News Archive - August 2001

Berriedale Castle
The Castle section can be viewed from different pages starting out in the main index or a page of thumbnails for comparison purposes or the ground plan thumbnails for comparison of the different layouts.  More information is being prepared for inclusion in the section on the castles.  Further items of significance will be added in new sections bringing more detail on the history surrounding the castles and the history of Caithness.  Eleven Reconstructions of Caithness Castles by Andrew Spratt  are now in the section with additional information and plans under construction.  Coming Soon -  Knockinnon Castle.

Halberry Castle - A Slightly Wider View

Government Ministers At Dounreay For Decommissioning
Brian Wilson, the UK Minister for Industry, Energy and Environment and Wendy Alexander, the Scottish Executive Minister for enterprise and Lifelong Learning visited Dounreay today to emphasis the benefits that will accrue to the local economy.

Labor Day Weekend and Pleasanton Highland Games
If you want to see the biggest Highland Games it is too late for this year unless you are already in USA or on your way.  But the Pleasanton Highland Games - California will have people there who have visited Caithness this year and Caithness.Org will be seen as our visitors are distributing fliers for Caithness.Org. at the games in 35 clan tents.  California adopted its own tartan by state government approval this year.  Look at the biggest Highland Games in the world and see what happens on Caithness.Org as we make more links to the games. Go California. Aye - wish we were there. Good Luck Dancers.

Miller Family History - Various Documents and Notices
A few interesting documents and newspaper clipping relating to the Miller Family we have been featuring with their many links between Canada and Caithness.  The will and telegram on the death of G S Miller bringing home once again the tragedy of the first World War and the Millers part in it.

Langwell At Berriedale

Trek The Field Club Langwell

On Top OF Morven
A couple of new pictures as some locals head up Morven to take in the panoramic views of Caithness and Sutherland seen from the top and setting out.

Car Rentals From Richards Garage
Another Scorrie Internet Services web site fully linked in the drop down menu above and in the Business Pages for you to instantly check prices whenever you need to rent a car.   Shortly the free banner for the rentals will be on the web sites in the banner loop and appearing on their FREE business pages making it as easy as possible to find a car to rent in Caithness.  

The Ecclesiastical Remains Of Wick Parish
This article  by L J Myatt from Caithness Field Club's October 1975 Bulletin sets out numerous details on the early churches around Wick.  Robert Richmond has prepared this article for the web site in preparation for more on St Tears coming shortly.

Latest Dates for Blood Donor Sessions In Caithness

Children's Theatre  - Wee Stories in Treasure Island
Saturday 15 September 3.00pm - Advance Booking Required.
Swashbuckling entertainment for all the family at Lyth Arts Centre

Drama - Starving Artists in "Don't forget Me"
Sunday 16 September 8.00pm  - Advance Booking Required.
A moving and funny drama that has been invited back to Scotland after rave revues last year.  Catch it at Lyth Arts Centre.

An Otter -  First Into New Animal Picture Section
The Highlands has a magnificent range of wildlife and we start with a new section to bring you pictures with ones of this otter taken by a local fisherman.

Highland Kids In Warner Brothers Next Harry Potter
Casting for "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" has taken place at Lochaber High School and 100 13-15 year old pupils lined up to ride the "Hogwarts Express" train as pupils of Hogwarts Castle School for Wizards.

Fraud Warning To Hotels And Guest Houses
Northern Constabulary have issued a fraud warning and are looking for a man with a Canadian accent obtaining board and lodgings without payment.

Bogus Repairmen Operating In Highlands
Householders in the Highlands are being warned to be on their guard against salesmen operating in the area, who offer free surveys of homes for dampness and to carry out what they claim is necessary remedial work.   Read this and warn your friends and relatives.

Looking Down Thurso River to Bridge

Unloading Liferafts For Checking At Wick Harbour

Bucholie Castle Introduction
Robert Richmond has now added an introduction to the section on Bucholie Castle.

