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N E W S F E E D S >>> News Bulletins 2002

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August 2002 Report
July 2002

The number of unemployed in Caithness and Sutherland rose from 800 last month to 810. The revised unemployment rates in the Sutherland, Wick and Thurso ‘Travel to Work Areas’ respectively are as follows (corresponding figures for last month are shown in brackets) 5.8% (5.7%), 5.2% (5.6%) and 2.9% (2.6%).

267 young people are currently on Skillseekers, 255 of whom are employed status trainees. John Dodd, Lairg achieved his Gamekeeping Level II vocational qualification, while David Sutherland, Ackergill achieved his Level III VQ in the Installation & Commissioning of Electrical Systems.

208 Modern Apprentices are currently in training, including one new start. There were also 2 MA certificates achieved.

There are currently 37 participants on Training for Work. There were 2 positive outcomes, with Kelvin Bannister and Jackie Harrison both going into employment following their time on the programme, while Arthur Edwards achieved his European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL).

21 participants started on Gateway, while a further 54 people went into a variety of employment and training options.

James Mackay and Ronald Gray were both assisted with the cost of undertaking basic offshore survival courses, while Colin Stevenson is to be assisted with the cost of a Light Goods Vehicle (LGV) course.

Assistance from our Tourism Training programme has enabled a number of local businesses to attain awards from the Green Tourism Business Scheme, a VisitScotland accredited quality assurance scheme. The aim of the initiative is to help tourism businesses to reduce their environmental impact, save costs, improve efficiency and increase their marketing potential.

At present 19 organisations throughout Caithness and Sutherland are members of the scheme. The Park Hotel in Thurso and Unapool House Cottages in Kylesku have become the first businesses in our area to achieve gold awards.

Michael O’Donnell, Brough is to be assisted with the cost of purchasing equipment for his video production business, Face to Face Videos, which will produce a range of instructional woodworking videos.


Braemore Estates, a property development company, were awarded assistance of £20,000 towards the cost of converting an unused store in the centre of Thurso into speculative office accommodation.

  Also in Thurso, Sandra's Backpackers Hostel was awarded assistance totalling £19,000 towards the extension of the popular bunk house accommodation.

Highland Waste Services Ltd, Brora are to receive assistance of up to £5,800 towards the cost of equipment which will enable them to shred scrap wood into a product which can then be used for animal bedding and wood-burning heating systems. D Gow & Son, Lybster were awarded £62,540 towards the on-going development of the business.

Tobey Bracey, Reay has started a Roman blind manufacturing business, while Dorte Olesen, Brora has started a knitwear design business.

The four approvals were for: Mackenzie's Furniture Village, Wick, for intensive carpet fitting courses; Neil Redgate, Castletown, for Upland Forest Design and Environmental Noise Measurement courses; Durrand & Bremner Recovery, Wick, for light recovery and lorry loader crane courses; and, The Print Register Ltd, Golspie, towards the cost of a computer accounts course.

John O’Groats Ferries Ltd, Wendy Sutherland from Brora, and Dark Fibres, Rhiconich were all awarded assistance towards the cost of establishing new business websites. In addition, Michael O’Donnell of Face to Face Videos, Dunnet was awarded assistance towards the development of e-commerce trading.

Sandra's Backpackers Hostel, Thurso were awarded assistance of £11,400 towards the extension of their bunk house accommodation.

Highland Waste Services Ltd was awarded assistance of £4,800 towards the recycling of waste wood products, which will reduce the amount of waste from skips which will need to transported to the landfill site in Inverness.

Highland Berry Growers, were awarded assistance of £2,650 towards undertaking pan-Highland trials into growing a range of forest fruit, such as Cloudberries, Blaeberries and Lingonberries.  In our area, trials are being conducted at sites at Halkirk, Bonar Bridge and Borgie Forest.

The Scottish Agricultural College, Thurso were awarded assistance of £392 towards organising a gathering of suckler cow farmers, thereby giving them the opportunity to discuss common issues of concern, while Caithness Glass, Wick were awarded £950 towards a production method study.

Sports & Arts Grants
The Sutherland Folk Festival has received approval of up to £3,140 towards the cost of staging a programme of events at venues throughout the county. Also assisted were Thurso Town Improvements, to assist with cost of their Viking parade during Thurso Gala, while Caithness Sports Council received approval of £4,500 for their ‘Excellence in Sport’ initiative.

Community INVESTMENT Grants
Clearances Centre Ltd, are to receive £50,000 towards the cost of appointing a fundraiser for their multi-phase project in Helmsdale, which aims to provide an international focal point for the commemoration of the Clearances, while the Clan Sinclair Trust received approval of £5,000 towards the cost of developing a conservation plan and undertaking an archaeological survey to safeguard the future of Sinclair & Girnigoe Castle.

