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Health & Welfare

We are gradually moving groups to the NEW COMMUNITY SECTION

Send your latest details and information to [email protected]

Community Pages 24 Dash Health News Dental Helpline 0845 6442271

Give Blood Dates

Caithness Groups
Medical Services

Highland Advocacy

Alcohol & Drugs
Alcoholics Anonymous
Drug and Alcohol

Blood Donations In Caithness
Dates Links Information

Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Group
& the Miscarriage Association

See the new community section

Conditions Support
Ankylosing Spondylitis

Arthritis Research Campaign
Asthma Society Caithness Branch
Caithness Lupus Support Group
Crohns & Colitis Support Group
Cystic Fibrosis
British Diabetic Association Caithness Branch
Devlopmental Coordination Disorders
Downs Syndrome Support Group
Dyspraxia Support Group
Headway Highland Head Injuries
Kidney Dialysis Support Group
Kidney Patients Association Highlands & Islands
ME Group

Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis Society Caithness Branch
See Also
MS Therapy Centre - Wick

Also known as North of Scotland Friends of ARMS offering Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy

Neurological Group
Parkinson Support Group
Highland Antenatal and Postnatal Illness Support (HAPIS)
Spina Bifida Sufferers Caithness

Dental Helpline Highland
08456 442271  9.00 - 4.00 Mon - Fri
Advice on services in your area and emergencies. From Jan 04

Emergency Medical Advice
NHS 24  - Call 08454 242424  FREE Service

Health - Patients Views
Health Council
Patients Council In Caithness

Highland Council

Heart & Stroke
Heart Foundation British
Heart Support Group Caithness
Chest, Heart & Stroke North Highland Branch

Mental Health
Action on Stress & Phobias
Alzheimer Scotland
Mental Health Support Group Caithness
Has Day Centres In Wick and Thurso

Schizophrenia Fellowship Thurso Group

Caithness Breast Friends

Physical Activity
Arthritis Care Thurso

LEAD Scotland Linking Education & Disability
Physical Aids Directory Equipment & Assistance
Remap Caithness & Sutherland

Highlands Against Racist Crime (HARC)

Services through Victim Support in a separate project

Sight & Hearing
Blind Society Highland
Caithness Deaf Care
Caithness Deaf Club

Caithness Talking Newspapers

Redesigning of Caithness Community Health Services
Strategic Redesign Group

Other Health Groups
Men and Health

Health Services
Medical Services in Caithness
Caithness General Hospital


Highland Domestic Abuse Forum
Rape & Abuse Line
Highland Domestic Abuse Strategy
Victim Support - Caithness
Womens Aid Outreach Service

Benefits Agencies
Benefits Agency Wick

Care & Carers
Carers National Association Caithness Branch
Crossroads - Caithness

CHAS - Children's HospiceAssociation Scotland
Children in the Highlands Information Point
Save the Children Caithness Branch


Citizen's Advice Bureau
Citizen's Advice Bureau Caithness

Day Centres
Bayview (Thurso)
Canisbay & Dunnet Day Care
Dunbeath & District
Laurandy (Braehead Charity)
Mey Community
Pulteney House
Wellington Centre

Residential & Care Homes
Residential & Care Homes

Action Research Caithness
Friends of The Samaritans
Highland Hospice Caithness & Sutherland
Julie Wheatcroft Trust Fund
Caithness General Hospital League of Friends
Dunbar Hospital League of Friends
Leukemia Research Fund
Murray MacLeod Pain Relief Fund
Thurso Wheelchair Fund

Caithness Community Transport (Dial A Ride)

West Caithness Community Transport
FREE Transport for over 60's and Disabled
Application forms for the Older Persons or Disabled Persons scheme are available from Service Points or Post Offices and for the Young Persons scheme that gives discounts at Service Points and schools.

Other Support Groups
North of Scotland of ARMS Action for Research

Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners RBS
Salvation Army Thurso
Salvation Army Wick
SSAFA Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen Families Association
Women's Royal Voluntary Service WRVS - Thurso
Women's Royal Voluntary Service WRVS - Wick

Other Welfare Groups
Caithness Community Transport
Highland Community Mediation
Marriage Counseling Highland
Money Advice Service - Highland
Ormlie Community Association
Sleep Scotland

Caithness Handyperson Scheme

Health Links
Highland and worldwide
Alternative Therapies
Community Care Links 
Complementary Medicine
Disability Information

General Health Links Inc Highland Sites
Health Education & Tutorials
Health Shopping

Herbal Remedies

Mental Health


Food Related
Recipes & Food

Milk Or Not Milk

NHS 24

Links And Information

NHS Highland

New Groups - Get a Free page on Caithness.org by sending in your details and updates to [email protected]

Latest Health News

Earlier Health & Welfare News

NHS Highland BOARD MEETINGS    NHS Highland Web Site
The meeting is open to the public and the press.   Communications Manager, is the Board’s contact for the press.  He can be contacted on 01463 717312 or on the Board’s main number 01463 717123.

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