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Education Culture & Sport
Highland Council - Caithness
Neil Gunn Writing Competition 2004

25 June 04
Neil Gunn Writing Competition winners announced
Winners of the annual Neil Gunn writing competition were announced at a prize-giving ceremony held at Dunbeath Heritage Centre.  The competition was organised by The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Service and sponsored by the Neil Gunn Memorial Trust and the Council’s Library Service.

1)         WRITING COMP 1
Councillor Alastair MacDonald (centre), the prize winners, judges and some members of the Neil M Gunn Memorial Trust. From left (back row), judges, John B Pick, George Gunn,
Robert Davidson, prize winners, adult prize winners, Yvonne Gray, Stromness, John Miller, Ullapool, John McPartlin, Edinburgh, (Alistair MacDonald), Peter Cameron, Lasswade, Midlothian, Vikki Trelfer, Struy, Beauly, Rhoda Michael, Inverness, Roddy Johnson, Partick, Glasgow, Katherine Stewart and Ann Yule, both Neil M Gunn Memorial Trust, and Tom Bryan; (front) primary winners, Lucy Church, Kirkhill Primary, Inverness, Gina Membury, Duncan Forbes Primary, Inverness, Holly McLaughlin, Teanassie Primary School, Inverness-sire, Vivienne Main, Auchtertyre Primary, Kyle and Lochalsh, Kathleen Steventon, Achfary Primary, Sutherland, Megan Druce (note Druce not Bruce), Granton Primary, secondary winners, Kirsten Conacher, Mallaig, Jamie Simpson, Thurso, and Mary Mackay, Ullapool.

2)         WRITING COMP 2
Jamie Simpson,
Thurso High School receives his prize from Highland Councillor Alastair MacDonald.

Established in 1988, this is the first time that the competition has been held in Neil Gunn’s native Caithness. A record-breaking 1,100 entries were received in this year’s competition which was launched on Gunn’s birthday on the 8th November 2003.

Twenty four people, twelve adults and twelve children, were commended on their achievements in the three categories of Primary (5-7), Secondary (S1-S4) and Adult Open, with sections for poetry and prose.

The Primary and Secondary sections of the competition were open to pupils in the area served by The Highland Council and the Open section was open to any persons living, working or studying in Scotland.

Scripts were submitted anonymously to the judges Robert Davidson, poet and editor; George Gunn, poet and playwright; and John B. Pick, poet, fiction writer and Neil Gunn biographer. The judges were assisted by The Highland Council’s Caithness Area Arts Development Officer, Tom Bryan, who is also a poet and fiction writer and Ann Yule, Convenor for the Neil Gunn Memorial Trust.

The prize giving ceremony was compered by honorary guest, Dairmid Gunn, Neil Gunn’s nephew. Cash prizes were presented and the recipients of the commended awards in each section received book tokens, certificates and a special Neil Gunn folder. All winners received certificates and commemorative folders.

John McPartlin of Edinburgh is winner of the open adult poetry section and Peter Cameron of Lasswade in Midlothian came first in the open adult prose. Lucy Church from Kirkhill Primary in Inverness was first in the primary writing competition for her prose, “The Vikings are Coming” and Kirsten Conacher from Mallaig High School was the winner of the Secondary writing competition for “A Window on the Past” (prose).

Competition organiser Tom Bryan said: “I’ve been involved with the competition over the years as an entrant, judge and organiser. This record number of entries, nearly twice the previous high, showed some outstanding examples of the vision and awareness that good writing always demands. This is in keeping with Neil Gunn’s own vision as a Highland writer of world standing.

“Many young writers in particular are heavily influenced by television, film and popular writing but the entries that really stood out in all sections were  writers who remain  true to their own unique voice and aren’t afraid to take risks.”

Ann Yule, Convener of the Neil Gunn Memorial Trust said: “The Neil M. Gunn Memorial Trustees are delighted to have been involved with the Writing Competition since it's inception in 1988 and will continue to give their wholehearted support in the future.”

