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6 October 03
LIVING PAINT- Fergusson Gallery Collection Tours Highlands
Paintings by the renowned Scottish artist John Duncan Fergusson, will be touring Highland Council galleries in Kingussie, Inverness, Wick and Thurso this autumn and winter  Born in Edinburgh in 1874, Fergusson is increasingly recognised as an artist of both national and international standing. �Living Paint� is a unique opportunity to see a selection of landscapes, portraits, still life and nudes, which demonstrate his experimental and varied output.  Fergusson is now best known as one of the Scottish Colourists, along with SJ Peploe, FCB Cadell and GL Hunter...................

25 September 03
THE SONG OF WICK - Grey Coast Theatre and Wick Schools - Another Epic
2nd October, 7.30p.m - 3rd October, 1.30 p.m and 7.30 p.m - in WICK HIGH SCHOOL 4 schools 250 children 10 songs 3 performances - BOOK EARLY

Grey Coast Theatre are now well into their second week with the P6's and P7's from North, South, Hillhead and Pulteneytown Primary schools rehearsing their ambitious brand new production, The Song Of Wick. 250 pupils are collaborating with Grey Coast's professional team to produce the show which is an epic ten song cycle charting Wick from its earliest times when the brochs were being built, through the often violent middle ages to the boom years of the herring fishing, the Second World War and up to the present time and beyond............

25 September 03
Assipattle DVD

A recording of Assipattle on DVD is now available.  Anyone wishing a copy should in the first instance contact Martin Danziger on 01955-603040  or Neil Macdonald  - 01847-896956 or Donald MacKay on 01955-621663.

24 September 03
Gonzo Moose Present "When In Rome"

This production at the Mill Theatre in Thurso is a comedy full of intrigue. mureder and togas



 20 September  03
Assipattle Pics

8 September 03
Caithness Arts Showcase
Friday 12 September
Mackays Hotel, Wick  - Admission Free

3 September 03
'Thurso Players Present
An Inspector Calls'
by J. B. Priestley
11th September - 13th September 2003

The Mill Theatre

It is 1912 in an industrial city somewhere in Britain  - the Dining room of the Birling's House..............A three act play with intervals.

2 September 03
Richard III by William Shakespeare
Saturday 6 September 8.00pm -
Ross Institute, Halkirk 
Staged by Third Party Productions -
A Lyth Arts Drama In Exile

29 August 03
400 participants from all over the county and much much more will line the streets of Wick on the 19th September. 
Activities at the Edinburgh Festival may be coming to an end but they are just beginning in Caithness. Excitement grows as the myth of 'Assipattle' uncovers a piece of Caithness history.

27 August 03
When In Rome
Gonzo Moose Theatre Company
Thursday 25th September
The Mill Theatre


27 August 03
The Birthday Party

TAG Theatre Company
Wednesday 1st October 2003
The Mill Theatre

27 August 03
Timespan - Latest

12 July 03
A Pilots Yarn - Uncle Dan, the Pentland Firth Pilot
By David Grant, teacher at Canisbay School 1857-1861
Thanks to Hugo Ross for preparing this poem for the web site.  The poem was once recited at many a Christmas Treat in Caithness.

10 June
excavate : overlay
excavate : overlay is an artist-led project taking place in a number of locations on the east side of Caithness between 25 June and 2 July this year. It brings art, archaeology and anthropology together through the investigation of selected archaeological features at the Yarrows and at Dunbeath.

8 June 03
Artsmith Exhibition,
 Private View Night Is A Huge Success

The first night of the Artsmith 'moving images' exhibition in the Swanson Gallery Thurso, was widely acclaimed as a resounding success. The appreciative audience was treated to a selection of strong and colourful paintings as well as a sensitive and moving multi-media display which brought the whole show to life.......Exhibition At Swanson Gallery Until 28 June

Out of Freswick: recent work by artists in Caithness At Timespan in Helmsdale, 7 to 27 June.
Several artists who have been working out of Freswick Castle over the past year have come together to create an extraordinary show at the Timespan Gallery in Helmsdale this month. Monique Sliedrecht, Trevor Wight, Angela McGahan and Rob and Marcia Hengeveld contribute recent work made at and inspired by the castle, supplemented by atmospheric photography by Murray Watts...............................

3 June 03
Lyth Arts Centre Presents
Michael Marra in "Silence"

Thursday 12 June 8.00pm - Pipe Band Hall, Wick
Friday 13 June 8.00pm -
Pentland Hotel, Princes Street, Thurso
We are pleased to welcome Michael Marra back to the county. he has made a big reputation for himself over the years as one of Scotland's more individual singer-songwriters.

30 May 03
North Highland College, Thurso -  Art Exhibition

3 - 5 June - 9.00am - 9.00pm, Friday 6 June 9.00am - 4.40pm. Saturday 7 June 9.00am - 1.00pm

Artsmith Exhibition 7 - 28 June 2003

24 May 2003
Caithness Society Of Artists
Annual Exhibition 2003 (67th) 5 - 16 August
Artists Are You Ready To Enter Your Pictures

18 May 03
Wick Players Celebrate 70 Years

The assembly rooms had a big crowd in for a buffet dinner to celebrate 70 years of entertaining the people of the county.   With a number of readings, monologues, poems and a number of songs from Les Miserables to prove the wide range of talent they possess and show why over the years they have won so many competitions up and won the country.

