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Sept 2002 Index

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September 2002

Dunbar A & E Downgrading Fear Story Refuted By Health Trust Boss
Paul Martin, Chief Executive of Highland Primary Care Trust, commenting on the front page article in the Caithness Courier, Wednesday 4 September 2002, refuted the suggestion that a decision had already been made on the future of Accident and Emergency Services at Dunbar Hospital, Thurso. The article quoted Mary Scanlon, MSP, as saying that a nurse led minor injuries unit would replace the Accident & Emergency department at the hospital by the end of the year.

Dunbar Hospital, Thurso

Mr. Martin said:

'This is not a reflection of the discussion I had with Mary Scanlon. Mrs. Scanlon asked whether the service was to be nurse led. I confirmed that this was one of the options the Trust was exploring. I told her that no decision has yet been made.

The position is that work is being undertaken locally to re-instate the casualty service, although this is unlikely to be exactly the same as that which the GPs had previously supplied. The work entails identifying potential models for the future, which meet patient needs and are robust and sustainable.

I would like to reassure the people of Thurso that no decision has yet been made. We will continue to work with local people on the way forward.'

Mrs Scanlon, MSP had been quoted in the Caithness Courier -
"It's my understanding that in December or January there will be a nurse-led minor injuries service, which is quite different to a full accident and emergency service"

The Caithness Courier also reported -
On the other hand Caithness Local Health Forum chairman George Bruce was not aware of a proposal for a nurse-led unit and said he would be seeking clarification.

There is no doubt that people in the east of the county fear the loss of the service completely after its withdrawal in May this year.   The A & E unit at Dunbar had provided a service for parts of Caithness and north Sutherland.   No definite date for re-opening has been made leading to the current unsatisfactory lack of definite information.   No doubt voters will not miss the opportunity to make their voice heard at the coming elections next year.