A - Z Of Caithness

Wick At Wikipedia

Twinned with Klaksv�k



Click for Wick, United Kingdom Forecast

A ROYAL Burgh from 1589 the town has even more ancient origins as shown by its name which comes from the Norse "Vic" the word for bay.

This page links to just a few photos of Wick.  Many others are to be found in the many photo galleries across the Front Page Archives of Caithness.org running from August 2000.

Looking For Family History Information in Wick and surrounding area? Try the following places -
North Highland Archive based in Wick Library
Caithness Family History Society

Wick A - Z of Streets

Shops and Businesses In Wick
A few shops have closed recently so we thought it would be interesting to see just how many are left. 

Wick Harbourfest 2007 - The Day Wick Harbour Came Back To Life - Photos

Remember to click "View full size" if you want to se a larger image in the galleries

Wick Gala 2006 Programme and Photos
Wick Banger Derby 2006

20 July 06
Caravan And Camping Site At Wick Reopened

The caravan and camping site is once again open for business after much work by Mr & Mrs Miller cutting grass, clearing rubbish painting and brining in new picnic tables and flower baskets not to mention all new electric hook-ups etc.

Dirty Weeker
Ever wondered about the term used by and for the citizens of Wick.  Well it apparently is a corruption of a phrase the evolved during the town's Herring days.  It was not as you might think a derogatory term which pokes fun at people who don' wash.  The original word was "Dirdie" a Caithness word meaning busy.  Over time it was corrupted to dirty and somehow adopted by locals endearingly referring to each other as "Dirty Wickers" meaning a real Wicker.
You can now buy "Dirty Weeker T shirts from  the Wick Heritage Centre who designed the T shirts.

The Wick Charter
The charter a copy of which still hangs in Wick Town Hall was published in the Caithness Field Club Bulletin of March 1990 following the Quatercentenary of 1989 - Starts - James, by the Grace of God, King of the Scots, to all true men of his whole land, Clergy and Laity, Greeting. Know ye that we, understanding that not only are the revenues or income of our crown increased by the industry and increase of Free Burghs within our Kingdom; and ends At Edinburgh, the twenty fifth day of the month of September, in the year of our Lord, One thousand five hundred and eighty nine, and the twenty third of our reign.  Read The Wick Charter.

Wick Banger Derby 26 June 2005
Continental Market, Wick 2005

Wick Pipe Band Week 2 - 9 July 2005

Wick Olympics 2004
Herring Queens

North Baths

Royal Observer Corps Post - Wick Airport
Wetherspoon - New Pub
Business Park
Lidl New Supermarket
Wick History
Wick Airport
Wick Harbour
Wick River
Castle of Old Wick
Weather at Wick    
5 Day Weather
Street Map of Wick

B & B
A Walk Round Wick

A-Z of Caithness Places
Caithness Business Pages
What's On in Caithness
Travel to Caithness
Caithness & Other Maps
Reunion Pages
Friends Of The Trinkie And The North Baths

Nuclear Archive Centre

New Noss Primary School Construction

New Wick High School 3 - 18 Campus

Council Offices At Wick

Wick Town Hall Major Upgrade Completed

Wick Council Offices Demolition To New Offices

15 December 2012
Huge Storm Hit Wick Bay

Short Film Of Wick On A Sunny Day July 2011

Wick Gala 2016
Wick Gala 2016 - Children's Fancy Dress

Wick Gala 2015
Wick Gala 2014
Wick Harbour Day 2014
Wick Gala 2013
Wick Harbour Day 2013
Wick Gala 2012
Wick Pipe Band Week 2012
Wick Gala 2011
Wick Gala 2010

Wick Marina - Opened 2009
Wick Gala 2009
Caithness County Show In Wick For 2009
Wick HarbourFest Herring Queen Ceremonies - 2009
Wick HarbourFest - Saturday - 2009
Wick Pipe Band 90th Anniversary - 2009
Wick Gala 2008
Wick Gala 28 July - 4 August 2007
Wick Banger Derby 2007  Film 1  Film 2

Wick Harbourfest 2007
166th Caithness County Show 2007
Wick Gala 2006 Programme and Photos

Wick Banger Derby 2006
Wick Gala 2005
Caithness County Show - In Wick For 2005
Wick Gala 2004
Wick Gala 2003
Wick Gala 2002
Wick Gala 2001
Looking Over Wick 15 October 2002

Caithness Shows, Galas and more

Wick A Snapshot 11 December 2005

29 June 05
Homebase Shopping Complex Work Begins
Work began this week on the new shopping complex situated n the outskirts of Wick.  The new complex that will have seven units with the two main shops being Homebase and Argos.  With Tescos planning application about to begin the process Wick will in a very short time have some of the most modern shopping facilities outside Inverness.  Suddenly the tide is changing in Wick's favour.  It has been recognised for some time that a town with an airport, harbour and railhead is ideally situated to make an economic come back.  Few other small towns have all three forms of transport facilities on their doorstep.

