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Health and Welfare

Highland Advocacy

Organiser: Mary Mackay Telephone: 0771 770 4639.

Highland Advocacy

Have you ever felt silenced by the authorities?  Do you wish you could speak with confidence at meetings with officialdom which are about your future?  You know how it is when you go along to such a meeting with your thoughts carefully worked out.  You know what it is that you want - but then someone fires a question at you and it puts you all wrong.  Or there are so many of them, they all seem know each other and they use technical words and you�re not sure what they mean.  When you want to say something it just comes out all wrong.   Do you sometimes wish someone could be there with you and to help you?     Or maybe you know someone who could do with just such help to express their views?  Advocacy Highland is here to do just that.

 Advocacy is about speaking up for and with people who are not being heard, helping them to express their own views.  Sometimes people that are at greatest risk of poor treatment need to have someone on their side.  Advocacy Highland is an independent organisation which has been set up to provide such support to

      People who have mental health problems including dementia

      People who have learning disabilities

      Frail older people

      People who are homeless

There is also some discretion to help others in urgent need of advocacy.

 Sheilis Mackay, the Manager of Advocacy Highland said �We have a commitment to support people who are at risk of being excluded by society.  It does happen that people are not heard and their wishes are ignored just because they cannot express their views clearly particularly in the face of bureaucracy or officialdom.  We are here to help people in that situation.�

 Advocacy Highland reaches right across the Highlands and specialized co-ordinators throughout the region recruit volunteers and train them as advocates.  This training is free and expenses are paid.  The co-ordinators also meet with people who want some help and match them up with a suitable advocate.  The service is completely free. 

 You can contact Advocacy Highland to find out who your local co-ordinator is, for more information about their support service or about their training for volunteers on 01463 233460 or by e-mailing [email protected]   The latest newsletter can be seen at  www.advocacy-highland.org.uk