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 Coast of Caithness June 2001

A-Z of Caithness Places

Coast of Caithness

With water on the north and eat of the county Caithness has a long coastline and the sea has had a significant impact in its history, economy and outlook of its people.  Mainly rugged cliffs but with beautiful beaches made up variously of sand, shingle and  rock.  Many small coves and harbours abound on the coast often tucked away out of sight at the end of small twisty single track roads.  Most can be visited by car and a few are just a short walk over a field.  The coastal views are spectacular and teaming with birds especially in the spring.
Near Old Wick    

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Dunbeath Beach

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Reiss Beach

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Duncansby Head From Skarfskerry

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Huna looking to Stroma

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Queenie Cliff
Looking to Pentland Skerries Light

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Old Wick

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Duncansby Head

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Dunnet Sands

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Duncansby Head

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From Duncansby

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Looking to Old Wick Castle
"Old Man O Wick"

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The coast at Old Wick Castle

Wick to Lybster Coast

Brig O Trams 

Harbours in Caithness

Duncansby Head


Lybster to Forse 99 Pictures

Cliffs & Stacs

Dunnet Head

John O'Groats To Duncansby Ness

Halberry Head

Noss - Staxigoe