The Latest
2 November 08
Child Protection Training
GROUPS working with young people can benefit from child
protection training being provided in Wick and Thurso in early
Sessions will
take place on Thursday, December 4, in Wick Assembly Rooms
(6.30pm to 9pm), and on Friday, December 5, in Thurso Youth Club
(10 am to 12.30pm). The training will cover issues such as:
Basic child
protection awareness.
protection policy requirements.
How to
respond to the child.
Codes of
This training
is delivered free and is open to any groups that work with young
people, such as playgroups, youth clubs or sporting
organisations. To book a place, contact Yvonne at
Caithness Voluntary
25 September 07
SCMA Caithness & Sutherland Autumn 2007 Newsletter
10 August 07
The Body Shop survey shows
that teen attitudes are a time bomb to domestic violence
Research released today by The Body Shop, as part of their Stop Violence in
the Home Campaign, reveals that the next generation will be as much at risk
of domestic violence as today unless action is taken to educate young people
on developing positive and respectful relationships. The research showed
that 1 in 5 teens (21%) believe it's ok to tell a boyfriend or girlfriend
what to do, with the figure rising to more than one in four (27%) in young
men. A further 1 in 10 teens think saying sorry makes it ok after they've
hurt or forced a partner to do something. A worrying statistic considering
that on average, a woman will be assaulted by her partner or ex-partner 35
times before reporting it to the police......
Women's Aid run a website for children and young people,
which aims to support and inform about domestic violence.
Links For Help
Caithness & Sutherland
Womens Aid Outreach Service
Highland Domestic Abuse Forum
Rape and Abuse Line
Highland Council Domestic Abuse Help Information
Domestic Abuse Strategy
Getting It Right For Every Child
June 06
For Highland's Children - Bulletin 10
28 May 06
For Highlands Children - Bulletin 9
with information on
o Follow-up Child Protection Inspection
o Getting Inverness Right for Every Child o Parenting Matters
o Health For All Children and GIRFEC
o Additional Support for Learning
o Delivering a Health Future:
national consultation
22 May 06
"Getting It Right for Every Child" in Highland
Highland's Joint Committee on Children and Young People has
agreed that Highland should be a pathfinding authority for the
national implementation of "Getting it Right for Every Child".
This is a major programme, and is likely to have a significant
impact on all of Highland's children - and subsequently on all
of Scotland's children. Implementation will commence first in
the Inverness Area.
"Getting it Right for Every Child" involves action to
implement the national review of the Children's Hearings System,
to achieve more joined-up assessment, planning and review
processes for children, who would get the right service at the
right time, packaged for their particular needs.
The success measures will include:
Children get the help they need when they
need it: action improves their situation, supports the
achievement of good outcomes and reduces risk.
More time is spent by workers in direct work
with children and families, and less in bureaucratic processes.
Children and families knowing about the
services available to them, having confidence in them; believing
their needs are being address and their views heard.
Communities being more confident about the
responsibilities of services and how community concerns are
being dealt with
Better information sharing, supported by new
electronic systems.
This programme will build on the good
practices in Highland that support integrated children's
services, as well as best practice from the rest of Scotland.
Parents and children will be consulted at every stage.
Bill Alexander, Head of Children's Services
in Highland, said: "An integrated assessment framework, record
and plan will be established. This is not a national database.
Instead, details of children held on existing systems (in heath,
education, social work, and police) will be accessed as required
for key information about a child and where there are concerns
that multi-agency action is needed to address these concerns.
The pathfinder is more about practice change. It is about
focusing on the child's needs, developing the single assessment,
record and plan - identifying training needs and reducing
"Information will be shared as far as
possible on the basis of consent by children and families, but
where there are concerns about a child being at risk, relevant
information can be disclosed in order to ensure that the child
can be protected."
14 March 06
A senior Highland Councillor highlighted the
Council's commitment to meeting the
aspirations of parents, who want day care
alongside pre-school education provided in
the one centre. Councillor Margaret
Davidson, Chairman of the Highland Joint
Committee on Children and Young People, told
Committee members that the Council should
set a target of August 2008 to implement a
strategy that would serve the Highlands well
for years to come.
11 February 06
Improving Outcomes for Children and Young People
This important paper was launched by the Scottish
Executive this week. "By 2007 every school in Scotland
will participate in delivering Integrated Children's Services"
This announcement received
less publicity than
the announcements about Social Work, but is also very
welcome, and reflects the lobbying that Highland Council has
been involved in over recent years. The Executive have
acknowledged that the Integrated Community School agenda is now
effectively one and the same as Integrated Children's Services.
They have therefore published a policy statement which confirms
"A Partnership for a Better Scotland made the commitment that by
2007 every school in Scotland would be an Integrated Community
School. In effect the integrated children's services initiative
has developed and the commitment has been overtaken by the wider
integration agenda. It no longer makes sense to think of schools
separately from other agencies. We would now say that by 2007
every school in Scotland will participate in delivering
Integrated Children's Services"
This policy shifts fits
closely with the approach in Highland, and the continued
implementation via Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC).
