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 Article on Caithness Lighthouses

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Lighthouses in Caithness

Caithness has a number of lights and lighthouses around its coastline reflecting the dangerous and hazardous waters.  Even so there have been many ships wrecked around the coast.  Even today modern vessels regularly run aground after getting into difficulties.  Loss of engine power in the Pentland Firth one of the most dangerous waters in the world at certain times is not recommended.  This page started 7 November 2000.  There are a number of lights to go in as we acquire the pictures.
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Duncansby Head

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Dunnet Head

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Wick Harbour Light

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Noss Head Lighthouse
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Sinclair & Girnigoe Castles

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Clythe Light


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Stroma - North of Island

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Holborn Head Lighthouse
Coastal Landmarks
Article from Caithness Field Club
There are several other lights yet to be entered

Other lighthouse links out of Caithness