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St Ola Leaving Scrabster Seen From Hoy Terrace, Thurso

Norfrost Fun Day

Peggy Banks Raises Cash For Macmillan Nurses

High School Pupils Brighten Up Child Assessment Centre

Highland Councillors have agreed a twin-track approach to achieving their 21st Century School Improvement Programme.  Members of the Education Culture and Sport Committee agreed to fund 11 new schools by a second Public Private Partnership Programme at a cost of £80 million and a further 13 projects via the more traditional Section 94 Capital funding route and the possible creation of a new School Improvement Trust.

A Smart Card Revolution At Highland Leisure Facilities
When were you last at your local swimming pool or library.  If it has been a while then you have not seen the great flexibilty and fantastic offers on entry to all of the Highland Council Leisure facilities.

Beach Watch 2002 North Baths Wick

Swimfest 23 October 2002 For Primary Kids

Fireworks  - The Case for Reform of The Laws
But, as the old poem goes on, while there might well be no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot, it is the explosion of problems that are now indelibly linked to the occasion, not just throughout but also well before and beyond the traditional firework and bonfire season, that have encouraged Scotland's Police Forces to call for a tightening of legislation and the voluntary codes of practice which relate to these potentially lethal events.

Murray Watts Launches New Chilren's Bible In Caithness

Caithness Woman To Hike Sahara for Cancer Charity
Fiona McLellan who lives in Wick has registered to do the Maggies Sahara Desert Hike, to raise money for Maggies Cancer Caring Centres. Maggies centres are currently in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee and the are currently trying to raise money for a Maggies Centre in the Highlands.

Green Tourism Award

Environmental Research Students Visit Dounreay
Ian Rae and Dr Kenneth Boyd of the ERI accompanied seven French students. The group were given a tour of the site and visited various plants within the Fuel Cycle Area

Dental Services In Caithness - Statement From Highland Primary Care Trust

Chief Scout Visits Caithness
George Purdy the chief scout in the UK was in Caithness as part of a visit to the northern Highlands and the Islands of Orkney and the Western Isles.   There nearly 500,000 young people in the scout movement in the UK.

Theatre Network Upsurge In Highlands

Turning Rubbish Into Success

Broadband Trials To Start In Part of Highland

Junior Triathalon 2002 - East Caithness

A Caithness-based woodturner is turning to film making as a new venture, using the latest in digital technology.   Michael O' Donnell is based at Dunnet Head - the most northerly point on the Scottish mainland - and aims to make videos and DVDs for a range of markets including business and tourism and instructional videos for crafts..........

Full CASE Report For August 2002

Free travel will be available for pensioners and people with disabilities for all bus journeys made within The Highland Council area from 30 September.............
Can We Please Have More rural Buses??????

Highlands and Islands Enterprise has agreed to support the proposed community buyout of  Amhuinnsuidhe and North Harris estate with a financial contribution from the agency's Community Land Unit.

Manpower Leaving Night Out Becomes Party Night

Inverness Local Plan
The long term plans for Inverness the biggest town in highland Region may have implications for everyone in the Highlands.  Although we all like to have a go at everything going to Inverness there is little doubt that a successful main town in any area can have many spin offs for the whole region.  In the north over 100 miles away in many cases it may well be worth taking a critical look as the long-term future may well be beginning in these plans.

Scotland's First Minister's Massage For September 11
Bill Fernie visited the Twin Towers  during a trip to New York in 2000.  This is the first picture of New York to appear on the web site to say our thoughts are with all the families and friends involved in New York and elsewhere.   Jack McConnell's Message today sums up the strength of the bonds between our two countries brought ever closer.

Changing Attitudes
Following Recent Meetings In Wick & Thurso
Still Time To Have A Say

Highland Health Council would like to thank everyone who took the time to contribute to the ‘Caithness Voices’ events in Wick and Thurso last week. The events were an attempt to do something different to involve as wide a selection of views from the community as possible.........

On Monday 9 September preliminary work on the 140-year-old bridge at Clachnaharry in Inverness  started and will last for 5 weeks.

UKAEA Donates £250 To Assynt Mountain Rescue
UKAEA Dounreay has recently donated £250 to the Assynt Mountain Rescue Team. The team is a voluntary and self-funded organisation and is one of 28 represented at the Mountain Rescue Committee of Scotland.

A & D Sutherland Ltd - Caithness Flagstone

A new marketing campaign aimed at promoting Caithness flagstone as a paving material in English towns and cities is getting underway thanks to Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise (CASE).

NHS Buys Private Capacity For 6 Months
The NHS in Scotland has purchased all of the spare capacity in orthopaedics in the private sector to clear the waiting list for people waiting over a year for knee or hip replacements

New Child Protection Bill For Scotland To List Unsuitable Persons

On 3rd September, 2002, new information was received about the death of Kevin MacLeod on 7th/8th February, 2002.

Highland Clearances Project At Helmsdale
Today Thursday 5 September was a momentous day in the long history of the Highland Clearances when the directors of the Highland Clearances Project a £5 million project to create a lasting memorial to the Highland people who were swept from the land...........................

Dunbar A & E Downgrading Fear Story Refuted By Health Trust Boss
Paul Martin, Chief Executive of Highland Primary Care Trust, commenting on the front page article in the Caithness Courier, Wednesday 4 September 2002, refuted the suggestion that a decision had already been made on the future of Accident and Emergency Services at Dunbar Hospital, Thurso. The article quoted Mary Scanlon, MSP, as saying that a nurse led minor injuries unit would replace the Accident & Emergency department at the hospital by the end of the year.

Grey Coast Theatre Hit In The Making With 51 Pegasus
The opening night of 51 Pegasus proves Grey Coast Theatre's drive to find new work and bring it forward with a young cast was vindicated.  Artistic Director George Gunn expressed his satisfaction to a first night reception in the Pentland Hotel, Thurso where the audience were invited back to meet the cast and production team.

Drug Awareness Tour of the Highlands
Glasgow-based Theatre Company FABLEVISION is touring its highly successful drug awareness programme LAST NIGHT to more than 2,000 young people in 24 secondary schools in the Highlands. The tour began in Inverness on 26th August and finishes in Wick on Thursday 12 September before

The decision to move the new headquarters of The Highland Councils harbour management team to Lochinver, Sutherland, was hailed as a big success by Convener David Green when he opened the Culag Building on Tuesday 3 September.

Sutherland Folk Festival Till End of September
Events all over but check out especially the event n the woods at Borgie forest


Rare Plant Discovery At Munsary Peatland, Latheron

During the monitoring work, the survey team have recently made an exciting find by locating saxifrage hirculus (yellow marsh saxifrage), on site.

Scottish News

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