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Access Guide

Community Transport

Community Care Links    Caithness Red Cross

Travel Card Scheme

Access Issues For People with Disabilities In  Caithness

Welcome to Caithness.org Access Pages.
This section is aimed primarily at bring you information on access to places in Caithness.  We are not ourselves going out checking what is available but listing anything that comes to our attention or is notified to us.  If you know of well accessed places for wheel chairs etc let us know.........

Any local person who has made special arrangements for people with disabilities in their premises is welcome to advertise the information on this page.  Hotels, guest houses, shops and Public Buildings with information on access to their premises are asked to let us have full details to add to what will become a local guide to access in Caithness.  We are not setting out rules as these are laid down in many official documents. Send Information about accessibility for these pages to [email protected]

Disabled Parking Bays In Inverness 3 July 2002
Traffic Wardens Launch Booklet To Assist Disabled Drivers to Find Parking In Inverness. Copies of the new brochure can be obtained from the libraries, the council service point on Church Street, Tourist Information Centre, the bus and railway station, Burnett Road and police stations across the Highlands.

7 May 2001
Bird Hide at Mey Loch
Has wheelchair access

24 April 2001
Visitor Attractions

23 April 2001

23 April 2001

Eating Places Access
Page started.  Let us know if you have information on places.

21 April 2001
Shop Access Page
The first shop has been put into the page.  If you can confirm access details on any shop or business in Caithness get in touch.

4 May 2000 Opening -11 April
Waterlines - the new Fishing heritage museum and centre at Lybster has wheelchair access and facilities.  Wheelchair lift to access upper floor.

Fishing For Wheelchairs
St John’s Loch Improvement Association
Equipment for the Disabled Fisherman
"Wheelie Boat" on St John’s Loch for anglers in wheelchair. Full vehicle access but must be accompanied by the ghillie.      
Dates – First Saturday in April to first Saturday in September

The Disability Discrimination Act will make it necessary for many businesses and premises to become accessible.  Caithness.org will record the information and build a local information guide on the pages as the information becomes available or is notified.  Everyone can help by emailing in details of premises stating their access for people with disabilities or special provisions made.
Equally we would be interested to hear from people with disabilities in Caithness in order to highlight problems with buildings or facilities in order to bring this to the attention of everyone.

In addition we will add other useful information from around the UK where you might find useful savings or further information on questions about travel and access to all sorts of places for disabled people.

Any Orange Badge issued in England, Northern Ireland or Scotland with an expiry later than 31 March 2003 is not VALID. Any member receiving one should be advised to immediately contact the issuing office and seek an urgent replacement with a Blue Badge. Parking enforcement authorities have been advised of the problem and asked to be lenient for a few weeks. Blue Badges have not yet been introduced for people living in Wales, where they continue to issue Orange Badges. These badges are perfectly valid as before.

Page Began 31 March 2001 - No entries yet
Accommodation in Caithness
For Disabled Tourists And Visitors
Section will be added to as information becomes available.  Owners can send details for inclusion to [email protected]


Bed & Breakfast



Other Venues

List of Public Toilets and Opening Times

Review Of Blue Badge (Formerly Orange) Scheme

Toilets In the UK

Disabled Drivers Motor Club

Discounts For Disabled Drivers

Toll Concessions For Disabled People At Bridges & Tunnels

Scottish Bridges Exempt For Orange Badge Holders
Erskine Bridge (near Glasgow)
Exemption for Orange Badge (OB) holders.
Forth Road Bridge (near Edinburgh)
Exemption for OB holders.

Orange/Blue Badge Scheme

Aids & Accessories For Disabled Drivers

Drivers Who Become Disabled

Motor Insurance Advice For Disabled Drivers

Access Guides For London To buy and phone help

Arts In London For People With Disabilities
This free phone service operates Mon to Fri from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Artsline can tell you “what’s hot”, give you access details and even offer suggestions about the attitudes of local management. Their database includes information on theaters, cinemas, arts centers, museums, comedy clubs, music venues and galleries. Artsline also publishes a monthly magazine, DIAL (Disability Arts in London) which has current listings and reviews. For more information call Artsline at 0171-388-2227

The London Theatre Guide With seating plans

Royal Association For Disability & Rehabilitation

RADAR Access Guides
Also National Key Scheme for Toilets

RADAR Holiday Guides

RADAR Links To Disability Sites

RADAR Mobility & Travel

Yahoo Disability Section

Disability Now Newspaper Online

Other Disability Web Sites
Disability Alliance

Disability Alliance Links

Government Disability Links

Disability Discrimination Act

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995: new requirements to make goods, facilities and services more accessible to disabled people from 2004
A practical guide for smaller service providers on overcoming physical barriers to access for disabled customers