Halberry Castle Section - Additions
The introduction to the Halberry castle section from Robert Richmond is now in place and as you can see from Andrew Spratt's reconstruction the castle must have been an impressive place 600 years ago.  Tied in to the article by D B Miller originally published by Caithness Field Club the Clan Gunn begin to be seen in the formidable role they once played in the county of Caithness.

The Winning Christmas Cards - A Road Safety Theme
You saw them picking up their prizes in Inverness and now take a look at the winning cards and remember the message is serious.  Well done kids.

New Page For Expanding Cartoons On Caithness.Org
The wry look at Caithness as viewed from Elf is expanding and spreading his wings around the web. To give him some elbow room we are reorganising the pages and getting ready for even more comment on the good the bad and the ridiculous.

1973 Wick High Reunion

49 - 51 Wick High Reunion

Men Raise Funds Writing A Book On Wick Pipe Band
Two men with strong connections to Wick Pipe Band have produced a history of Wick Pipe Band to raise funds for the band.  Launching the book with a signing session on Saturday they were hopeful that all one thousand copies of this unique record would sell quite quickly. 

Caithness Quilters Making Great Progress
The revival of quilting in the county is moving very fast with a great deal of interest and many new members now completing work. An exhibition of the ladies' work in the St Fergus Gallery in Wick from Tuesday 2nd October to Saturday 27th October

Sarclet Loch On Saturday
Sarclet Loch always a tranquil scene shown here with the farmers having been busy round about getting the hay baled and ready for storage.  The loch is used by anglers and in most years by the model yacht racing club.

Reunion Email Addresses
John Henderson who attended the 1973 Reunion recently has suggested adding email addresses to the reunion lists.  We are happy to do this if anyone would like their email address added to the lists to aid old friends getting in touch.  We had intended taking the lists down but if they can be used for this purpose we ill add the information for anyone who wishes this.   All we ask is that each individual gives permission direct to us. If you could not make the reunion but would like your name and email address added just let us know which list you would like it added to.

Mairi Nicolson Skiing in Antarctic
Hard on the heels of the last report Mairi from Newton Hill, Wick sent us this picture of her and her colleagues setting out on skis for their days work.  Mairi is there for two and a half years and is now sending us regular updates on her time way down under.

Two Caithness Kids Design Winning Christmas Cards
Kirsty Farquhar of South School and Alan McGee of Hillhead School have both won bicycles for themselves and £250 for each of their schools by designing a Christmas Card with a road safety theme in a competition run by the Northern Constabulary's Dependants Trust. 

Halberry Castle Reconstruction
Next in our series of Caithness Castles reconstructions from Andrew Spratt is Halberry Castle.  The Gunn chiefs lived here after Castle Gunn in the 14th and 15th centuries.  It was at this time that the feuds between the Keiths and the Gunns developed.  It came to a head at the massacre of St Tears chapel.

Yachts In Lybster
The end of a race and after very low wind conditions the yachts were glad to reach Lybster harbour on a bright sunny day.  With new facilities for yachtsmen now available at Lybster this could well become one of the popular ports of call for boats on the way north to Orkney.  

World Knotty championships In Lybster
The knotty championships held for the eight year running reviving the ancient game that used to be played with a barrel stave and something like hockey with a cork float from fishing nets as a ball.  Rules? Well not too many.  Originally meant as distraction to keep the fishermen from getting drunk when weather kept them from the sea.

Mairi Nicolson In Antarctic Sends Three Reports
Mairi is well into no daylight winter nights in Antarctic almost the exact opposite from Caithness but is in excellent spirits and that wee dram of Old Pulteney has helped.  But the excitement of the thickening ice and diving in the very cold waters seem to be keeping her busy.  Check out her latest 21 June, 7 July, 20 July.  See how she is keeping up her spirits and keeping fit getting a beer.

Dick Whittington - Pantomime Auditions Wick Players
If you have always wanted to sing, dance and act then get along to award winning Wick Players for the auditions for their latest production.

