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Missing Pets Section

11 July 08
Sooty Missing From Forss Area
SOOTY - Missing from Forss area (Forss to Westfield Road). Medium male cat, black with a few whites hairs under his chin, quite a shy timid nature, hardly ever makes a sound, no collar. A farm cat so may be trapped in a shed or outbuilding. Quite often wanders off but never for this long. Please e-mail with any info:- [email protected]  or phone: 01847 895727 or 07786 556332.

19 May 08
Cleo Missing From Swanson Drive, Oldwick Area

Cleo. Female cat about 7 years old. Missing for a week. Last seen Swanson Drive, Oldwick area. very friendly. no collar. please check sheds etc. please contact Karen Harper 07927 404664

29 May 07
From Gilliam Lowe

SID is a small very dark tabby stripe male cat. He is 18 months old and has been missing since Sunday 27th May and has not been seen since.
TOPSY is a long haired female tabby cat with a notch cut out in her ear. She is still missing after 12 weeks.
I would be really grateful if you could look in any outbuildings, sheds or garages to see if he/she has gone into them.
I would welcome any news of their whereabouts whether good or bad so please take the time just to check.
Thank you.
My contact details are 01847 821700 - please leave a message or any information that you may have you may have about him.

5 November 06
Smokey the Cat Came Home
Smokey the cat, has come home! He arrived home on it's owners birthday so it was the best birthday present she could have wished for.

24 December 06
Tabby Missing From Janetstown - Hill Of Forss Area
Cat Missing from Janetstown/Hill of Forss Area - 3 Year Old Tabby. He has been missing for about 3 weeks. He is known for wandering but not normally this long. He tends to head over the fields towards Thurso Golf Course area (we think) so he may have gone as far as Ormlie direction. If anyone has any information can you please e-mail [email protected] or phone 01847 893466.

11 October 06
Smokey - Missing From Port Dunbar
Smokey went missing from the Port Dunbar area a couple of weeks ago and the owner is really worried. He is a really timid cat and it is possible he is hiding somewhere.  If anyone sees him they can contact Cats Protection on 07050 073378.

1 October 06
Persian Missing From MacLeay Street, Wick
From Moira Budge

Unfortunately our much loved persian cat has gone missing. He disappeared from the front of our house in Macleay St Wick at lunch time on Monday 24th September. He is pale ginger almost biege in colour with huge green eyes. He is very friendly although he doesn't particularly like being lifted. His name is Zebedee. I would be very grateful if you could mention this on your website, we have tried all other avenues but without success. Your help in this is much appreciated. I should mention that my contact number is 606020.

21 September 06
Missing Kitten, Hillhead Road, Wick

Missing black and white kitten from Hillhead Road on Wednesday evening 20 September 2006 about 6pm wearing a orange collar with a bell.  This kitten is 3 months old and very small.  If anyone finds the kitten email details to [email protected] 

13 August 06
This Cat Found In Brabster Street, Thurso
Do You Know Where It Belongs?
Murray McGlasson has contacted Caithness.org with this message regarding the cat in the photo - "This cat has been hanging around Brabster Street in Thurso for the last few days. Very affectionate. We have taken it in for the moment, but would love to give it back to its real owner."  Contact Murray on 01847 891306 if you have any information about where the cat belongs.

6 August 06
Yellow Finch or Canary Seen in Lindsay Drive, Wick

Mary Richard has contacted us wondering if anyone had lost a yellow Finch or Canary. It was seen flying about Lindsay Drive this afternoon Sunday the 6th of Aug. She has put bird food out for it as it seemed semi tame.

28 April 06
Topsy Missing From Main Street, Castletown
Topsy is a small, neutered, four-year-old cat who has been missing from his home in Main Street, Castletown, for the past few weeks. He is extremely friendly, and very fond of people, so is liable to make himself very much at home with anyone who might invite him in. On the other hand, he may have strayed too far from home, or be locked in a shed or outbuilding. He has a torn left ear as, being a bit of a wimp, he usually comes off worst in any feline fights.
If you think you have seen him, please call (01847) 821608

28 April 06
Young Female Cat Abandoned
A young female who is very friendly but timid was abandoned and is is a real mystery as she was in a brand new cat carrier and lying on a new blanket?
Does anyone recognised the cat?  If so contact
Caithness Cats Protection

13 March 06
Success - Lost cat At Durran reunited with owner thanks to Caithness.org

10 March 06

Lost Cat At Durran

A stray black and white cat turned up at my house a couple of nights ago. He is fully house trained and I would say not a year old yet. He's very friendly and cute!. I think possibly he's been dumped, but maybe someone has lost him and I know how I would feel if I had lost a pet! We are more than happy to keep him, but I'd like to give the owners a chance to claim him back first. I have been told by a neighbour that he was dumped at their farm about 6 days ago
My address is Durran, Castletown, contact number is 07796 838519