29 April 05
More Progress At Blackstairs, Wick - From Thursday 28 April

Of course there is debate about the rebuilding of the Blackstairs.  Should the new stones be mixed with the remaining old stones still in good condition?  Should they have inscriptions on them?  Should there be small platform halfway up? - soon to be added for safety reasons next to the entrance to the building.  Why is the stone a different colour? (see the message board).  One thing is for sure the area of Pulteneytown cold not have been left for much longer before some of it was fit only for demolition.  the project has some way to go and has already created houses in Telford Street out of derelict buildings, is repaving along Bank Row, assisting with the Memorial Garden on the bomb site in Bank Row at the foot of the Black Stairs (yet to start).  New Flagstone at the bottom of the Blackstairs will join with the paving now being put in at the salt cellars. Assisted the development of the building now occupied by Caithness Voluntary Group.  The project still has funds to assist businesses rejuvenate buildings in the area and they are working hard to ensure that the funds can be used up and allocated by the 31 December 2005 and used in the following year.  The total target spend is �2.5 million - matched making it �5m.  Love them or hate them the new Blackstairs are only one part of a much larger picture which is far from complete.  As the project moves on and the new street lighting is installed and other parts finished we are at last beginning to see what many local folk had been asking for over the past 20 years  - the rejuvenation of Pulteneytown and Wick.  Wick is moving  - New Pier almost completed at a cost of �3.5 million - Harbour Trust about to evolve into a new organisation - Market Square re-paved - Wetherspoon's new pub in the old Post Office - Shore Lane widened - Shore Road works starting shortly - New water systems in various parts of the town - New waste water treatment works at North Head - �3.5 million committed to the Caithness Heat And Power company for new heating system for up to 500 houses in Wick (hopefully to spread across the whole of Wick and if successful to develop in Thurso Halkirk and Lybster) - looking to acquire forestry for the town of Wick - New Recycling Centre near Wick airport - Wick Airport Terminal �800,000 upgrade - New Housing development at Harrowhill starting shortly - New Offices for M M Miller construction - Dental Training unit at New business park - New Retail Park (seven shops) next to Lidl starting soon - Potential second Retail Park near Wick airport (Major retailer Tesco looking to open a new store) - Other developers looking at Wick with a variety of ideas and plans) Highland Council trying to stimulate more developments and negotiating with a range of people. New Family Centre At the back of Telford Street (work staring shortly).  Pulteneytown People's Project is moving forward with several projects rebuilding the community and aiming to build a new community centre/skateboard park starting shortly.  New Arts Centre for Barrock Hall being planned by North Highland College to run drama courses - New all-weather football pitch starting shortly. CASE looking to stimulate developments in Wick with full backing of HIE to make it happen in Wick.  Wick currently has 5% unemployment second highest in the Highlands but compared to northern Finland (Karelia 15%) that is very low and a few years ago unemployment levels in Wick were higher.  And there is more if you want to add to the list - Girnigoe Castle (huge development near Wick by Clan Sinclair Trust preserving the castle/archaeology works and a visitor centre.  There is still a lot to do but the Blackstairs might just be a symbol of all that is happening in Wick - it is being rebuilt slowly but surely.  There is likely to be much much more to come and no doubt it will cause as much controversy with differing views on all sides as the rebuilding of the Blackstairs is doing - "thank goodness we're no deid yet" - and er has anyone heard the birth rate is up in Caithness.............. We may take a look at Thurso next week and and rest of the county later in a similar vein after that. Is your glass half full or half empty?......... More photos coming as the Blackstairs job moves on......Long live the Blackstairs!!!

