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Science 03
The Caithness Science Festival

2006 Science Festival

Caithness Science Festival 2006 - Book Now As Places Limited
This is the fourth Science Festival organised by ‘Science 03’ a local group who re-started the Caithness Science Festival in 2003. In addition to the workshops and shows featured below a lecture programme will commence in September/October. The organisers expect upwards of 3000 to attend this year.  There is no activity no  Wick High School as in previous years.  This year all events are FREE but need to be booked in advance.  All events are open to pupils and parents of all ages.

In addition to the busy schedule of Schools events over the period 20-24th march Caithness Science Festival committee has organised the following public events:

All the shows and workshops feature professional presenters

Tuesday 21st March in Pulteneytown Academy Wick (7-9pm)
Mr Boom’s Polyhedral Workshop and The Body and Bones Show

Wednesday 22nd March in the Private Function Room Mackay’s Hotel, Wick (6.45 - 8.45 p.m.)
Earth Sciences Workshop and Fun Maths Workshop

Thursday 23rd March Mount Pleasant Primary School, Thurso
Mr Boom’s Polyhedral Workshop and The Body and Bones Show
Earth Sciences Workshop and Fun Maths Workshop
Mr Boom (aka Andy Munro) hails from Caithness although he is based in Liberton His workshop is a robot building class involving geometry and model making. He is a well-known professional entertainer-educator and has presented for the BBC and Orkney Science Festival.

The new ‘Body and Bones Show’ comes from the Edinburgh International Science Festival’s Touring Programme and has been sponsored by Highland 2007. This is a lively interactive show that allows you to meet interesting characters including Skully the Skeleton.

We are delighted that Francis Chapman of SetPoint North at Aberdeen University will again be presenting her Fun Maths workshop. This involves solving either alone or in groups a variety of puzzles of varying degrees of difficulty. There is also the possibility of a Fun Maths relay race.

Peter and Marjory Craig, from Aberdeen, are very experienced Earth Sciences presenters who have entertained and educated over 10,000 attendee’s and achieved excellent reviews. Their workshop features an interactive presentation about Scotland’s Journey from near the South Pole revealing the story behind the clues contained in the wide diversity of Scottish rocks. The workshop includes hands-on activities using real rock, fossil and mineral samples.

Although the workshops and shows are primarily aimed at the 7-13 age group, parents and interested adults are very welcome too. The content will be adjusted to suit the audience.

Admission is free but places for each event are limited and must be reserved for each event, contact Nicola at KP Technology Ltd: Tel 01955-602777 or [email protected] . Please arrive promptly.

2005 Science Festival
13 March 05

Science Festival Gets Going - John Thurso MP Looked In

The Science Festival got going today at Wick High School.  John Thurso MP looked in and stayed for one of the Urrgh Shows (Chemistry with plenty of catalysts and fast yucky results).   All the primary schools in Caithness will have children looking in either at Wick High or when it moves over to Thurso High.  There were plenty of hands on experiments to try out from checking out your knowledge of electricity, magnetism or anatomy and much more.  This is science with FUN but the principles are all hard facts and a great way for young folk to learn about what is around them and make them think.  In addition during the week there are maths talks at the schools designed to show that you can get a lot out of this subject and show enjoyable the subject can be. Now where's that chemistry set..............

2004 Science Festival

About Science 03
The Caithness Science Festival was relaunched in March 2003, under the name Science 03.  A group of committed engineers and scientists came together to take it forward.  Caithness has a strong base and a promising future in Science and Technology but this is not always reflected in the desire of local pupils to study these subjects.  Science 03 is an attempt to re-dress the balance locally.

The 2003 and 2004 events were a great success and in the region of 1600 children and adults were educated and entertained.  the key activity was provided by Satrosphere of Aberdeen who have a large range of exhibits demonstrating many science principles.  The Royal Society of Edinburgh provided maths and geology workshops in local schools and there were engaging talks from Prof. Alan Jamieson of RSE and Willie Watt of Subsea 7, on the subjects of resonance and offshore engineering.
Satrosphere  is back in 2004 with new exhibits and a science demonstrator.  There will be talks from both RSE and local sources .

21 October 04
Science Festival Winners At Culham Science Centre
This year’s Caithness Science O4 winners collected their prize in October.  Their UKAEA-sponsored reward for winning the children’s essay competition, as part of the Science 04 Festival held in Caithness in March, was an all-expenses paid trip to UKAEA’s Culham Science Centre. The two winners, 17 year old Louis Morril and 15 year old Alisdair Rankine, both of Thurso High School, were accompanied on their half day visit by their physics teacher, Andy Smith.

Culham education outreach manager Chris Warrick enjoyed meeting the students and said “I feel both Louis and Alisdair learnt a lot from the trip – on how the science they study in the classroom can be applied in a research environment”

Marie Mackay, Dounreay Communications said “UKAEA are delighted to sponsor this event which gives senior pupils at a local school an insight into the work at a science research centre. UKAEA Dounreay also sponsors the primary section at the festival, this year it was won by Primaries 6 & 7 of Crossroads and Canisbay Primary Schools.”

14 March 04
Pictures From The 2004 Science Show
Held in Wick High School

2004 Science Festival Programme
Runs 14 - 25 March 2005

The Team
Doug Mackay
and Pat Kieran have a proven track record for organising science activities for the public and children in particular.  Doug is head of Engineering Support for UKAEA and Pat has 20 years of experience in Science & Engineering both Education and Practice.
Professor Iain Baikie is a consultant involved in leading edge scientific resources in the local area.
Paul Cariss, a locally-based engineering consultant, has a keen awareness of the need to promote Science & Technology to the children of the Highlands.
Dr Frank Dennis is a geologist and Environmental Project Manager for UKAEA, Dounreay

Sponsorship Opportunities
Science 03
is an organisation determined to make sure that children and adults have their eyes opened to the fun of science, in theory and practice and we deliver well attended and enjoyable programmes of events.
The events require support and promise to deliver a fun packed festival.  Corporate sponsorship can be linked to particular parts of the week, to maximise the impact, either in Wick or Thurso with sessions in both schools and for the public at large.
If your company of business is interested in sponsoring an event during the Science festival in 2005 or any year please get in touch with a committee member.
Sponsors will be included in all Science 03 publicity material and have their logo etc displayed at each sponsored event.  There will also be the benefits of increased business profile and community involvement.

Some Of The Team

Pat Kieran  Iain Baikie  Frank Dennis  Doug Mackay  Paul Cariss

Edinburgh Science Festival

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