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Caithness General Hospital
Queen Elizabeth Assessment & Rehabilitation Unit

Philosophy of Care

 The Multi Professional Team in the Queen Elizabeth Unit aims to deliver individual care meeting Physiological and Social needs of the patient, carer and family.

We strive to promote health; independence and education through evidence based practices to both patient and carer.

Welcome to the Queen Elizabeth Assessment and Rehabilitation Unit

The primary purpose of the Ward is to ensure that early assessment and rehabilitation takes place with a view to settling patients back into the community wherever possible.

Nursing Staff

Each patient is allocated a �Named Nurse� for the length of his or her stay in the Ward.

The Named Nurse, who is a trained member of staff, will co-ordinate your care with the assistance of the other members of the nursing team.  He/she will discuss your needs with you and you will be consulted about your care.

 Medical Care

The Consultant carries out a ward round weekly on Tuesday mornings.  The Senior House Officer carries out a ward round on Friday mornings.

The Senior House Officer is available daily for the medical care of patients.

Consultants and other members of medical staff can be contacted at any time by nursing staff. 

A Multi Disciplinary Team meeting takes place every Wednesday, those present are: -

Consultant, Nursing Staff, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Social Workers, District Nurses, Speech Therapist, Dietitian.

At this meeting discussion takes place regarding the progress of the patient.  Discharge planning takes a high priority during these discussions.  The results of this meeting are discussed with the patient and relatives.

Paramedical Services

Each patient, if required, will be referred by the doctor to the Physiotherapist and/or Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist, Dietitian, Chiropodist, Dentist or Optician.

An appointment with the Consultant can be arranged when the patient�s progress can be discussed.