another
Happy Birthday Tony Blair
Gibson's Election Leaflet

Rob Gibson has emailed in his leaflet. We are not searching leaflets out.
Any that are emailed will be published if time allows.
Archives From Front Page