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North School Index

Schools & Education

North Primary School


School: north Wick Primary
Head Teacher: Dennis Lundie
Telephone: 01955 602873
Email: [email protected]
School: North Wick Primary

Date Registered:
School roll: (plus in nursery)
Date visited: 26/05/05
Accreditation Level: 4

Criteria Evidence
1: Clear Statement of Health Promoting Aims of the School

Health promoting statement embedded in the school aims

The school aims fully embody health promoting statements relevant to the whole school community and promote a positive and inclusive learning environment with a strong emphasis on partnership working.

Policy and documentation which demonstrates a coherent strategy towards health promotion

A detailed and informative range of documents, including Development Plan Project 3, clearly illustrate a coherent and comprehensive strategy towards health promotion.

2: Development of Good Relations within School & Active Promotion of Self-Esteem of Whole School Community

An effective pupil council

The school encourages all pupils to take on responsibilities across the school; pupils from classes P3 to P7 participate in an active and effective Pupil Council. Members of the Council report back to classes to ensure that all pupils have a part in decision making. There are good links with the PTA e.g. for fund raising to purchase play equipment and to improve the school grounds; pupils played a big part in the organisation of the recent May Fair which raised �1800.

Specific strategies promoted and monitored in Ethos and Learning and Teaching policies and guidelines.

Throughout the school there are displays, posters and guidelines encouraging a positive approach and a spirit of co-operation and good citizenship; this is echoed in the school aims, policies and plans. There is very good interaction between staff, pupils and parents and a real sense of partnership working which creates a supportive learning environment. The school is pro-active in promoting a safe environment and in conflict resolution with an emphasis on socialising or �Be nice to others�; the �yellow capped buddies� have a key role in this in the playground while �Ginger the puppet� is clearly a good influence on the infants.

Achievement rewards systems which recognise diverse forms of achievement and are valued by recipients.

A variety of reward systems are in place and valued by the pupils who talked positively about them. There is a �well done� board and very good displays of photographs celebrating success and encouraging achievement. Weekly assemblies are used to present certificates, Head Teacher�s, Star Workers� and Star Writers� Awards. The �domino� spot awards for good behaviour and helping others are an innovative way of encouraging positive behaviour.

Supportive programmes for individuals and /or groups with particular needs.

The school caters for a significant number of pupils with a diverse range of needs. Individual needs are very well catered for at all levels from nursery upwards through an individualised approach and good teamwork of the school staff and other professionals. Support is multi-agency a CSW based in the school; a well-equipped a spacious support base, the �BISTRO�, is fully utilised. Regular SLG meetings are held and IEP�s, PEP�s and RON�s are in place for a significant number of pupils. Training for staff and pupils in sign language is presently being undertaken to support one individual and help her communicate.

3: Development of Good Relations with Home & Community

Effective parental consultation arrangements

There is an active and supportive PTA, whose fund-raising activities for the purchase of new play equipment are much appreciated by the school. The PTA responds to pupil requests through the Pupil council. Parents are valued as active participants in the education of their children and their opinions sought on proposed developments e.g. a recent survey on travel plans.

Regular communication

Parents are kept very well informed about that is happening in the school through monthly newsletters, letters on specific events, a developing web-site, Parents� Evenings on specific topics and personal contact e.g. at SLG�s. The parents interviewed all spoke positively about the school, the level of support provided for pupil sand communication between home and school.

High quality Pupil reports

Good quality reports, with a positive, encouraging emphasis, are provided in line with the HC model; opportunities for consultation on progress are available at two formal consultation evenings.

The school is very active in fund-raising activities for a variety of charities e.g. the recent �Kellogg�s Great Walk� involving P7 pupils and staff.

4: Provision of a Wide Range of Stimulating Challenges for All Pupils

Physical and mental challenge in the curriculum

North Wick Primary provides very good physical and mental challenge in the curriculum for pupils of all abilities. The very good planning and teaching of the school staff is complemented by input from visiting teachers of PE, art and music and a fitness instructor. Reading records are shred with parents to engage their support. Opportunities are taken to widen the pupils� experiences by such as the Covenant Players and the Travelling Gallery Exhibition. The school has a very good gym facility and this is well used by staff to give all pupils a good level of physical activity; e.g. nursery pupils have gym every day.

High quality interaction in the classroom, playground and elsewhere, involving physical and mental activity and play

The relationship and interaction between staff and pupils was seen to be very good and has created a stimulating learning and teaching environment where pupils are encouraged by praise and a positive approach. Pupils were also seen to be very active in the well-supervised playground and made use of available play equipment such as skipping ropes and footballs.

After school clubs and activities proven to meet pupil needs and interests

Pupils are well provided for with a homework Club operating four nights per week, a Games Club, football, netball and ceilidh dancing. Pupils spoke positively about the activities on offer.

5: Use of Every Opportunity to Improve the Physical Environment of the School

Provision to enable equal access and opportunity for pupils with special needs and disabilities

Every effort is made to ensure accessibility for pupils with both physical and learning needs. An individualised approach ensures that pupils of all abilities, including significant needs, have the opportunity to learn and develop to the best of their abilities. Input from other services is integral to plans for meeting specific needs and is identified through IEP�s, PEP and SLG�s.

