First Ward Forum Meeting For Wick
The first Ward Forum for The Highland Council electoral ward of
Wick will take place in the Norseman Hotel, Wick on Tuesday 11
September from 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm. The meeting will be held in
public and there will be a 20 minute session at the close of the
meeting for the public to ask questions. The aim of the forum is to
provide an effective scrutiny of the way the Council provides
services in the Wick Ward. The meeting will be attended by the three
councillors who serve Wick, Councillors Bill Fernie (Chair), Katrina
MacNab,and Graeme Smith - as well as representatives from community
councils, the police and other partner agencies. Councillor Fernie
said: ""I am looking forward to using the new council structures as
a means for hearing from the public directly and hopefully forming a
partnership not just with the public bodies but anyone in the area
who wants to help us make things better.........
Doors Open Days Begin On Saturday 1 September
All over Scotland doors Open Days are happening in the next week
or so. Caithness has several places open on Saturday 8th
September. Take a look at the listings and check out a
building or venue near you.
30 August 2007
Scorrie Scoop Jackpot Up Again To �1400 - Get Your Tickets To
Support Wick Academy
Jackpot winners in the latest Scorrie Scoop draw but three �10
winners including your lucky web master. The three winners
were - Morag McInnes, Barbara MacGregor and Bill Fernie.
Energy Minister, Malcolm Wicks and David Cairns, MP, Minister of
State at the Scotland Office will travel north to attend the
Caithness Conference. The conference to be held on 14th September
2007 will identify the actions needed to grow existing or attract
new business to the area to offset the impact of the reduction of
jobs at Dounreay as the decommissioning progresses. Organised by
Caithness Partnership, in association with the Dounreay Stakeholder
Group, the morning session will focus on workshops specifically
designed to discuss the six key themes of the Caithness and North
Sutherland Socio Economic Strategy and identify the necessary
actions to move forward.
Caithness Partnership
Dounreay Stakeholder Group
Caithness Conference
Exhibition Of Photos - Bilbster Hall Saturday, 1 September 2.00pm
- 5.00pm
Bilbster hall will be holding an exhibition of photos left to the
Hall by Sonny Bain. There are more than 60 photos, covering a whole
variety of school photos, club photos, some scenes and agricultural
photos. The photos include Bilbster, Tannach, Stirkoke and Wick. The
timescale goes from an 1890 photo of Wick cycle club, to photos from
the 1980s. The photos came as a surprise to the Bilbster hall
committee, and Sonny Bain had framed and prepared the photos
recently. The exhibition will be open from 2 to 5pm, and tea will be
served. Entry is free, and there will be a raffle.
MacMillan Cancer Support Fundraiser - At Wick Swimming Pool
Friday 7th Sept 07 from 4.30pm. In conjunction with the
schools annual Swimming Gala Introducing the Norma Smith Memorial
Shield. Wet Sponge Throwing (at John and Chunky shackled in stocks),
Raffles Toy Tombola, Bottle Stall Baking Stall, Hot dogs Tea, Cakes
& Refreshments.
29 August 2007
Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd Resume Sales After Restrictions Lifted
& Highland Marts Limited held their first Prime sale since the
restrictions on the movement of livestock were lifted following the
Foot and Mouth outbreak in England. The firm had their firs sale of
over 2000 lambs in Portree on Monday the 27th August 2007 and have
rescheduled sales over the next fortnight as follows...................Also
Dingwall Mart report from 28th August
Farming Index
28 August 2007
A Talk On Fireworks And How to Deal With Your Dog On Or Before
Bonfire Night
Labrador Rescue have arranged a talk on how to
deal with dogs who are frightened of fireworks on and before bonfire
night. The talk will be in the Assembly Rooms Wick from 7.00pm to
9.30pm on Tuesday 11 September. Admission is �3 to cover costs
of the hall. No dogs please.
Doors Open Days In Caithness - 8 September
Check out the Caithness places open for all to see on Saturday 8
Within Highland, Doors Open Days 2007 is locally co-ordinated by The
Highland Council, Caithness Archaeological Trust and Inverness City
Heritage Trust. Events will take place on three weekends in
September allowing free access to participating buildings with the
aim of encouraging people to enjoy a wide range of buildings, both
old and modern in the Highlands.
For other parts of Scotland click
HERE Check dates for other areas.
27 August 2007
Young Drivers And Parents Of Young Drivers Really Really Need To
Look At this Seriously
Young drivers urged to take up Pass Plus Scheme
An extra 295 young drivers will get the chance to take advanced
driving instruction through the Highland Wellbeing Alliance's Pass
Plus Scheme this year, thanks to a �40,000 funding boost from The
Highland Council's Community Safety Unit. This extra 295 places
bring the total of Pass Plus Scheme opportunities to 644 young
people throughout the Highlands and gives them the added offer of
cheaper motor insurance; improved driving skills; and more
confidence if they successfully complete the scheme.
The Highland Wellbeing Alliance is encouraging more new drivers to
take part in the Pass Plus Scheme because:
a driver aged 17-25 is six times more likely to be involved in an
injury accident than a driver aged over 40;
the probability of having an accident is reduced by 1/3 after
only one year's driving experience;
Scotia Review Open Mic Night - Tuesday 28th August 8.00pm at Comm
Bar, Thurso
Go along with your GUITAR, FIDDLE, SPOONS or just your VOICE to
Fun Day - Rabbit & Cavy Show At Scrabster Community Hall Saturday
1st September
Saturday 1st September head over to Scrabster Community Hall for the
Rabbit and Cavy show set up to be fun for all the family. Entries
for the show should be in place by 9.30am with judging starting at
10.00am. Entries need to be in by today for the show. Doors
open to the public 2.00 - 4.00pm. Donkey rides, Face Painting,
Bottle Stall etc.
entrepreneurs in the Highlands and Islands now have the chance to
turn their business dreams into reality thanks to a 'Dragon's
Den'-style competition. The competition, which is run in partnership
with Inverness College UHI, UHI Millennium Institute, Highlands and
Islands Enterprise and The Prince's Scottish Youth Business Trust,
offers �2000 in cash prizes for winning entries, and all entrants
will receive advice on how to take their business idea forward.
Carol Langston, Business and Management Lecturer at Inverness
College UHI, said: "We believe there are many people in the
Highlands and Islands with interesting and innovative business ideas
and we want to encourage them to follow them through. This
competition is a friendlier version of the TV entrepreneurship
programme, Dragon's Den - candidates don't need to submit a full
business plan - all they have to do is fill in an application form
with four straightforward questions.
26 August 2007
Strongman Competition In Thurso

