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and Islands Labour MSP Maureen Macmillan has called on those with access
to a computer to submit a response to a web forum on the Licensing
(Scotland) Bill. The Scottish Parliament's Local Government and Transport
Committee launched the forum recently so that members of the public can
help inform the Committee's consideration of the Bill. Mrs
Macmillan, who sits on the Justice 2 Committee, which is also considering
evidence on liquor licensing, said, "The new Bill aims to create a more
modern, simple and flexible system for Scotland and also to create a
legislative framework to help reduce underage and binge drinking.
Second "E" Rock Concert -
Viewfirth - 2 April 2005
The 2nd 'E'
Rock Concert takes place this Saturday night at the Thurso Viewfirth and
looks set to be a cracking night of live rock music. Six rock bands will
take to the stage over the course of the evening, each with their own
distinctly different style. Headlining the event will be hotly tipped
Inverness band Findo Gask, who have enjoyed success over the last year
supporting the likes of InMe and Scottish rockers Biffy Clyro. If you like
your music fast, energetic and loud then this is the band to see.
Over At Halkirk For
The Northern Nashville Country Music Festival 2005

Dounreay�s award-winning visitor centre opens its doors for the 2005
season today in time for the early Easter weekend. The centre explains to visitors the remarkable story of the
pioneers who developed the fast breeder programme at Dounreay 50 years
ago, and the major clean-up programme now underway to restore the
environment. It describes how
UKAEA is working with the local community to establish the north Highlands
as an international centre of excellence in nuclear decommissioning -
qualities that can sustain the skills and enterprise base of the north
Highlands beyond the closure of Dounreay and so ensure the ultimate legacy
of Scotland�s first �atomic factory� is one everyone can be proud of.
Caithness Rythmic Gymnasts Gain
Valuable Experience At Scottish Novice Competitions
Rhythmic Gymnasts from Caithness Gymnastics Club competed in the Rhythmic
Gymnastics Scottish Novice Competition held at Bellsquarry, Livingston
last weekend. Some parents and their club coaches Diane & Julia Gibson
accompanied them to the competition.
UKAEA Aniversary Fund Makes
Seven Donations To Local Charities
celebrate UKAEA's 50th anniversary, an anniversary fund was created to
underline UKAEA's commitment to charitable causes. For every pound that
volunteers raised for selected charities, UKAEA contributed a pound from
its anniversary fund. During the year UKAEA Dounreay made donations to 7
groups: Caithness Kidney Dialysis Support Group, 1st Dunnet Bay Scout
Group, Crossroads Care Caithness, Breakthrough Breast Cancer, Newton
Palliative Care Fund, Caithness MacMillan Nurses and Thurso High School
PTA Minibus Fund.
Labour Candidate Looks In At Dounreay
NEW GENERATION: Labour's prospective parliamentary candidate in Caithness,
Sutherland and Easter Ross Alan Jamieson meets UKAEA's Celestine Cheong
and Gavin Coppins, who are among a new era of graduates in environmental
sciences drawn to Dounreay by the challenge of cleaning up the fast
experiment. They are pictured here explaining the ground-breaking research
being carried out to ensure environmental data for Doureay, including that
associated with the legacy of particles in the marine environment, is
available for analysis and communication to site regulators and the
Graduate Fair For
At Thurso - 7 April
the success of a pilot event last year, graduates and employers in
Caithness and Sutherland are once again to be given the opportunity to
meet and discuss mutual benefits. The second Graduate Fair will take place
in Thurso Town Hall, on Thursday 7th April, from 4pm - 7pm. The
event is organised by Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise (CASE). The date
has been chosen to coincide with students returning to the area for the
Easter holidays, and for local employers planning recruitment for summer
starting dates.
18 March 05
Flurry Of UKAEA Items
DUNNET BEACH Update On Contaminated Stone Find
UKAEA has published the results of tests carried out on a contaminated
stone discovered during monitoring of the beach at Dunnet on March 2. The
tests are inconclusive about the origin of the caesium, but eliminate
radioactive deposition from the Chernobyl accident as a source of the
contamination. The tests indicate the contamination it is not a particle
of the kind found near Dounreay. A full report on the tests can be found
at and see below.
Monitoring of the beach at Dunnet is continuing.