The full list of winners is as follows:

·        Open (Adult) Poetry

First: John McPartlin, Edinburgh. “Breakdown” 

Second: John Miller, Ullapool. “Reading the Obituaries”

Third: Lynda McDonald, Edinburgh. “Walking on the Ice”


Gordon Kennedy, Glasgow. “panmusica mysteriophysicum”

Yvonne Gray, Stromness, Orkney. “Incomers on Eynhallow”

Alan Gay, North Berwick, East Lothian. “A Calm Crossing”

·        Open (Adult) Prose

First: Peter Cameron, Lasswade, Midlothian. “The Ferlie Morn” 

Second: Vikki Trelfer, Struy, Beauly, Inverness-shire  “A Year After”

Third: Dr. Vicky Gunn, Ruchill, Glasgow: “The Wind Listener”


Roddy Johnson, Partick, Glasgow: “On the Shelf”

Rhoda Michael, Inverness: “The Piano”

Katrina Crosbie, Edinburgh: “Chiaroscuro”

·        Primary Winners: Neil Gunn Writing Competition 2004

First: Lucy Church, Kirkhill Primary, Inverness. “The Vikings are Coming.” (prose)

Second: Gina Membury, Duncan Forbes Primary, Inverness. “The Dun Laoghaire Wake.” (poem)

Third: Holly McLaughlin, Teanassie Primary School, Inverness-shire. “Autumn Tree.” (poem)


Vivienne Main, Auchtertyre Primary (Kyle and Lochalsh) “Daydreams.”(prose)

Kathleen Stevenson, Achfary Primary, Sutherland “The Thing.” (prose)

Megan Druce, Grantown Primary. “Night Life.” (prose)

·        Secondary Section

First: Kirsten Conacher, Mallaig High School (S4) “A Window on the Past” (Prose)

Second: Laura Guthrie, Glen Urquhart (S4) “The Day I Woke up with Wings” (Prose)

Third: Jamie Simpson, Thurso High School (S4) “Decisions” (Prose)


Holly Bird, Golspie High School (S1) “Infatuation” (Poetry)

Mary Mackay, Ullapool High School (S2) “Slice of Time” (Poetry)

Natalie Stewart, Ullapool High School (S2) “Saint Francis of Assisi” (Poetry)


Deadline Monday 12 April 2004

Primary School Children - Highland Council Area

  • 1. The Competition will be called the Neil M Gunn Writing Competition.

  • 2. The competition is open to all P5, P6 and P7 pupils in areas served by the Highland Council. P5, P6 or P7 pupils in composite classes are also included.

  • 3. A panel appointed by The Highland Council, in consultation with the sponsors and the Neil Gunn Trust will adjudicate the 5. Competition Deadline: the Competition will launch in November, 2003. There will be a 12 April, 2004 deadline. Judging will take place in April and May, 2004. Prizes will be awarded on the 24th of June, 2004, at the Dunbeath Heritage Centre (Neil Gunn’s old school) in Dunbeath, Caithness.

  • 4. Entry to the competition is free.

  • 5. Competition Deadline: the Competition will launch in November, 2003. There will be a 12 April, 2004 deadline. Judging will take place in April and May, 2004. Prizes will be awarded on the 24th of June, 2004, at the Dunbeath Heritage Centre (Neil Gunn’s old school) in Dunbeath, Caithness.

  • 6. Please send entries to: attn. Neil Gunn Competition c/o Tom Bryan, Arts Development Officer, Rhind House, West Banks Avenue, Wick, Caithness KW1 5LZ

  • 7. Entries may also be sent as Microsoft Word attachments to:  (name and address not to appear on entry but on accompanying sheet)

  • 8. Prize money (minimum) 1st £75, 2nd £40, 3rd £25

Secondary School Children - Highland Council Area

  • 1. The Competition will be called the Neil M Gunn Writing Competition.