Strongman Photos Here
Staxigoe Fun Day

25 August 2007
Calder's History Of Caithness Postscript
Now In
After a break of almost four years we
are delighted to be able to add another section to Calder's 'History
of Caithness' to the web site. an it is thanks to a volunteer
who has offered his services to complete the exercise. Dave
Taylor offered to help complete the book and there are many of you
who will be grateful for his efforts in helping Bill Fernie to
complete the book. The Postscript runs to 14 pages in the real
world whereas here we have it on one web page. The Postscript
is packed with information and a poem "The Battle Of Altimarlach"
- we have featured this previously elsewhere. The sections yet to be
completed are large so there is yet more very interesting history to come
with Pref. 2nd Edition, Publishers Preface, Memoir of Author, Notes To 2nd
Edition, Miscellaneous and Caithness In 1887. Thanks again to Dave
Taylor for his generous offer and time in compiling the text for the web
Calder's History Of
Caithness Index
Wick Academy's Scorrie Scoop Jackpot Now At �1300
Weekly draw set up to help Wick Academy increase its funds has got off to
good start but no one has so far won the big prize and it is beginning to
grow with this weeks prize standing at �1300. So remember to get
your tickets and support the local team. All the profits will go to
improving the team and ground upgrades and making sure that transport can
be paid for to away games.
Places To Buy Tickets
Wick Academy
Front Page
24 August 2007
urges young people to apply for allowance
Young people staying on at Secondary schools in the Highlands are being
urged by Highland Council�s Education, Culture and Sport Service "not to
miss out" and to apply for an Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) which
could be worth up to �1,500 to each pupil. An EMA is a weekly payment of
up to �30, paid directly to eligible young people who stay on in school
after they reach statutory leaving age. Young people may also be eligible
for two bonuses of �150 if they remain on their course and make the
necessary progress with their learning.
Highland Council Supports National Campaign To Protect Children

