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North Primary School
Ackergill Street, Wick, KW1 4 DT
Head Teacher:D Lundie   Telephone:01955 602873
HM Inspectors - Latest Reports

New Primary One 2003

New Primary One 2002

22 June 2002

Winners At Music Frestval 2002

May Fair 2003

May 2003

New Play Equipment

22 June 2002

Round Table cheque For New Equipment

May 2004

Primary 5 Launch School Newspaper
"The Northern Yarn"

May 2007
Newsletters Index

Keep Fit September 2006

Music Festival 2006

Music Festival 2006

19 February 06
Fancy Dress For Big Heart Day
Big heart day Overall winners of the fancy dress competition were Lee -Anne McAdie and Owen Harrold and the total raised was �220.

October 05
Visit To Recycling Centre

27 June 05
Sports and Ceilidh Photos

24 June 05
North School Does Well In Health Promoting Schools Report
North School got great write up in a report on Health Promoting Schools following an inspection.
The Health Promoting Schools initiative in Highland is delivered in partnership between The Highland Council and NHS Highland through guidelines, and advice in the form of a Health Promoting Schools Toolkit which is adopted by each school.  In Highland a health promoting award is based on school self evaluation, confirmed by quality assurance by the Quality Development Team of The Highland Council�s Education, Culture and Sport Service and its partner agencies.

Learning Abut Spinning In Technology Project
Mrs Manson and Mrs Johnson visit the North School to show P 4 how to spin wool as the conclusion of their Technology Project, conducted by their Technology teacher Mrs Belford. During their project they learned to wash, card and dye (with natural dyes) the fleece of local sheep.

New Covenant Players

New Library March 2005

Song Of Wick

northschool.jpg (45192 bytes)
This picture shows the longest view facing the large playing field used for games.

North School Children In Need Day 16 November 2001

North School opened  on 24 August 1937.  It was used for troops during World War Two.