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Uniformed Groups In Caithness

Uniformed Groups Index Youth Groups

Community Pages

7 March 05
New Section For Caithness Army Cadets Groups

A new section brining together the pages of the separate Army Cadet groups in Caithness will make it easier to find the sections.  A new photo gallery has been set up as a place to group cadet photos and the first few are in to let everyone see what this youth sector gets up to.


7 January 05
Caithness Scouting Area Climbing Wall Re-opened
A climbing wall had been installed in the Wick Scout Hall and was occasionally used until 3 or 4 years ago. Not many other scouting groups in the area knew about the facility and weren�t using it. It was decided to get the climbing wall reinstated so that the young scouts could get some experience of climbing in a safe warm environment.

1 November 04
The Territorial Army In Caithness

As we move on relentlessly building sections to show more of life in Caithness we now turn an area that has been part of many people's lives for many years - the TA.  In peacetime and in war men and women from Caithness have been involved in the nation's defence and they still are today.  Members of the Wick Platoon have been in Iraq and we will shortly add some of their pictures to this new section along with other sections reflecting life in the TA in Caithness and other places they travel to.

31 October 04
Council Hold Civic Reception For 150th Anniversary
Caithness councillors led by area convenor David Flear welcomed members of the Boys Brigade from around the UK to a civic reception in the Royal Hotel Thurso to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of the movements founder William Smith


21 September 04
Wick Scouts Learn New Skills To Build A Garden
1st Caithness, 1st Wick Scouts with the aid of the BTCV Scotland (BTCV.org) and George Gunn, Master Dry Stone Waller, have begun transforming the adjacent grounds at the Scout Hall. Explorer Scouts applied for the opportunity to work with the BTCV under Leader Plus and under consultation with Scouts, Cubs and Beavers created a design for the garden. Over 7 tonnes of local Caithness Flag stone was brought in and under the watchful eye of George Gunn and the BTCV Volunteers the Explorer Scouts and Scouts learned the art of Dry Stone Walling. They creating a large raised planting area, a seating area and a 'Tomb Stone' style fire pit. It has been a great opportunity for the Scouts to learn new skills and to help improve their local environment.

22 July 04
Caithness Scouts Head For The Balir Atholl Jamboree
A party of 12 Scouts left Caithness last Monday to take part in the 29th Blair Atholl International Patrol Jamborette. The party consisted of six Scouts from 1st Wick, four from 2nd Thurso and two from 1st Thurso. The are pictured beside the Sports Council minibus at Latheron which was the last pick-up point for the start of their journey South.  The Blair Atholl Jamboree lasts from the 19th July to Friday 30th July, when the Scouts will return to Caithness accompanied by some Foreign Scouts they have been camping with. During the Camp the Scouts will be able to take part in a variety of activities such as Canoeing, Sailing, Archery, Fishing, Arts & Crafts, Cooking, Pioneering, Hiking, Cycling, Nature Trails, Survival Skills, Mountain Rescue, Zorbing!

Air Training Corps
Pages Updates July 04

20 November 03
Stuart Craigie Heads On To Propulsion Engineer
Young Castletown man, Stuart Craigie, has successfully completed his RAF basic training and he now moves on to 12 month trade training at RAF Cosford for his role as a propulsion engineer. He will then partake in on-the-job training at an operational base and he hopes this will be servicing the Nimrod aircraft, possibly at RAF Kinloss. Stuart�s family travelled to RAF Halton to watch his passing out parade and were very proud of his achievement.  Stuart was a pupil of Thurso High School and a



25 June 2003
Caithness Cub Camp At Olrig
Last weekend the first ever Caithness Cub Camp was held at Olrig, by Castletown. There were 50 cubs from 1st Dunnet Bay, Reay, 1st Thurso, 2nd Thurso and 1st Wick packs. The cubs were mixed into 4 teams for the activity bases over the weekend.


4 May 03
Beavers And Scouts Planting
At Newtonhill community Woodland

9 April 03
Scout Night Stunt