Highland�s Child Protection Committee is supporting the national
campaign to raise community awareness of child protection issues by
mounting an awareness campaign this week. Highland�s public agencies are
re-stating the importance of community vigilance for keeping children
safe and promoting a national child protection line that the public can
use if they have any concerns about the safety of a child. The
freephone number is 0800 022 32 22. This service helps members of the
public to sort out the most appropriate organisation to speak to when
they have a concern about a child�s welfare or safety. It will also
connect them to that organisation if they wish.
Staxigoe Fun Day - Saturday 25th 2.00pm
Staxigoe Hall Committee are holding a Funday on Sunday 25th August 2007
from 2pm at the Harbour, Staxigoe. A few highlights from the day are
Balloon Race, Bouncy Castle, BBQ, Beat the Goalie - Get along and give
them some support!
East Caithness Development Group are delighted to announce that a
project to supply and install new play equipment in Dunbeath Playing
Field has been successfully completed. The group worked in partnership
with the community council, the community centre, the Highland Council
who installed and will maintain the equipment, and the Rural Development
Small Award Fund who provided the funding to purchase the equipment.
Festival Presents Flook and Anam At Thurso High
One of
the highlights of this years Blas Festival is the fact that two renowned
groups will be playing at Thurso High School on Tuesday 4th September.
Tickets range from �5 for children/school pupils, �10 for Senior
Citizens and �12 for adults. If web sites are anything to go by then
these two groups have masses of mentions across the web not to mention
their own web sites both official and at My Space for samples. On their
own anyone one them could take to the stage. In a group setting Flook or
Anam could run a concert on their own. Coming together in one evening of
entertainment it will be a truly memorable night. Between them the
members of these two groups have a truly awesome range of talents.
Definitely not to be missed as the only Blas event in Caithness this
A Berry Business In Caithness Packs Local Flavour Into Cocktails
Berry Good is a new Caithness business that is focusing on producing
quality fruit flavoured vodka. Using strawberries and raspberries which
are infused with a top quality vodka produces a bright coloured drink
that's bursting with berriness! Straight Strawberry and Really Raspberry
are two flavours which are in production but the business hopes to
expand its range of spirits and flavours in the future. No artificial
flavours or colours are used in the production process - just real
fruit. The fruit is supplied by established Caithness berry growers
George and Patricia Sutherland at Halkirk. Only Scottish berries will be
used in production and the majority of which will be sourced locally.
Strong Man 2007
for Ellan Bridge, Thurso on Saturday 25th August at 12.45pm to see the strongmen of
Caithness tackle events such as Lorry Pull, Car Lift, Squat, Tyre Flip,
Shoulder Press and Farmers Walk. Plenty for the kids to do at the
23 August 2007
All Employers - FREE Employment Ads on
Its easier than ever to place job advertisements on the Internet.
But how many place with huge coverage are FREE. More than you
think but why look further than our job pages. Currently the jobs
on offer are listed below. More and more local employers are
saving money with FREE Job Ads. Take it while its FREE is may not
last for ever.
3 Peaks 24 Hour
Challenge, Completed On 11th / 12th August 2007
For Meningitis Research Foundation
Macaulay originally from Wick, his family, and his friends who
participated in this 3 Peaks 24 Hour Challenge, sincerely thank all who
have personally contributed to the event. Company / Organisation
sponsorships also received from Baker Atlas, Jacobs Engineering, Morgan
Vinci Contractors, William Mackay Precast, EMAT Technology, and
Stonehaven & District Lions Club. Three Wick Men took part, Ross
Macaulay, John Boyle and James Boyle, and broke 9 hours on the mountains
section ( target time for this part is 13 hours ) Finances raised for
Meningitis Research Foundation � over �5,000 and still counting.
Donations can still be accepted at Macaulay, 17 March Road, Wick, KW1
5TY or via the web site set up for this event
http://www/ Well Done Guys!!
At least a few Wickers are extremely fit.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise network 2007
HIE network has decided to publish a simple narrative account of its
activities in 2006-07 in advance of publishing its formal annual report
and accounts. The report is perhaps a more readable account of what has
happened over the preceding year. It takes the form of a series of short
narratives about a range of topics from across the region. The story for
Caithness and Sutherland is entitled 'Regeneration for the north'
Regeneration for the north
structure to deliver a regeneration strategy is being overseen by an
executive board comprising the chief executives of HIE and Highland
Council and the director of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Region
4. Following a period of public consultation on the strategy for Caithness
and north Sutherland, a detailed action plan is being developed with the
input of partner organisations.
forward - Sandy Cumming, Chief Executive of Highlands and Islands
has just come through a period of extensive internal change, reshaping its
structures to deliver a new set of strategic priorities. Yet Sandy is
aware that serious challenges still need to be addressed by HIE and its
partners. Here, he assesses the scale of some of these challenges and
shows how HIE is continuing to adapt to meet the new opportunities of the
21st century.
22 August 2007
Nuclear site workers plan strike - BBC News
at a nuclear site in Caithness looks set to be disrupted after union
members among the workforce voted to strike next Wednesday.
Dounreay On
Dounreay Web Site
Dounreay Stakeholder Group
Jim Mather, Energy, Enterprise
and Tourism Minister Met Local Business People
for Enterprise, Energy and Tourism Jim Mather was in Caithness on 14 August
2007 to talk to local businesses and organisations about potential economic
opportunities. He visited marine electronics manufacturer
Kongsberg Maritime Ltd and SubSea 7 who manufacture pipeline bundles and
are seeking to diversify into the renewables sector. He then had a working
lunch with a range of business people at the Captain�s Galley in
Regeneration Caithness & North
North Highlands
Produce Showcased At Ackergill
bountiful selection of the best of the North Highlands food and drink
produce, brought together by HIE Caithness and Sutherland, was visited
by HRH Prince Charles recently. Producers from throughout Caithness and
Sutherland gathered together at
Tower near Wick to welcome national and local buyers. In 2005 His
Royal Highness launched the North Highland Initiative to improve the
economy and sustainability of the area by developing a new brand to sell
the region's produce - Mey Selections.
Regeneration Caithness & North
21 August 2007
Missing Cat Now Found - 22 August 07
Missing Cat - Jack From Glengolly, Thurso - Have
You Seen Him?
Jack has gone missing from Glengolly area outside Thurso. He is black -
short-haired - VERY friendly - small white hairs on shoulder blades - no
collar - he is 3 years old.He has been gone 2 weeks now. He may be
in the Halkirk, Janetstown, Glengolly, Calder areas.
Today At Caithness General Hospital - Open To The
Public - Starts At 2.15pm Seminar Room
Do You
Have Questions About The Health Service - Now's Your chance To Get
Shona Robison MSP Minister for
Public Health Come North Virtually
Public Invited To Take Part In Annual Review
For the first time
members of the public are being given the opportunity to submit written
questions about NHS services, which will be answered on the day by the
Health Board Chair or the Minister. NHS Highland's performance will be
reviewed in public during a visit by Shona Robison the Minister for
Public Health on 21st August. The minister will be in Inverness
but a number of centres including Caithness General Hospital will have a
video link to enable members of the public to ask questions.
Visitors From Milan Visit the New Seadrift Centre At Dunnet
recently refurbished and renamed Seadrift Centre where the highland
Rangers hang out at Dunnet is attracting more and more visitors.
This group of ladies from Milan, Italy were touring the north of
Scotland and stopped in for look on another very wet and windy day.
the Seadrift Centre is within the building used by the Rangers and is
the base for many of their activities including walks and talks.
The centre now has better facilities including a coffee machine so you
can sip a hot drink while looking out of the panoramic window for
dolphins or whales over Dunnet Sands using the binoculars provided.
Official Opening Day
20 August 2007
Latest Newsletter
From Pulteneytown Academy Primary School, Wick
Security - Check Yours
you had your home or business broken into? If not are you just
lucky or have you actually done something to protect your home or
business. Have you asked for the Crime Prevention officer at your
local police station to check your premises and give you some advice?
Have you secured all windows when leaving home? Have you advised
neighbours when you go on holiday?. Do you report suspicious
vehicles or persons near a neighbours house and would they do this for
you? In rural areas if you see a suspicious unmarked van or car
why not note the registration details, colour of vehicle and the time
you saw it in case this might help police solve a crime. Now that
so many folk have digital camera or phone why not take photo from a safe
distance and keep it handy in case an incident is advertised.
Check out some web sites for advice on how to protect your home or
business. Tell the police about anything you see suspicious.
Don't hesitate as it is better to be wrong a few times than not pass on
potentially useful sightings or information.
Learning English? Lets Talk - English Conversation
You can improve your English by attending conversational classes at
Thurso Free Church Hall, Millbank Road, Thurso every Monday between 2.15
and 4.00pm. The course is FREE Tel 01847 890322 for more details.
Its on today and every Monday except during school holidays.
Do You Play The
Saxophone? A Weekend At Lyth Arts Might Be worth Attending
in the stunning Lyth Arts Centre near Wick, Caithness, the Carole
Sutherland Saxophone Course offers the opportunity for saxophonists of
all ages and levels the chance to learn and perform with others in a
supportive and relaxed environment. To attend the Course you don't have
to be a whizz kid on the saxophone although some playing experience
would be helpful! The course from the evening of Friday 28th to
Sunday early evening. The Course will begin on Friday 28th September at
8pm with a short recital given by Carole Sutherland (saxophone) and
Laura Baxter (piano). The concert will be followed by drinks and a
chance to meet other Course Participants.
HIE Explores Demand For
Flights To Poland
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is to explore the potential
demand for a new air service between Poland and Inverness. The online
survey at will help
HIE determine how many people would use the service and how often they
would do so. While a significant number of Polish people are located in
Inverness, they are also distributed across the wider Highlands and
Islands around key manufacturing and tourism employers. The Polish
community in the Highlands and Islands regularly take trips home, as
well as friends and family coming over to visit them throughout the
year. Equally many Scots from the Highlands and Islands are expressing
growing interest in that part of Europe in relation to tourist visits as
well as business expansion.
Witnesses Wanted For Acts Of Vandalism Over
The Weekend
Heavy Goods Vehicle Window Smashed At Ormlie road, Thurso
Vandalism - Kennedy Terrace, Wick
Window Smashed At Vet's Surgery - Janet Street, Thurso
19 August 2007
Bower Gala 2007