The Executive's policy statement signposts relevant guidance,
self-evaluation and inspection frameworks promoting the
development of an integrated approach, and highlights the
importance of:
* ownership of the shared vision for children and young people
* leadership at authority and school level
* integration in neighbourhood and whole school approaches in
addition to support for individuals
* an appropriately skilled workforce
Go to Improving Outcomes At Scottish Executive Web Site
for the full text of the announcement.
January 05
Members of The Highland Council’s Caithness Area Committee met
on Monday with officials and voluntary sector partners to look
at the vision for early years services in the County.
They considered the local
concerns from some communities about the possible loss of local
pre-school provision. Against a backdrop of falling school
rolls, but with some good news about likely housing developments
in a number of villages, they examined the mapping exercises
that have been completed to date.
Elected members recognised the
need to ensure appropriate provision of a sustainable and
quality standard for children in Caithness, that parents could
have confidence in, into the future. This included finding means
to address challenges posed by staff recruitment, new regulatory
demands and management support for voluntary sector groups. It
was recognised that there is some duplication of provision, and
the possibility for consolidation - with local support.
Elected members asked Area
Education manager, Graham Nichols, to provide a detailed report
to their February Area Committee, and to conduct further local
consultation prior to nursery enrolment in March.
8 December 05
For Highland,s Children
A new web site setting out highland information and policies on
all aspects of children's services and child protection.
Contact details, and links to other web sites.
Child Minders In Caithness
For Highland's Children - A Pdf doc
Review Of Highland's Children - A Pdf doc
Making Services Better for Scotland's Children - A Pdf
Children In The Highlands Information Point (CHIP)
Caithness Area Children’s Services Forum
“For Children & Families in the Caithness Area”
Development Plan 2004 - 2006
2 July 05
For Highland's Children - Bulletin 7
· Joint Committee Seminar – 19 August: “Getting it right for
· Child Protection Inspection Report · For Highland’s Children 2
· Integrated Assessment Framework · Integrated children’s
services website
Caithness Area Childrens Services Forum news starts at page 3,
and includes:
17 June 05
A report on the most
far-reaching examination of child protection
services in a Scottish local authority area
concludes that children and young people in
Highland are well protected. Highland was
chosen to pilot the inspection by HMIE in
recognition of the progress being made in
integrating children’s services and agencies
and members of the Highland Child Protection
Committee are pleased with the findings of
the report, published today (Friday 17 June
2005). The inter-agency Highland Child
Protection Committee will incorporate
recommendations from the report into an
action plan and agree timescales to further
improve child protection services across the
March 05
Scottish Executive’s Children, Young People and Social Care
Group’s E:zine.
If you and your organisation provide services and
support to, or work, with children, young people and their
families, then we think you will find this e:zine useful.
2 November 04
Read Together
A web site to help you get the best out of reading with
your child.
If you want more educational web sites head for our
Educational Links section
The Highland Council is appealing to people in the Highlands to
consider adopting a child. Their call coincides with the
launch of National Adoption Week, a nationwide campaign
organised by the British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering,
aimed at finding families for children waiting to be adopted.
Over 3,000 children in the U.K. are waiting to be adopted and
many older children in the Highlands wait too long to find
permanent and loving homes due to a shortage of people coming
Children's Consultation Paper -
Every Child Matters
Young Carers
offering a helpline, advice and advocacy for any young person
looking after a relative or neighbour.
FREE information packs for young carers
Health Promoting Schools
Children First
Children's Health site from NHS UK in several languages and aimed at
children themselves
Children 1st
Parentline Scotland
Parenting Links
Help for parents of children with Additional Support Needs (ASN)
helpline and website,
H M Inspectors
Of Education
Social Work Services - Highland Council
Scottish Children Statistics Gateway
Research and Economic Unit - Children - Scottish
Executive Children in Scotland
Membership organisation representing the interests of
children and young people in Scotland on behalf of its members.
Princes House, 5 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh EH2 4RG
Contact a Family
National organisation providing
information on Specific Conditions, Rare Disorders and UK Family
Support Groups.
209-211 City Road, London EC1V 1JN
Helpline 0808 808 3555
Family Fund
grants and information related to the care of disabled or
seriously ill children under the age of 16 in the UK.
Family Fund, PO Box 50, York Y01 9ZX
Tel 0845 130 4542
(Application forms also available from CHIP+)
Positive Parenting
support and training for parents
Scottish Development Manager, 19 Bellfield Road, North Kessock
Inverness IV1 3XU
01463 731 508
More Organisation Links At CHIP
Getting It Right For Every Child
- Scot Exec 2005
International Center for Missing and Exploited Children |
Children' Section On
This section is being constructed to
draw together the many stands of information on the web site and
elsewhere that may be of interest to children, parents, guardians or
anyone running voluntary groups. If you have information that
would be useful please get in touch so that we can add another contact
Nursery & Play Group Action Groups
Several groups were set up to fight any downgrading of support from
highland council to nurseries and groups coming under Highland Pre
School Services
Keiss Action Group
Thrumster Action Group
Dunnet Play Group
14 March 06
Although rural groups were given an assurance that their service was
safe for another year town groups felt they had not had fair hearing or
a chance for consultation when the Highland council proposed mergers of
3 and 4 year old provision. The Caithness places then began to
lobby and successfully had decisions put back until a consultation could
be held in September 2006 as agreed by convenor David Flear. Since
then Margaret Davidson chair of housing and Social Work has set new
target date in 2008 for any new strategy to alter arrangements. Ffurther meetings are to be held later in 2006.