  • 2. The competition is open to all S1, S2, S3 and S4 Secondary pupils in areas served by the Highland Council. High School pupils aged 16 or over, but not above the year S4, may enter either the Secondary Section or the Adult Section but not both. Pupils aged 16 and over in S5 or S6 must enter the Adult Section.

  • 3. A panel appointed by The Highland Council, in consultation with the sponsors and the Neil Gunn Trust will adjudicate the competition.

  • 4. Entry to the competition is free.

  • 5. Competition Deadline: the Competition will launch in November, 2003. There will be a 12 April, 2004 deadline. Judging will take place in April and May, 2004. Prizes will be awarded on the 24th of June, 2004 at the Dunbeath Heritage Centre (Neil Gunn’s old school) in Dunbeath, Caithness.

  • 6. Please send entries to: attn. Neil Gunn Competition c/o Tom Bryan, Arts Development Officer, Rhind House, West Banks Avenue, Wick, Caithness KW1 5LZ

  • 7. Entries may also be sent as Microsoft Word attachments to:  (name and address not to appear on entry but on accompanying sheet)

  • 8. Prize money (minimum) 1st £150, 2nd £75, 3rd £30

Adult - National & International Resident Anywhere In Scotland

  • 1. The Competition will be called the Neil M Gunn Writing Competition.

  • 2. The focus of the Adult competition will be both national and international by including writers of all nationalities, races and ethnic groups, aged 16 or over, residing, studying or working anywhere in Scotland at any time during the competition. High School pupils aged 16 or over, but not above the year S4, may enter either the Secondary Section or the Adult Section but not both. Pupils aged 16 and over in S5 or S6 must enter the Adult Section. Adult Entry fee will be £2.50 per poem or story. Limit: one poem and one story per entrant i.e. two items total.

  • 3. A panel appointed by The Highland Council, in consultation with the sponsors and the Neil Gunn Trust will adjudicate the competition.

  • 4. Cheques or postal orders made out to: “The Highland Council.” All money in pounds Sterling (£) please. Not responsible for money sent through the post.

  • 5. Competition Deadline: the Competition will launch in November, 2003. There will be a 12 April, 2004 deadline. Judging will take place in April and May, 2004. Prizes will be awarded on the 24th of June, 2004 at The Dunbeath Heritage Centre (Neil Gunn’s old school) in Dunbeath, Caithness.

  • 6. Please send entries to: attn. Neil Gunn Competition c/o Tom Bryan, Arts Development Officer, Rhind House, West Banks Avenue, Wick, Caithness KW1 5LZ

  • 7. Entries may also be sent as Microsoft Word attachments to:  (name and address not to appear on entry but on accompanying sheet) Entry fee must still be sent through the post.

  • 8. Prize money (MINIMUM) Poetry: 1st £300, 2nd £200 3rd £100 Prose: 1st£300 2nd £200 3rd £100

Entrants must send 2 copies of each piece of work (one copy if submitted electronically) There is NO set theme for this competition. Writers may write on any theme.

Adult, prose up to 2500 words, poems up to 40 lines
Entrants requiring an acknowledgement of receipt of entry should send a self-addressed envelope (SAE) marked “Receipt.”

Entrants wishing to know the results should send a self-addressed envelope (SAE) marked “Results.” Entries cannot be returned and discussions about individual entries can’t be entered into. No competitor will be eligible for more than one Copyright remains with the authors but entrants are deemed to have given permission to have their entry published in conjunction with the competition. Further publication or broadcast or website use will be only with the permission of

The writing must be previously unpublished prose or poetry in any variety of English or Scots (Doric, Lallans, Norn, etc) and any combinations of Scots and/or English. The work must be submitted on white A4 paper, preferably typed or written legibly. Entrants should NOT put their names on the manuscript but should list their name and address and titles of their entry on a separate sheet of paper or on the entry form provided.

Members of the Neil Gunn Memorial trust, the adjudicating panel and steering group will not be eligible. All other members of Highland Council are free to enter provided competition rules are adhered to.