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Miller Academy Index

School Days Index

Miller Academy 1962 Centenary - Picture H

9 May 2004
Doreen Stephen has identified a number of people in Picture H:
Alice MacFee (3rd from left in "Front" row) is Alice Bruce.   Jennifer Elder (5th from right in "Front" row).

From Kathy James February 2003
Have just passed a wonderful few hours down memory lane, on your website.  Have been studying your photos and have just one name for one of the students.  Miller academy 1962; picture H,  Front row, third from the left (wearing the knee length socks) is Veronica Dorrian.
I have been trying to trace Veronica Dorrian for years, her family emigrated to Aussie in 1966
Regards Kathy James (ex Thurso 1958-1972) 
[email protected]

From Steve Huddart  - 5 June 2002

Back: Charles Elmesley, Steve Huddart, Alistair MacGregor,?, ? Begby?,Ian Davidson, ? Green,?,?, Keith Knox.

Middle: Extreme right: Ian Dawson.

Front: ?, Janet Fulton, Alice MacFee (or Bain),?, Gillian Horsfield,?,Jennifer Scott?,?,?,?,Veronica Dorrian?,?,Isobel? Reid.

Sitting: John? Robertson, Kenny Cameron?,?,Duncan Meadows?,?.