UKAEA Will Assist
Highland Council To Remove Storm Rubbish At Dunnet
UKAEA has responded to a request for assistance from Highland Council to
help repair storm damage and has agreed to provide mechanical assistance
to remove large quantities of flotsam and jetsam from the area.
Reach Settlement With Sandside
UKAEA has begun a process of mediation with Magnohard Ltd, owner of the
estate at Sandside, with a view to reaching a positive settlement of
issues arising from the detection and retrieval of radioactive particles
at Sandside beach. UKAEA regrets the occurrence of particles at Sandside
and the historical practices that gave rise to their release onto the
seabed off Dounreay. We recognise the importance of this issue to
Magnohard Ltd. UKAEA is committed to exploring every reasonable
avenue open to it in order to reach a fair and just settlement with
Magnohard Ltd.
A number of newspapers this week reported that a new court case has been
launched against UKAEA Dounreay as a result of historical waste management
practices. UKAEA understands that these reports stemmed from Media
Intelligence Partners Ltd, a London-based lobby firm with strong links to
political organisations in the USA. Enquiries by UKAEA have established
that no new, fresh proceedings have been brought against UKAEA.
Maureen Macmillan MSP Backing Action
on Solvent Abuse
Maureen Macmillan MSP has added her support to a new campaign to stop
solvent abuse in Scotland. The
National Volatile Substance Abuse (VSA) campaign is hoping to raise
awareness amongst shop workers about the laws surrounding the sale of
lighter fuel and other solvents that can be abused by children. Mrs
Macmillan is calling on retailers to operate on a 'no proof, no sale'
basis on age restricted products and is encouraging all shop workers to
support the campaign and help stop the sale of volatile substances to
under 18s. Backing the campaign Mrs Macmillan said, "Solvent abuse can
kill. That is why lighter fuel is an age restricted product, and it is
illegal to sell it to under -18s.
Mike O'Brien today announced the first members of the Civil Nuclear Police
Authority (CNPA) which will take over responsibility for policing civil
nuclear sites and nuclear materials from UKAEA on 1 April 2005. The
current UKAEA Constabulary, will transfer to the CNPA and will be renamed
the Civil Nuclear Constabulary. The Constabulary's role in providing a
specialised policing and guarding service for nuclear sites and materials
will not change.
Reacting to the reports that BSE infected meat may have entered the
food chain through the former Wick abattoir, Far North MSP Jamie Stone
said: "This is very concerning news. It is vital that consumers are
confident that Scottish beef is safe. "Along with many others, I
raised strong concerns three years ago following the award of the vet
service contract to a firm in Leeds. "This decision ended the contract
with local vets who had provided and excellent service, on site, for many
years. "It is important that any investigation into this incident
considers whether the vet tendering process should shoulder some of the
blame for this unfortunate event. "I will be raising this matter
with Scottish ministers as a matter of urgency."
The Wick BSE Story In The Scotsman - 17
March 2005
Views Being Sought On
Management Of North Peatlands
People who live and work in and around the peatlands of Caithness and
Sutherland are being asked their views on a draft management strategy for
the area, in a public consultation starting this week. The draft
document has been developed by a host of organisations and individuals
through the LIFE Peatlands Project, and seeks to take account of the
conservation, community and economic needs of the area. Caithness
and Sutherland have the biggest extent of blanket bog in the UK and
possibly the world. Large parts of the area are formally recognised under
the UK Wildlife and Countryside Act and the EC Wild Birds and Habitats
Directives, and have also been proposed as a World Heritage Site.
people from Thurso and the North Coast of Sutherland took part in Careers
Scotland's "Limelight Event" on Saturday 12th March in North Highland
College. The event consisted of traditional / folk and rock music
workshops and was aimed at 14 - 18 year olds with a growing interest in
the world of music and in need of some direction, guidance and input to
encourage their talent. Denise Holden -Careers Scotland's Locality
Manager-said," This was an example of one of the many experiences for
young people which help them to plan their careers more effectively. The
majority of the students who took part had never performed in a band or
group before, but by the end of the day had the confidence and ability to
perform on stage in front of a live audience. It was a very valuable
experience for all concerned and most importantly - a lot of fun!"