Bridges Dental Clinic, Wick Has Full Complement
With the arrival of Neil Fearns the Bridges Dental Clinic in Wick now has two dentists and two hygienists offering full NHS as well as private dental services.   After a long period of severe shortages of NHS dental services n Wick it seems the Highland Primary Carte Trust has finally managed to crack this problem.

Writing Competition For Highland Residents
Get you quills out and see if you have a poem, saga or short story in you in this new competition from the Northlands festival.  For anyone not in Highland region Caithness.Org will consider publishing a good saga or two.  If anyone has one of say no more than four or five pages then why not send it in.  We may try a Saga Section if there is enough interest.  Maybe we will ask George for a few bits of prose.

Stone Rows of Tormsdale, Caithness
Another in the series of articles produced for Caithness Field Club on the mysterious stone rows of Caithness & Sutherland by Leslie J Myatt.

AMS Motorcycles 1st Anniversary
10% Off Bikes and Accessories This Saturday & Sunday
Yes and they are even selling unicycles now.  Now what does it say in the highway code about approaching people on a unicycle.  We hope they are not as successful as the Piaggios and Vespas that are currently making AMS the leading seller in the Highlands even selling them as far away as Inverness.  With another 10% off they will soon be hitting the Scottish Records for sales.  Barbecue at AMS for all bikers over the weekend at AMS. 

Hill O Many Stanes At Clyth
Here is one of the best examples of the many stone rows in Caithness at Mid Clyth just off the A99.

Northlands Festival 21 - 26 September
The programme of events for the annual arts festival in Caithness has just been released.  Details of the packed programme can be found at the Northlands web site.  The events will also appear shortly in the Caithness.Org What's On section.

Caithness.Org Short listed In The Awards
We have just received the great news that the web site has been short listed in the the Awards for 2001.  Apparently this year there have been thousands of nominations more than usual so its great to have reached this stage of one of the most prestigious awards for web sites in the UK.  We are listed in the Communities category. is the web address of the UK Yellow Pages and other web based services.

Ian Scott Exhibition - Wick Artist Back From New York
Catch Ian Scott's exhibition in St Fergus Gallery, Wick 3 - 29 September.

Brims Castle Today
Several new pictures of Brims Castle added to the castle section.  for more information a link is made to the Brims Family History web site that has plans and historical details.

Ducks Take Flight At Brims
You are always going to see wild life in Caithness if you will go looking at Castles and archaeology.  The day at Brims Castle being no exception as these Ducks left angrily at being joined by two guys with cameras.  

Halberry Head
Another of the small headlands around the Caithness Coast.

Is The Next Hit Pop Star In The Highlands?
If you are aged between 16 and 21 and you are a singer then this could be your big break.  Check out this chance to send a tape or sing down the phone hotline.  Open to anyone in the age group in the Highlands you have until 30 August to enter and you could be showcased along with some big bands very soon.  Do it now.

Highland Council Unhappy On G M Crop Trials
The council has said it is unhappy at the way the Scottish Executive is ignoring the wished of the Highland community in allowing the crop trials in the Black Isle to proceed.

Highlands & Islands  - The Safest Place In The UK
With the low crime and very high detection rates the report of the retiring chief constable is very encouraging for people living or moving to the Northern Area.  Crimes of vandalism have increased but still makes the Highlands & Islands the lowest for this type of crime.  Even Drunkeness has decreased significantly.

Caithness Serendipidist Club's Tain Trip
First Stroma then Tain.  Meeting up with folk from various parts of the Highlands made for a great night out.  Looks like the club is taking wings as it gets further away.  Where next guys?

A Climbing Geranium In Dunbeath Castle Gardens
For the intrepid folks who ventured out in the torrential rain on Sunday there was the Castle Gardens with wine, cheese, strawberries ....more

Multiple Stone rows Of Caithness & Sutherland - Part 4
Some suggestions on the purpose of the stone rows in Caithness & Sutherland is set out in the last article on the topic from Leslie J Myers.  Links are made to earlier articles on the topic. 