Other groups assisted were: the Royal Caledonian Curling Club, for a 'Highland Development Officer' post; Golspie Gala Week, for the annual ‘Car Banger Derby’; Britannia Hall Committee, Dunnet to assist with the development of the village hall; Halkirk Village Councils' Jubilee Steering Group, to create floral displays; and Durness Gardeners Group, to help with their community garden project.

Cearcall Gaighlig Tuath, to assist with the employment of their Gaelic Officer.

Pentland Housing Association and North West Sutherland Council for Community Action have both been successfully re-recognised as Investors in People.


The following are funds approved during the month ending 31st August 2002. Please note that the sums relate to approvals, not payments. While finance may be approved, for a business investment for example, it does not guarantee that the developments will go ahead. The approval simply shows that CASE funds have been made available, but they will not be released until evidence is received that the project or activity has gone ahead.


Vocational Qualifications achieved

Name of Trainee Training Company VQ Achieved
John Dodd, Lairg The North Highland College Gamekeeping Level II
David Sutherland, Ackergill SECTT Installation & Commissioning Electrical Systems Level III


Modern Apprenticeship certificates achieved

Name of Trainee Company
David Sutherland, Ackergill SECTT
Garry MacDonald, Dornoch Agenda Training

Modern Apprenticeship starts / transfers

Name of Trainee Company
Nicola Oag, Wick Rural Training Services


Vocational / other qualifications achieved

Name of Trainee Training Company VQ / Other Qualification Achieved
Arthur Edwards, West Helmsdale Global Highland European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL)

Bonus payments are also paid to the Training Provider for every trainee who goes from the scheme to employment (including self-employment) or further education. The following have been reported to us as having gone on to employment/further education this month.

Name of Trainee Training Company
Kelvin Bannister, Helmsdale Global Highland
Jackie Harrison, Edderton The North Highland College

SKILLS DEVELOPMENT GRANTS - Unemployed (75% of the cost of the course)

Name Course Details Max. Grant
James Mackay, Brora Basic Offshore Survival £495.85
Colin Stevenson, Rhiconich LGV Licence £613.50
Ronald Gray, Thurso Basic Offshore Survival £486.62


Company and Location Description Max. Grant Forecast of jobs created or retained
Michael O’Donnell, Brough Establishment of a video production studio £6,200 0.5 cr
Braemore Estates Ltd, Edinburgh Property development £20,000 15 cr
Sandra's Backpackers Hostel, Thurso Extension of bunk house accommodation £19,000 1cr / 3 rt
Highland Waste Services Ltd, Brora Wood recycling plant £5,800 2 cr
D Gow & Son, Lybster Business development £62,500 10 cr


Name & Location Trading Name
Tobey Bracey, Reay Roman Blind Workshop
Dorte Olesen, Brora Pulsen Design Ltd


Name & Location Course Details Max. Grant
Mackenzie's Furniture Village, Wick Intensive carpet fitting courses £434
Neil Redgate, Castletown Upland forest design & environmental noise measurement £468.50
Durrand & Bremner Recovery, Wick Light recovery and lorry loader crane courses £209.60
The Print Register Ltd, Golspie Computer accounts course £145


Name & Location Description Max. Grant
Wendy Sutherland, Brora Establishment of a website £300
Dark Fibres, Rhiconich Establishment of a website £575
John O’Groats Ferries Ltd, John O’Groats Establishment of a website £575
Face to Face Videos, Dunnett Development of e-commerce trading operation £1,210


Name & Location Description Max. Grant
Sandra's Backpackers Hostel, Thurso Extension of bunk house accommodation £11,400


Name & Location Description Max. Grant
Highland Waste Products Ltd, Brora Recycling of waste wood £4,800


Name & Location Description Max. Grant
Scottish Agricultural College, Thurso Meeting of suckler cow farmers £392
Highland Berry Growers, Portree Pan-Highland fruit growing trials £2,650
Caithness Glass Ltd, Wick Production method study £950


Name of Applicant Project Details Max. Grant
Thurso Town Improvements Viking parade during Thurso Gala £1,730
Caithness Sports Council ‘Excellence in Sport’ scheme £4,500
Sutherland Folk Festival Staging of county-wide Folk Festival £3,140


Name of Applicant Project Details Max. Grant
Clearances Centre Ltd, Helmsdale Fundraiser project post £50,000
Golspie Gala Week "Banger Derby" event £1,272
Royal Caledonian Curling Club Highland Development Officer post £2,000
Britannia Hall Committee, Dunnet Development of village hall £1,681
Halkirk Village Council Jubilee Steering Group's floral displays £500
The Clan Sinclair Trust Sinclair & Girnigoe Castle - conservation plan £5,000
Durness Gardeners' Group Community garden project £1,275


Name of Applicant Project Details Max. Grant
Cearcall Gaidhlig Tuath To assist with Gaelic Officer post £2,586


Company / Organisation achieving IIP Status
Pentland Housing Association, Thurso (re-recognition)
North West Sutherland Council for Community Action (re-recognition)