Highland Council Launch Major Funding For
Arts & Festivals
Scotland's Year Of Highland Culture 2007
Local groups and committees planning events and festivals over the next
three years should take a close look at this new funding being made
available by Highland council in the run up to Highland Year Of Culture
2007. Grants are available for 2005, 2006 and 2007. Caithness
groups in music and the arts should be well placed to take advantage of
this significant funding. Take alook and ask for more information

BTCV Green Gym -
Open Meeting
Monday, 21st March 2005nn
10am � 12am
Venue: Wick Health Centre
Following an initial meeting in January 2005, BTCV Scotland would like to
invite you to attend an Open meeting to discuss the potential for a
Caithness and Sutherland Green Gym network. Green Gym works! Green Gyms
got off the ground in Scotland in June 2002, and within 2 years, 14 groups
have contributed 880 healthier people within healthy places. For more
information on this success story see Your local knowledge and support is being sought to
explore these opportunities further. Please come along to this open
meeting to find out more and share your thoughts and ideas.
UKAEA has not been informed of any "new" court action, other than from
journalists today seeking comment on a press release issued on behalf of
Mr Geoffrey Minter by Media Intelligence Partners Ltd. UKAEA had agreed to
seek mediation with Magnohard Ltd, owner of Sandside Estate, to settle
issues arising from the detection and retrieval of radioactive particles
from the beach at Sandside Bay, and is therefore disappointed by today's
news. The Media Intelligence Partners' statement contains a number of
misleading and inaccurate assertions:
FREE Tickets To Fairytopia in Inverness
Invests �2.6 Million In AEAT Battery Systems Ltd (ABSL)
AEAT Battery
Systems Limited (ABSL) in Thurso has embarked on an ambitious development
project, with help from Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise (CASE) and
supported by the Scottish Executive - which could ultimately result in
additional jobs at the company's Thurso plant, Denchi House. The new
development will safeguard ABSL's existing 150 employees in Thurso and
once technology from the latest research and development projects is
proven and commercialised, the company expect the workforce to increase
significantly. CASE is investing �2.6 million towards total project
costs of �10.742 million over three years. This level of investment has
been made possible through additional support to Highlands and Islands
Enterprise from the Scottish Executive.
UKAEA is aware of a number of allegations being made about historical
practices at Dounreay. The latest of these involves a third party
who has been hawking claims around a number of newspapers regarding the
whereabouts of a radioactive source reported missing at Dounreay in 1989.
At the time, the then site management appealed publicly for information
about this source and carried out extensive searches, on-site and
off-site. The disappearance of the source was reported by the media in
media report is a blatant reheat of an old story published in
the1980s. It beggars belief that, 16 years later, the Sunday Herald has
chosen to present this as "news", or that an anonymous third party who
claims to have information regarding the whereabouts of this item
approached newspapers rather than the Scottish Environment Protection
Agency, the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate of the Health and Safety
Executive, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority or UKAEA.
North MSP Jamie Stone has called for more creative thinking from political
quarters to address the problems with NHS dental services in rural areas.
Speaking in a debate on dentistry in the Scottish Parliament, he suggested
that the NHS look to the example of the armed forces and consider
sponsoring dental students through their training, in return for an agreed
number of years service to the NHS once qualified. Commenting on the
matter, Mr Stone said: " I believe that in dentistry we could emulate what
the armed forces do. They pay students a salary while they are at
university on condition that they sign up to the colours for five years.
UKAEA Hits Back On
Rehashed Old News Story
UKAEA is aware that a number of allegations connected with Dounreay have
suddenly been raised in the Scottish and English media. All relate to
events dating from the 1980s or much earlier. Many were covered widely in
the media at that time. Others have proved impossible to substantiate,
either from site records or the memory of people who worked at Dounreay at
the time. Whatever the motivation behind this spate of old news
stories, it cannot be right to raise public fears about safety at the site
today. UKAEA regrets any practices in the past which failed to meet the
safety standards of the time, but the public should be clear that they are
absolutely not a reflection of current practice.
Surfin Caithness Competition
Surf Shop and Thurso Surf School are holding a surf competition scheduled for
the 26th and 27th March 2005. The location is at the Thurso Harbour wall.
If the competition is cancelled due to conditions then it will be
forwarded onto the following weekend respectively.
energetic bunch of volunteers turned Dunnet Forest into a busy work site
last Saturday morning. Members of the Caithness Countryside Volunteers (CCV)
planted, staked and guarded a range of broadleaf trees in small open areas
in the forest.
