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Caithness News Bulletins March 2007

March 2007

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1st Wick Boys Brigade  

March Front Page Archives

1st Wick Boys� Brigade to be the first to benefit from the Malawi Exchange Project
Global Xchange is an exciting international exchange programme run in partnership by VSO, the British Council, CSV (Community Service Volunteers), and supported by the Scottish Executive. It aims to develop Scotland's already strong historical links with Malawi and bring young people together to make a valuable contribution to local communities both in Scotland and the developing world.

At the end of March nine young people from Malawi will come together with nine Scottish youngsters to give 6000 hours of voluntary service to the local community over 10 weeks. The young people (aged 18-25) arrive in the community on Thursday 22nd March and will be diving straight into helping with the Wick Boys� Brigade's garden project on Saturday 24th March.

At the side of the BB Hall there is a piece of waste ground which hasn�t been used since the hall was built in the 1960�s. Global Xchange and some Wick BB helpers will be transforming it into a gardening area for the Boys who are aged 5-17. If anyone is willing to make a kind donation to the BB for the continuation of the garden over the future, please contact the Captain Marc MacDonald on tel: 07740 341 399.

Rohanna Law, the programme supervisor has been in Caithness since the beginning of the year. She said: "Caithness has been selected to host this unique and exciting programme. So we hope that you, the local community, will not only benefit from the work the volunteers undertake but will also have the chance to experience another culture in the comfort of your own community! "

After completing their community work in Caithness the team will then travel to Mzuzu, Malawi to assist local community groups and organisations for three months before returning home to support their own communities with their newly developed skills.

Malawi At Wikipedia
Malawi In The CIA Fact Book
Malawi Government Web Site
Nation Online - News
Lonely Planet Guide To Malawi
Malawi At Infoplease