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                  Health & Welfare

Health Information Point - Highland
0845 7573077

When it comes to finding out about health services, either locally or across the Highlands, a quick visit to the new Health Information Point located in Out Patients at Raigmore Hospital or a local rates telephone call can help provide the answers.

 The service was launched today by Steve Bell, Health Promotion Manager, with the help of Patients' Council member May Fraser, who formally "cut the ribbon".  In the first 10 weeks of this year the service received 846 enquiries in person, by phone and email, which equates to well over 4,000 enquiries per year.

The Health Information and Resources Service offers free, friendly and confidential advice and information on a wide range of health and health related issues from its new Health Information Point at Raigmore Hospital.

Whether you are keen to find out about healthy eating or stopping smoking, a specific disease or disability or how to contact a self-help or support group, the department�s trained staff can either help or know someone who can.  The staff, however, cannot give medical advice as they are not medically trained.

 Health Information & Resources Officer Susan Birse summarises:

 �We very much welcome visits or calls from the general public anywhere in the Highlands, whatever their health concerns. The Health Information and Resources Service is an effort to create a focal point that achieves increased accessibility for the public on health issues.  The service is there to provide information to anyone who requires it whether they are an in-patient, out-patient, visitor, relatives, health professional or passer by!�

 A recent NHS document �A Plan for Action, A Plan for Change� states �Time and time again people say they want more information.  They want to know how and where to access services.  They want to know more about their illness or about their health more generally.  They want to be involved in decisions affecting their treatment and care and to be able to exercise informed choices�

 The Health Information Point is located in OUT PATIENTS at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness (10am � 4pm Mon-Thurs, 10am � 2pm Friday).  Or make a local rates telephone call to the centre on 0845 7573077. 

The service is similar to the Best of Health shop that used to be in Inverness.  There are no plans to operate any outreach services in other parts of the Highlands according to a spokeswoman on 26 March 2002

See Also
Health Links

Community Care Links

Disability Information Links