Air Operations From RAF Wick  - Second World War
This is part three in the series from PR Myers and was first published in the Caithness Field Club Bulletin.

Stroma Harbour
Nor too many people see this harbour nowadays and it was built too late to save the islands population from leaving.

Caithness Woman Top Co-Driver
The MSIS Kadett carried Caithness competitor Suzanne Hossack to the top woman co-driver award at Ingliston's Festival Stage Rally near Edinburgh last Saturday.

The Gloup On The Island Of Stroma
The Gloup on Stroma is a fascinating spectacle  - a place where the sea has broken through underground and the roof has not yet collapsed to make a typical geo.

Caithness Woman Top Co-Driver
The MSIS Kadett carried Caithness competitor Suzanne Hossack to the top woman co-driver award at Ingliston's Festival Stage Rally near Edinburgh last Saturday.

The Gloup On The Island Of Stroma
The Gloup on Stroma is a fascinating spectacle  - a place where the sea has broken through underground and the roof has not yet collapsed to make a typical geo.

Wick Harbour Today
There seemed to be more activity in the harbour than for quite some time.

Buchollie Castle - Pictures
Just in case you thought the castle section had gone to sleep here are some pictures of Buchollie Castle as it is today.  Click on Buchollie from the under construction listing in the main index.

Castletown Community Council Agenda 23 August
The agenda for the next meeting is now published.  Members of the public are allowed to attend these meetings but are not allowed to speak.  The minutes of the July meeting.

Bower's Gala Day Was Good Fun For Everyone
With sunshine all day everyone enjoyed themselves and there was more to see than you might have thought if you had never been before.  More pictures later.

Spinning Demonstration At Bower Gala
A traditional craft still carried on by individuals and clubs in the county.

This Competition Got A Few Heads Scratching At Bower
Definitely one for the old timers as people competed to guess what these tools and implements were once used for on the farms near Bower and no doubt all over Caithness and the north.

Line Dancing At Bower Gala
There was something for everyone at Bower Gala which was a great day and they managed the sun out all day.  Well done Bower committee.  Can you bring it back today - its been raining all day today.

Bower Inn - Saturday Night
A lively night in the Bower Inn last night as a host of musicians arrived for a series of sessions on a wide range of instruments.

Bower Gala Treasure Hunt On Sunday

Bower Gala - Baking Competitions
Plenty tasty things in the competition and they were all auctioned off at the end of the day to help raise funds for a new hall roof.  As you will see over the next couple of days this Gala is a bit different from the ones in Wick and Thurso - more a cross of Gala, Fete and mini county show - the beer was good and some really great pies in the food tent.

Flower Show at Bower Gala
The flower show at Bower attracted a good number of entries in different classes.

Dog Show At Bower Gala
dogs were well featured in the Gala and the dog races later in the day provided great entertainment.  Different kind of dogs and much fitter.


Castle Gunn At Clythe
Its been quiet on the castle front as we tackled the Galas but here is a view of the site of Gunn Castle at Clythe - from Robert Richmond. 

Stroma Mains Farm
Yes we were back on Stroma on Thursday taking more pictures.  Been in Inverness all day today so we are a bit later than normal with these.

Roads And Tracks Through Local History
Do you take roads for granted.  After reading George Watson's article on the topic in Caithness you might see them in a different light

Still Plenty Of Walks To Try In August
If the main group of walks is not enough why not check out the East Coast Walks with the Rangers.  Check out the pictures to see where you might be going.

Yes its The Start of Bower Gala
Main action on Saturday but there is a whist drive tomorrow and clay Pigeon shooting on Friday.  Why not head for the Bower Inn for a meal while you see what's going on.

More Children's Fancy Dress Pictures - Thurso Gala
Yes we still have more pictures to come of the Galas in Wick and Thurso.  Here are a few more.  More will keep coming as time allows. 