Provision of a safe, attractive environment including staff and pupils social areas with facilities.

The school buildings and surroundings are kept in very good order with good use made of bright colours e.g. murals in the dining room, positive signage and displays of pupils� work to enhance the inside areas. A new library has also been developed. The school janitor and cleaning staff are very positive e.g. in aiming to raise the Star Level of the toilets under the �Loo of the Year� scheme. Pupils are also involved in improving the environment with a major tree planting effort involving a labelled tree for every pupil, a wildflower garden being planted and decorating the bus shelter.

6: Partnership Planning and Delivery of a Coherent Health Promotion Strategy

PSE and cross curricular programmes fulfil national requirements.

The detailed PSE programme and curricular plans fulfil national requirements; there is also a big commitment to make physical activity available to all both within the curriculum and through extra-curricular activities.

Programmes take account of local needs to support pupils achieve personal health targets

Very good multi-agency partnerships e.g. through SLG�s are in place to support individuals, including setting health targets. The CSW has a key role in working with families e.g. in co-operation with the school nurse to encourage �positive parenting� and with pupils in a social skills group with brain gym activities.

Developmental groups include pupils, parents and partner professionals

Pupils, parents, staff and partner professionals are all involved in development groups such as PTA, SNAG and Pupil Council; collaborative planning and partnerships are central to the school�s operation.

School has effective links with key groups

The school has developed a wide range of contacts and partnerships to enhance the education and support for the children e.g. school nurse, police, Fitness Instructor, Educational Psychologist, Autism service, Home Start, Social Work, Speech and Language therapist and mental health specialists.

7: Systematic Arrangements for Assessment that Involve

Pupils Reviewing their Health Education Needs & Their Levels of Understanding

Health review built-in to regular guidance/PSE interviews

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle is covered by both the school�s health education programme and topics within the science and environmental studies curriculum; individuals are supported in this by one to one contact with support staff.

Assessment arrangements provide good quality feedback to pupils parents and teachers

Assessment arrangements and target setting are in place with pupils involved in self-assessment of their lifestyles through their Personal Learning Planners; target setting includes �healthy targets� and is well understood by pupils. Opportunity is provided in these Planners for staff and parental comment.

8: Active Promotion of the Health and Well-Being of School Staff

Health and safety policy and practice meet required standards.

There is a clear health and safety policy that meets all requirements. Staff are very aware of their role in supporting each other and a �mutually supportive and close working atmosphere was evident.

Regular health promoting activities made available

Staff are encouraged to participate in all appropriate in-service training. There is a staff social committee with the annual summer barbeque a good way of rounding of the year; a Keep Fit class is held each Wednesday with badminton on Thursdays. Commendably, staff can be awarded �stickers� for a contribution �above and beyond the call of duty�.

9: Staff Awareness of Their Professional Roles in Health Related Issues

School QA procedures demonstrate high levels of expertise and awareness

The Development Plan (and staff comment) shows a good awareness of health related issues in the whole school community and includes strategies to address identified needs through strong partnership arrangements.

10: School Nutrition Reflects & Supports the HPS Ethos

School Nutrition Action Group affects positive change

The school has a SNAG that has introduced a Breakfast Club, issued guidelines on packed lunches, identified healthy choices for the tuck shop and ended �fizzy drinks� in school. The well-supported Breakfast Club has a very impressive range of healthy options available; the games and exercises on offer are also clearly very popular with pupils and make for an excellent start to the day.

School catering promotes healthy eating/drinking

Free fruit is provided in nursery and infant classes and is eaten in classes. School meals are based on the HC menus and are well-presented; the dining room staff have an encouraging approach to persuade the pupils to try new foods and to make healthy choices.

School tuck-shop promotes healthy eating/drinking

The school has a tuck shop that sells flavoured water; some commented that it would be better if it was chilled. Drinking water is available to pupils in classes.

Overview of School :

North Wick Primary School serves a catchment area that includes a significant number of pupils/families with significant need. The school has a very positive, inclusive approach and is succeeding in creating a safe and supportive environment for pupils of all abilities and needs. The very good leadership of the Head Teacher encourages a spirit of co-operation and partnership working in a child-centred approach; there is very much a sense of �doing everything as a team� with full consultation on all developments. Pupils are part of this caring partnership and were observed to take their opportunities of peer support seriously. The learning and teaching approach includes high expectations of positive behaviour and offers challenge for all pupils with a variety of multi-agency support in place for those who need it.

Partners interviewed on visit:

Head Teacher, Depute Head Teacher, class teachers, SfL teacher and auxiliaries, CSW, dining staff, classroom assistants, parents, janitor, and pupils.

HPS development recommendations:

Discuss at Pupil Council the possibility widening the healthy choices available in the Tuck Shop.

The Highland Council should look to support North Wick Primary School in its proposal to establish facilities for a �Nurture Group�; this could act as a pilot scheme for the whole Highland area.

Additional information/best practice etc:

The very good documentation, planning and strategies for health promotion are delivered through strong, multi-agency partnership working and in a positive, supportive manner.

The school is very much pupil centred and inclusive with a high level of support provided to meet individual needs with incentives available to all pupils to help them achieve their full potential

Colin Ferguson 1 June, 2005