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Highland Council - Caithness

7 November 08
North Highland Cultural Diary - November 2008
Adrian Clark is Area Cultural Officer, Caithness, Sutherland and East Ross.  He produces a monthly newsletter for the north each month. He can be contacted on 01349 885114

5 July 07
New Active Schools Co-ordinator

Recently appointed as the new Active Schools Co-ordinator for the cluster of 11 schools in East Caithness, based in Wick is Garry Macleod. In the coming months he will be establishing a number of sport / physical activity programmes using local volunteers where possible, these will take place during school holidays and also curricular / extra curricular time during school terms, targeting local children.
Interested in becoming a volunteer?
Full training given at no cost.
Phone: 01955 602362

10 July 06
North Sutherland - Kids Camp
Farr High School is the place this summer for lots of activities.
See HERE for more details.
Booking form HERE

31 May 05
Highland 2007 “Excellent funding opportunity for the Caithness Community”
The Highland 2007 Community Programme is an excellent opportunity for small Caithness groups and charities to fund projects that will take place in 2007, or that take place in 2005 and 2006 with a 2007 finale. A local Highland 2007 Management Group has already been set up to consider applications and now welcomes applications for projects from all walks of Caithness life: arts, sport, heritage, science, environment and language. There is room on the application to indicate a request for Revenue funding (projects and events) or Capital funding (building improvements).

The group stresses that although funding is available over three years and that all applications will be considered on their own merits, now is the time to get the application pack and begin to put together an application. The packs are available from:

Tom Bryan
Community Education Office
Ackergill Street

Tel. 01955-609903 (direct line)

Mr. Bryan is quoted: “All Caithness groups representing all walks of Caithness life are urged to obtain the application pack and apply as soon as possible. Although there are no stringent deadlines, the generous funding is finite over three years and early applications will help the Management Group gain a clearer picture of what is wanted for Caithness. The group itself represents many sides to Caithness life: sport, youth, heritage and others.  We would particularly welcome applications from sports, science and the environment, as these areas are thus far under-represented. There is no need to panic---the funds will be dispersed fairly and objectively and there is ample time to meet with your own group and begin to form a strong application. However, for those groups wanting to apply early, there are two interim deadlines for the first batch of applications:

Monday, 13 June, 2005

Monday, 12 September, 2005

There will be other interim deadlines announced in the future.

The Management Group considering the applications is also committed to helping each applicant understand the application process. There will be advertised interim “deadlines” along the way, just to make the process easier. The application is clear and straightforward and the guidance notes that come with it are very helpful. Caithness is a rich mosaic and we want that mosaic reflected in the widest possible range of applications. Even relatively small sums of money awarded may help a small club or group realise goals that might have been impossible otherwise.

Please refer any questions to the above contact.

25 June 04
Neil Gunn Writing Competition winners announced

Winners of the annual Neil Gunn writing competition were announced at a prize-giving ceremony held at Dunbeath Heritage Centre.  The competition was organised by The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Service and sponsored by the Neil Gunn Memorial Trust and the Council’s Library Service.

31 May 04
Revealing the Vision of Caithness
An Arts Development Study of Caithness
Highland Council commissioned this Arts Development Study for Caithness through a steering committee in September 2002.  This is the most comprehensive and up to date look at the arts in Caithness showing what is already on the ground and looking at what might be possible.  A report was presented to the Caithness Area Committee of Highland Council in Wick on Monday 31 May. The printed version is 91 pages and all of it is reproduced here.   A summary is included if you want a quick overview.  Take a look and you might be surprised at the range of activities already in the county.

At a meeting yesterday it was agreed:

  • To put two bound copies of the arts study in the libraries, one in Wick, one in Thurso
  • Anyone requesting a copy from me by email can have it sent free as an email attachment, provided the requestor is willing to print  out the 91 pages at their own expense.
  • Anyone wanting a hard copy and willing to pay £3 to cover printing and postage can request one from me by contacting me below. Cheques payable to “The Highland Council”. Many thanks, Tom

 Arts Development Officer (Caithness)
Highland Council
Rhind House
West Banks Avenue
tel. 01955-609476 ext. 257

22 March 04
“The Best Fed People in Creation”

An Illustrated Talk on the Past and Present of St. Kilda
Through Poetry and Prose (in English)
By Donald S. Murray
Poet, teacher and writer from Benbecula
A fund-raising event open to the public, in support of important local heritage work.
Friday, 2 April, Dunbeath Heritage Centre 7:30 p.m. Admission: £2

16 March 04

Members of The Highland Council's Caithness Area Committee  tried out the new equipment installed at The Highland Council's fitness suites in Thurso and Wick swimming pools.

Costing some £90K the equipment includes treadmills, elliptical trainers, cycles (upright and recumbent), rowers and strength equipment at both centres in Wick and Thurso.

In addition to the new fitness suite equipment, facilities already provided at Thurso and Wick include swimming pools, toddlers' pools, cafeterias, and sunbeds.

High Life Card leisure card holders will benefit greatly from the introduction of the new fitness equipment in Wick and Thurso fitness suites. High Life offers special benefits to all cardholders including exclusive deals for regular users, people looking for work, senior citizens, any one in full time education and family groups.

Booking is available at Thurso fitness suite and will be introduced shortly at Wick. Admission to the suites costs £2.50 for adults, £1.25 for senior citizens and juveniles.


  • Sports development 01955 607703
  • George Sanders - Swimming Pools 01847 80515
  • Arts Development 01955 609476

Community Learning Team

  • Chris Connolly 01847 895782
  • Brian Lavery 01955 605423
  • Libby Cook 01955 605423 (Adult Basic Education)

Thurso Library 01847 893237
Wick Library 01955 602864

Highland Council
Education Culture & Sport

A High Life Card  - Gets You Fit and Saves You Money
2004 is here and you may be thinking about getting fit - again!!  Exercise can be fun and with a High Life card you can get access to all of the Highland council Swimming Pools, Fitness Rooms and more.   For individuals and families there are great savings to be made on normal entrance charges.  So have some fun and get back to fitness with a swim or workout at your own pace.....

High Life Card