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Queen Elizabeth Index Page          Medical Services Index

Caithness General Hospital
Queen Elizabeth Assessment & Rehabilitation Unit


A portable public payphone is available for use by patients.  All enquiries for patients should be made through the Ward � Tel No (01955) 605050 Ext 343 or direct line (01955) 880343.  A cordless telephone is available for the patients� use for incoming calls only.

Smoking Policy

A Smoke Room is available for patients on the ward although visitors are prohibited from smoking on hospital premises.


Patients can arrange for a hairdresser to visit, but they must inform their named nurse of the arrangements.

Clothing Required During Stay

Toiletries, 3 sets of night clothes, 1 pair of slippers, housecoat, three day outfits, 1 pair comfortable, well fitting walking shoes.

Any walking aid or other physical aid, e.g. hearing.  Any pastime or interest, e.g. knitting, reading, etc.


Patients are encouraged to send their laundry home.  A Disclaimer Form should be signed to release Highland Acute Hospitals NHS Trust of responsibility for your clothes.  In special circumstances, clothing may go to the hospital laundry; they require to be labelled with patient�s name.  Clothes should be of good laundering material, e.g. no woollens.