Spring Cleaning by Jenny Stewart
Another poem - just a little out of season from Jenny in Caithness dialect.

Kay Bragdon (nee Wilson) Calls In On Caithness.Org
Almost 25 years after getting married and staying in various countries including the USA with her husband Greg we now hear from Kay with a wedding picture from 1976.  Did you go to school with Kay in Thurso or were you at the wedding back then.  See what she has been doing in the intervening years and where she was on holiday recently.  They currently stay in Germany.  Kay is a regular in the Caithness.Org Chat Room.

Crosskirk Views
On Monday we brought you some pictures of St Mary's Chapel so now you might like to take a look at the countryside nearby.  More pictures to come later of this lovely part of Caithness.

Undercover Checks On Garages Coming To Highlands
Highland council In co-operation with 11 other local authorities in Scotland and together with the Vehicle Inspectorate, a project has been established, involving the undercover submission of pre-inspected cars to servicing garages, for routine servicing and repairs....more

A Timeline Of Wick 1589 - 1883
Another new section to draw together information on the historical aspects of Wick.  We will set up other sections for towns or villages around the county as items are made available.

New Non Caithness Poets Section On Caithness.Org
We start this new section for writers of poetry about Caithness by poets from out with the county with a poem about The Harbour at Wick.  Does it sum up the general feeling about the once greatest herring port in the world?  Anyone who wishes to contribute poetry to the poetry sections please get in touch with [email protected]

A Wick Harbour View To The Blackstairs

More Pictures From The Everley Broch
Check the pictures and then if you are in Caithness see it for yourself tonight with Caithness Field Club.  For everyone else why not come and see it late July early August next year when work will be at the next stage.

Last chance To See Everley Broch This Year
The Everley Broch has been uncovered again by archaeologists from Edinburgh.  Caithness Field Club have arranged for the archaeologists to be on site on Tuesday at 7.30pm to explain their work and what they have found to date.  So if you would like to visit the excavations check the Field Club Programme page for details.  The team returns in July next year to carry on the work when further opportunities to see the progress will be made available.  If you would like to volunteer to assist next year check back on or contact the team in Edinburgh later.

More Fruit & Veg Needed In Highland Diet
OK put the chip pan away and count it out.  How many pieces of fruit and vegetables do you eat every day?  If its less than five you could have long term health problems and your children may suffer in the future.  check out the Highland Think Net Web Site to put forward your thoughts.

St Mary's Chapel
One of the oldest ruined churches in Caithness is St. Mary's chapel which sits on the coast near Crosskirk Bay.

Highland Business Women's Club - Caithness & Sutherland Group
First Meeting 14 August 8.00pm Mackays Hotel, Wick
Are you a woman in business, run your own, thinking of doing so, work for someone else and would like a sociable evening out with other like-minded women  See this poster.

Maxx Blade @ No 1
For those of you who don't know, Maxx Blade is a local, anonymous JavaScript programmer.  His first public script "Safe" is now the number one top rated JavaScript on, a world famous scripting web site. "Safe" is a small application to help with selecting colours when designing a web page and you can have a look, here 

Caithness Field Club - 2001/2002 Programme
The new programme of outings, talks lectures and lots more is now out.  Take a look if you are interested in seeing and finding out about Caithness on enjoyable walks and tours around the county.  Winter sees several interesting talks and you get an annual Bulletin with articles on wide variety of topics.  Even if you do not join you are welcome on the many walks - just check the calendar or the What's On.

More 1979 Reunion Pictures Now In
More coming later.

Queen Mother At Canisbay Church Today 12.15pm
After yesterday's wet and windy weather at the games the Queen Mother still attended church today at Canisbay as she has for many years.