November 05
Have You a Concern About Children's Services in Caithness?
Bill Fernie is the Children's Champion For Caithness in addition to
being the Caithness area chairman of Housing and Social Work committee.
Bill attends the
Joint Committee for Children and Young People in his role as
Children's Champion for Caithness and this is really a watching brief on
children's matters that might affect children, young people and their
families in Caithness. The Caithness area convenor David Flear
also attends as a member of the committee. Bill and David would be
interested to hear of any concerns parents or young people have about
services affecting them in Caithness. For example Bill and David
have input to the debates on nursery provision in the review that has
led to the setting up of groups in Caithness by concerned parents -
Nursery Action Groups
Keiss Action Group
Thrumster Action Group
Dunnet Play Group
Bill Fernie is the councillor for Wick West
David Flear is the councillor for Caithness Central
If you have problem about services affecting children or young people
you can contact either one of the above or your local Caithness
(Full List)
For other parts of Highland see
Children In The Highlands Education & Support
CHESS Events
Will take the format of open surgeries to ask
specific questions in connection with children with additional support
needs. These can be in relation to advice, information, support,
training and awareness-raising.
All events to be from 11.30am - 2.30pm
Wick Assembly Rooms - Wednesday 29th October
Twin's Group
- Thurso
Twins Group -
Home Start
Save the Children
Caithness Branch
Caithness Community Transport (Dial A Ride)
Available to anyone with a disability in Caithness
Play Groups & Nurseries In Caithness
Local Schools also for nursery or
pre school groups
CHAS - Children's Hospice Association Scotland
CHIP - Children In the Highlands Information Point
CHIP is an information
service set up specifically to answer any questions you may have about
services available to families in the Highlands who have a child with
special needs.
See Also
CHIP Links of other Highland groups and
contacts for specific conditions
Childcare Link
Out of School Care Federation
OOSC Fed covers of school clubs throughout the Highlands & Islands
Children In Scotland
The national agency for voluntary, statutory and
professional organisations and individuals working with children and
their families in Scotland.
Child Protection
Child Protection Policies - Highland Council
Area Education Managers
Involved in managing the education provision offered by primary and
secondary schools
Caithness Area Office
Rhind House, Wick
Tel: 01955 602362
Area Office
Tel: 01408 623900
Educational Psychologists
Service works with children, young people and their families. It offers
advice on child development and education and gives support when
difficulties arise. They can suggest ways to prevent, manage or resolve
these difficulties. Referrals come from parents, young people
themselves, schools, medical services, social work department and the
reporter to the children’s panel.
Caithness Psychological Services
Education Offices
Rhind House Wick
Tel: 01955 602362
Sutherland Psychological Service Area Education Office
Tel: 01463 621382
Other Areas In Highland
Social Work Services in Caithness
Thurso Area Office
High Street
Tel 01847 893835
Wick Area Office
High Street
Tel 01955 605040
Children's Centre,
Northcote Street
Tel 01955 604279
Early Years
A resource for all involved in the care and
education of children
0 - 8 years
Highland Pre School Service
Parent Zone From NGFL
offers a selection of information for
parents, guardians, carers and others responsible for school age
Children In The Highlands Education & Support
Provides Additional Support Needs advice, information,
and support for Parents, Professionals and Children. Wherever you are in
the Highlands.
18 August 2003
Crackdown on unsuitable adults
on the creation and operation of a national list of people who are
unsuitable to work with children was published today.
One Parent Families Scotland
Comhairle Nan Sgoiltean Araich
CNSA has information on learning opportunities in Gaelic, for people of
all ages throughout Scotland.
Want To Become A Registered Child Minder
or Playworker?
Registering to become a childminder or playworker
Organisation: Care Commission
Location: Unit 4 39 - 41 Harbour Road, INVERNESS
Details: The Care Commission are the regulatopry body for the
registereing and inspection of Childminders, Playgroups, Full Day Care
Nurseries for Scotland.
For more information contact -
Care Commission
Unit 4
39-41 Harbour Road
Contact: Care Commission Tel 01463 227630
Scottish Childminding Association
3 Gordon Terrace, Crown INVERNESS
The Scottish Childminding Association exists to promote childminding as
a quality child care service. The Association also offer a complete
range of Insurance Services, Training opportunities and promotion of
local groups for mutual support
The office in Inverness covers the Highlands
Tel: 01463 715545 Web Site
Parent's Guide to Special Educational Needs
The Scottish Executive Education Department with Children in Scotland
have prepared a free guide practical information to parents with
children with special educational needs within the Education system.
For more information or the guide contact
Scottish Executive Education Department
Princes House 5 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh
Children in Scotland Tel: 0131-222-2400
Homework Help
Kids Links
Parenting Links |