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Where Caithness Folk Have  Gone         


Kay Bragdon (nee Wilson)
Contact Kay by email  -
[email protected]


My name is Kay Bragdon (nee Wilson).I was born in 1955 and lived in Thurso from 1957 to 1978. I went to the West Public School from 60 to 61, then Miller Academy from 61 to 62. After that, I went to Pennyland Primary school from 62 to 67, followed by Thurso High School from 67 to 72. My husband Gregg is American, and was stationed at U.S. Naval Station Forss, near Thurso, from 1975 to 1978.

We got married in 1976, and celebrate our Silver Anniversary this October 1st.

After Thurso, we were stationed in Puerto Rico for 3 years, then Gregg got out of the Navy in 1981. We lived in the States for 10 years,where our 2 sons were born.

We have been in Germany since the early 90s and are currently living in Stuttgart, in Southern Germany.  "We have also lived in Wiesbaden, near Frankfurt and prior to that, we lived in Mannheim, near Heidelberg."

Germany is a beautiful country, and if you like visiting old castles, quaint medieval towns and villages, then this is the place to be! Here are some

German websites that may be of interest to you...







Kay and Greg are just back from holiday in August 2001
"We had a lovely time in Italy...were staying on a US Army base 5 miles from Pisa, and an hour's drive from Florence. Saw the leaning tower and the beautiful Cathedral next to it. Spent 3 days in Florence and saw Michelangelo's statue of David and Boticelli's "Birth of Venus" painting, as well as other famous works of art there. Visited several of the Cathedrals in Florence too, which are magnificent. Took a bus trip down to Rome for a day, and saw the Coliseum and the ruins of the Forum next to it. We also went to the Vatican and visited St. Peter's Cathedral, which is breathtakingly beautiful inside. Would have liked to have seen the Trevi Fountain as well, but time did not allow. Had a lovely drive back through Switzerland yesterday, and also stopped at Lindau on Lake Constance ( or Bodensee as the Germans call it ), and spent an hour or two there."