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Sea Cadets - Wick

Territorial Army

5 April 08
Chompy The Beaver From Nova Scotia, Canada Visited Beaver Scouts In Caithness

"Nearly one hundred Beaver Scouts in Caithness hosted a two week visit to the County from a very special and unique guest recently. Known as "Chompy" the soft toy Beaver arrived from his home in Nova Scota, Canada. His journey was interrupted with a stopover at Buckingham Palace, Houses of Westminster and Downing Street to name a few. He is travelling all around the UK before returning home and his time in Caithness is the only location in Scotland that he has had time to see so special events and tours were planned. Not only did he play games and take part in the handcrafts of the 1st and 2nd Thurso, Reay, Wick and 1st Dunnet Bay Beaver Colonies but he dropped into the Castle of Mey, Dunnet Head, John O'Groats, and Dounreay. He even took a flight to Aberdeen form Wick airport and as an added bonus deviated to Heathrow to free log jam at Terminal Five!!!!!  "Chompy's" visit climaxed on Saturday 29th March with bus trip to Inverness with the First Dunnet Bay Beavers and Cubs to see the Inverness Scout Gang Show at Eden Court Theatre. with his charm he managed to sneak backstage for a photo shoot.

3 June 07
Cubs Go For Grand Howl

16th June - Big Grand Howl for Cubs - Caithness are lucky enough to be hosting one part of a national event at Dunnet Head. There will be gatherings of (hopefully 100) Cubs at each extremity of mainland Scotland: Mull of Galloway (South), Ardnamurchan point (West), Peterhead (East), Loch Garry (middle) plus some leaders at the top of Ben Nevis. The plan is to link these places up and hold a Grand Howl with all the Cubs.

3 June 07
Caithness Scouts  - Sunrise At John O'Groats

1st August - Scouting's Sunrise at John O'Groats

27 May 07
Caithness Scouts Celebrate 100 Years Of Scouting 1907 - 2007 At Rumster Camp Weekend

This weekend Scouts, Cubs and Beavers from all over Caithness gathered at Rumster forest to celebrate 100 years of scouting.  A camp has been going on since Friday evening with Scouts and Cubs. They were joined on Saturday by the younger Beaver groups. Beavers were piped into camp by memebrs of the Caithness Scout Pipe Band. The camp finishes on Sunday but there are other events taking place later in the year in June and August.  This weekend there are scouts at camps all over Scotland and the UK and in many other countries.  At Rumster 225 were out on Saturday whilst across Scotland 20,000 attended different camp sites.  Estimates for the UK are around 200,000 at camp sites for the weekend or for the day.  The weekend had all the usual elements of camping with plenty to eat after walks and games.  On Saturday plenty of activities were laid on for the Beavers.  The camp is being held near the outdoor centre that was burnt down last year.  The immediate forest around the camp site has been felled bu there are still plenty of trees around and new planting is going on.  Work is still heading towards building a new centre for young people in Caithness.  Numbers attending scouts in Caithness are beginning to rise once again after some years of decline.  If you would like to join or help with a local group get in touch with  - its great fun and you will always learn something new.

16 March 07
1st Wick Boys Brigade to be the first to benefit from the Malawi Exchange Project
Global Xchange is an exciting international exchange programme run in partnership by VSO, the British Council, CSV (Community Service Volunteers), and supported by the Scottish Executive. It aims to develop Scotland's already strong historical links with Malawi and bring young people together to make a valuable contribution to local communities both in Scotland and the developing world. At the end of March nine young people from Malawi will come together with nine Scottish youngsters to give 6000 hours of voluntary service to the local community over 10 weeks. The young people (aged 18-25) arrive in the community on Thursday 22nd March and will be diving straight into helping with the Wick Boys Brigade's garden project on Saturday 24th March.

2 February 07
Do You Know This Caithness Scout? Name Found He Is Jimmy MacLeod
Later this year there will be an exhibition of Scouting in Caithness.  Organisers are collecting photos for the exhibition.  Amongst those collected so far is this one with no name.  If you know the name send details to


26 October 06
Wick Sea Cadets Get Going Again With A Special Recruitment Weekend
Sat 18 - Tues 21 November

Caithness Scouts New Web Site
Caithness Scouts have launched a new web site for the county.  the site covers all of the groups in the county.  consequently we have closed all of our scout sections and will keep a link to the new web site.  We will still run stories and pictures of scout events that come our way.  Good Luck with the new sit guys.

31 May 06
Earlier Days With Wick Sea Cadets Set The Scene For A New Beginning
A new group have set out to get the Sea Cadets going once again in Wick.  They are looking for leaders to take the new unit forward.

30 May 06

11 February 06
Beaver Drive Raised £400
Beaver Scout "Beaver Drive". This Annual event raises money for a boys home in India and the event helped Second Thurso Beavers achieve their "International" badge. Just over £400 was raised and as the photos show, fun was had by all.


5 February 06
Thurso Beavers Raise £350 For Children's Home In India
Second Thurso Beavers have been busy "beavering" away in raising funds for a childrens home in Goya, India. At recent "Beaver Drive" and through collecting 20 pence pieces in "smartie" tubes a magnificent £350 was raised . All of this money will be donated to the "Father Angel Niketan" Boys Home when Beaver Leader Sandra Carson visits there next week.

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