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August 2002

Man Missing From Hempriggs House Found At Charity Farm

At 9.00pm on 27 August 2002 a report was received by Police from Hempriggs Nursing Home, Wick that a confused 73 year old resident ALEX COWIE had gone missing from the Home -  he had last been seen at about 7.15pm hours.


Various addresses known to the missing person were checked without success. Thereafter a search was conducted by Police, Police Dog, Coastguard and members of the Assynt Mountain Rescue Team.  The Wick lifeboat was launched and made a search of the cliff area around Hempriggs.


Search parties continued to look for the missing man during the night but the search was suspended at 0345 hours to allow the search parties to rest.  The search was resumed at first light at 0600 hours 28 August.


An RAF SAR helicopter from RAF Kinloss along with members of the RAF Mountain Rescue Team and Search and Rescue dogs are took part in this search along with local Police, Coastguard and Assynt Mountain Rescue Team members.

Wick Lifeboat was called out at 10.45pm and stayed out until 2.00am searching the cliffs from the sea.  The Lifeboat crew resumed their cliff search at 7.30 and continued until Mr Cowie was reported found and returned too harbour at 9.00am having searched the coastline from Wick to Thrumster.

Mr Cowie was finally found at Charity Farm this morning after a member of the public reported having seen a man fitting the description put out by police  at about 8.00am in the Charity Farm area just outside Wick.  The man was finally located by Highland Council Refuse Disposal men in a field at Charity Farm.


Mr Cowie was taken to Caithness General Hospital in Wick where a hospital spokes-person stated he was in good condition but was being kept in hospital meantime. Police thanked members of the public and the various members of the emergency services and mountain rescue teams for their help.


Emergency Services