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Thrumster School Keiss Nursery Action Group

Dunnet Play Group

Thrumster Against Nursery Closure (TANC)

The Thrumster Nursery Action Group has formed rapidly on hearing of the possible threat to nursery provision in the village.

The group have written letters objecting to any possible closure and held meetings about the nursery and give the following reasons for retention -

  • They feel every parent in Scotland was promised free nursery provision by central government
  • Thrumster nursery was  custom built only 6 years ago
  • Fitted out to comply with HMIe standards
  • Passed all annual inspections with glowing reports
  • School role numbers are increasing
  • Closure would waste taxpayers money
  • Many years of service left in the new building
  • New young families have moved into the area recently
  • 6 children enrolled for August
  • Originally started with only 3 children
  • Another expected to enrol at Christmas
  • Another expected to enrol at Easter
  • Closure would mean long round trips to other facilties
  • Working parents with a child at nursery and also school may remove children to Wick threatening the school role.
  • Much more travelling for parents and children
  • Winter conditions in the north may mean disruption
  • Not all parents have access to own transport during the day
  • Grandparents frequently used to collect children but this may not be possible if forced to move to Wick nurseries
  • cost of using childminders if they can be found
  • Older siblings attend main Thrumster primary school
  • Nursery children take part in many school activities and outings adding to the community spirit

No HMie report yet available as Inspection programme ongoing

May 2006 Update
Care Commission
The Annual Care Commission Inspection of Thrumster Nursery is due on 5 June 2006.

Nursery Fence
The Nursery Fence is well on the way to completion. Grateful thanks to Norscot who donated the fence. Also to Criminal Justice Department whose boys have worked hard putting up the new fence.

Play Area
The theme for the Nursery play area is the beach, in particular nearby Sarclet harbour. We have even managed to locate an old boat as a centrepiece for the play area.

New Computer and Equipment
Due to our excellent fundraising efforts and the generosity of the public, the nursery children have benefited from new computer software, mats, toys, dressing up outfits and pop-up tents. There is still some money left over to invest in outdoor play equipment.

New Homes Are What We Need
Progress with new affordable housing continues. A meeting was held on 8 March 2006, with TANC members, the Community Council and Ronnie MacRae of the Highlands Small Communities Trust. A questionnaire is ready for distribution within the Thrumster, Tannach, Milton and Haster areas within the next few weeks.

Next Public Meeting
A public meeting is being held in Thrumster Hall on Tuesday 30 May at 7.30 pm, anyone interested please go along and if you need help filling the questionnaire please bring it with you.

4 December 05
December Update On Thrumster Nursery Campaign

Working closely with the Community Council by co-opting a couple of our representatives onto their Committee.

Liaising with our MSP, MP and local councillors to try to achieve sustainability through housing, also to highlight the need for more money from the Scottish Executive for Education especially in rural areas.

Setting up of a playgroup within the local area, using the school facilities.

Our Nursery role numbers will shortly be increasing from 6 to 8, then after Easter to 9. Our highest number attending to date.

We are working together with Highland Council, busily fundraising to provide a secure fenced area for the Nursery. We will be holding a coffee morning on Saturday 10 December from 1100 hrs to 1300 hrs in Thrumster Hall. All welcome. Usual stalls and we are also launching our Thrumster Nursery Handy Recipe Booklet which has kindly been supported by R G MacDonald, Bakery.

24 September 05
Campaign Update
On 25 August 2005, a positive meeting was held with Education Officials who are involved in the Early Years Review at Thrumster school. Here representatives of Thrumster Against Nursery Closure (TANC) were given the opportunity to show off our first class nursery facility and these Education officials were impressed with all aspects relating to Thrumster Nursery, this has also been confirmed in the Integrated Inspection by the Care Commission and HM Inspectorate of Education on 29 June 2005.

Thrumster Against Nursery Closure (TANC) have been meeting fortnightly with their members to update everyone on progress.

Other meetings held or to be held during September include:

  •  3 September, meeting with John Thurso

  •  9 September, meeting with Rob Gibson

  • 16 September, meeting with Jamie Stone

  • 27 September, meeting with Community Council

  • 30 September, meeting with Maureen MacMillan

Meeting 30 September
There is a clinic with Jamie Stone in Thrumster Hall at 1700 hrs on Friday 30 September. Members of Thrumster Against Nursery Closure (TANC) are also holding a separate meeting with Jamie Stone in the Old Smiddy Inn at 18:30 hrs to discuss nursery issues. Local councillors, Education officials and representatives from Keiss and Dunnet have also been invited to attend.

1 August 05
H M Inspectorate Of Education Report 29 June 2005
The latest report from the Inspectorate shows Thrumster nursery is a very good place for young children and passed the inspection with flying colours and only two minor recommendations for improvement.

31 May 05
Thrumster Community Unites To Defend
Nursery At Local School
The people of Thrumster rallied round to the village hall in greater than usual numbers to hear Councillor Bill Mowat promise to fight any moves to close the local nursery for the two years he had on the council if that should be necessary.  the audience breathed sigh of relief when area manger for education culture and leisure Graham Nicol said that today it had been announced that nothing would happen for at least a year and that full consultations would be undertaken with parents before any changes to the service were made.  Whilst parents were glad to hear this they were determined to keep the pressure up and would be keeping their newly formed group in existence to monitor the situation over coming months.