Dounreay Site Test Alarm - Tuesday
21st August
An audible test of the Dounreay Site Alert system will be carried out
between the hours of 1500 and 1800 on Tuesday 21st August 2007. This
notice is to inform the public that no action is required.
For further information please contact Eann Plowman on 01847 802204.
18 August 2007
A Gaelic Language Gathering - Needs Bookings Soon To Avoid
1 - 2 September 2007, MacPhail Centre, Ullapool
Tha mi d�reach airson fiosrachadh a chuir thugaibh mu dheidhinn
Tional. Tha Tional a tachairt air 01/02 den t-Sultain Ann an Ulapul agus
seo deagh chothrom a tha Ann feadhainn aig a bheil �idh as a Gh�idhlig
tighinn c�mhla aig coinneamh. Tha sin air bileagan agus postairean a
sgaoileadh air feadh Na d�thaich agus aig an am seo chan eil againn ach
coignar a tha air formaichean a thilleadh.
I would just like to give you an update on our Tional event. Tional takes
place on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd September in Ullapool, and is a
fantastic opportunity for G�idhlig learners of all levels to come together
for a great weekend of activities all through the medium of G�idhlig.
Book online at , email
us at or phone
us for further information.
Rain Did Not Stop Play In Caithness
Lybster Lifeboat Day and Knotty

Tug of war was won by Sinclair Bay as was the Knotty Championship (green
bibs). Gunn's won for the ladies competition
17 August 2007
Bat Night - Achvarasdal Woodland - Friday August 24th
Countryside Ranger led walk - Meet at entrance to woodland 8.30pm -
Stout footwear and warm clothing. - Bring a torch. - Children under 16
must be accompanied. - Sorry no dogs. - Walk is weather permitting. -
Donations welcome - Further information 01847 821531
Bower Gala On Saturday 18th August - Starts At 12 Noon
Dog Show 12 Noon - Pet show 2.00pm Vintage Machinery - BBQ -
Stalls - Children's Games - Bouncy Castle. Sunday 19th - Treasure
Hunt at 2.00pm. Why not stop rushing around and relax at Bowers Wee
Rita' At Mill Theatre, Thurso - 23rd - 25th August 2007
Players take to the stage again later this month in what has been one of
their busiest years for amateur productions. The latest offering,
'Educating Rita', directed by Iain MacDonald, is a play for two characters
and is set entirely in a lecturer's office at a Liverpool University. The
plot centres around Susan White (Donna Swanson), a married woman in her
twenties working as a hairdresser who signs up for a course at the Open
University because she is eager to learn. Susan has changed her name to
Rita because 'Rubyfruit Jungle', by Rita Mae Brown, is her favourite book.
Her husband urges her to have a baby and strongly opposes her decision to
go to university. You can see 'Educating Rita' at Thurso's Mill Theatre
from Thursday 23rd to Saturday 25th August at 8.00pm each evening. Tickets
are priced at �7.00 & �5.00 and bookings can be made by calling
Another Scam - All Businesses Be Ready For This One - Don't Get Caught
This one is highlighted on the message board by one of the
members and all businesses need to look out and not get caught if they are
tempted to think they should pay for sponsorship and not be talked into
it. Thanks to Elenna for bringing this one back to everyone's attention.
We have highlighted this problem before
HERE Local schools and organisations are not asking for any firms to
sponsor them in the ways suggested in this scam. If a local firm
wants to sponsor a local organisation they should deal directly with the
group or school and not through any firm contacting them by phone or email
on behalf of the group. Watch out for fake invoices or things that look
like invoices but are not suggesting payments are now due. Make sure
all staff involved in settling invoices are aware that they may receive
requests for payment for goods or services not asked for or requested by
any means. Report any approaches to Trading Standards of Highland Council
The Scots
are the most spontaneous group of people in the UK when it comes to
picnicking. Nearly half (47%) will grab their picnic gear at the first
sign of good weather - nearly 10% more than the national average. In a
survey of the nation's picnic habits commissioned by British salad
producers, eight out of ten people (82%) from Scotland say they picnic at
least occasionally; and nearly a quarter (23%) say they like to picnic as
often as they can.
The Caithness Ladies Club has been going for almost five years as at
August 2007. The club is not dating club but a group to make new
friends and the chance to go out with other women and have some fun.
No fees and calendar of events is sent out monthly
Caithness & Sutherland Peatland Becomes New National Nature Reserve
internationally important peatland of Caithness and Sutherland will join
other national, natural treasures like St Kilda and Beinn Eighe when The
Flows National Nature Reserve (NNR) is launched today by Highlands and
Islands MSP Rob Gibson. At 11,373 hectares, Scotland's latest NNR is part
of the single largest expanse of blanket bog in the world and is
internationally recognised for its habitat quality and breeding bird
populations. Other features of importance include wet heath, open waters,
otter and many species of waders, waterfowl and birds of prey. The new NNR
is located around 30 miles north of Helmsdale and extends across the
peatlands into west Caithness and primarily comprises land within the
former Forsinard and Dorrery Estates.
Biodiversity Index
Nature Index
RSPB Forsinard Flows
LIFE Peatlands Project
Volunteers needed for SAFE HIGHLANDERS event
Volunteer marshals are needed to support young people on 10th and 11th
September 2007 .
The event is to be held in the Assembly Rooms Wick, volunteers needed
9.30am - 12.00 Noon and 1.00pm - 3.00pm on both days. For more information contact Chris
Connolly 01847 895782 or Catherine Patterson 01955 605002. The aims
of the scheme include - Becoming more aware of their personal safety -
Make a contribution to reducing crime - Avoid becoming victims of
crime - Learn how to react to dangerous situations - Know the role of the
emergency services - Learn how to become good citizens.
16 August 2007
Staxigoe Fun day
Staxigoe Hall Committee are holding a Funday on Saturday 25th August
2007 from 2pm at the Harbour, Staxigoe. A few highlights from the day are
Balloon Race, Bouncy Castle, BBQ, Beat the Goalie - Get along and give
them some support!
Kilda - A Short Film From Mike Russell MSP and the Scottish Executive
Added Via Youtube
new government is already doing things slightly differently and not least
using YoutTube to get a range of messages out using video via the web.
A section on YouTube is devoted to the Scottish Executive where we found
this wee film on St Kilda and have embedded it in the section with photos
and other information about the islands. Mike Russell was recently in
Caithness meeting the public who were offered the opportunity to put
questions and get answers to a range of questions.
Money Stolen From
Canisbay Post Offce
Police in Wick would like to hear from anyone who may have witnessed or
have any information relating to an incident whereby a quantity of money
was taken from Canisbay Post Office. This is thought to have occurred
between 2300 hours Wednesday 15th August and 0700 hours Friday 16th
Caithness Community Leisure and Sports Facilities
The future of Highland Council owned Community Leisure and Sports
Facilities in Caithness is under review.
The Highland Council is providing the opportunity for discussion of the
outline proposals. Arts and sports groups wishing to contribute
views are invited to public meetings which are to be held at 7.00pm in
Wick and Thurso High Schools, the dates of which are:
Wick High School on 20 August 2007
Thurso High School on 21 August 2007
These meetings are being held on behalf of The Highland Council
by JAS Consulting and COMPASS: TMRP Tel: 01463 798 805 Email:
Want To Work
In A Theatre? - Many Jobs Now Being Offered At Eden Court Theatre,
It is not often that a new theatre opens and in case anyone in the north
is interested in working in the Highlands biggest and newest theatre here
is the information. Closing Date 31 August 2007
Eden Court Web Site
15 August 2007
School Uniform
Sweeps Through Wick High
Marymas Fair, Dunnet Saturday 25th August 1.00pm