11 May 03
Skraelings Second Year
Alexandria Patience of Grey coast Theatre will lead the second year of Skraelings.  Anyone over 16 who is interested in learning more about acting or writing for the theatre is welcome to come along.  The weekly classes are free and there is the opportunity to create performance works. -
Thurso - Mondays from 12 May 7.30pm BB Hall, Couper Square
Wick - Tuesdays from 20 May 7.30pm Pulteneytown Academy, Wick
More Information from Alex Patience Tel 01847 891422

7 May 2003
Richard Arrowsmith  - Another Talent In Caithness
Richard Arrowsmith is a Caithness based artist born in Thurso and now living in Wick.  He draws and paints in a variety of mediums and has set  himself up in business with assistance from the Princes Trust.  His web site has a growing number of examples of recent work with several for sale as original paintings and prints from a growing list.   Richard also has a web site to show some of his work and make it easier to place orders for prints of contact him to discuss commissions

30 April 03
"Twist" by Trevor Wight

Runs until 10 May 2003 at St Fergus Gallery, Wick

24 April 03
Thurso Players New Web Site

15 April 03
Neil Gunn Group Up and Running

14 March 2003
Scottish Community Drama Association
Highland Divisional Final of ONE ACT PLAYS
Wick Assembly Rooms
Thursday 27 , Friday 28 and Saturday 29 March 2003
Curtain Up 7.00pm
No person admitted during the performance
No Cameras, Videos or Mobile Phones
Tickets �6.50 and �5.50 (concession OAP only)
Season �16 and �15 (concession OAP only)
From Poltney News, Wick MacBeaths Jewellers, Thurso
Thursday - Tain Roayl Academy, Youth Team, Wick Players
Friday - Plckton ADC, Lochcarron ADC, Stornoway Thespians
Saturday - Dingwall Players, Kilmuir DC, Carbost Village DC

2 March 2003
Caithness Arts

A new group aiming to get a new Arts Centre for Caithness.  They are looking for members to support their work and long term aims.  If you would like to support their drive you can join for just �10 individuals or �50 for organisations.

24 February 2003
A new partnership between the National Galleries of Scotland and The Highland Council will be launched in the Highlands this week when the 'Ossian - Fragments Of Poetry' exhibition by artist Calum Colvin comes to the Iona Gallery, Kingussie on the first leg of its Highland tour.   After Kingussie the exhibition heads for Thurso, Portree, Helmsdale, Wick and finally Inverness

22 February 2003
Scottish Community Drama
Festival of One Act Plays
Saturday 1 March 2003
Assembly Rooms, Wick
Wick and Thurso Players will compete in this heat with Wick Players performing excerpts from Enter A Free Man by Tom Stoppard.  Thurso Players has two entries with White Liars by Peter Sheaffer and Just A Song At Twilight by Valerie Maskell.
Tickets from MacBeath's Thurso  Polteney News, Wick
�6  �5

5 December 2002
The Skraelings - New Arts Group

The Skraelings will be a Caithness and Sutherland based collective open to all ages over the age of fifteen. This will be a group of multi-generational community members who are interested in building and sharing multi-disciplinary art making and presenting techniques. These skills will be used to present performance work and theatre, but may incorporate visual art, dance/movement, music/voice and media.......................

13 November 2002
Proposed Neil Gunn Readers Group

If you are interested in the works of Neil Gunn or in beginning to read the books and discuss them from time to time then get in touch with the organisers of this proposed group.


2 November 2002
New Poetry Book Launched In Caithness

Angus Calder launched his latest book of poetry
"Colours Of Grief" in Caithness

Latest Arts Section

Children's Arts, Music, Drama, Dance Etc.
Let us know about Arts Groups for children including music, dance, drama, majorettes and other activities to add to the section to let everyone know what is available

Edinburgh John O'Groat Literary Society 1959
This literary magazine from a few years back has been loaned to us and over the next few weeks we will publish the full contents.  The contents list is in place to let you see what is coming and the first item Dunnet Head is in place.  If you have any other copies of the magazine that could be published here get in touch with [email protected]   Or if you have details about the group or its members send us the details.

11 September 03
National Theatre takes centre stage

A National Theatre for Scotland is to be created with a budget of £7.5 million over the next two years, the Executive has confirmed.  It will be a a 'virtual' commissioning body with offices located in Glasgow.  The new National Theatre will be expected to set dramatic standards and provide strategic and artistic leadership. It will commission work from Scotland's existing creative talent for production that will tour the country.

1 November 03
Alice In Wonderland Rehearsals For Caithness Junior Drama

Caithness Junior Drama group run by Beverley Sarstedt were well into rehearsals today for their Christmas season presentation of Alice In Wonderland.  The three Alice's are explained as their way of making Alice Grow larger and smaller.  Plenty of singing and dancing.  Ticket sales will be announced here shortly.

24 October 03
Capture more of Caithness at
An exciting new website launched today

Local artist Julian Smith offers a dynamic and engaging internet shop window for a range of high quality prints and original artwork.  The prints which featured in his successful summer exhibition can be viewed and purchased with ease on this extremely user-friendly site.  Some of the features are quite novel, for instance an 'In progress' page shows the 'life' of a painting from sketch to finished piece on the easel. This section, like many of the pages will be updated regularly with contemporary works.  Shortly Julian will have his unique DVD available for sale on the web site  - a combination of his artwork, animation and music and sure to be a popular gift this year and for some time to come.