18 February 06
Kevin - Missing Harrow hill, Wick Since 12 February
Kevin is a large brown/grey male stripey tabby who has been missing since Sunday 12 February. He lives in Harrow hill but is known to wander towards Albert street and Kennedy Terrace. He is well known in this area but appears to have disappeared without a trace. He is very partial to cars and may have wandered into one and been transported elsewhere. His distinguishing features are his white whiskers, quite a small head for such a large body, almost non existent meow and sooty paw pads. Contact us at 01955 605865 if you have seen him or know anything about his disappearance

10 January 05
Runrig Found - Tired and hungry But OK
Cat Missing Brownhill, Road, Thurso
His name is Runrig he is about 12 years old. He went missing from Brownhill Road, Thurso after being moved from Pennyland Dr. So far he has not been back to either house.  If anyone has seen him can they please give me a ring on 07715 106062.  A reward will be offered if he is found.

2 January 06
Mork was found - Posted 31 March 06
Just to let you know Mork returned after 16 days missing - very thin - he must have been locked in somewhere. Thanks to all the people who checked their sheds etc and thanks to Caithness.Org for posting the lost notice.

From Gill Lowe
Cat Missing From Tansfield Castletown

I have a cat who has been missing since Christmas Day.   His name is Mork and he is a 9 year old grey and white short coated male cat.  He went missing from the Tansfield area of Castletown and has not been seen since.   He has a problem with his sight due to a previous illness so he may be lost.   Any information would be gratefully received.  My contact number is 01847 821700 and my name is Gill.   Unfortunately I can't locate a picture of him at the moment but I will send one as soon as I can.  I have checked with the vets, SSPCA and Cats Protection League and placed notices in the local shop, post office and garage.

17 December 05
Missing Cat  In Castletown Area

I have lost my cat and wondering whether any one has seen him in the Castletown area.  He is grey strapped and answers to the name Sly he is wearing a red collar with a bell he is only a year old.   I am very worried about him and if anyone can help please get in touch.
email [email protected] 

Creagan - A Missing Westie
Creagan went missing from his home at Mid Clyth some months ago and the owners suspect he was lifted from the area.  A pet who had been rehomed he had settled in well with the family and other dogs they own.  Anyone who has information about this Westie can report to the family via the webmaster of Caithness.org , the local Wick vet or the Wick police who have it recorded. 
A description of Creagan and his habits is as follows - He is three years old and one characteristic that never left him was his unusual habit of standing on his back legs and pawing the air with his front legs, which he displayed whenever he was excited, frustrated or meeting someone new. Other features of Creagan are a banana-shaped tail, front paws which turn  out slightly, small neat ears, and the fact that his hair parts in the middle all along his back. He has also been known to "mouth" when nervous or anxious, which involves him repeatedly opening and closing his mouth whilst sitting still, and not making any noise.

4 December 05
Tigger Found

Just to let you know that we found Tigger this afternoon. He was locked in a garage. He is a bit thinner but otherwise fine.

25 November 05
Missing Cat Tigger From Thurso
Tigger is a 2 year old tabby cat who was last seen in Sigurd Road on the morning of 23 Nov. He was wearing a red collar with a tag with our phone number on it. If anyone sees him could they please phone Thurso 896446.

Murphy Missing From Staxigoe found
Donna sutherland says - " I'm very glad to say he was found in a new bungalow being built in Staxigoe safe and sound but a bit hungry. Please can you update the missing pets gallery. Could you please put on a big, big thank you to everyone who checked sheds/ outbuildings in the area. We're very glad to have him home.
Missing Cat From Staxigoe

Two year old male tabby cat has been missing from Elzy road, Staxigoe since Saturday 12th Nov '05. Any information would be gratefully received. - Donna Sutherland [email protected]

29 October 05
Missing Cat Spike Comes Home - Injured

From Liz Falconer
The good news is she came home on Friday 28 October 2005.  The bad news is she must have been trapped in something as she is missing one of her front feet!!!! She is also very thin but the bless the wee soul she made it home and her owners are absolutely delighted!!! Her leg will have to be amputated but she will get on fine.

Missing Cat With Happy ending

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Missing Pets Gallery
Unfortunately some pets go missing and we are increasingly being sent photos of missing pets.  To make it easier for anyone to find the photos and information we will in future keep them all in one place and have created a Missing Pets Gallery to make it easier to view the photos all in one place in case you find a missing cat, dog or other animal that we have been notified about.

Balmore Animal Centre - Caithness
Remember that Balmore Animal Centre looks after many stray animals each year and if you are looking to get a cat or a dog they may be able to show you animals looking for new homes.  Sometimes older people can no longer look after a well loved dog or cat or the animal may have gotten lost and no one can trace the owner.  You may be asked to pay fees for injections or neutering and as the centre is charity you might consider making a donation.

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