12 August 2007
15 August
Sweep Turns Up Very hungry and a bit ruffled so owner thinks he must have
been trapped somewhere.
Cat - Sweep
from Forss area (Forss to Westfield Road) for over 2 weeks. Large male
cat, black with a white bib, extremely friendly and loves being petted.
Sweep is the right hand cat in the photo. A farm cat so may be trapped in
a shed or outbuilding. He has a collar on in the picture but had lost it
shortly before going missing.
129 New Teachers Arrive In Highland For Induction
total of 129 probationer teachers start work in schools across the
Highlands this week when pupils return to school following their summer
break. 63 probationers have been
allocated to secondary schools and 66 to primary schools � 19 in
Caithness, 9 in Sutherland, 41 in Inverness, 23 in Ross and Cromarty, 12
in Nairn, 7 in Skye and Lochalsh, 15 in Lochaber, and 3 in Badenoch and
Strathspey. Three of the primary
probationers will be teaching in Gaelic Medium schools, and two secondary
probationers have been allocated to teach Gaelic in high schools.
Next Meeting for the group is Tuesday 14th
August 2007 in Lybster Bowling Hall at
11 August 2007
Thurso Gala - 3k and 10k Runs

The Big Gig - Thurso 2007
Big gig played over Friday Night and
Saturday from 2.00pm till 11.45pm with long
list of local bands. Lots of photos
are now on the
Northern Imaging web site
compliments of Stuart Rollinson. The
Big Gig is part of
Thurso Gala
More Photos From Keiss Mini Gala 2007
Keiss Gala 109 - 120
121 - 132
133 - 144
145 - 156

From The Sunday Papers
Monarch of the glen - Scotland On
21st Century Ferry For Pentland Firth
Arriving In 2008
Spring 2008 will bring the arrival of
the fastest ferry over the Pentland Firth. A
new catamaran state of the art high speed
ferry will whisk passengers from Gills
terminal in Caithness over to Orkney. The
new ferry using the latest technology and
meeting the highest safety standards
demanded by regulators and passengers will
have the capability of moving at high speeds
to take cars and passengers quickly back and
forth across the Pentland Firth bringing
Caithness and Orkney closer together. With a
journey time of less than an hour in
prospect even people who do not normally
like sea crossings will find the level of
comfort and the short trip not much of a
problem. For those who enjoy sea travel the
hi-speed trip will be both exciting and
Crossing the Pentland Firth at present
Pentland Ferries -
Northlink Ferries -
John O'Groat Ferry
10 August 2007
Keiss Mini Gala 2007
Keiss Gala 73 - 84
85 - 96
- 108

