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28 May 04
70th Anniversary of Commercial Air Mail Services
The 70th anniversary of the first official
internal British airmail service will be commemorated on Saturday 29 May
at Kirkwall Airport in Orkney. Captain Ernest Edmund Fresson
OBE, the pioneer of flight in the North of Scotland, flew the first
airmail service from Inverness to Wick and Kirkwall on 29 May 1933.
Earlier in the same month he flew the first scheduled passenger service
on the same route and in November of 1934 he operated the first UK air
ambulance flight.
Following a trial period in schools, The Highland Council will now be
solely dishing up organic carrots within all their catering
establishments. This follows a change in purchasing policy to ensure
organic produce is on the menu. Members of the Education, Culture
and Sport Committee were told that TIO, who supplied the carrots for the
trial, have been awarded the contract to supply organic carrots and
MacLeod Organics have been awarded the contract to supply organic fruit
and vegetables. The Council's procurement contract worth �2.5
million for all foodstuffs, including fresh fruit and vegetables, recently
came up for renewal. Education, Culture and Sports Catering Services
actively promoted and raised awareness of the tendering process to
encourage more local producers and suppliers to bid.
Good Turnout For Macmillan Challenge Walk At Wick
Wick Committee of Macmillan Cancer Relief had a good turnout when 45
people arrived for their annual walk on Tuesday 25 May. The walkers
started at Caithness General Hospital, then up Newton Hill, Down by
Milton, back to Hospital. Raising funds and keeping fit - good
combination and many will be back again next year.
Friday 21 May 04
Lesley Riddoch Show At Wick Features Caithness
Maternity Issue
The Lesley Riddoch Show on Friday 21 May 2004 featured the problem
of cuts to consultant led services at Caithness General Hospital.
Caithness Voluntary Group's New Offices Add To Pultenytown Regeneration
Offices for Caithness Voluntary Group will be called Telford House after
being opened on Thursday evening by Paul white of the Scottish Council for
Voluntary Organisations. Ex councillor Bill Mowat who has had a long
association with CVG introduced Mr White and said the opening was the
culmination of a long held dream to gain new premises for the
European Elections 10 June
- Want To Vote By Post Or Proxy?
The poll will take place between the hours of
7.00am and
10.00pm on Thursday 10 June 2004.
Postal or Proxy Voting
Applications to vote by post or by proxy, and other applications and
notices about postal or proxy voting, must reach the appropriate Electoral
Registration Officer (see note 4 below) by 5pm on Wednesday 2 June 2004.
Canisbay Playgroup At Dounreay Visitor Centre
from Canisbay Playgroup recently had a day out at Dounreay's Visitor
Centre where they saw a display by two of UKAEA Constabulary's police dogs
and had the opportunity to sit in police vehicles. A good time was had by
all. The children are pictured here with some of the parents, PC Willie
Dunnett with Storm, Marie Mackay of Dounreay Communications (right) and
Visitor Centre guides Carol Spencer (2nd left) and Louise Gibson (2nd
Scottish SPCA Thurso and District Branch
Dog Walk Success
On Sunday 9 May 2004 The Thurso and
District branch of the Scottish SPCa held a fund raising dog walk which
was a great success and raised �1250.
At the branch meeting on 9 May 2004 Chairman Iain Pollock said " A really
successful event this will help the finances no end - our sincere thanks
to all those that took part and to every one who contributed"
Murkle Man Turns His Birthday Into
Record Breaking Fund Raiser For Charities
Murkle man Colin Mackay decided to have a 40th Birthday party with
a difference recently, where he asked for no presents, but people gave
donations for a charity auction and raffle. The party, which
was held last month at the Weigh Inn, was attended by several hundred
people, and raised a phenomenal �13575. The money was divided up between
five local charities. MacMillan Cancer Relief, Leukemia Research, Riding
for the Disabled Association, Enable and REACH all receiving an impressive
�2715 each.
Brough Woodturners Trip To South
Brough based couple Liz and Michael O�
Donnell, have just returned from a six week trip to South Africa, where
they were showing their skills to the locals. They were invited by
the Association of Woodturners of South Africa (AWSA) to attend their
annual congress in Durban, to demonstrate their distinctive style of
woodturning and decorating to the locals and other visitors to the
congress. Michael, who left Vulcan 30 years ago, to concentrate on
his woodturning, turns all his bowls using mainly local sycamore, and Liz,
a primary school art teacher until recently taking early retirement, is
responsible for the eye-catching decorative artwork.
Highland Council has elected Councillor Sheena Slimon, the representative
for Badenoch West, to be its depute chairman of Housing and Social Work
Committee, with special responsibility for housing matters.
Councillor Slimon succeeds Councillor Garry Coutts, Beauly and Strathglass,
who resigned from the Council on Wednesday 5 May on being appointed
Chairman of the NHS Highland Board. Councillor Coutts was also the
Council�s nominee on the NHS Board. The Council has nominated
Vice-Convener Michael Foxley, Ardnamurchan and Morvern, to take his place
on the Board.
Allan Cup At Thuso Bowling Club

A great days bowling at Thurso saw Andrew Buttress lifting the Gents Allan
Cup following a convincing 21-9 win over Ronnie Bain. Ronnie never
managed to get a look in as Andrew dominated with pin-point precision
bowls that thrilled the gallery.
Pentland Model Boat Show 2004

Highland Council
convener, Alison Magee has joined the board of Caithness and Sutherland
Enterprise (CASE). Appointed to the post of convener last May, Mrs
Magee is The Highland Council member for Sutherland Central. Mrs
Magee - a first class honours graduate of Cambridge University - lives in
Lairg and was elected to Sutherland District Council in 1988 before
joining The Highland Council in 1996, following reorganisation.
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry Patricia Hewitt today
accepted the resignation of Denis Tunnicliffe CBE as Chair of UKAEA.
Mr Tunnicliffe is resigning his position in order to take up his role as a
working peer.
Robina Gray Celebrating Her 100th Birthday
generations gathered to celebrate the birthday of Robina Sutherland Gray
at Westminster Seaview Nursing home. Mrs Gray was married for 60
years to her late husband William. She was born at Wellingtpn
Street, Wick. she and her husband had five children and she has 23
grandchildren, 38 grand children and two great-great-grand children.