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Caithness General Hospital
Queen Elizabeth Assessment & Rehabilitation Unit

Your Involvement in Your Care as a Patient

Whenever possible our services and staff will give you choices about things that affect you.  You have the right to give or withhold consent to medical/nursing treatment.  You have the right to decide whether or not to participate in health service research and the training of our staff.  You are entitled to accurate, relevant and understandable explanations of what your treatment is likely to involve.

 Respite Care

Respite care has been made available to try to help patients and their carers.  It allows a regular planned period in hospital (normally two weeks), giving a break from the stresses and strains of home, and time for physiotherapy and occupational therapy, if required.  It is also a time for carers to take a break and �recharge their batteries� � for this reason we suggest that visits by carers to the hospital are often best avoided or certainly kept to a minimum. 

We hope that this service will be found to be useful.  Ideas for the improvement of this service would be welcome.

Philosophy for Respite Care

We believe that every person has the right to live in the local community for as long as possible.  To achieve this we offer a service which is intended to support and maintain and, as far as possible, improve the well being of the client and the carer.

Our aim for the patient is that he/she returns refreshed to their own environment.

Our aim for the carer is that respite will restore their vitality.


The Queen Elizabeth Assessment and Rehabilitation Unit has a well- equipped  rehabilitation department adjoining the Ward.  It contains a large Physiotherapy Gym and fully fitted kitchen, bathroom and treatment room, used by the Occupational Therapists.

Patients are referred for physiotherapy by the doctor.  They are assessed by the physiotherapist and a plan of treatment is decided upon.

Physiotherapy treatment may take place on the Ward and/or the gym.

Physiotherapists working in the Queen Elizabeth Unit treat many types of conditions but are mainly concerned with improving mobility by working on joint stiffness, muscle weakness and balance problems.

After discharge from the Ward patients may receive follow-up physiotherapy in the outpatient department, or at home by the Community Physiotherapist.