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North School Newsletter Index

North School Index

Schools & Education

North Primary School


Dennis Lundie
01955 602873
[email protected]

May 2007

Dear Parent or Carer,

May Day Holiday
School will be closed on Monday 7th. May for the May Day Holiday.

Edinburgh Trip March 2007
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the primary seven pupils who accompanied us to Edinburgh this year on their excellent behaviour. They were a credit to their parents, this school and themselves � well done!

I would also like to thank all the adults who accompanied us for their valuable assistance during the trip.

The June Jamboree
We will be holding a �June Jamboree�, previously known as the May Fair, in the school hall on Saturday 9th June 2007 from 2.00pm. until 4.00pm. There will various stalls including a bottle stall, book stall, home baking stall, bric a brac, raffles and hot dogs etc.
There will also be a pet show, more information will be issued nearer the time.

All contributions will be very gratefully received and should be in school by Friday 25th. May 2007.

Teas will be served in the dining room from 2.00pm till 3.30pm.
The raffles will be drawn in the school hall commencing at 3.45.pm.

Parents Evenings & Report Cards
Report Cards will be issued one week before the Parents� Evenings which will be held on Thursday 24th. May and Thursday 31st. May from 7 � 9.00pm. You will be given appointments for one of the above evenings to discuss your child / children�s progress this year.

School Sports Day
Weather permitting, the Wick North School Sports will be held on 14th. June in the school park or, if this is not possible, on the first good day thereafter. You can keep abreast of this by contacting the school helpline.

Yours sincerely,

Head Teacher
Wick North Primary School