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Munsary Peatland Reserve

Munsary Peatland Reserve, north of Latheron, was opened in July 2000. The 3,300-acre reserve is owned by Plantlife - Wild Plant Conservation Charity, and run by a management group, including several local representatives.  Management work on the reserve is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, a grant from the Craignish Conservation Trust, and now also by the EC LIFE project.

Photo Gallery Of Munsary

A detailed conservation management assessment of the reserve was completed by international peatland expert Richard Lindsay. Richard is now presently undertaking a detailed survey of the reserve. By providing information on the vegetation of the reserve, various innovative ways of keeping a scientific eye on the changing conditions of the reserve will be explored.

This will help guide future management and provide early warning signs of harmful long-term changes.  During the monitoring work, the survey team have recently made an exciting find by locating saxifrage hirculus (yellow marsh saxifrage), on site.
Marina Finlayson
East Caithness Ranger
3 September 2002

The Yellow marsh saxifrage (saxifrage hirculus)  is a perennial plant occurring in base-rich flushes and mires. It is threatened and declining throughout much of Europe. Formerly recorded from 13 vice-counties in the UK, it is now restricted to approximately 20 localities in about 10 ten km squares in Northern Ireland, Scotland and northern England. The main population concentration is now in the northern Pennines, which holds 80-90% of the UK population. The size of yellow marsh saxifrage populations have been under-estimated as the flower heads are grazed off, making recognition difficult.

Munsary is north of Latheron and lies at Grid Ref ND2145
It lies between the Camster estate on the east and Latheronwheel estate on the west.
The small Kensary estate is north of it and Latheron Estate to the south.
The tributaries of the Strath Burn start at Munsary and flow eventually into Loch Watten