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Caithness Arts

See New Caithness Arts Page

Caithness Arts was created in 2002 by a study group who first met in 1996 with the object of providing improved community/arts facilities in Caithness. 

The Company, (a registered charity, number SCO33210), is now recognised as being the principal organisation in Caithness devoted to the development of the Arts in Caithness which covers a broad spectrum to include writing, music, drama, visual arts, dance, photography and crafts.

Since our formation the main objectives have been twofold, namely the establishment of suitable venues in Thurso and Wick, and the promotion of Caithness Arts Week which was first held in 2005. This expanded to a 37 event Week in September 2006 and will be a major Festival this year as part of the Highland 2007 Year of Culture celebrations.

In addition, a bi-monthly What's On Guide and Newsletter is produced and you can find our latest editions on our website.   Don't miss the photos and info about what went on during Caithness Arts Week 2006 !


As well as working towards our main objectives, we are actively involved in other projects including The Viewfirth Redevelopment Steering Group and the Caithness Arts Forum.

The Viewfirth Redevelopment Steering Group was formed to liaise with the community to create a feasible proposal for the development of the Viewfirth site.  A formal constitution has been agreed and seven organisations from Caithness are now pursuing the interests of the community through a series of public meetings and research.  The proposal will be submitted to the Dounreay Stakeholder Group Secretary by the 31st March 2007.  Further information can be found on our website.

As a direct result of the Caithness Arts Seminar, the Caithness Arts Forum has been formed to provide an opportunity for voluntary, community and agency sector people locally to come together to discuss arts development in the County thereby ensuring that the arts sector becomes more clearly established in community planning processes in Caithness.

Membership of Caithness Arts costs just £5 per year for groups or individuals.

We ask for your support to allow us an increased prominence to support issues which affect the arts and further establishes the importance of the arts for the economic development of Caithness.  It also helps provide support at funding level as well as expanding our dialogue within Caithness and beyond through our Newsletter, What’s On Guide and Arts Festival, opening up the arts up to a wider audience.

Our application form and standing order mandate can be downloaded from our website.  Alternatively, please send a cheque for £5 to :

Linda Hutton
Membership Secretary
Catihness Arts
1-2 Traill House
7 Olrig Street
Thurso, KW14 7BJ

If you would like to speak to us about any aspect of our work please contact Linda Hutton, Arts Co-Ordinator on 01847 895545 or email her at [email protected]

Caithness Arts Ceilidh - Mackays Hotel 4 February 2005