North Action Group Still Fighting For Maternity Services as Unit Sees
18th Mothers Day
On the first anniversary of our 2004
Mother's Day March the North Action Group are delighted that consultant
led maternity & gynaecology services are still being provided in Caithness
on a 24hr basis as they have been for many years.
Masters The Music
A new mastering
engineering business based in Wick is hitting all the right notes since
opening at the start of the year. Norwick Mastering was set up by
David Shearer who spent over 12 years as a mastering engineer with
Grampian Records Ltd. Prior to that he spent six years as a professional
musician, working in recording studios in Northern and Southern Ireland,
Nashville Tennessee, England and Scotland. Mastering engineering is
the process of taking an audio recording and turning it into a production
master by putting the final professional polish to the mix, and bringing
out its full potential. It takes the recording up to a commercial
standard, using very high quality specialist equipment, providing a final
production CD ready to replicate, enabling the recording to compete more
effectively with other commercially produced CD's.
The Highland Council is gearing up to launch a new kerbside
collection of paper, cans and garden waste in Caithness which will make it
much easier for 8,000 households in Thurso, Wick and Scrabster to recycle
their household waste from their own front door. Two
new vehicles have been purchased to allow collections on a fortnightly
basis. One week, homes will receive a collection of garden waste and the
following week a collection of paper and cans. Each household will be
supplied with an additional brown wheelie bin for their garden waste and a
blue box for their paper and cans. The normal refuse collection will be
Chairman of NHS Highland � Garry Coutts - is encouraging Highlanders from
the West, North and South, to come forward to play their part in the NHS
in the Highlands. The Scottish Executive are about to advertise for the
posts of two additional Non-Executive Members for NHS Highland, following
successful lobbying by Mr Coutts.
He said: "I am delighted that the Minister has agreed to create another
two non-executive members for NHS Highland, to ensure that the unique
geography of the area we serve is fully covered. Although Non-executives
do not represent a particular area, it is helpful to have Board members
who understand the real issues facing people throughout the Highlands."
"Just now we don�t have any members from Skye and Lochalsh, Sutherland, or
Badenoch and Strathspey. Although we do have members who live in Lochaber
and Caithness, they are appointed because of other positions they hold, so
I would particularly want to encourage people from all these areas to come
forward. Largely we are also white, middle-aged, and able-bodied, so would
be keen to recruit members who can bring a different perspective to our
do I enjoy producing my artwork?
do I need to sell it?
do I need to increase my income?
If you answer "YES" to all three then you'll find our forthcoming
seminars most beneficial.
NHS24 Understaffed And Underperforming
MSP for the Highlands and Islands Rob Gibson says that the Scottish
Executive review of NHS 24 will have to be extremely detailed and changes
made if lives are not to be put at risk. His comments
come after news of a petition from Killin is being lodged in Parliament
and Fort William GP and councillor Michael Foxley has shown very poor slow
service from the NHS 24 phone lines. Michael Foxley,
Highland Council vice-convener and a doctor based in Lochaber, said the
health of people living in remote areas was under threat because the
controversial out-of-hours telephone service was not coping with the
volume of calls being made.
Thurso Cemetery Extension Well Underway

Maureen MacMillan MSP
Supports New Bill to 'Call Time' on Binge Drinking
A new Licensing Bill has been introduced to the Scottish Parliament
designed to tackle binge drinking and give communities more of say on the
granting of alcohol licences. Maureen Macmillan MSP is backing
the Bill, which also sets a requirement for all licensees to operate on a
'no-proof, no-sale' basis to stop underage drinking. Welcoming the
publication of the Bill Mrs Macmillan said, "I am delighted that this Bill
has been introduced to Parliament. These are the first major changes to
Scotland's licensing laws for over 25 years and it is critical that we
respond to the needs of our local communities and tackle the antisocial
behaviour that is often associated with alcohol.
No Excuse for Domestic Abuse
Wellbeing Alliance Raises Domestic Abuse Awareness
In Highland last year 1417 domestic abuse incidents came to the
attention of the police � that is almost four each day. The
Highland Wellbeing Alliance campaign to raise awareness about the
unacceptability of such shocking statistics picked up momentum again this
week. The second poster will be published and distributed to coincide with
International Women�s Day on the 8th of March. This date, commemorated by
the United Nations (and a national holiday in many countries), is the
story of ordinary women as makers of history; it is embedded in the
centuries old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal
parallel with men.