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Caithness News Bulletins October 2005

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Council Receives Application for Beauly to Denny TRANSMISSION Line
Highland Council's Planning and Development Service has (Friday, 30 September 2005) received an Environmental Impact Assessment and Section 37 Application from Scottish & Southern Energy plc regarding the proposals for an electricity transmission line from Beauly to Denny.

The receipt of the application is the latest stage in planning process of the proposed developments to upgrade the Beauly to Denny transmission line.

Councillor Sandy Park, Highland Council's Chairman of the Planning, Development, Europe and Tourism Committee said: "We are pleased to note that indicative locations for pylon towers have been included in the Environmental Impact Assessment and this will allow Highland Council to consider the visual impact and other issues such as archaeology which could be affected by the proposed line."

"However, there are no indications in the Environmental Impact Assessment that any of the proposed line is to be under grounded and the question of the desirability of under grounding some sections of the line will still have to be given careful consideration by the Council."

Copies of all the documentation will be available for inspection at Council offices, Service Points and libraries in the area covered by the application on and from Wednesday 5th October, 2005. 

Members of the public have until 12th December, 2005 to send their letters of representation to the Scottish Executive. The Highland Council would welcome copies of representations to be sent to: John Rennilson, Director Planning and Development, The Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX.

All representations will be taken on board by the Council in their deliberations when the application is presented to the Council's Planning Development, Europe and Tourism Committee at a special meeting early in 2006.

Scottish and Southern Energy -
Beauly to Denny Transmission Line Proposal
Details - maps and proposals are all on this web site
Spice Briefing Paper
Undergrounding Of Extra High Voltage Transmission Lines

The possibility of a Dounreay - Beauly upgrade of lines is mentioned in this paper.
opposing unnecessary, excessive and intrusive powerline development

Food For Thought Links
After Oil
Marine Current Turbines

September 05
McGrigor attacks Executive complacency over future energy plans
MSP Jamie McGrigor has met with Scottish & Southern Energy over the proposed Beauly to Denny powerline.
Speaking after a meeting with representatives of the energy company at the Scottish Parliament, the Conservative MSP said questions were still unanswered over the potential damage the lines might do.
Jamie McGrigor said "These lines and their pylons will have a dramatic impact on the scenery of the areas they pass through - areas that are amongst some of the most beautiful in Scotland.
"While I am grateful to Scottish and Southern Energy for coming to the Parliament to discuss their proposals with us, questions are still unanswered over the potential damage the lines might do.
Mr McGrigor then rounded on the Scottish Executive, accusing them of having insufficient plans for future energy generation; an issue he said could have serious consequences in the future.
"What is clear is that the UK Government and the Scottish Executive have not made sufficient plans to deal with the energy shortages Scotland is likely to face in the future.
"The Executive's complacency means it will not simply be a question of how we generate our electricity, but how we even keep the lights on".