1979 Wick High Reunion - First Pictures From Saturday
Another big turnout for a reunion in Wick last night.

Queen Mother At Mey Highland Games
The weather was atrocious today and the rain never stopped and nor did the wind stop but still the Queen mother made her annual trip to the games where a small crowd made her welcome.  Due to the weather the programme was curtailed and the Highland Dancing took place in a local hall.

The 1976 Wick High Reunion
A few pictures from the recent Reunion night in Mackay's Hotel.

Yes We Do Have A Picture of The Castle Of Mey
Amongst the top searches on Caithness.Org this past week has been for this castle - the place the Queen Mother stays every summer for a few weeks.  Her arrival in the county seems to have sparked a lot more interest in having a look at the castle.  And no we do not have any inside shots - it is not open to the public - sorry folks.

Dunnet Bay Folk Launch Dunnet Exhibition in London
Dunnet Bay folk are spreading the word themselves about the attractions of Dunnet and the surrounding area.  No longer do they wait for someone else to do it - they are taking action and made this trip to launch a small exhibition in the Tourist Board Offices in London.  Enthusiasm and commitment - and they have plenty are making Dunnet one of the better known places in Caithness.

The Everely Broch - Open To the Public
This is a rare chance to see a Caithness Broch in the process of being opened up.  One of the first in decades and you will have to wait until next summer to see the next stage.  Its like Time Team really happening in Caithness.  Take a look while you have the chance.  It all gets filled in again in a weeks time.  The team will be on hand to show you round.  Its near Freswick on the way to John O'Groats from Wick.

Bower Gala For More Fun
Starts 16 August

Thurso Gala Last Night - Leanne's Dancers Steal The Show
If you could bottle the bounce in these girls you would get rich quick. They never stopped dancing -  even standing watching everyone else.

Market Square Live Music From Colcannon
This Australian Group at the Free outdoor concert in Market Square, Wick last night got the feet tapping fast with a huge range of music from solos to upbeat sounds from round the world.  Next stop for them is the Edinburgh Festival.  Come back soon guys.

Thurso Gala - Last night - Alice And The Boys
This group of youngsters belted out a few numbers for the crowd on a cold evening at the end of Thurso Gala before the Karaoke.

Thurso Gala - Last Night - Scout Pipe Band
One of the few Scout Pipe Bands left in Scotland is in Thurso

Thurso Gala Last Night - Bronco Riding
Must practice my "Yee Hahs" for next year.

The Real Mountain Dew
Whisky In Caithness and the north in the past - or is it?

Fishing Competition - Hovig Trophy 10 August
Saturday 18 August Starting at 9.30am.

Stakeholder Pensions Employers Deadline Approaching
The new Stakeholders Pensions to be provided by employers with more than 5 employees are almost upon us.  Employers have until 8 October to get moving and the fines are heavy for non-compliance - up to £50,000.  So if you are employed and do not have a pension scheme check this out and if you are an employer you could save yourself big fines by checking this out.

George & Barney - Its A Different Philosophy
That's Life as George Rests and lets Barney Go Nuts.

Grey Mammoth Getting Ready To Lay Cable In Sinclair's Bay
Later today the barge with the huge cables to tow out the new pipeline bundle will move round to lay cable for the tug that is to pull out the pipeline and wellhead that came through Wick a few weeks ago.

Thurso Gala Pics Still Coming

Thurso Gala Dancers
Dancing In the Street?  These girls can dance anywhere.

Promoting Library Services In Thurso
Still more pictures to come in Thurso Gala Week.......

Caithness Community Transport Minutes 26 June 2001

Thurso Gala - More Children's Fancy Dress
More later...........

Serendipidists Singles Group Stroma Trip
The Serendipidists recent trip to Stroma was a great success.  Not only was the weather sunny (wish it had been on my trip) but they got to hear about island life from life long Stroma man.  Check the group pages for other meetings and outings.

Five New Properties For Sale
Property seems to be moving quite fast at present in Caithness going by the rate they are moving through the Caithness Business Pages.  Look in regularly for updates to what has become the busiest section in that web site.

