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Health and Welfare

Arthritis Research Campaign - East Caithness Branch

Mrs Alison McAllan
Mrs Margaret Miller
Telephone: 01955 603108
01955 602627
Arthritis Research Campaign

The Arthritis Research Campaign is a national organisation whose aims are to promote research into the cause, treatment and cure of Arthritis and associated conditions, to educate medical students, doctors and health care professionals about arthritis, to provide information for the people affected, and for the general public.

A.R.C. receives no government grants and so relies on public support for funding.  When you give to A.R.C. the vast majority of your money goes directly to fund vital research.

Did you know that -

Arthritis and Rheumatic disease affects about 8 million people, - including almost 15 thousand children in the UK.

In 1998 more than 26 million prescriptions were issued for musculoskeletal and joint disease costing over �205 million.

Every 3 minutes someone has a fracture as a result of osteoporosis.

Our local branch is about one of 900, which raise money through Coffee Mornings, Fashion Shows etc. We need continued generosity of the public.  If you would like to help or if you require more information, please contact me or our chairperson, Mrs Alison McAllan, 5 Newton Avenue, Wick (telephone: 603108).  Our A.G.M. takes place at 7.30pm on 17 November 1999, in the Arthritis Rooms, Whitehouse Park, Wick.

Everyone Welcome!