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British Nuclear Energy Society

Young Generation Network (YGN)

Do you have an active interest in nuclear energy matters?

Are you a BNES member or simply interested in hearing more about the opportunities the BNES and YGN offer, in particular the Dounreay BNES Branch??...

Opportunities such as:
Conferences Seminars Lectures Technical Visits BNES Journal..... the list goes on....

The newly formed Dounreay BNES branch is looking to construct a circulation list of:
BNES members
Those interested in becoming BNES members
OR simply interested in being kept informed of BNES Activities

If you are one of the above and would like the Dounreay BNES Branch to keep you informed of BNES activities through an email group, forward an email to any of the Dounreay Committee members identifying your interest level and we will provide you with regular BNES information.
(At any time you can be removed from the circulation).

Please feel free to contact any of our committee:

  • Chairperson: Paul Corrigan 01847 806179

  • Co-Chairperson: June Love 01847 806082

  • Treasurer: Sally Robertson 01847 806013

  • Comms co-ordinator: Joanna Laing 01847 802750

  • Events co-ordinators: Nicola Miller 01847 804671 & Elaine Hughes 01847 806049

  • Secretary: Donna Stewart 01847 806912

The BNES (British Nuclear Energy Society) is a society that promotes information exchange and learning about the nuclear industry to members of the industry and beyond. The activities of the Society cover all aspects of nuclear energy and are not limited to a particular range of disciplines.  It is a great vehicle for widening your horizons and involvement in the industry, through lectures, workshops, papers, site visits, discussion groups, committee leadership etc.  This list goes on! 

The YGN is a sub-set of the BNES that is specifically for the younger members of the industry.  It allows us to have a voice, our own events and helps us establish a network amongst ourselves.  UKAEA have supported me fully and this will hopefully allow us to be involved in many of the above activities. UKAEA is very supportive of the BNES and recognises the many opportunities it offers, which can enhance our skills and open up the future to all of us.

The BNES, is an external body that will offer a different, and often wider range of opportunities to UKAEA.  These opportunities can continue throughout your career and often contribute to your CPD (Continued Professional Development)

Opportunities, such as

  • meeting many of my peers in the industry in both formal and social surroundings,

  • attending/organising events,

  • learning about situations outside of UKAEA,

  • having the opportunity to use our voices to try and influence our industry

  • being involved in both European and world-wide activities.

To show how beneficial the YGN can be, here are some quotes from some people from within the Nuclear Industry:

‘As a young worker in today’s nuclear industry the YGN gives me a voice on the key issues that are facing the industry as it goes through unprecedented and accelerated change.  As this is the industry I have chosen to base my career this voice is vital.’

‘After attending the “Speaking Competition” for two consecutive years, I personally realised the complexity involved in projects associated with other engineering disciplines, such as mechanical, electrical and waste management. Most projects involve the interaction of different disciplines and being aware of this enables one to interact better. This particular aspect has made me a better professional.’

‘The YGN facilitated site visits, interesting lectures and social activities, This enabled me to meet other young (and not so young) people in the industry and share experiences.‘

As well as the above ‘goodies’, membership (costing £30/year) offers other benefits, such as receipt of a regular, high quality magazine - Nuclear Energy - and discounts at seminars.

Therefore as Chair of the Dounreay BNES Branch I'd like to encourage you to join, take part in our activities and help to proactively shape its future.  If you are interested, please fill in the application form.

In addition, feel free to contact me ( [email protected] ) if you want any more information.  You can also get added to my distribution list and so receive regular emails of information that I send out.