First Thurso Gala Children's Fancy Dress Pictures
More later.

Wick Junior Choir Reunion
If ever the power of Caithness to bring people back needed any further endorsement then this reunion must surely be it. Formed about 1950 and running until about 1958 this is the second reunion of the once famous choir that travelled all over the country singing.  More on this in future weeks.  This was their second reunion the first having been in 1991.

Free Stuff Links New Page
A makeover for the Free Stuff links page with some additions and all links checked.  New links will be added following the format of our home page with new ones going in at the top and ultimately into the archives.  Larger sites and popular ones will be indexed on the main Free Stuff page.

Caithness Community Transport Minutes 26 June 2001

£36 Million Boost To Highlands & Islands Tourism
Tourism Minister Alasdair Morrison announced the major new investment at Caley Marina boat cruising centre in Inverness today.

More Thurso Gala Pictures
Still more to come.

Scotia Review Forum Thursday 9 August
Debate, Poetry Reading, Music in Jam sessions.  Come along and throw your thoughts into "Wick - Thurso - the Great Divide"

Raku Workshop - Making Your Own Pottery
A short course held on two separate days to make your own pot, glaze and fire it.

Riverside Cycle Races In Wick

Welcome To Curlew Cottage Far North Books
Those of you who read the John O'Groat Journal will be familiar with Out With Ralph as he takes you on his walks.  Well you can check out his books via the banner or his business page.

Keiss School 1977 P1 - P3 and Keiss School 1977 P4 - P7
More additions to the growing School Days Pages
1946 Class 3A Miller Academy
1953-54 Infant Class At West Public Annex

Caithness Family History Programme Starts 12 September

Caithness Highland Games "Tug O War" Teams
Caithness Highland Games had its day on Sunday at John O'Groats.  All the usual events with one or two unusual ones such as the Viking Press requiring the heavies to lift a 180 pound stone above their heads as often as they could.  No easy feat as the uneven stone could easily slip.

More Thurso Gala Night Pictures

More Thurso Gala

Viking Press at Caithness Highland Games On Sunday
A feat of endurance and not for the feint hearted this one - an uneven stone up and down several times until you drop it.....ouch.  Aaaaaaaaarg or something like that was the most common sound heard.

Are you Serious About Archaeology and Live in Caithness?

More Banger Derby Cars

Banger Derby Draws the Crowds At Scrabster Hill
The banger derby at Scrabster Hill as part of Thurso Gala week on Sunday drew a large crowd to see the old bangers racing.  A demonstration by Caithness Motocross cycle club also provided more excitement.

Thurso Gala Night Float Pictures
Thurso Gala got off to a cracking start on Saturday night with the float parade and dance not to mention many parties all round the town until the early hours.  20 pictures in and lots more to come later.......

Wick Gala Ends with Fireworks, Rock Concert and Funfair
Wick Gala completed the  eight days of fun on Saturday with the usual fireworks display and what is fast becoming an annual mini rock concert.  Many people out for this combined barbecue, music, funfair and fireworks.  Two bands "Area 51" and "Storm" shared the platform and thumped out the music to a very big crowd this year.

More Gymkana

First Wick Gala Gymkana Pictures
First pictures from this event.  Sorry they are so late but there is so much going on in Caithness at present its difficult to keep up.  More on this event in next few days....

Thurso Gala Queen & Court
Thurso Gala got going last night.  We start with the Thurso Gala Queen and her court before the crowning ceremony.  More pictures later but we are off to Scrabster hill car banger derby and John O'Groats Highland Games  - so see you all later.

Thurso Gala Starts As Wick Gala Ends
Unusually Wick and Thurso Galas overlap this year so that events are happening on both sides of the county tomorrow.  So you could attend the parade of floats in Thurso and still have plenty of time to nip through to Wick for the fireworks at 10.00pm. Or head straight for the family Gala Dance in Thurso.  Spoilt for choice this weekend.

