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This small literary magazine from 1959 has been uncovered and we would be interested to hear from anyone who has copies from other years.  Contact

Edinburgh John O'Groat Literary Society 1959

Cover Design
Title Page
Editorial (See Below)
Dunnet Head
A Sonnet Fae Dannie
A whiff Of the Country air
The Phantom Pedlar
Chuist an Act
The Joiner's Shop
'E Reflections O' Sanny
Scrabster In the mist
Sea shells On the Sea shore
Caithness Humour
A Tale of Hallowe'en
Fowk A Dinna Lek
True Reflections And Tales
Peerie John Of TheOrcades
A Caithness Memory
In Praise Of Thurso
Odds And Ends
The Duck That Died Twice
For 'E Bairnies -
    The House On The Moor
    The Phantom Hind
Caithness Morning
Takin' Long
James S Ryrie
Donald C Manson

Jane Thomson
Nita H Padwick
A. N. Actor
Alle Trang
Ronald Thomson
E. C. B.
Don Manson
Nits H Padwick
Carolyn Andrew
A. M. D.

A B McLeod
a B McLeod

It has been customary to devote a few lines on this editorial page to our appreciation of the talent and generosity of our contributors, but we feel that the time is ripe for a more comprehensive survey of our own particular literary field. We remember in our youth being exhorted by our headmaster at a school prize-giving ceremony to disseminate our knowledge gained by study, for the benefit of others.

“What!” We thought “Hand out all our hard-swotted learning on a plate to all and sundry? - Not likely!” However, the innate wisdom of this advice can prevail with us all through our more mature years, and our powers of self-expression be magni­fied thereby. There are already strong indications that the novelty and thraldom of television are on the decline and there is little doubt that we will all be better for a return - however gradual - to where individuals are the mainspring and not merely the spectators in life’s panorama, and rejoice in sharing by the medium of colourful prose or cadent poem, a vivid picture of some­thing that has inspired them and which may add to our common treasury of remembered joys. We hopefully rely on our members committing to paper something interesting, beautiful, or humerous, affecting our home county, which would indeed be lost if buried in the dusty vaults of moribund memory, bringing its own reward in being shared with a wider circle of friends. It is much to be hoped that at some not too future date it may be found possible to publish a comprehensive selection from our magazines in the form of a bedside book that would be treasured by Caithnessians wherever they may be. To all our contributors we extend with great pleasure our sincere thanks for providing time and finding inspiration to enable us to present another magazine of well-sustained quality. The artistic cover, skilfully designed, and once again generously donated by Mr James S Ryrie, is an attractive testimony of his sus­tained interest in our magazine, and we voice the unanimous senti­ments of our members in expressing our deep appreciation of his kindness. We have also great pleasure in thanking Mr Donald C Manson for designing again this year the distinctive title page, a most valued enhancement.