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Grey Coast Theatre


The Skraelings
"Norse word for Aboriginal Peoples"

The Skraelings will be a Caithness and Sutherland based collective open to all ages over the age of fifteen. This will be a group of multi-generational community members who are interested in building and sharing multi-disciplinary art making and presenting techniques. These skills will be used to present performance work and theatre, but may incorporate visual art, dance/movement, music/voice and media.

The first focus will be the teaching and sharing of skills among the members and the drawing in of trained professionals to share their training and experiences with the Skraelings collective. Through this process of building knowledge and confidence in our skills, we will as a group, also come to an understanding of where our strengths lie. This kind of exploration will also direct us to the kinds of aesthetic we have as a group and where the most interesting challenges are for us in the kinds of work we choose to make for our community. Rather than a group which forms to create a devised piece of work around a specific subject the Skraelings will come together and build an understanding of one another, the art forms available to us and within a collaborative process reach a consensus on what we choose to create. As a community collective attached to the professional theatre company, Grey Coast Theatre Company of Thurso, we will have access to resources to help us problem solve if and when difficulties arise. The Skraelings will be an on-going independent collective that will create arts events and performances.

Meeting times are planned in December to allow us to explain our idea to you and to hear from you. Come and let us know what you would like to see happen with this group. In Jan 2003, we will begin with a weekend workshop. Alexandria Patience, the Grey Coast Community Outreach worker who will be facilitating the Skraelings, will guide a weekend process of storytelling and sharing performance skills.

Other areas that we will consider exploring are:
Acting technique
Interpretation of text
Directing collaborative working process
Skills in workshopping new works for performance
Dance and movement
Music -
Camera work
Writing for self
Writing for performance
Producing arts events -
Art -
Mask making and performance skills
Installation and object making
Site specific works

11 May 03
Skraelings Second Year
Alexandria Patience of Grey coast Theatre will lead the second year of Skraelings.  Anyone over 16 who is interested in learning more about acting or writing for the theatre is welcome to come along.  The weekly classes are free and there is the opportunity to create performance works. -
Thurso Mondays from 12 May 7.30pm BB Hall, Couper Square
Wick Tuesdays from 20 May 7.30pm Pulteneytown Acdemy, Wick
more Information from Alex Patience Tel 01847 891422

Grey Coast Theatre Company, Traill House, Olrig Street, Thurso, Caithness, Scotland KW14 7BJ
Tel: 01847 890840 Fax: 01847 891732 www.greycoast.org.uk  e-mail: [email protected]
Registered in Scotland SC136634 A Scottish Charity SC019873