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Caithness News Bulletins September 2003

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Dounreay News      

Norman Harrison will lead the �4bn Site Restoration Programme at Dounreay.  The  Secretary  of  State  for  Trade  and Industry has appointed Mr Norman Harrison  as  Director,  Dounreay, and a Member of the UKAEA Board. He will succeed Mr Peter Welsh, who is retiring on 31 October 2003.

Manchester-born  Norman  Harrison, 51, is currently director of Sizewell B, British  Energy's Pressurised Water Reactor station in Suffolk. He has been in the power industry for 25 years, starting as an assistant chemist with a coal-fired power station in his home town and followed by appointments at a number  of  north-west  power  stations. Prior to Sizewell B he was station director at Heysham 1 in Lancashire.

Commenting on the appointment UKAEA Chairman, Mr Denis Tunnicliffe, said "I am delighted that Norman has been appointed to become Director of Dounreay.  Norman's  wide  experience  of  managing  nuclear  licensed  sites  will be invaluable at Dounreay as he leads the site towards the introduction of the
Nuclear  Decommissioning  Authority  in  2005.  Norman  will  be  a  worthy successor  to  Peter Welsh who in four years has put Dounreay firmly on the map as a leader in nuclear decommissioning and site restoration."

Speaking  of  his  appointment  Norman  Harrison added: "I am relishing the opportunity  of  continuing  to  develop Dounreay's position as a centre of expertise  in  nuclear  decommissioning.  I  am also aware of the important contribution Dounreay makes to the economy of northern Scotland in business and  jobs.  I  look  forward  to getting to know the site workforce and the community of Caithness."