Keiss Gala 37 - 48
49 - 60
61- 72

Keiss Gala 1 - 12
13 - 24
25 - 36

10 August 2007
Latest Update On Durran Mains Wind Farm
D P Energy Ireland Ltd has
put information about the current status of
its plans for a wind farm at Durran Mains
onto its web site. The proposal has
undergone significant changes since the
initial concepts were outlined in 2004.
These changes have included a reduction in
the scale of the development (from 32 to 13
turbines) and in the size of the individual
turbines (from 100m to 91m).
The proposed site is about five miles
from Thurso. the revised scheme will produce
20MW with smaller turbines of 1.3 � 1.5MW
capacity each (and up to 91metres in
LOCAL BAND - Liquid Blue
Local band Liquid Blue have made it
through to the semi finals of 'The Ultimate Chill', a Nationwide wide
contest for performers of original compositions. Competition was fierce,
with over 70 submissions in total received from demo CDs and from the four
regional heats held in Wick, Dundee, Haddington and Fort William throughout
the summer. The Ultimate Chill is part of Pure Media UK an organisation
founded in 2001, consisting of several strands bound together by the common
ideals to empower young people to fulfil their potential as creative
individuals and to encourage personal and community development through
creativity. Andy Lainson, Production Manager described The Ultimate Chill
Best Band Competition as "existing to provide fresh and untapped talent
across Scotland a gateway into the music industry".
And you can hear them at the
Big Gig tomorrow
Saturday in Thurso
the Big Gig
at the Dammies park in Thurso is on until 11.45pm and on Saturday non-stop
music from a huge line-up of bands from 2.00pm until 11.45pm.
Orkney Show Is Ready To Go On Saturday
Fears that the Orkney and many other
shows might be cancelled have been unfounded. Like many other county
shows the Orkney Show is one of the highlights of the year in the county.
Despite the lack of farm animals cows, sheep and pigs etc there is still a
huge amount to see. Many Caithness folk and from elsewhere make it a
day or weekend out and make the trip over the Pentland Firth. Extra
trips as usual and bookings can still be made at
John O'Groats Ferry
Pentland Ferries is already fully booked for all ferries on Saturday.
Click here to see who will be at the Orkney Show
The Body Shop survey shows
that teen attitudes are a time bomb to domestic violence
Research released today by The Body Shop, as part of their Stop Violence in
the Home Campaign, reveals that the next generation will be as much at risk
of domestic violence as today unless action is taken to educate young people
on developing positive and respectful relationships. The research showed
that 1 in 5 teens (21%) believe it's ok to tell a boyfriend or girlfriend
what to do, with the figure rising to more than one in four (27%) in young
men. A further 1 in 10 teens think saying sorry makes it ok after they've
hurt or forced a partner to do something. A worrying statistic considering
that on average, a woman will be assaulted by her partner or ex-partner 35
times before reporting it to the police......
Women's Aid run a website for children and young people,
which aims to support and inform about domestic violence.
Links For Help
Caithness & Sutherland
Womens Aid Outreach Service
Highland Domestic Abuse Forum
Rape and Abuse Line
Highland Council Domestic Abuse Help Information
Domestic Abuse Strategy
Safety Sign
Stolen From Thurso Harbour
Police in Thurso are appealing for
witnesses regarding an incident which
happened between 1530 hours on Wednesday 8th
August and 1300 hours Thursday 9th August
2007, at Thurso Harbour, Thurso when a
safety warning sign was taken from the
harbour. Any person with information please
contact PC Simpson or Duty Officer at Thurso
Police 01847893222. Information can also be
left anonymously by using CRIMESTOPPERS 0800
Ormlie Community Association's AGM Tuesday
14th August - 7.30pm
The Ormlie Community Centre AGM is being held on Tuesday 14 August 2007
at 7.30 pm in the Ormlie Centre, Henderson
Street, Thurso. After the formal proceedings
the children and young people from the
Ormlie CPP are giving a short talk on the
work that they have been involved in over
the last year including the Step it Up
project which involved podcasting. The Step
it up programme was produced to support
developmental work with young people in a
youth work setting and is designed to chart
their progress in social and emotional
development. Another group of young people
will speak about their fundraising efforts
for various projects and causes.
Why not go along and see what some young
people are getting up to in Thurso.
Regeneration - A New Section On The
Future Of Caithness & North Sutherland
A new section of website focusing on the
regeneration efforts in Caithness and North
Sutherland has been launched. This new
section will reflect the ongoing work of the
recently formed regeneration group led by an
Executive Board that will oversee the
delivery of a strategy and action plan.
Executive Board will be accountable for
delivery of the strategy and comprises of -
Highlands and Islands Enterprise - The
Highland Council - Nuclear Decommissioning
Authority - Scottish Executive.
Beneath that a range of new bodies and
staffing are being put in place.
9 August 2007
Camp 165 Watten -
Scotland�s Most Secretive POW Camp - By
Valerie Campbell
on oral testimonies and other sources, the
author has compiled a detailed, in-depth
history of one of the most secretive
prisoner of war camps in the United Kingdom.
Situated in Watten, Caithness in the far
north of Scotland, its links with the wider
world such as Canada and Poland are
illustrated and sets Watten�s place within
European history. The camp held a number of
SS officers including prominent prisoners
such as Gunter d�Alquen, the journalist;
Otto Kretschmer, the �Wolf of the Atlantic�;
and Paul Werner Hoppe, former commandant of
Stutthof Concentration Camp in Poland. The
history of its inception and creation are
described, as is the daily life of the
prisoners. Although some were allowed out of
the camp to work on local farms others, who
were labelled as �black�, denoting their
high-risk status, were not. Book Shop
Vandalised Cars
In Various Parts of Thurso - Witnesses
8 August 2007
Thurso High School - Extra Closure Day -
Tuesday 14th August
Major refurbishment works in Thurso High
School to up-grade the heating and
ventilation system in the Extension building
started in July and are proceeding very
well. Both the ground floor and first floor
rooms have had extensive works undertaken.
The upper floor is being handed back to the
school at the start of next week, while work
will continue on the ground floor. The
school will be closed to pupils on Tuesday
14th, as well as Monday 13th to allow staff
to organise teaching resources in
displacement rooms while the work continues
on the ground floor classrooms. Pupils
will return to school on Wednesday 15th
August and those who register and are
taught upstairs in the Extension building
will be re-directed to other areas of the
Foot and Mouth Links
Foot & Mouth Reports and Updates At Farmers
Weekly Interactive
Check Foot and Mouth Updates d At
Scottish Executive Web site
Farming Index and News
Some Scottish abattoirs should be able to
resume slaughtering animals on a strictly
controlled basis from tomorrow (8 August 07.
DEFRA web site
7 August 2007
Thurso Live Music Association Season Of
Concerts 2007 - 08
If you enjoy classical music but do not
have the chance to get to live performances
you can catch a few by joining Thurso Live
Music Association. The annual membership for
the coming year is �40 and for that you get
eight concerts making bargain price of only
�5 per concert. Tickets at the door are
either �7 or �8 with children and students
only �1 and family tickets �12. Once again
Thurso Live Music Association is pleased to
welcome Scottish Opera-go-round to begin the
season with a touring production of
Rossini's Cinderella. Director Harry Fehr
and a cast of seven young and talented
singers, accompanied by Ian Ryan on piano,
bring to life this touching story of the
triumph of love over malice. A lively and
vibrant comedy, this new production is set
during the Regency period with all the style
and elegance of Jane Austen's England. One
of the most flamboyant of Rossini's operas.
Inverness Goes Car Free For One Day On 19
September 2007
Plans have been announced to help make
Inverness a car free zone on 19 September
2007. Organisers of Car Free Day 2007
'AlternativeNess' are putting the final
touches to a range of travel options and
incentives designed to encourage commuters
to leave the car at home for the day.
Inverness is the only Scottish city signed
up to take part in the In Town, Without My
Car initiative which is part of the annual
European Mobility week.
Wick Sea Cadets Delighted At Trip To Leith
On RFA Mounts Bay