10 December 04
Grant Street Care Home, Wick Refurbishment Now Underway
A few months ago the Caithness area committee of Highland council agreed to support the refurbishment of the Care Home at Grant Street, Wick.  Work commenced this week with G M R Henderson Building Contractor, Wick in charge of the works.  The refurbishment has been welcomed by members of the local community and local councillors are happy to be able to ensure a longer term future in comforts for people in need of care within Wick.   Caithness area convenor David Flear and Caithness Social Work chairman Bill Fernie were particularly pleased that negotiations over a period of months with local people and council staff had resulted in moving things forward to a satisfactory conclusion.  Work will be completed over the next few weeks.

Update On Wick Harbour's Solar Roof
The panels on the new solar roof at Wick Harbour are almost all in place in this picture.  The work has gone ahead amazingly quickly and the new set up is due to be officially launched next Friday 17 December.  A digital readout is to be set up so anyone can see the amount of power being produced

21 November 04
Somerfield - Wick 

21 June 03
Trinkie Midsummer Barbecue A Big Hit

Ian Sutherland and his Trinkie Volunteers brought off a very successful barbecue fundraiser to make some cash to repair Wick's outdoor swimming pool.  This famous landmark was once again ringing with fun and games and kids swimming in the newly painted pool.   Well done to all concerned........................

24 April 03
New Play Park At Bignold Park Begins

Wick Daffodils 2003

New Wick Police Station Progress

27 February 03
�1.19 Million Heritage Lottery Award for Wick

Wick Heritage Regeneration Project

Wick Harbour Lashed Again In Big Storm

Wick Weather Pictures

Wick River Walk 3 April 2002

Wick Flags At Half Mast For  Queen Mother

Daffodils 29 March 2002


Pilot House

A - Z of Wick Streets

James Bremner Memorial
Hospital Chimney Views Of Wick
Abseiling Down Caithness General Chimney
Wick Business Park Begins
Buildings In Wick

Shops  More Shops
Wick Firemen Clearing Rooftops
Gala Bonfire Night July 2000
Remembrance Sunday November 2000
Looking towards North Head 
From Lifeboat Shed

E Trinkie
Trinkie In Winter

Wick Pipe Band Festival 11 June 2000
Old Wick Castle (The Old Man)
Community Woodland

East End Football Club Old Pictures Going In
team37.jpg (60997 bytes)

Wick Pipe Band Pictures & History
Wick Pipe Band Programme in

May 2001  - New Pictures
Wick From Milton 9 February
Happy New Year From Wick 2001
Wick The Last of 2000 31 Dec
29 December 2000
Wick Choral & Caithness Orchestra 21 Dec 2000

Wick Swimming Pool Protests
Wick Fun Day & Lights 21 November 2000
Pipe Band Last 2000
Wick Karate Club Awards
Northlands Festival  2000 Russian Folk Singer in Wick

Junior Triathalon Wick1 October 2000
Highland Dancing Competition September 2000
More Kids Gala Pictures July 2000

Photos on Caithness.org
Trouble At Trinkie -  10 February 2001
Wick Pictures 29 December 2000
More 2000 Pictures

Wick Information
Some here but check the Community Pages
Playgroup - Blackstairs
Playgroup - Playbox
RNLI Lifeboat
Swimming Club
Hillhead Primary School
North Primary School
Pulteneytown Academy Primary
South Primary School
Wick High School
Wick College

Schools in Caithness
Walks in Wick
Wick Angling Association
Wick Old Parish Church
Wick Players
Wick Swimming Pool
Wick Town Improvements
Wick & Lybster Light Railway

Town Plan Of Wick - 1872

Wick Radio Station - Hear The Old Call Sign

Housing Groups
Training And Guidance (TAG)
Health & Welfare Groups
Youth Club
Youth Organisations

Caithness Photos

Alexander Bain Open

Wick Snow 3 February 2003

New Sewage Treatment Works

The �4.6million Sewage treatment works at North Head is several weeks ahead of schedule at 14 September 2002

Wick From The Air

North Baths

Daffodil Kids
30 March 2002

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Robert Louis Stevenson plaque on wall at Custom House,  Harbour Terrace

wickriver.jpg (38019 bytes)  townandcountysign.jpg (19862 bytes)

Wick Heritage Centre

24 March 2001

See Wick and other places by Bus

23 March 2001

New French Restaurant

23 March 2001

Barrogill Street

18 March 2001

Rooftops of Wick -  15 Pictures

18 March 2001

Wick Spring

Looking To Wick Over Bignold Park
15 February 2001

Station 9 Feb 2001

     From Milton 9 Feb 2001