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Caithness General Hospital
Queen Elizabeth Assessment & Rehabilitation Unit

Speech and Language Therapy

The Speech and Language Therapist is often involved in the assessment and rehabilitation process following a stroke.  They are primarily concerned in two main areas � communication and swallowing.


The Speech and Language Therapist assesses and manages disorders in eating and swallowing.  Difficulties can arise for a number of reasons.  From weak lip and tongue muscles to an absent swallow reflex.  Management can include facial exercises, modified foods and liquids and may involve being fed via a tube until the person can safely eat.


The Speech and Language Therapist deals with communication � expression, comprehension, reading and writing.  A large variety of therapy methods are available depending on the nature of the patient�s difficulties.  No two therapy plans are alike.  Each one is devised to suit the individual.  If a person is unable to talk following a stroke, communication aids that �talk� for them may be suggested.  Speech Therapy is generally attended 2 � 3 times a week.  It may often continue once the patient is discharged from hospital.