A group of Sea Cadets from Wick were
lucky enough to be given the chance to sail
to Leith with the RAF Mounts Bay that
anchored off Wick last week. A few
photos of their trip are now added to the
previous photo gallery.
Wick Sea Cadets Web Site
HomeStart Caithness Fun Afternoon Friday
10th August 2.00pm
Community Education Offices, Ackergill
Street, Wick
Donkey Rides, Tea, coffee, and a buffet.
Raffle etc to raise funds. Large
garden with plenty of toys for young
children so come along for fun afternoon.
Golf Cubs Out
Lybster Golf Club is to be host to the
Caithness Golf Week on Thursday 9th August,
with a walk-on Open Stableford, sponsored by
JGC Engineering & Technical Services. The
competition is open to men, ladies and
juniors, with the tee open from 8am - 4pm,
with the usual refreshments available
Old Front Pages
The Way Back Machine is recording us and
millions of other web sites so if we go down
you can always look back with nostalgia -
until that one goes down. Amazingly
you can often drill down into the old
versions of the web site and sometimes quite
long way. Try any web site - even ones you
know have gone and you might just find some
remnants. Everything may not work but most
of it is still on this site. The main thing
is to see how the front page looked back
then and we do not have exact copies of it
but they do.
6 August 2007
Flood Warnings At SEPA Web Site
Petty Theft And
Vandalism Hits Wick and Thurso - Can Anyone
Help Find The Culprits?
The seemingly endless run of petty
crimes including vandalism carries on in
Wick and Thurso as can be seen by a rash of
reports today. Only if the
police can get some evidence or witnesses
will this come to an end. Everyone
should keep their eyes open for anyone
acting suspiciously.
Thurso Gala - Its A Knockout
Gala held an "Its A Knockout" competition
yesterday. Stuart Rollinson of
Northern Imaging has posted hundreds of
photos of the event To see the photos
Thurso Gala Week Programme
Public Asked To Sign Petition To Reduce VAT
on Energy Efficient Windows
The window and door Industry are lobbying
the government to get the VAT on energy
efficient windows reduced to 5% in-line with
other energy efficient products.
Majority of Scots
believe drivers should not be allowed to
drink any alcohol
Five out of six Scots say that drinking any
alcohol and then driving should be banned,
according to a recent nationwide poll. In
addition, almost two-thirds of Scots believe
that all drivers stopped by the police for
any offence should automatically be
breathalysed. These results show that,
despite a persistent minority that still
drink and drive, the social stigma is
stronger than ever and the majority of Scots
find drinking and then driving totally
Wick Gala Fireworks
Manson has posted photographs of last
night's fireworks display in Wick. the
fireworks were accompanied by music and most
folk seem to agree the display was one of
the best ever.
Comments about the fireworks on the
Message Board
Mey Highland Games
Mey Games 1 - 12
13 - 24
25 - 36
37 39

Found Today On The Web - Brenden's big Procter adventure By
This year's recipient of the Stephen Procter Fellowship, Brenden Scott
French, put the lucre to fine use with an eight week residency at
Northlands Creative Glass (situated in the small fishing village of
Lybster on the North East coast ...
Thurso Gala 2007
Thurso Gala 145 - 149

Thurso Gala 97 - 108
109 - 120
121 - 132
133 - 144

Thurso Gala 49 - 60
61 - 72
73 - 84
85 - 96

Thurso Gala 1 - 12
13 - 24
25 - 36
37 - 48

4 August 2007
First Draw For Scorrie Scoop To Support Wick Academy Will Be Monday Night
Academy's new Scorrie Scoop Weekly Draw tickets are now on sale in various
outlets around Wick. This lottery will go to support our local football
team and shows the determination of the current committee to make the club
succeed. It is not easy to run a football club in a rural area where
gates can be low and expenses very high due to the need to pay for
transport to away games. Players must be determined and put in the
training and travel but the club as whole needs the support of the whole
community if it is to succeed. wishes the club every
success with this new venture and encourages as many folk as possible to
buy a ticket. Good Luck to Wick Academy for the new football season.
Wick Academy
Web Site Front Page
Music Music Music Tonight In Caithness
Town and County Club Wick has plenty on offer with "KW1", "Bryan
Coghill" and "Press Play" while in Wetherspoons "Liquid Blue" start at
10.00pm while over at the Blackstairs Lounge the popular band "Jude" are
playing. Skinandis in Thurso has the "Doors Tribute Band"
Wick Gala Ends with Bonfire, Fireworks and Kippers & Thurso Gala Begins
Continental Market
Wick Gala Programme
Thurso Gala Programme
Thurso Gala starts today and Wick Gala comes to an end with the annual
spectacular fireworks display. It is possible to see events at both
end of the county as the Fancy dress and floats in Thurso are early and
the Wick Fireworks are later at 10.00pm with kippers on sale from 8.00pm.
Judging for foot walkers in Thurso begins at 5.45pm. there are
dances at both towns in Skinandis in Thurso and Back Bridge Street club
for members in Wick.
Mey Highland Games Today From 1.30pm At Queen's Park, Mey
Chieftan of the games Prince Charles will be in attendance once again
to see the events that include Heavy Field Events, Tug 0 war, Piping,
Highland Dancing and Caithness Junior Pipe Band.
3 August 2007
Foot And Mouth Outbreak in England Brings Animal Movement Ban in UK
Prime minister to return from holiday.
More details on the
DEFRA web site
About Foot and Mouth Disease At Defra web site FAQ's, Fact
Sheets, what to do and not to do etc
What is Foot and Mouth Disease?
See Wikipedia
Visitor Numbers Still Soaring In July 2007 As
Records Continue To Be Broken
Visitors 1,220,572 Page Views 8,657,780 Hits 26,226,442
It seems unbelievable and yet the records are being broken by ever
higher margins at the moment.
July 2006 stats were
Visitors 711,723 Page Views 5,276,654 Hits
Thanks once again to all our surfers and contributors.
Highland Council To Test Gas At Seater Landfill Site For Possible
Energy Production
Worry If You See Burning At Seater Next Week As Gas Is Flared Off
It may be born out of necessity to comply with
regulations but Highland Council is taking a bold step in looking at the
possibility of creating energy from gas that is created within the Seater
landfill site. The Highland Council's Pollution Prevention Control
Permit for operating the site requires that a gas management and flaring
system is installed. Failure to comply with this condition will be a
breach of the licence to operate the site. However instead of merely burning
off the gas it might be possible to use it to generate a small amount of
Minister tours nuclear complex - News & Star
Not Dounreay this time but Sellafield in this story from the Cumbrian
newspaper. Caithness needs to watch what is happening down there as
well as up here.