Criterium Cycle Race - Line Up For Start
An annual event held as part of Wick Gala Week at roads around the airport industrial estate.

More Braehead Pictures Now In

Jocky Campbell's Dance Band At Last Night's Ceilidh
Plenty happening this week in Wick with the third chance to hooch it up this week and its not over yet.  This one was last night in the Assembly Rooms.

Wick Gala Week Still Plenty To Go
If you are not one of the 200 people expected at a Wick High School Reunion 49 - 51 tonight in Mackay's Hotel why not get to the Waterfront for the Horse Racing Night or the Car Treasure Hunt leaving from Assembly Rooms at 7.00pm.  Or the Pipe Band at 7.00pm in Market Square....  and Kids its Fun Run Day at 2.00pm riverside today.

Wick Gala Open Golf Competition Presentations
The annual Wick Gala Open Golf competition ended last night with Mike Steven taking the men's shield and Nicky Klimas coming out as top overall scratch player. The ladies overall winner was Deirdrie McAngus. 
The Gala Queen was in attendance to award the prizes last night.

Many More New Braehead Fancy Dress Pictures
All 39 pictures from the Braehead Fancy Dress are in today.

Wick Scouts Reunion - Big Attendance
A very big turnout for the Wick Scouts Reunion in Mackay's Hotel tonight.  The oldest ex scout seen here second from the left is 94 years old John Cormack who used to run a chip shop in Bexley Terrace. The Scouts were members of the movement from the 1930's to the 1960's.

Wick Arion Choir
Three pictures of Wick Arion Choir which under the tuition of Mrs Aline Mowat had great success from 1958  onwards making radio broadcasts with well known Scottish singers and even an album.  Were you one of the members of this choir.  Why not let us know about your memories of it.

Hi Jacksonville - Australia Calling
This just proves it. The planet is getting smaller.   Missing sister in Australia says hi to the Jacksonville group on holiday in Wick to meet relatives and friends has sent some pictures of her having a drink  - a big one by the looks of things.

Braehead, Wick -  Children's Fancy Dress
First pictures now in.  More later.

Jacksonville Group at Braehead

Grizzly Park Fun Day
The Grizzly Park Fun Day has become increasingly popular with children in recent years and today was no exception with a big crowd turning out. These girls were just getting ready for a sack race.  More pictures over the next day or two......

Karate Demonstration At Braehead, Wick

Traditional Games Still Go On In Caithness Parks
Tennis, Bowls, Putting, Crazy Golf, Trampolines, Climbing Frame are all available in public parks in Caithness.  Active pastimes are enjoyable but how much longer will these types of entertainment last with so much competition from other pursuits.  With budgets always under attack it could be use it or lose it.  When were you last in your public park?  Wherever you are they need support or councils might conclude they are no longer needed.  So dust off those bowls or tennis rackets.

Bogus Press Reports Angers UKAEA Management
Claims that decommissioning work is being held up are soundly refuted and UKAEA claims that the stories in the press are bogus.

Still On Gala Night Pictures 101 - 110

Record Breaking Month On Caithness.Org In July
Hits 1,802937   Pages 304454  Visitors 53047
Thanks to all of you for looking in and making Caithness.Org and associated web sites amongst the busiest in Scotland in July. On to the rest of Gala Week. More pictures coming later today.

Wick Gala -Two Shows Tonight
Yes Wick never does it by halves.  For a small town to be putting on two shows in two halls on one night is quite an achievement.  There is the Pipe Band summer show in the Pipe Band Hall and a Scottish Entertainment Evening in the Assembly Rooms.  Just shows how much singing and dancing there is.  The Ann Breen concert has a licensed bar.  The Pipe Band summer show has a lot more than just pipes.  Other events see the programme - a busy day today.

Highland Business Women's Club - Caithness & Sutherland Group
Are you a woman in business, run your own, thinking of doing so, work for someone else and would like a sociable evening out with other like-minded women.


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