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5 April 2001

This month Fathom recommends these free Global Affairs features:

*** GLOBALISATION ... Toward Global Justice
Nussbaum, Ernest Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics at the University of Chicago, illustrates the compelling need for philosophical theories of global justice to guide personal reflection and public policy: "Rawls stopped short at the boundaries of the nation..."

*** GLOBALIZATION AND ECONOMICS ... Bretton Woods: Birth and Breakdown
In an excerpt from their book Global Business Regulation, Cambridge University Press, John Braithwaite and Peter Drahos trace the highs and lows of the international economic climate since the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement: "In this tiny place plans were laid for three big global institutions--the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the International Trade Organization (ITO)..."

*** POLITICAL TURMOIL IN ASIA ... One China? Taiwanese Independence Question

Andrew J. Nathan, professor of political science at Columbia University, explores the complex and potentially explosive idea of "one China": "The mainland decided that what was happening was that, under the American umbrella, the Taiwanese were carrying out creeping independence..."

*** SOUTH AFRICA ... South Africa: The Post-Apartheid Years

In an interview with Columbia University's Oral History Research Office, Gertrude Fester, a member of the African National Women's League, describes some of the challenges facing South Africa today and steps the new government can take to promote the status of women: "We know there are lots of problems, but we understand those are challenges of transformation..."

9 March 2001
*** GLOBALISATION ... Introduction to Globalisation
Leslie Sklair, a reader in sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science, explains the concept of globalisation, an important new global system theory that is dramatically transforming the social sciences:

IN THEIR OWN WORDS: WORLD LEADERS . Africa  Position in the World Today
Nelson Mandela, the leading figure of the anti-apartheid movement, provides a personal account of Africa's history and shares his vision of an African Renaissance in a talk at the London School of Economics and Political Science:

*** DEVELOPING NEW DEMOCRACIES ... The Pro-Burma Movement
Thomas Lansner, Assistant Dean of Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs and a former journalist covering Asia, explains the conflict between pro-democracy forces and the current military junta in Burma:

5 March 2001
This month Fathom recommends these free Art and Architecture features:
*** MUSIC FROM THE RENAISSANCE AND BAROQUE � Renaissance Precursors to Baroque Music
"Although it is never a simple matter to define such an esoteric concept as musical style, it is possible to convey something of the changing aesthetic from Renaissance to Baroque in a brief overview�" by Susanne Dunlap, visiting professor of music at Columbia University.

*** RELIGIOUS REPRESENTATIONS IN ART � Indian Art and ImperialismHistorically, The Victoria and Albert Museum's acquisition and exhibition of Indian art has reflected imperialist attitudes, as well as evolving perspectives, toward India: "India's size and complexity, its extremes and its seeming lack of understatement have both fascinated and repelled the West�"

*** THEATER DESIGN � Joseph Urban: Architect of DreamsColumbia University theater professor Arnold Aronson shows how the architect and designer Joseph Urban created scenes of imagination and fantasy in his theatrical productions for Florenz Ziegfeld and the Boston and Metropolitan Operas: "The worlds of architecture and theater intertwined: Joseph Urban built dreamscapes�"

Or Check Out Journalism Free Courses At Fathom In March

What's New At Fathom In March
Columbia Business School professor Bernd Schmitt provides an introduction to users' online experience and discusses how companies can shape that experience to remain competitive in the fast-paced, ever-changing Internet market.

LEADERSHIP AND ENTREPRENEURS � Women in Business: The New Entrepreneur
At a conference at Columbia Business School, three female entrepreneurs share their experiences creating new enterprises and succeeding in the Internet economy:

 E-COMMERCE �Customer Relations for E-Commerce
Drawing from his book "The Business of E-Commerce," business-technology consultant Paul May shows how to integrate online customer support and fulfillment into an existing organization:

MANAGEMENT IN THE AGE OF TECHNOLOGY � Managing Technological Innovation
Columbia Business School Professor Atul Nerkar has researched technology patents to determine how companies can best optimize research and development and foster innovation:

This month Fathom recommends these free Journalism features:

*** BEING A JOURNALIST � The Nature of News
Columbia University emeritus professor of journalism Melvin Mencher teaches the fundamental concepts of investigative news reporting: curiosity, persistence, and enterprise:

*** JOURNALISM AND POLITICS � The Landscape of British Politics
In a lively debate at the London School of Economics, some of Britain's high-profile media celebrities and MPs take on current concerns in British politics from the state of the Conservative Party, to the Oxbridge selection process, to the National Health System and English football hooligans.

*** MORALITY OF JOURNALISM � When Journalists Are Called to Testify
When the United Nations convened the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague to bring war criminals to justice, they relied on reporters such as the Washington Post's Peter Maass to testify. Maass tells his story in an exclusive Fathom feature:

*** NEW-MEDIA JOURNALISM � News Isn't Always Journalism
Katherine Fulton predicts the future of journalism within the ever-expanding expanse of global media and communications services in an article from the Columbia Journalism Review:

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