Horizons is delighted to announce that after securing additional funding
from its partners and HIE Caithness & Sutherland, Highland Council has
awarded the contract for the main construction work to refurbish Thurso
Town Hall to local firm O�Brien Construction Ltd. O�Brien�s expect to
start work in the building early September. The combined museum,
visitor and community centre is scheduled to open in the autumn of 2008,
during the off-peak tourist season. This will allow the company to
concentrate on the range of community uses proposed for the new facility
and to establish the flexible temporary exhibition areas for the use of
local organisations and groups. Caithness Horizons
Chairman Paul Cariss, welcomed the significant progress being made and
said: �After a long period of preparation I�m pleased that the major
building work will now commence and that a local business has acquired the
Wick High Second Reunion For This Group
reunion last Friday evening went very well in Mackays hotel, Wick.
The classes from age 58 to 63. The main organisers were Elsie
Cardosi, Jay Tait, and Liz Shearer and a massive vote of thanks is sent to
to them by the folk who were there for what was a wonderful night.
Photo of Demolished Premises In Last Night's Accident Near Lyth
Witnesses Sought To Vehicles Crash At Lyth
About 1130hrs, Thurs 2nd August 2007, a two vehicle road traffic collision
occurred on the B876 Reiss to Castletown road at the Lyth junction,
involving a Ford Transit minibus and a Peugeot 205 motor car.....
Thurso Gala Week
Starts On Saturday
Thurso Gala kicks off on Saturday and the continental market is feature
this year. The gala and crowning of the Gala Queen takes place as
usual early on Saturday evening. Plenty for the kids throughout the
Wick Gala Today - Deal Or No Deal
A number of events are on today and a big crowd is expected at 7.00pm for
DEAL/NO DEAL Assembly Rooms Top Prize �200 Wine & Shortbread during
Interval Raffle Adults �3 Children & OAP�s �2
Conference - Beyond Dounreay To Focus On The Future For Caithness
What is going to happen when Dounreay begins to reduce as a major employer
in Caithness and North Sutherland both with direct employees and
sub-contractors. Quite bit has been going on but perhaps not too
visible to the general public. Below is one sign in a major
conference to discuss the issues. In addition will
shortly launch a new section on the web site drawing together the strands
that have already been set in motion and where we will add additional
features covering the work of the partnership formed from the
socio-economic strategy group of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority,
Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Highland Council.
Energy Minister Confirms Conference Attendance
Department of Energy, Business, and Regulatory Reform (DBRR) has confirmed
that the Energy Minister, Rt Hon Malcolm Wicks MP, will attend the
Caithness Conference � Beyond Dounreay, on Friday 14th of September. As
Energy Minister Mr. Wicks is responsible for Dounreay and for the NDA
which is currently in talks with DBRR over its budget for both
decommissioning and socio-economic support.
Caithness Conference - Beyond Dounreay - Details
The conference is being organized
by The Caithness Partnership and
Dounreay Stakeholder Group with help and support from
HIE Caithness & Sutherland,
Highland College, and
UKAEA. It will be held at North Highland College and will start at
9.30am. The organizing committee has put together a series of workshops
from which delegates can choose followed by a full session to share
feedback. The conference which will last all day has also attracted
several specialist speakers to address specific regeneration issues.
Invitations are being sent to all stakeholders and representatives of all
interested groups and communities. In addition a number of places are
being advertised to the general public and a full attendance is expected.
2 August 2007
Witnesses Sought To Vehicles Crash At Lyth
About 1130hrs, Thurs 2nd August 2007, a two vehicle road traffic collision
occurred on the B876 Reiss to Castletown road at the Lyth junction,
involving a Ford Transit minibus and a Peugeot 205 motor car.....
Braehead Fancy Dress At Assembly Rooms Wick
Braehead Fancy Dress 13 - 24
25 - 36
37 - 48

Braehead Fancy Dress 1 - 12

The story of
North West Sutherland - told through music, song, poetry and visuals
North West Sutherland's heritage is encapsulated and showcased in �rachadh
('renewal' or 'refreshment'). A combination of stunning visuals and live
performances from singers and musicians James Graham, James Ross (From
Wick), Carol-Anne Mackay, Rhona Sutherland and Catriona MacLeod. The
performance will take the audience on a journey through the area's past in
an evocative way and at the conclusion offer them an �rachadh in the form
of a dram of Clynelish Malt Whisky, local to Sutherland. Travelling
to varous venues in the north and playing at Dunbeath Heritage Centre
on Tuesday 7th August at 8.00pm
Scans clear beaches of radiation - BBC
Wick Gala Highlights Tonight
6pm Kids Wheelbarrow Race - Airport - meet at old Caithness Glass
Car Park entry 50p per wheelbarrow.
7pm Bed Race Adults - Meet at old Caithness Glass Car Park �1 per
Wick Academy Football Club Launch Their Own Weekly Draw To Boost Funds -
"Scorrie Scoop"
a small football club is not easy and with costs of transport rising over
the past couple of years and improvements needed to the ground. Another way
of boosting the coffers has been agreed. The new weekly draw to be
known as "Scorrie Scoop" has a jackpot prize of �1000. If no one
wins it then it will rise by �100 each wee and potentially the top prize
could reach �7000. If enough folk get a regular ticket this would be a
huge help to ensuring a bright future for the club.
The first draw takes place on
Monday 6th August and every following Monday. Tickets are available form
any committee member or at the following shops -
- John Malcolms Newsagents Kinnaird Street Wick
- Harrold Brothers Butchers High Street Wick
- J S Gunn Shoe Shop Bridge Street Wick
- The Flower Patch River Street Wick
- Ally Davis - The Shop - Girnigoe Street Wick
Wick Academy
Web Site Front Page
Halkirk Games 97 - 108
109 - 120
121 - 132

1 August 2007
Halkirk Games - 85 - 96

Another Years Decommissioning Progress At Dounreay
annual report on progress to decommission the former experimental reactor
site at Dounreay is published today by UKAEA, which is responsible for
carrying out the safe clean-up and demolition of the site on behalf of the
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA). It covers the 12-month period
from 1st April 2006. The report outlines the key decommissioning
achievements during the year as well as safety, environmental and
financial indicators, and summarises the performance-based incentives that
are used by the NDA to measure delivery and award fee. During the year,
the site delivered �164 million worth of work for the sum of �146 million.
Twenty-two buildings were demolished.................
New Transport Initiatives for SE Caithness
South East Caithness Development Group is happy to confirm that 2
transport initiatives have been approved by Highland Council and funding
is in place to provide the services until 31st December 2011. As with all
contracted services they are subject to survey and review. If there is no
evidence of use then we would have to consider its provision. David
Summers, Highland Council�s Transport Development Officer, said �I am very
pleased that we have been able to support this service. The community has
made a strong case for it and I hope it succeeds. �The Rapsons evening
services will operate on Thursday, Friday and Saturday between Wick and
Dunbeath. The services will start on Thursday 9th August 07.
The Dial-a-ride service operated by Caithness rural Transport in the
Dunbeath area is also set to continue until December 2011. But the
big factor is that these services are subject to review and if they are
not used may be withdrawn.
Archives From Front Page