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Home Zones In Manchester And Leeds Visit
n February 2003 when OCA took a group of residents to look at two Home Zone areas - one in Manchester and one in Leeds. Two young people from Save the Children in Scotland's Community Partners Progamme attended along with Anita Mathur, Development Worker CPP, Lorna Simpson, Manager OCA Ltd and Ian Moncrieff (missing from photo) Senior Roads Engineer, The Highland Council. The visit was a joint initiative with the Scottish Home Zones Network group and a group from Stirling and Aberdeen also attended the event.

The visit was extremely worthwhile for the residents of Ormlie as it gave them a much clearer idea and better understanding of the whole concept of Home Zones. On their return to Ormlie they were able to give their views on what would be suitable for Ormlie and have given presentations on the visit to OCA and the Home Zone Network group in Inverness. The two young people who attended have also produced a video on the HZ visit. If anybody should wish any further information on the Home Zone project or any other aspects of the Ormlie Regeneration Project they should contact Lorna Simpson, Manager, Ormlie Community Association Ltd, 108 Marr Terrace, Thurso, Caithness, KW14 7SW on 01847 891789 - email [email protected]